Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 138: And out


Chang Yuhu's news was like a thunderbolt thrown into the water, splashing out layers of intense reactions.

Most of her fans are middle-aged and have already entered society. They don't pay as much attention to the recent incident between Zhu Pan and Jiang Se as young people do. Once they found out the truth, many people on the Internet criticized Zhu Pan.

First of all, some people noticed that Zhu Pan held a press conference because he made a fool of himself on the show "Filmmakers in the Circle", so Chang Yuhu's fans went to watch the latest episode of the show hosted by Sheng Jingzhi last night.

These people first saw Jiang Se, and naturally heard what Jiang Se said about "honing acting skills". When Sheng Jingzhi asked her which "predecessor" she learned from, she did not say the name of the "predecessor", but only said that she was afraid of disturbing the "predecessor's" life. This also confirmed what Chang Yuhu said on Weibo that he was "afraid of disturbing her quiet retirement."

Jiang Se's behavior naturally pleased Chang Yuhu's fans, but what Zhu Pan said next made a group of people furious.

The sarcasm revealed in her words and deeds not only suspected that the "senior" Jiang Se mentioned was fake, but she also hinted that the "senior" Jiang Se mentioned was also trying to take advantage of Jiang Se's fame.

This made many of Chang Yuhu's fans unbearable!

What kind of person is Chang Yuhu? When she was in the circle, stars like Zhu Pan were still hiding in some corner.

Now that he has gained some fame, he becomes shameless and speaks nonsense!

Following Chang Yuhu’s remarks online, many of her fans also found out Zhu Pan’s past.

Under Chang Yuhu's homepage, some people were discussing this matter angrily.

Rule by doing nothing: When there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey will be king! When my sister was active on the screen in the past, what was a celebrity named Zhu? Whose fame does my sister need to piggyback on? Her fans have a party every year, just waiting to see my sister on TV again. If she wants to come out, there will be many people waiting in line to buy tickets!

Feel it with your heart: The little star surnamed Zhu is an artist under Century Galaxy. The chairman of Century Galaxy, I remember it was Luo Yin? In his early years, he used to run errands for his sister

Battle of wits and courage: Luo Yin, born in 1967 in the Chinese calendar, is 65 this year. His wife Su Ru has two daughters and one son. His son is now studying directing at New York University in the United States, and his two daughters are studying in the country of maple leaves. This man was ambitious at a young age. His family was poor. He dropped out of school at the age of 16 and entered the entertainment industry. He played supporting roles and did odd jobs in many movies invested by Huandao Films, which declared bankruptcy in the early years. He was appreciated by his sister, who promoted him everywhere and helped him accumulate connections in the entertainment industry. When Luo Yin started his own business, his sister generously lent him the start-up capital. At the beginning, "China Times Style" interviewed him. Luo Yin once admitted this in person and was very grateful to his sister.

I just want to ask, Mr. Luo Yin, do you still remember how your sister protected you from the wind and rain and held a lantern to guide you on this road

Green Willows in Shade: Century Galaxy has produced a person like Zhu Pan, it depends on how Luo Yin deals with it!

Time flies: Today's stars are just stars. Why don't they think about improving their acting skills all day long? Why do they just play these intrigues? No wonder the Chinese film and television industry is getting worse year by year? How many of the former movie stars are still around

Pei Yi watched the waves of criticism coming from the Internet for a while and then said:

"Sese, Chang Yuhu really likes you."

Originally, Chang Yuhu did not need to get involved in this muddy water. She had retired long ago and everything in the circle had nothing to do with her. Even when fans called her every year, she rarely responded and focused on living her own later life.

But when Jiang Se was bitten back by Zhu Pan, Chang Yuhu stepped forward.

"Yeah." Jiang Se nodded, "I'll call the teacher first."

Chang Yuhu's phone couldn't be reached at the moment, and it kept showing as busy.

As soon as she sent the message, her phone was flooded with calls.

Besides Jiang Se, the other person waiting to call Chang Yuhu at this time was Luo Yin, whose past had been exposed online.

The moment Chang Yuhu sent the message, Luo Yin received it.

He was also one of the people who followed Chang Yuhu online. After seeing the message posted by Chang Yuhu and figuring out what was going on, he was so angry that he almost smashed the enamel snuff bottle from the Qianlong period in his hand!

Just as the information found on the Internet shows, Luo Yin is already 65 years old this year. He worked hard for his career in his early years and had experienced a lot for the development of the company. As he got older, he gradually handed over the company's affairs to his subordinates. Except for important decisions, he rarely personally took care of things.

The company's operations are already on track. In recent years, his health has deteriorated significantly. He spends most of his time recuperating at home, and occasionally invites a few old friends to go out and get together, play ball, or drink tea.

But who would have thought that Chang Yuhu would be brought out because of a star in the company.

"Call Su Yanjun and ask him to come over to my place immediately!"

Luo Yin closed his eyes, his hand holding the snuff bottle still shaking:

"Keep calling Chang Yuhu's cell phone. Give it to me immediately when you get through."

He instructed the assistant beside him while taking a deep breath and holding his temper.

Su Yanjun arrived quickly. His face was blue when he came over. He got off the car and ran all the way into Luo Yin's gate.

He was originally the nephew of Luo Yin's wife Su Ru, and had a very close relationship with Luo Yin. He studied abroad since he was a child, and after returning from his studies, he joined Luo Yin's company and was highly valued by Luo Yin.

In the past few years, Luo Yin has handed over some company affairs to him, wanting him to become familiar with the business and assist Luo Yin's son to take over the company smoothly in the future. He has been doing a good job so far, but he didn't expect that such a big mistake would happen in this matter of Zhu Pan.

Long before coming to Luo Yin's house, Su Yanjun had already received the news and found out who Chang Yuhu was.

After learning that the Ministry of Culture had issued instructions and many media reporters had also heard the news, Su Yanjun felt heavy-hearted.

He walked in, took the shoe covers handed to him by the servant, took a deep breath, and went straight into the house.

The heater was on in the room, but he shivered suddenly and felt sweat dripping down his back.

Luo Yin leaned on the sofa with a blanket on his legs, rubbing an object in his hand, as if he didn't hear Su Yanjun's footsteps.

"Chairman." He called respectfully and gritted his teeth.

"Uncle, this time, it's my fault."

He started by talking about Zhu Pan's original filming of "The 99th Love Letter", and then talked about how Zhao Rang used Jiang Se in the play to hype up, which made Zhu Pan jealous. He bribed the promotion company to step on Jiang Se to get promoted, but was used by the people behind Jiang Se, which led to the two of them having a grudge. The movie is currently being broadcast, but such a big drama has occurred. (To be continued)