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Chapter 134: To commit adultery


In addition to the mobile phone, Feng Nan could not use some of the original owner's connections through some online communication tools because she did not know the passwords. She also needed to slowly figure out who the original owner had close relationships with in the past.

However, through the incident of borrowing the gun, Feng Nan was sure that Xiang Qiuji had a good relationship with the original owner. Although he didn't understand how someone with Xiang Qiuji's background could eventually help Jiang Se, Feng Nan remembered that when he asked Xiang Qiuji to borrow the gun, he agreed without hesitation. Now he was just asking him a "small" request, and he didn't believe that he would refuse.

"Why should I trust you?"

When Zhu Pan heard Feng Nan's words, she had actually believed most of them in her heart. However, the matter was of great importance and its success or failure would affect her future, so she still asked.

Feng Nan said:

"Today's first movie ticket at 9:30 am, search online, I've already bought more than 80% of the tickets for the Imperial Capital." She sneered, "Just for this!"

Zhu Pan took her phone and started to check it. Feng Nan did not urge her. After a long time, Zhu Pan sighed, and her tone seemed a little excited:

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just get up from where you fell." Last night, Zhu Pan pulled up her skirt and exposed her breasts on the show "Filmmakers in the Circle". But at the same time, Jiang Se also said something in the interview show last night. She mentioned that she wanted to hone her acting skills and prepare for her next movie.

According to the information Feng Nan has found so far, Jiang Se has indeed signed a contract with the crew of "Beijing Events".

Thinking of this, the anger in her heart couldn't stop rising.

Before the rebirth, once "Beijing Events" was released, it became the representative work of director Lin Xiwen. With this film, Lin Xiwen not only won the Best Director award at the Hundred Flowers Art Awards at the end of next year, but also won the Best Screenplay and Best Costume Design awards at the China Art Film Festival at the end of the year!

The careers of many leading and supporting actors were taken to a new level because of their superb performances in this film, making "Beijing Great Event" a great success in both word-of-mouth and box office after its release.

It's not like she hadn't thought about "Beijing Events", but the actress Fan Zhiyun who would play the heroine in this drama was chosen by Lin Xiwen himself last year, and it couldn't be changed.

As for the supporting actresses in "Beijing Events", the most outstanding one is the role of "Doukou".

But this role is about a prostitute who has fallen into prostitution. Before Feng Nan's rebirth, he had been in the entertainment industry for many years and he was well aware of the audience's reactions.

Once she has played certain special roles and performed outstandingly, she has been stereotyped, and it will not be easy for her to turn around and play innocent roles in the future.

Once the audience accepts a certain impression of an actor, he or she will become famous in the future, and most directors who come to him or her with scripts will only be looking for roles of the same type.

Therefore, Feng Nan gave up the role of "Doukou" without hesitation. She remembered very clearly that the actress who finally played the role of "Doukou" in "Beijing Grand Event" should be Ye Yingfei. After she took over the role of "Doukou", she became popular for a while with her sexy and coquettish image in the play. The "Doukou" played by Ye Yingfei in the play was full of charm and was sought after by a group of people during the time when the movie was broadcast.

But since then, most of the scripts Ye Yingfei took were roles like concubines and lovers, and it was difficult for him to make any breakthroughs.

After Feng Nan was reborn, her conditions were very good, completely different from the situation in her previous life. Naturally, she was unwilling to be trapped in such a role, and it would be difficult for her to make any progress in the future.

The information obtained recorded that Lin Xiwen had contacted Ye Yingfei, but Ye Yingfei rejected "Doukou" for the same reasons as Feng Nan, which was also the same as Feng Nan's memory in his previous life.

In his previous life, Lin Xiwen also contacted Ye Yingfei several times and offered a salary that satisfied Ye Yingfei. Finally, he convinced Ye Yingfei to join the filming of "Beijing Events".

Since Feng Nan's rebirth, although some things are different from what she knew in her previous life, she never dreamed that the person who would eventually win the role of "Doukou" would be Jiang Se, who had killed her!

If she had known this, she should not have given this role to Jiang Se even if she didn't want it. She should have tried her best to persuade Ye Yingfei to join "Beijing Events", and in the end Jiang Se would not have had a chance.

After learning that Jiang Se was the host of the interview program "Filmmakers in the Circle" last night, Feng Nan took some time to watch it. During the interview, Jiang Se said that she wanted to hone her acting skills. Feng Nan laughed when he heard this.

It would be fine if someone else said this, but when Jiang Se said she wanted to hone her acting skills, Feng Nan would never believe it!

In her previous life, Jiang Se had been in the entertainment industry for ** years. She was uneducated and had no skills. In the beginning, she had gained some fame with her face and the help of men, but she always played vase-like roles. There was no need to mention her acting skills, as she had none at all.

What about learning from seniors and looking forward to everyone seeing her performance? It’s all nonsense!

In Feng Nan's opinion, it was really disgusting when a superficial woman talked about acting shamelessly one day.

"You should know what to do. I will help you deal with the online messages. As for the rest, I don't know how your agent will help you with it." Feng Nan had said this, and Zhu Pan made up his mind and agreed with gritted teeth!

Since she revealed last night that she is the "goddess with back view" in Zhao Rang's new film, more and more people in school have been looking at Jiang Se.

She already had a certain degree of fame in the school, and now there were even more posts about her on the campus forum. Before class, the classroom was packed with many students who were listening in. Even when the professor came in, he congratulated Jiang Se on being on Sheng Jingzhi's show last night.

After class, many classmates surrounded her in the classroom without even having time to put away their things.

There are also celebrity alumni among the students who leave the No. 1 institution every year, but Jiang Se is still a freshman. After entering the school, she has always been very popular on campus with her beauty. Now that she has entered the entertainment industry, the first piece of news about her is related to the first-line actress Zhu Pan, which has attracted even more attention.

The students were talking a lot, and most of them were asking about Cui Xing's personality and what the difference was between the real person and the one on TV.

Some people even asked her if she had taken the opportunity to take a photo with Cui Xing or asked for an autographed photo. Jiang Se briefly answered everyone's questions while packing up her books.

A girl in the crowd asked:

"Jiang Se, I heard that you and Zhu Pan don't get along?"

Her voice overwhelmed the other students who were asking questions. Jiang Se stopped packing her books and looked up at the sound. She saw a girl in a red down jacket in the crowd looking at her. She looked familiar. (To be continued)