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Chapter 106: Premiere


The computer was an old computer that the landlord had placed in the rental house. Jiang Se had never been curious about what was inside. He had rented the house for several months and used the computer occasionally, but he had never discovered what was inside the computer.

After this happened, Jiang Se couldn't help laughing when he saw how devastated Pei Yi was.

When Jiang Se asked Pei Yi what he was going to eat at noon, he hesitated for a moment.

This was his first time to Jiang Se's rental house, and he was reluctant to leave. "I have booked a room at Donglai Pavilion tonight."

It was one of Feng Nan's favorite places to go. The food there was all traditional Chinese cuisine. Today was her birthday, and he had originally prepared a bottle of red wine for her.

He personally picked the grapes to make this wine after he bought the winery two years ago. When he started brewing it, he wanted her to taste it first. This had extraordinary meaning for Pei Yi.

But after seeing her drunk last night, I have a rough idea of her alcohol tolerance, so I guess I can’t give her this gift.

He was a little depressed because he hadn't been able to eat the cake he ordered a few days ago. When he heard Jiang Se asking about lunch, he didn't want to see her hungry, so he reached for the car keys:

"Why don't we go out to eat?"

Jiang Se thought for a moment and stood up:

"I think I still have some food."

There was a small refrigerator in the rental house. She remembered that she had bought some fast food two days ago, but two boxes of them had expired.

There were a few potatoes and eggs in the refrigerator. She was not very good at cooking, but after her rebirth, she lived alone and learned how to cook. If Pei Yi didn't mind, she could barely fill her stomach.

He followed Jiang Se and saw her enter the kitchen. He wanted to follow her in, but was rejected by Jiang Se.

The kitchen was not big, so he leaned against the door and watched her wash the rice and put it into the rice cooker, which he found very interesting.

But when she picked up the knife and was about to peel the potatoes, Pei Yi was startled.

Feng Nan didn’t know how to cook before. Like him, he had probably never even been to the kitchen. He had never done any housework before. When he wanted to eat fruit, someone would peel it for him.

Now seeing Jiang Se holding a knife, he rushed into the kitchen without thinking:

"I'll do it."

In fact, he had never done this before, but he was very good at using a knife. Jiang Se was driven out of the kitchen by him and saw him seriously studying how to peel the skin. He took a photo proudly and sent it somewhere. After a while, his cell phone started to ring like a pot of water.

He didn't peel the skin well, and he was still troubled after peeling:

"How do you eat it?"

“Why don’t we check it online?” Jiang Se rarely cooks, and sometimes he just buys random things when he goes to the supermarket.

She made this suggestion. Pei Yi still had a trauma about computers, so he shook his head without thinking, took out his mobile phone, looked at it for a long time, and downloaded some cooking apps.

In the middle of the day, Jiang Se received a call from Chen Yuwei in the dormitory. After Jiang Se left last night, the girls played until after three in the morning before returning to school, and they slept until now.

Everyone was drinking at the time, but they vaguely remembered Pei Yi's nervousness towards Jiang Se. Chen Yuwei asked her if she was dating Pei Yi. Jiang Se did not deny it and chatted with her for a while. When she hung up the phone and looked at the kitchen, it was already in a mess.

There weren't many potatoes in total, so they couldn't stand up to his destruction. He washed his hands and came out of the kitchen:

"Why don't we go out to eat?"

Jiang Se naturally had no objection at this moment.

The two had lunch outside at noon, and Pei Yi accompanied Jiang Se shopping.

He received a call from Nie Dan, who asked him mockingly:

"Brother Yi, how was the cooking in the kitchen at noon?"

When he took the potatoes, he was filled with generosity and took a photo to show off without thinking.

However, he was not cut out for success. He was not cut out for the kitchen and failed on his first attempt.

Facing Nie Dan's ridicule, Pei Yi scolded him on the phone, "Okay, no more talking, I have to go shopping with Sese."

If he had laughed at Pei Yi before, how could the matter be resolved so easily? He just cursed lightly at this moment, as if he had let the matter go, which surprised Nie Dan.

What surprised him even more was that Pei Yi was actually accompanying someone shopping.

When he wanted to pursue Jiang Se, his friends didn't believe it. After all, they had seen how deep his feelings for Feng Nan were for many years and knew his character.

Originally, I thought he was just doing this for the sake of novelty, after all, Jiang Se looked really attractive. But I didn't expect that he seemed to be deeply in love and plunged into it head first.

"Brother Yi, you really care about this, don't you? Shopping with a woman is the most boring thing. They walk around and pester you to buy things. If you ask me, you can just ask someone to deliver everything to your home. That's what my mom and the others do."

Pei Yi turned his head and glanced at Jiang Se. She was still sitting at the skin care products counter. The more he looked at her, the more interesting it seemed to him. He imagined Jiang Se pestering him around and begging him to buy something. He laughed:

"I think it's very interesting. I hope she can be like this, too." Nie Dan on the other end of the phone was speechless when he heard his happy tone.

He hung up the phone. Jiang Se had already bought what he needed. Pei Yi naturally took the bill:

"Wait and check the computer."

The old computer in her rental house was naturally unusable, and who knew what was stored in it.

It just so happened that the gift Pei Yi prepared for her birthday couldn't be given away, so he temporarily gave her a computer instead.

After agreeing to try dating Pei Yi, life didn't change much from before. Time passed quickly, and after a period of promotion, "The 99th Love Letter" was finally released in January.

Many people on the Internet are looking forward to Zhao Rang's new movie. In addition to the fans of Cui Xing and Zhu Pan, there is also a small number of people who come for the so-called "goddess of back view".

Many people from the entertainment industry were invited to attend the movie premiere, and a portion of the movie clips were broadcast online.

The movie is in Zhao Rang's usual style, and the couple played by Cui Xing and Zhu Pan are also very pleasing to the eye.

But the media professionals who entered the venue found that Zhao Rang did not bring the actress who played the "Goddess of Back" to the premiere.

Freelance writer He Cong was also invited to the movie premiere.

She is quite famous on the Internet and has her own column on a news website. She is also one of the fans of Cui Xing, the male lead in "The 99th Love Letter", and has been following Cui Xing for many years.

He Cong was very confused by Zhao Rang's insistence on creating the gimmick of "goddess from back". In her heart, like most of Cui Xing's fans, she did not think that there was any star in the entertainment industry whose appearance was worthy of Cui Xing's secret crush just by looking at her from behind.

When she received the invitation to the premiere, she was actually looking forward to seeing how Zhao Rang would step down. (To be continued)