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Chapter 103: Drunk


When Pei Yi heard that Jiang Se's voice on the phone sounded a little strange, he gave up the idea of waiting for her outside and went straight into Jiulong Hall.

When he entered, the service staff and security guards in Kowloon Hall recognized him immediately.

With Pei Yi's identity, it was easy for him to find out which private room Jiang Se and the others were in. When he arrived at the room, the waiter pushed the door open respectfully. Several girls were standing on the sofa, singing and dancing. Jiang Se was kneeling on the sofa, looking for something everywhere.

When Pei Yi came in, several girls in the box were stunned. Seeing so many people coming in, they stopped in embarrassment.

A lot of drinks had been opened on the table, and a half-eaten cake had been opened. When Pei Yi saw Jiang Se, his eyes no longer fell on anyone else.

He walked straight towards Jiang Se. She was still fumbling around on the sofa and her bag fell on the ground. Pei Yi bent down to pick up the bag for her. He thought her groping appearance was cute, so he put his arm around her waist, easily picked her up and let her lean on his chest.

Her legs were weak, and she relied entirely on Pei Yi's arms around her waist to support her weight.

Yu Xiaozhou and his friends also drank some wine, but they were better than Jiang Se. When they saw this scene, the girls looked at each other with shocked and embarrassed expressions.

There have been rumors circulating in the school recently about Jiang Se dating sophomore Pei Yi, but neither of the two parties has mentioned it, and Jiang Se did not say in the dormitory that she has a boyfriend.

Suddenly seeing Pei Yi hugging Jiang Se, Yu Xiaozhou and the others widened their eyes. Before they could say anything, Pei Yi said:

"Let them play first and put it on my account. If it's too late, just find someone to take them back to the First Academy."

The people from Kowloon Hall nodded repeatedly.

Chen Yuwei and the others thought that the time was almost up, but after hearing Pei Yi's words, they immediately said with a smile:

"Thank you, brother-in-law!"

In fact, Jiang Se is the youngest among the people in the dormitory.

But since entering school, Chen Yuwei and others have heard some rumors about Pei Yi's identity, especially after it was reported that he was pursuing Jiang Se, there were also some speculations about him on the Internet. Several girls in the dormitory vaguely knew that he came from a good family, so naturally no one had the courage to call him "brother-in-law".

Pei Yi nodded. In the dim light of the box, he saw the cream on Jiang Se's face and hair, and reached out to wipe it off for her:

"Sese, let's go."

Her eyes were hazy and there was cake on her delicate chin, but she didn't notice it at all, which was so adorable.

"My bag." She was still thinking about the bag. Pei Yi waved his other hand holding the bag in front of her:

"I have it."

She responded mumbled, and Pei Yi simply bent down and carried her horizontally. The people from Jiulong Hall tactfully opened the door and let him go out smoothly.

When she got back to the car, she was sleeping with her head tilted. Tonight was different from what Pei Yi had imagined. In fact, he had originally planned something else to celebrate with Jiang Se. He had been planning for a long time, but when he picked her up, she was already drunk in the car.

But for some reason, he didn't feel disappointed.

He moved the car seat back a little so that she could sleep more comfortably. The small space of the car was filled with a faint smell of alcohol, which mixed with the fragrance on her body, and the smell made Pei Yi restless.

He was not in a hurry to drive the car back, but just sat on the chair and stared at her. Feng Nan used to be a self-disciplined person, and most of his friends were ladies and socialites. He seldom drank even a little, let alone got drunk. He didn't expect that she had a low alcohol tolerance and would be so quiet and well-behaved when drunk.

She should have been sent home at this time, but Jiang Se was drunk, so Pei Yi had to take her back to his home first.

He drove very fast all the way and it was almost 2:30 in the morning when he returned.

She was half asleep and half awake, and she noticed Pei Yi returning to the community. She said weakly:

"Wrong way..."

Pei Yi had never seen her like this before. After hearing what she said, he lowered his voice and asked her:

"Which direction should we go?"

She raised her hand and pointed in the direction of Feng Nan's villa: "Then..."

Pei Yi took the opportunity to hold her hand in his palm.

Of course they couldn't go there at this moment. He parked the car and carried Jiang Se out. The cake he had taken was in the car, but looking at Jiang Se's expression, he probably couldn't eat it anymore.

When he brought the person upstairs and put her on the bed, Pei Yi squatted beside the bed and pulled her hand.

I've imagined this scenario many times before, but never as real as it is now.

This feeling was better than she had imagined. She lay on her side on the bed, her hair pressed down by her upper body and half hanging over the edge of the bed.

Jiang Se didn't sleep well, perhaps because she was wrapped in a cotton-padded coat. She frowned, pulled her long legs together, and almost rolled off the bed.

Fortunately, Pei Yi was right beside her and caught her with both hands.

I didn't feel it when I brought her home, but now that I'm back, I remembered that I once held her in my arms. Her delicate body was so soft that it seemed boneless, and I could feel her soft and fragrant feel even through her clothes.

He didn't have the courage to look at her anymore, let alone take off her clothes.

A heat spread from his bones to his limbs. He felt dry mouth and itchy throat. He felt like he couldn't control himself. He coughed twice in succession, but didn't feel any better.

Pushing her a little closer to the bed, he saw that there was still cream on her face that had not been wiped clean. He jumped up as if escaping, slipped into the bathroom, scooped up cold water to wash his face, and it took him a while to feel much calmer.

When Pei Yi wrung out the handkerchief, Jiang Se had already struggled to stand up, with her legs folded on the bed. Her two jade-like feet were very eye-catching under the dim light.

The room was heated, and it must have been hot, so she took off her coat and wore only a sweater and jeans. When she saw Pei Yi, she asked:

"Where are my clothes?"

She took off her coat and folded it neatly on the bedside. She was still struggling to look for her coat. When Pei Yi saw her like this, he knew that she was not awake yet. Just as he was about to speak, she frowned and wanted to get out of bed.

She was staggering, looking unsteady on her feet. Although the floor was covered with a thick carpet, it would still hurt if she fell and bumped herself.

Pei Yi hurriedly wanted to go forward to help her, but she was sitting on the edge of the bed, reaching out to take off her pants.

"Ah... Sese, don't do this..."

He hurried to stop her. She was drunk now, and might call him a beast when she woke up tomorrow.

Jiang Se didn't listen to his dissuasion. She unbuttoned her dress and pulled it down, revealing two beautiful legs wrapped in silk, which shone like pearls under the light. (To be continued)