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Chapter 21: Show


If Sun Qiming asked about her acting skills, Jiang Se might still be unsure, but foreign languages were a compulsory course for her and she had been learning them since she was a child.

She nodded. "I have been learning several foreign languages since I was young, so simple conversation in English is not a problem for me."

Sun Qiming was a little surprised when he heard this.

The people behind him had similar expressions. Obviously, no one had expected that Jiang Se in front of them was not just beautiful.

Sun Qiming glanced at the folder and gestured for her to say a passage.

If Jiang Se really knows English, there is a high possibility that she will be chosen for the role of 'Miss Zhang'.

Jiang Se simply told Sun Qiming in English about his experience filming for the "Rescue Operation" crew, and Sun Qiming nodded with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Your image and temperament are very consistent with a character in the play."

When Jiang Se first said she knew English, Sun Qiming and others thought she had only learned it in school, or at most attended some interest classes.

But after she actually opened her mouth, Sun Qiming found that her performance far exceeded his expectations. Even though she only said a few short sentences, she didn't sound awkward.

But it is also possible that he had memorized what he was going to say in advance.

Sun Qiming pulled out the page about the role of the flight attendant Miss Zhang from the folder and handed it to Jiang Se through the staff next to him:

"Try to pronounce this line."

Jiang Se took the page in her hand, and naturally saw the role mentioned by Sun Qiming that was very consistent with her "image and temperament".

This character doesn't seem to have many scenes in the play. From beginning to end, he only appeared twice and spoke two paragraphs that should have been connected. It should be related to the connection of the plot.

Sun Qiming's request was the real test at this time, which was different from the last time when they were forced to shoot the film at the Shenzhuang "Rescue Operation".

In addition to having to perform under the watchful eyes of a dozen people in a conference room, the lines in the script Sun Qiming gave her were all written in Chinese.

If her previous statement that she could speak English was just bragging, or if she had prepared a self-introduction in advance, then she would naturally have no chance to join the crew of "Fake It" this time.

And she hadn't changed into her costume yet, just the simplest outfit. There was no one acting opposite her, and it wasn't like the last time she was filming "Rescue Operation" in Shenzhuang, when Gao Rong spoke the lines first to get her into the mood.

In such a situation, it is actually very difficult to get into the role, and real newcomers will inevitably feel panicked and scared.

This was also a point that Sun Qiming intended to test her on.

If she had really joined the crew of "Rescue Operation", if she had really had actor Liu Ye speak for her and received praise from Zhang Jing'an, even if she had difficulty getting into the role, she would not be overwhelmed by the current atmosphere in the conference room.

Jiang Se looked at what Miss Zhang said in the script, which introduced the 20th arrondissement of Paris. She couldn't help but ask:

"France? Do I need to use French?"

She once again gave Sun Qiming an unexpected surprise. Sun Qiming couldn't help but lean forward and asked:

"Do you know French?"

Jiang Se nodded slightly: "A little bit."

She is currently short of money, and she wants to try her best to get this role. At this moment, Jiang Se is not stingy in showing her strengths.

Sun Qiming snapped his fingers:

"In that case, you should prepare yourself. If you are ready, just start right away."

After saying this, he adjusted his sitting position and stopped talking.

The conference room suddenly became silent, with only the slight sound of cold air coming from the air-conditioning outlet in the middle of the ceiling being the only sound.

Jiang Se lowered his eyes to glance at the manuscript in his hand and closed his eyes.

The role she was about to play was that of a service worker, and she recalled the tone and demeanor of the airline service staff she had met when she was on an airplane before.

The lines of her eyebrows softened again and again, the corners of her mouth curved up, and when she opened her eyes again, her expression became gentle, the girl's smile was sweet, and her eyes were clear, even though she knew clearly in her heart that she was just "acting", the smile on her face was like sunshine, shining into her eyes.

She hooked the long hair beside her cheeks behind her ears, revealing half of her beautiful ears and slender and elegant neck. When she opened her mouth slowly again, the lines she read out had already been translated into French.

There was no trace of affectation or embarrassment in her performance; it was very natural.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, her every move seemed exquisite, as if it had been carefully edited and edited by Gu Jiaer in the later stages of the production.

Even Jiang Se's action of lowering her head to read the manuscript seemed natural to her.

Her tone was soft, and her French accent was unique, with a hint of romance, and seemed to have the arrogance unique to French women.

That feeling cannot be summed up by Jiang Se's casual words "I once practiced both".

Many people in the conference room even felt as if they were not in an office in the Chinese capital at this moment, but in France, listening to someone explaining the local history of France in a leisurely tone.

Even though many people didn't understand what Jiang Se said, it didn't stop her from getting them into the show.

At this time, her outstanding appearance became the icing on the cake and enhanced her appeal.

When Sun Qiming looked at her again this time, he no longer treated her as a vase.

At this moment, he completely believed that Jiang Se had been named by Zhang Jing'an and played a role in the crew of "Rescue Operation".

Her performance had its flaws. The tone and demeanor of her voice when she spoke did not sound like an airline attendant serving people, but rather like a rich lady being served.

But the merits outweigh the flaws. She got into the role quickly, her expressions changed naturally, there was no awkwardness at all, and she did not show any sign of stage fright.

Most importantly, as she herself said, her French is very good and she completely expressed the feeling that Gu Jiaer wanted.

As for her good temperament, she doesn't look like a real service staff, which is a disadvantage, but in the movie it is an advantage.

Gu Jiaer is shooting an aesthetic drama, so he is looking for an actress, not a real stewardess. Jiang Se has good looks and temperament, and it is good that she can add color to the movie.

The only thing that worries Sun Qiming is that this newcomer is too beautiful and has a great temperament. The two scenes she is in are both related to the male and female protagonists. It is very likely that the female lead Zhao Ruoyun will be suppressed by her.

But no matter what, Sun Qiming really couldn't think of not using Jiang Se at this moment.

This time he had a vague premonition that he might unearth a treasure.

When Jiang Se finished reading the lines, Sun Qiming stood up:

"Very good, someone will talk to you in detail later. I look forward to seeing you again in the future." (To be continued)