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Chapter 109: Grab the tickets


Zhao Rang took the microphone and glanced at everyone in the screening room with a smile:

"In fact, there are only two hours left before the movie is officially released. Why don't we save this mystery until the end?"

"When Xingge saw the 'goddess' in the movie, his eyes obviously lit up. We just want to ask, what kind of beautiful girl made Xingge perform so naturally at that moment? Was he acting himself?"

Zhao Rang glanced at Cui Xing and answered humorously:

"You have to ask Cui Xing this question. But in my opinion, Cui Xing is a very professional actor. If you can see his infatuated expression at that moment, I can only say that Cui Xing's acting skills are superb."

Such an evaluation was already very high, which made Cui Xing in a good mood. The two had a lot of interactions on the stage, and it was obvious that the relationship between the crew was very harmonious.

Zhu Pan seemed a little embarrassed. She was dressed up tonight, but at today's premiere, although the 'Goddess of Back' did not appear, and even the clips in the movie were temporarily cut and not released, as the final destination of Li Qingyang in the play, she was inevitably asked about her opinion on the role of 'Goddess of Back'. Some people also compared her with the girl who played this role, and asked Zhu Pan who she thought was more beautiful.

Zhu Pan now has a high status in the entertainment industry and is not bad looking. She has been one of the top actresses promoted by Century Galaxy for many years. However, she is now frequently compared with a newcomer. She is inevitably a little unhappy and the smile on her face seems forced.

The premiere ceremony quickly ended with everyone full of questions.

He Cong took the souvenirs prepared by the crew and when he came out of the premiere hall, he looked at the time. It was not yet eleven o'clock.

She couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart at this moment. This excitement started when Cui Xing met the "goddess" and continued with Cui Xing's performance until the end of the movie.

The midnight show of "The Ninety-Nine Love Letter" was about to be released at twelve o'clock. She didn't want to go back for a while, so she took out her mobile phone to book the tickets first and watch the movie first.

But she didn't expect that when she reached the booking point, the midnight tickets for several cinemas near the capital had already been sold out in advance!

"It's already this late, why are there still so many people awake, waiting to watch a movie?"

She was a little anxious, so she swiped the screen for a place that was a little further away from her own location. As a result, not only were the tickets for the nearby theaters, but all the pre-sale tickets for the midnight shows at the famous cinemas in the capital, no matter how far or near, had been sold out!

Messages kept coming to her phone. Her fans kept asking her online about the follow-up of the movie, and some asked her whether she was going to watch the first show at midnight.

He Cong quickly replied to other people's messages while continuing to refresh the movie ticket trends.

She was also eager to watch the movie as soon as possible. Her curiosity had been aroused to the highest level by Zhao Rang during the premiere.

When He Cong was getting impatient, she looked up and saw that many people who had been invited to the premiere were swiping their phones after leaving the cinema. Some people even called the cinemas to ask for tickets.

When she heard someone calling to ask for tickets, He Cong suddenly remembered something. She had an old classmate who joined Ruihe Media after graduation and was doing very well. When they had a class reunion, she heard that he was already a middle-level manager at Ruihe.

It is said that the largest investor of "The 99th Love Letter" this time is Ruihe Media. Maybe this old classmate can get advance tickets for the midnight premiere.

Thinking of this, He Cong opened his phone's address book without hesitation, found the classmate's number and called him.

"The Ninety-Nine Love Letter" was about to be released, and she believed that this classmate would definitely not sleep at this time. Sure enough, after the phone rang twice, the other party quickly picked up the phone.

After a few pleasantries, He Cong directly asked for a midnight pre-sale ticket for "The Ninety-Nine Love Letter".

In fact, after graduation, although old classmates still kept in touch with each other, He Cong felt a little embarrassed when she made this request. But she didn't care about it now. After attending the premiere, it not only failed to quench her thirst, but instead aroused her curiosity.

If she can't buy a ticket tonight, she probably won't be able to sleep all night.

The old classmate readily agreed to her request. As an investor, Ruihe must have a certain number of tickets for the midnight premiere, which they gave as a favor.

The moment He Cong heard her old classmate's affirmative response, she felt relieved and couldn't help but admire Zhao Rang for his marketing skills. Even someone like her who was relatively calm couldn't help but get excited.

Everyone coming out of the premiere hall was looking for ways to get tickets. After He Cong calmed down, he opened Weibo on his phone.

She decided to write down her feelings about the part of the plot she had previously watched and share it with her fans, but when she was about to start, she felt that she was being too hasty and should wait until she actually watched the midnight premiere.

In the end, she just chose to post a Weibo message saying that she would watch the movie at the midnight premiere, and then exited the Weibo interface.

An old classmate sent the pre-sale ticket code to her mobile phone. She looked at the address and found that it was not far away.

Time is particularly unbearable, and every minute and every second seems to be passing extremely slowly.

It was snowing in the capital in early January, and the breath we exhaled turned into white mist.

However, there was a heated discussion online, with many people who failed to grab the midnight advance tickets saying "buy advance tickets for "The Ninety-Nine Love Letter" at a high price."

Regardless of the quality of the movie, this craze proves that Zhao Rang's strategy for the new movie was successful. His movie was indeed well made this time, with a fresh love story and depth, as well as a gimmick that can be hyped. At least He Cong feels that a picky person like himself is willing to use his connections to get tickets for the midnight show after watching the premiere ceremony, and is unwilling to wait a moment to watch the full version. This is enough to prove the quality of Zhao Rang's movie.

She had a hunch that if this trend continued, it would not be a problem for Zhao Rang's drama to gross 100 million on the premiere day.

The midnight show had a 100% attendance rate, which is something that many commercial blockbusters may not be able to achieve, let alone domestic fresh and romantic literary films. From this point of view, Zhao Rang is indeed amazing.

When there was still a quarter of an hour left until twelve o'clock, the sound of the admission reminder finally rang out in the cinema. Many long-awaited moviegoers rushed in, and He Cong was also among the crowd.

Sitting in the dark movie theater, when the tune composed by Shi Jiadong sounded again, He Cong suddenly felt a little emotional. (To be continued)