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Chapter 28: The fate


Dai Jia sat for a while, stretched, stood up and said:


She came suddenly and left when she said she would.

Jiang Se watched her go around a side door and head towards the dressing room, where there were many people.

Originally thinking that all schedules for today might be postponed, Jiang Se was even prepared that the two protagonists of the play might not arrive until later. However, not long after, the production staff started talking on the loudspeaker.

The director and the two leading actors should have arrived, but they were not seen on the makeshift set.

Many newcomers were standing on tiptoe and looking around. Some were asking:

"Didn't you see Hang Yuyi and Zhao Ruoyun?"

Some people sneered:

"Given the status of Hang Yuyi and Zhao Ruoyun, it is impossible for them to share the dressing room with us. They came from another passage. The film and television base has already prepared a separate lounge and dressing room for them to avoid being disturbed."

The two leading actors are both well-known among the new generation. The crowd was talking in a low voice, the crew was clapping their hands, and Zhao Ruoyun had already put on her makeup and came out.

The first scene was a scene where she, the heroine of "Fake Becomes Real", Wang Qianqian, had an argument with her mother at home. The crew had already prepared the room temporarily and the actors were in place.

It was a rare opportunity to observe up close, so the actors in the crew watched from afar.

Jiang Se also stood aside and watched Zhao Ruoyun communicating with the actor who played Wang's mother in the play.

"What Goes Wrong" starts with the love story that Gu Jiaer is best at. It tells the story of an urban man and woman who are not having a smooth relationship. In order to escape the pressure from their families to get married, they go to France for different reasons, but they meet on the plane and end up getting to know each other and falling in love.

Wang Qianqian is a romantic woman who yearns for the city of her dreams, Paris. She is 26 years old and still has no boyfriend. Her mother is worried about her marriage and urges her all the time, which makes her want to go crazy and quit her job to go to Paris.

After talking to the actress who played Wang's mother for a while, Zhao Ruoyun made an OK gesture. The director sitting behind the camera nodded, and the script supervisor started shouting.

Zhao Ruoyun is about 23 or 24 years old, with a cute and pretty face. She was wearing a pink and purple home clothes and had her hair tied up in a bun. As soon as the script supervisor called out "start", she lay down on the sofa, raised her legs and dangled them in the air, humming a little tune and flipping through a picture album that the crew had prepared long ago.

The camera was pointed at her, and she maintained the same posture. There was another camera in the distance also pointed at her from a different angle.

Although Jiang Se had never studied acting and had only one film experience, she felt that Zhao Ruoyun's innocence seemed a little too artificial.

The film camera had a very high definition and even the pores on Zhao Ruoyun's face were captured clearly. However, her performance did not satisfy Gu Jiaer. As soon as the camera was turned on, the director shouted "Cut".

Zhao Ruoyun sat up from the sofa, and her makeup artist and stylist rushed forward to help her touch up her makeup and tidy up her clothes.

"Wang Qianqian's performance at this moment is full of expectation. She has decided to resign and fly to Paris to pursue her dream, instead of flipping through the picture book like you and waiting for Gao Xiaoming to feed you lines."

Although Jiang Se auditioned and joined the crew of "Fake It", this was her first time to see Gu Jiaer in person.

Gu Jiaer is about the same age as Zhang Jingan, with shoulder-length hair, but he gives a completely different feeling from Zhang Jingan.

If Zhang Jing'an was a lion glaring at its prey on the set, then Gu Jiaer was a furious Tyrannosaurus Rex, who made Zhao Ruoyun blush with just a few words.


Gu Jiaer waved his hand, and no one on the set dared to breathe.

Zhao Ruoyun lay back on the sofa, took a deep breath, and picked up the sketchbook to get a feel for it.

"You're not young anymore, and you don't have a boyfriend. What's the point of staying at home with that thing to write and draw after get off work?"

Teacher Gao Xiaoming, who played Wang's mother, was picking up a few pieces of clothes scattered on the floor while muttering to her daughter who was lying on the sofa.

Zhao Ruoyun thought of Gu Jiaer's scolding before, and tried her best to imagine that she was Wang Qianqian. She wanted to resign and fly to Paris. She hummed a little tune, and when she heard Gao Xiaoming reading the lines, she immediately continued:

"You don't understand..."

Before she finished her words, Gu Jiaer stopped her again.

The director's face looked a little ugly. It was obvious that the script supervisors and others knew the director's personality during filming, so they all kept their mouths shut, not daring to bring bad luck at this time.

"I told you, Wang Qianqian has decided to resign and fly to Paris to pursue her dream." Gu Jiaer looked stern, staring at Zhao Ruoyun closely: "Did you pass your cultural courses by bribing?"

When the people from the Film and Television Academy heard this, they all hunched their shoulders, but Jiang Se couldn't help but want to laugh.

Zhao Ruoyun was a little dazed by the scolding, but Jiang Se roughly understood what Gu Jiaer wanted to express.

What he meant by 'Wang Qianqian has decided to resign and fly to Paris to pursue her dreams' is that Wang Qianqian's mind should be completely focused on going to Paris at this time, and she would be slow to react to other things. Her mother's reproach should not have woken her up immediately.

Zhao Ruoyun was eager to talk to Gao Xiaoming. Although she had read the script, her performance was more about form than spirit.

"I said, since she has decided to resign and go to Paris, how can she have the mind to talk back to her mother? Her mind should have flown to Paris!"

Zhao Ruoyun forced a smile: "OK, I'll do it again."

Gu Jiaer frowned, let out a long breath, picked up a bottle of mineral water, and shouted coldly:

"Come again."

Although the air-conditioning was on on the set, the mechanical equipment and lights running all around, plus the two NGs, still caused beads of sweat to gather on Zhao Ruoyun's forehead.

The movie didn't start off well, the makeup artist came back to touch up the makeup, and Zhao Ruoyun once again lay on the sofa.

Because of the two failed experiences in a row, and Gu Jiaer's clear and direct guidance just now, Zhao Ruoyun was no longer a newcomer and finally got into the state.

When Wang's mother scolded her again, she stared at the album in a daze, stroking it gently with her fingers. The camera moved from her face to the album, which showed a picture of the Louvre.

Although Gu Jiaer looked a little dissatisfied this time, he did not interrupt her performance.

Mother Wang talked for a long time but got no response from her daughter Wang Qianqian, so she slapped her in displeasure.

Gao Xiaoming is worthy of being a veteran actor. Facing the camera, she handled her subtle expressions very well. Her eyebrows and eyes were full of drama. Her kindness was mixed with a bit of worry about her daughter's lifelong affairs. She easily brought Zhao Ruoyun into the play.

While dealing with her mother's nagging, Wang Qianqian was also worried about how to tell her that she was resigning and planning to go to Paris.

"Look at my colleagues of similar age at work, they all have their own children..." (To be continued)