Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 123: consider


Pei Yi's disguised confession was interrupted. It was not easy for him to muster up the courage to say these words today.

He turned his head with a somewhat ferocious expression, and saw a woman standing not far from the crowd. It seemed that she had been on the stage before and was in the same group with the little star named Zhu Pan.

After noticing that he turned his head, Ailsa's smile froze and she walked over in small steps:

"Don't worry, I mean no harm."

Pei Yi laughed when he heard this:

"How dare you have any ill intentions?" He was still here, and Pei Yi felt that his malicious intentions were much greater than Ailsa's at this moment.

Nie Dan, Cheng Runing and others couldn't help laughing. Ailsa also laughed twice, and then said:

"Ms. Jiang, I'm Ailsa, the agent of Century Galaxy. This is my business card." Ailsa tactfully did not mention Zhu Pan in front of the others. Instead, she took out a business card from her purse and handed it to Jiang Se:

"I heard that you haven't signed a contract with an agency yet?"

Jiang Se reached out to take it, and Ailsa said:

"Please think about it." She glanced at Pei Yi and made a phone call gesture: "If you are interested in our company, you can call me anytime."

She was relieved when she saw Jiang Se put the business card into her bag:

"I won't bother you for now."

Zhu Pan has been ruined, and netizens currently have a very bad impression of her. The incident in which she pulled up her skirt to reveal her breast stickers on the talk show "Filmmakers in the Circle" made Zhao Rang furious. As soon as the show was off the air, he flew into a rage and scolded Zhu Pan, threatening that he would never cooperate with Zhu Pan in future movies.

The top management of Century Galaxy had already called to inquire about the situation. "Filmmakers in the Circle" is a live show, so this matter cannot be concealed.

Ailsa was also helpless. Among the artists under her, Zhu Pan was originally the most profitable actress. After such an incident, the company would probably put her on ice.

She immediately thought of Jiang Se, who was also on the show. She was beautiful, had a unique temperament, had a good backstage and background, and Zhao Rang praised her highly. She had a very high starting point among the newcomers.

Most importantly, Ailsa inquired and found out that she had not yet signed with an agency.

If Jiang Se could be persuaded to sign with Century Galaxy, she would have an excuse to explain the conflict between her and Zhu Pan in the future. If she could convince the people behind her to stop stepping on Zhu Pan to get to the top, Ailsa would have a way to resolve this matter.

The company has invested heavily in Zhu Pan in the past two years, and Ailsa has also put a lot of effort into Zhu Pan. It would be a pity if Zhu Pan was ruined like this.

So Ailsa found out and came over bravely.

It's not like she didn't see Pei Yi holding Jiang Se's hand. Ailsa guessed that the people behind Jiang Se were probably them. Before leaving, Ailsa secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like this newcomer was most likely the prince's new toy, but she didn't know how long it would last.

When Jiang Se followed Pei Yi and others out, the building of China National Television was already surrounded by reporters who had rushed over after hearing the news.

From the moment Zhu Pan pulled off her clothes and exposed her nipples, people from all major media outlets had received the news and rushed over.

In the car, Pei Yi's face looked a little ugly. The anger that arose after being harassed by Ailsa was pressing on his heart. Naturally, he couldn't vent it in front of Jiang Se at this moment, but in his heart he was already thinking of chopping Ailsa with a knife.

"Sese, did you hear what I said earlier?"

Nie Dan and his companions followed behind in a car. There was no one else in the car. He drove for a while, mustered up his courage, and stared ahead. After a long time without receiving a response, he turned to look at Jiang Se:

"Before that woman interrupted me?"

"Don't look at me, look at the road."

She gave Pei Yi a warning, and when she saw that Pei Yi didn't listen, she reached out to push his face again, but he tilted his head like a spoiled child and clamped her hand between his face and shoulders, pressing it down to prevent her from pulling it back.

The stubble left on his face after shaving was a bit prickly, and suddenly made her heart beat faster.

Whether she was being held by his hand or hugged by him, Jiang Se had never realized so clearly that Pei Yi was no longer the boy in her heart who had always been by her side and liked to play with her when she was a child.

It seemed as if she realized only then that he was already a man, and not just a boy as she had imagined.

"I heard it, but it was too fast." She pulled her hand twice but didn't pull it back. Pei Yi was a little anxious:

"How can it be too fast?"

"Why not? We haven't known each other for long, let alone dating." He was so anxious that his face turned red. Jiang Se just let him hold his hand: "We don't know each other's personality, temper, and hobbies."

Pei Yi was speechless now.

How many years had he and Feng Nan known each other? Of course, they knew each other's personalities. He knew exactly what she liked, her personality, and her temper.

But in order to win her over, and to change her impression of him as just her younger brother, he pretended to be stupid and succeeded in winning her over. How could he say it now

Pei Yi felt a little aggrieved and depressed. The jade hand that was held by his cheek gently tickled him twice with its fingers, as if coaxing a child.

He couldn't help it, and tilted his head to take a light bite of Jiang Se's palm.

Under her lips and teeth was a soft and pink palm, which felt completely different from the touch on his hand. He bit it, but before he dared to use too much force, he was afraid of hurting her, so he licked it twice.

There was still a faint lemon scent from the hand sanitizer in her palm. His heart was pounding like thunder, but Jiang Se took his hand away while he was distracted.

Pei Yi recalled the previous feeling, licked his lips, and felt a little nervous. He was afraid that she would be angry, so he turned to look at her from time to time.

Jiang Se was still rubbing his hands, but it was unclear whether he was angry with him or not.

His bite didn't hurt, and even no teeth marks were left, but it did feel itchy in the palm of his hand. Jiang Se rubbed his hands twice, as if he didn't take it to heart.

Pei Yi should have been relieved by her look, but it was hard for him to be happy. He held the steering wheel with one hand and reached out to his neck with the other hand to scratch the place where her fingertips had lightly scratched before. The tingling feeling seemed to still remain. He rubbed it twice, breaking the silence in the car:

"Sese, are you ready to consider Century Galaxy?"

Pei Yi knew her character best.

If she didn't want to consider Century Galaxy, she probably wouldn't even accept the business card handed to her by the woman who called herself 'Ailsa' when she showed up.

“I have considered it.”

Jiang Se responded, and Pei Yi's voice sounded a little lost:

"Have you ever considered setting up a studio temporarily?"

This was something that Xiang Qiuran had suggested before, and he had kept it in mind. Now that he had finished asking the question, Jiang Se simply answered:

“No money.”

She really had no money. Even though she had acted in several dramas after her rebirth, she was still very tight on money.

But she has no money, but he does! (To be continued)