Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 20: Self-recommendation


Jiang Se's appearance met Gu Jiaer's requirements, but her profile did not show any acting experience.

She is not from the film academy, and although she is pretty, she is just a vase.

This time, Gu Jiaer attached great importance to the movie "Fake It Comes True". He personally checked the script and revised it again and again before passing it.

He intends to compete for the Hundred Flowers Art Awards with this film and win a well-deserved award, so he is particularly cautious when choosing an investment company.

He was afraid that after the investors injected capital, they would specifically support male and female protagonists with no acting skills, thus ruining this movie that he had put so much effort into.

The choice of the heroine was also considered over and over again before deciding on Zhao Ruoyun, who has both good looks and acting skills.

Sun Qiming took the information at hand and flipped through it. The male and female protagonists had already been decided, and some supporting roles with more scenes were also put into the group by influential investors.

The roles being auditioned in the crew today are just some minor roles, but even so, the actors are required to have certain acting skills.

With Jiang Se's experience, even if he could join a film crew, he could only play a minor role at best.

Sun Qiming put down the information in his hand and was about to speak when someone behind him suddenly called him in a low voice:

"Brother Sun."

He turned his head, and a man wearing glasses leaned forward and looked at Jiang Se with a bit of vulgarity in his eyes:

"Doesn't Zhao Ruoyun need a stand-in in this script?"

Sun Qiming immediately understood what he meant.

"Fake It" is a love movie, so it is inevitable that there are a lot of intimate scenes in it.

Since her debut, Zhao Ruoyun has signed with the well-known agency Huaxing in the industry. They have a close relationship with the agency and the agency is very supportive of her.

She follows the route of a fresh and high-quality idol, and the company manages her very strictly.

This time she took on the role of the heroine in Gu Jiaer's film "Fake It or Not". Although Huaxing relaxed some of the conditions, there was a scene that required the heroine "Wang Qianqian" to be half-naked, but Huaxing refused and asked the crew to find a stand-in to replace her.

There are all kinds of people in the entertainment industry. There are too many people who dream of becoming famous overnight, but few who actually have the resources.

Naturally, many people are willing to take off their clothes in order to become famous.

Zhao Ruoyun's stand-in Sun Qiming was not in a hurry at first, because there were a lot of people in the circle who wanted to show their backs in the movie.

But at this moment, the words spoken by the young man with glasses behind him made him feel moved. When he looked at Jiang Se again, there was a more meaningful look in his eyes.

There are many unwritten rules in the circle. He has seen many girls like Jiang Se who are young and beautiful and want to become famous.

If she wants to get shots in the crew, in addition to having background and acting skills, she can also use her unique advantages to get them.

The men and women sitting behind him were already familiar with the rules of the game in this circle. They pretended not to have heard what the young man with glasses said to Sun Qiming. They only listened to Sun Qiming:

"You have no experience in the film industry. This time..."

After entering the conference room, Jiang Se was looking at the people in the conference room while being looked at by others.

She noticed the look and gestures in Sun Qiming's eyes when he was talking to others, as well as his subsequent changes in expression.

It can be heard that Sun Qiming was about to refuse, but Jiang Se interrupted him:

"When Operation Rescue was filmed in Shenzhuang, I was personally named by director Zhang Jing'an to play a role in the drama."

She deliberately made her words ambiguous and did not say that she was just playing an extra role with lines in the play.

However, as soon as Jiang Se finished speaking, Sun Qiming's originally nonchalant expression suddenly became serious.


He sat up straight and reached for the information that Jiang Se had filled out on the table:

“You were in The Rescue?”

"Yes." Jiang Se nodded.

Her eyes were firm and not wavering, and she didn't look like she was lying.

"Rescue Operation" was indeed being filmed in Shenzhuang at this time, and Sun Qiming was half-believing and half-doubting:

"Then why isn't it written in your information?"

“Want to write it down?”

Jiang Se lifted her long hair and showed a charming smile on her face: "I joined the crew of "Rescue Operation" thanks to Senior Liu Ye's help. I didn't fill in the information. I'm sorry."

As she spoke, she bowed again to apologize, her long hair falling from her small shoulders, her legs stretched straight, her slender waist attracting attention:

"I'm so sorry."

But when Sun Qiming looked at her again this time, his eyes were no longer the same as before, after all, she mentioned the movie emperor Liu Ye.

He didn't quite believe Jiang Se's words, but he didn't completely doubt or deny them either.

The main reason is that Jiang Se is very beautiful and does have what it takes to attract the attention of the best actor.

With the names of Zhang Jing'an and Liu Ye, Jiang Se's position in his heart changed. Sun Qiming reached out to touch the script and other materials again. When Jiang Se saw his action, he knew that his words played an important role.

Just with this alone, Jiang Se was still not sure that he would be hired by the crew.

Sun Qiming's eyes fell on the information in his hand. The folder marked some important characters needed in this drama, but most of the characters' names had been crossed out with a red pen.

In other words, these roles have already been decided by the actors and cannot be changed.

Among the remaining characters, Sun Qiming frowned and ran his fingers over the names.

The fact that Jiang Se got a role in "Rescue Operation", even if it was a small role, was enough for him to take it seriously.

Zhang Jing'an is a great director and "The Rescue" is also a big production. After "The Rescue" is released in the future, in addition to Zhao Ruoyun who plays a supporting role in it, Jiang Se may be able to create some small gimmicks.

As a result, Jiang Se's position in his mind changed suddenly.

After all, she is beautiful and has something to talk about, which will be beneficial for movies in the future.

He moved his finger to the script, under the name "Stewardess Miss Zhang", and looked up at Jiang Se:

“Can you speak simple English?”

The role of Miss Zhang requires the actor to have a certain foundation in English. In fact, according to the requirements put forward by Gu Jiaer, it would be best if the actor could speak French and have a segment in French.

But this requirement is not easy.

Although there are people who can speak French in the Foreign Languages College, there are not many who are eloquent, good-looking and photogenic.

Therefore, Gu Jiaer settled for the second best and required those who auditioned to speak simple English.

At first, Sun Qiming wanted to find a real flight attendant from an airline to play this role.

After he asked this question, Jiang Se breathed a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on his face. (To be continued)