Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 26: base


"Although you paid 500 yuan for living expenses last time, you also said that the school paid you for shooting some promotional film. You are not thrifty and you even bought a cell phone. What's the use of it? Shouldn't you find a job..."

The porridge was cooked in the pot, and there were two plates of kimchi that were not finished yesterday morning on the table. Zhou Hui saw her daughter drinking a bowl of porridge, and she didn't know whether her daughter took her words to heart.

It was not yet seven o'clock when I left Du's house.

After the crew called, she had already figured out the route.

The Imperial Capital Film and Television Base is more than 30 kilometers away from the city center and not far from the airport in the northern suburbs.

She had to change subways three times and the journey took an hour and a half. When she left home, it was already 8:30 when she arrived at the film and television base.

This is the largest film and television base in the capital, covering a vast area. Many domestic films were shot here.

Although it was still early, many people had already entered and exited.

There were still people filming at this hour, and when Jiang Se came in, he met a group of people shooting in front of a temple.

In the middle of the street there are vehicles for people to ride on while touring the base. This place is really too big, and it cannot be compared with the original Shenzhuang. The whole base is divided into four areas: east, south, west and north. The east side imitates the ancient city buildings and scenery, with mainly exterior scenes from the Ming and Qing dynasties, including some palaces, pavilions, city walls, etc. The west side imitates the layout of the Republic of China period, and the south side is arranged with classical courtyards, room decorations, etc. The north side is the interior studio area and living area.

Most of the modern interior decorations are on the north side, and sometimes the crew needs to hold press conferences in this place.

There are various modern interior installations arranged here. Today, the crew of "Fake It" is going to imitate the interior of an airplane in the North District.

If you want to go to the North District, you can't rely on your own two feet. It covers a very large area. Even if tourists come in to walk around, it will take about a day. Jiang Se doesn't have enough time, so he can only take the vehicle in the base.

She bought a ticket to the North District. When she handed over twenty yuan, Jiang Se sighed and felt a little heartache.

Her most recent income was from a video the school asked her to shoot half a month ago. Since then she has had no extra income.

She felt like she couldn't stay at the Du family any longer, but she was really short of money and had no money to rent a house.

When we arrived at the North District and found the crew of "Fake It", it was just 9:15. Most of the crew had already arrived, but not many actors had come.

When Jiang Se arrived, the stage manager confirmed her identity and asked her to change her clothes and wait.

The scene that Jiang Se was going to shoot required the presence of both the male and female protagonists, but the two protagonists had not arrived yet. Those who arrived first naturally had to do their makeup and styling, waiting for the two protagonists to start work.

When Jiang Se came out after changing into his costume, he heard a woman say in a delicate voice:

"Brother Liu, we are all acting as flight attendants, why did some of us get the lines while we didn't? Why?"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the stage manager who was talking to a few beauties turned around and saw Jiang Se wearing a stewardess uniform. His eyes lit up immediately.

That day, a beautiful woman with outstanding temperament was auditioning in the company. Sun Qiming spotted her at first sight and cast her in the role of 'Miss Zhang'.

Normally speaking, people who are involved in the entertainment industry deal with countless handsome men and beautiful women every day, and they become numb to seeing so many beauties.

Especially on the day of the audition, many beautiful girls from the Performance Department of the Film and Television Academy came, and Jiang Se should not be worthy of the curiosity of the crew.

But apart from the fact that this person named Jiang Se had participated in "Rescue Operation" directed by Zhang Jing'an, the most important thing was that everyone in the conference room that day was saying that Jiang Se had outstanding looks, which inevitably aroused curiosity.

After all, after seeing so many different kinds of beauties, even the heroine of "Fake It or Not", Zhao Ruoyun, is one of the six famous little flowers in the entertainment industry today. Those who auditioned were still praising this newcomer for her beauty, which was extraordinary.

When Jiang Se came over today, the production staff had already looked at her many times and found her to be very pretty indeed.

In addition, her temperament is also unique and absolutely unforgettable. He knew why as soon as he saw her. After the audition, someone in the conference room that day remembered Jiang Se and mentioned him several times.

That pair of eyes was so alluring that when the stage manager changed into his costume and came out, he forgot what he was saying when he saw Jiang Se's eyes.

"Brother Liu..."

Someone called out in a delicate voice, and the stage manager reacted, pointed at Jiang Se, and sneered at the beauties:

"Why? Just based on this appearance and temperament, do you have it?"

He spoke bluntly, leaving the group of beauties who were acting coquettishly speechless, but no one dared to refute him.

The actors chosen by the crew this time all looked good, and many of them were students from film and television academies. However, these beauties now became the foil for Jiang Se.

The stewardess's uniform was a little too big for her, so the production manager looked her over for a few seconds and asked the stylist to help her fix it, pinning it up with a safety pin from the inside of her skirt.

This makeover revealed her slim waist and perky butt. Although her breasts were not exaggeratedly big, the ups and downs of her figure were just right. Her long legs were especially hot. Her ankles were slender, and she completely suppressed her temperament with her simple black high heels, making them look exquisite.

"Hurry up and change your clothes and put on makeup," the stage manager glanced at the time and waved his hands to urge: "Jiang Se should put on makeup first, and memorize the lines after the styling is done."

He drove a group of people into the dressing room. Jiang Se sat in front of a dressing table, and the man who was styling her introduced himself:

"My name is Derrick." He spoke in a soft voice. Jiang Se sat in front of him and could smell the perfume coming from him and see the delicate makeup on his face.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Se."

She smiled. There were many men working as makeup artists in this industry, and most of them had feminine looks. She did not show any curiosity, but she felt Derrick reaching out to untie her ponytail.

"Ms. Jiang, your hair is so beautiful."

He used his fingers as a comb and combed through Jiang Se's hair.

Jiang Se's original appearance was indeed impeccable, and her hair grew very well, which was in no way inferior to the hair that had been post-processed in shampoo commercials on TV.

But apart from her beautiful appearance, she has nothing.

Jiang Se responded, and saw Derrick rub her scalp and pick up the spray on the dressing table.

She has very good hair. After her rebirth, Jiang Se doesn't care about Du Changqun's cold face and washes her hair frequently.

She didn't use any styling stuff on her hair when she went out, which obviously satisfied Derrick very much. After soaking her hair, he quickly took the comb and deftly put her hair behind her head with his ten fingers. (To be continued)