Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 31: Audition


The cigarette was a little burned, Jiang Se picked it up and blew on it, the flame on the cigarette butt suddenly became brighter and burned faster.

She put out the cigarette on the windowsill and left the butt there.

"Look, it will burn out even if you don't smoke it." Jiang Se took a look at the cigarette butt. She put this thing here on purpose, and someone should come to deal with it.

Dai Jia's face turned pale, his lips were tightly pursed, and he said nothing.

Jiang Se's hands smelled of cigarettes. She frowned and said, "Excuse me."

He went to the bathroom and washed the smell of cigarette off his hands. When he came out, Dai Jia was nowhere to be seen.

After staying outside for a while, when Jiang Se returned to the set, Hang Yuyi's segment had already been filmed, and Gu Jiaer and others had returned to the previous set, preparing to film the scene with Zhao Ruoyun and Gao Xiaoming.

After all this trouble, when it came time to try out Jiang Se's role, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

The makeup on Jiang Se's face had already faded after a day, so the makeup artist reapplied her makeup and styled her face.

The equipment and devices needed for filming have been laid out inside the simulated airplane cabin, and the extras have already taken their seats, waiting for the director to call for the start.

Gu Jiaer was chatting quietly with the screenwriter. When Jiang Se and a group of actors playing flight attendants came in, Gu Jiaer raised his head and glanced over here.

The lights were on in the cabin. Directors always have eyes that are good at discovering beauty, and Gu Jiaer caught Jiang Se's eye at first sight.

"Who invited this?"

He couldn't help but ask.

There have been several hot topics in the crew of "Fake It Real" recently. In addition to the two main characters Zhao Ruoyun and Hang Yuyi, also worth discussing are Dai Jia and Jiang Se who play Hang Yuyi's ex-girlfriend today.

When the people around him saw Gu Jiaer asking about Jiang Se, they couldn't help but come forward and say:

"Weren't you planning to recruit some actors from the Film and Television Academy a few days ago?"

After that, he told the story of how Jiang Se was chosen by Sun Qiming during the audition, and at the end, he said, "It is said that Sun asked about it at the time. He knew French and had been in Zhang Jingan's crew, so he immediately decided to give her the role."

Gu Jiaer looked at Jiang Se again. He was good at shooting romantic and literary films. The first thing that came to his mind was that Jiang Se was suitable for the role under his lens.

She was wearing the same dark blue stewardess uniform as everyone else, but her looks and temperament made her stand out among the group of girls.

"Have you ever been in Zhang Jing'an's crew?" Gu Jiaer saw a group of people coming into the set, and his eyes turned to Jiang Se again. The production manager next to him said:

"I have been there. She said she ran into Zhang Jing'an and Liu Ye. Liu Ye even spoke up for her at the time."

Jiang Se was indeed pretty, with a standard small oval face, delicate jawline, and charming eyes. But her upright gaze and cold temperament counteracted this gentleness very well.

She was about 1.7 meters tall. Her stewardess uniform was elegant, with a skirt that reached her knees, but it couldn't hide her long, straight and slender legs.

With such a figure and appearance, if she met Liu Ye, it would not be surprising that the movie emperor could speak for her.

Gu Jiaer glanced at Jiang Se again. She didn't seem too nervous about the upcoming audition and seemed quite calm.

It was not until the camera was adjusted that Gu Jiaer turned his eyes away from Jiang Se. After thinking for a while, he called the stage manager over and whispered two words into his ear:

"When Zhao Ruoyun and Hang Yuyi come in, let her go."

He pointed at Jiang Se. The script supervisor was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and responded.

The camera was pointed at the cabin door, and the script supervisor called one of the two flight attendants who were supposed to greet the plane down.

It was a rare opportunity to show her face. Before the girl could react, she saw the stage manager signaling Jiang Se to go up. Her face changed and she bit her lip and dared not say a word. She just looked at Jiang Se and almost cried.

Jiang Se was also confused. The crew had told her earlier that she only had two lines, but they had added a scene for no apparent reason.

"When people get on board, they just smile and say, 'Hello, welcome aboard.' That's it."

This line of dialogue was not complicated. Jiang Se nodded, and the script supervisor hurried away. After the clapperboard sounded, the camera lens outside first aimed at Hang Yuyi who was about to board the plane.

The character he plays, Zhou Rongchen, has just broken up with his girlfriend and is being urged to get married by his parents. In a bad mood, he uses work as an excuse to go to France.

Just before boarding the plane, he received a call from his parents, which delayed him for a while and made him a little annoyed.

Zhou Rongchen picked up his briefcase and boarded the plane with a stern face.

The camera in the cabin was aimed at the cabin door. Gu Jiaer glanced at the camera. Jiang Se, who was standing at the door, had a standard posture. Most importantly, many people in the camera instinctively followed the camera. Even the girl who played the stewardess next to her instinctively wanted to look over here, but she behaved very steadily, as if she was unaware of the existence of the camera and her eyes did not move over here.

When Hang Yuyi entered the cabin, the woman next to her hadn't reacted yet, and Jiang Se was already saying the lines with a smile:

"Hello, welcome aboard."

There was nothing wrong with Jiang Se saying this simple line, and Gu Jiaer didn't think anything would go wrong with her at first.

After all, no acting skills are required here, her beauty is just needed to add some color to the scene.

But Jiang Se did her duty as a vase, but something went wrong with Hang Yuyi.

The moment Jiang Se finished her lines, Hang Yuyi was stunned for a moment and instinctively raised his head to look at her.

There were other extras behind him who wanted to get on the plane. When Hang Yuyi was stunned, the people behind him squeezed in and the place became a little chaotic.

"Sorry." Hang Yu came to his senses and raised his hand to apologize. Gu Jiaer frowned and found that his impulsive action seemed to have caused a small trouble.

"Do it again."

He waved his hand, thought for a moment, and then told the stage manager to replace Jiang Se.

Her face standing at the door could make a good vase, but her beauty was too eye-catching. Even someone like Hang Yuyi, who had been in the entertainment industry for a few years, would be stunned when he suddenly saw her, which affected the progress of the filming.

Jiang Se was replaced again. This time, Hang Yuyi did not make the same mistake as before. Following the script, he and the heroine Wang Qianqian boarded the plane one after another.

The cabin was soon full of people. When Miss Zhang, played by Jiang Se, came out, many people's eyes fell on her. However, she smiled and gave a welcome speech in French before beginning to introduce the origin of Paris, France.

There were not many shots of Jiang Se in the script. Originally, when she introduced Paris, the camera should have moved to Zhao Ruoyun. However, after the photographer saw her give a welcome speech, he was about to move the camera away, but Gu Jiaer made a gesture to stop him.

She smiled and mentioned Paris, France. Her tone was gentle, with the unique charm of a French woman. She blended arrogance and romance very well, which made people feel very comfortable. Gu Jiaer turned around and said to the executive director:

"I think next time when we shoot a real scene, we can use the original sound." (To be continued)