Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 33: Lines


"I had a sunroom built outside your room. You can almost see the entire village from there."

When he said this, he looked at her with sparkling eyes:

"There's a horse farm nearby, and there are two horses there, but they haven't been named yet."

"Let's go in the fall, when the grapes are ripe and we can pick them ourselves. We can make bottles of wine and seal them for later..." He was vague at the time: "... to drink later."

At that time, Pei Yi tried to lure her to France and described it in his best possible way. He said there were two horses there and old vines that were more than a hundred years old. He said there were bunches of grapes in autumn and the sunlight shone through the leaves of the vines and fell on the grapes. When he spoke of that scene, she could imagine it.

As he thought about it, Jiang Se felt a little depressed.

She vaguely understood what Gu Jiaer meant.

Pei Yi was very enthusiastic when he said those words to her and wanted to coax her to go to France, so when he mentioned the quiet little village that seemed isolated from the world under the sun, he easily persuaded her to agree.

But in the end, she was unable to complete the trip to France that Pei Yi had planned long ago.

She was not an enthusiastic and outgoing person, so when Pei Yi mentioned these things, she just thought they were pretty good.

But why do I feel heavy in my heart when I recall it now

She tried to recall Pei Yi's expression and tone when he said these words to her, as if he wished he could present the manor he had prepared to her and get her praise.

As she recalled more and more, she was able to recall some of her mood at that time. It seemed that following Pei Yi's tone at that time, she could imagine the endless vineyards under the blue sky, the sunny glass house in the castle, and the two horses that had not yet been named.

She imagined herself becoming Pei Yi at that time, and her tone gradually became relaxed.

She couldn't see her own face at this moment, so naturally she couldn't see the light in her eyes.

Gu Jiaer only remembered Jiang Se after he finished filming the scenes with Zhao Ruoyun and Hang Yuyi.

"ready or Not?"

The scenes between Zhao Ruoyun and Hang Yuyi on the plane were just average, with no mistakes but no surprises either.

The feeling that Gu Jiaer wanted was never captured here, which made him look a little annoyed.

"Ready, Director."

Jiang Se nodded. Gu Jiaer had no intention of filming. He just gestured for her to just speak the lines to him.

Jiang Se smiled slightly, and Gu Jiaer felt that she looked a little different from before.

Jiang Se's performance in the previous shot was perfect, but it gave people a feeling of being too flawless and a little cold.

But at this moment, her eyes were filled with longing, and the smile at the corner of her mouth melted the alienation in her.

Her tone was still her own, but her expression was fascinating. She talked about medieval Paris and the colorful vitality that art and food made the city colorful.

Gu Jiaer recalled the days when he studied in Paris and the rich artistic atmosphere there. He was distracted for a moment, but Jiang Se had already stopped and finished reciting his lines.

These few lines are no longer recited fluently and neatly as before, but instead give people a feeling of wanting more.

The charm of language is not inferior to the exaggerated expression. In this plot, if Jiang Se can maintain such performance, she will become the highlight of this scene on the plane, suppressing Zhao Ruoyun and others.

Gu Jiaer glanced at her with a satisfied look.

His previous words were not in vain. In addition to her unique appearance, she also possessed excellent comprehension.

Of course, this is also because Gu Jiaer gave advice after discovering that Jiang Se was young but could speak French fluently and was not a fool beauty.

The most important thing is that when he said those words rudely in public, she really took them to heart, unlike other people who were afraid of him on the surface but were somewhat unconvinced.

This immediately improved Gu Jiaer's impression of Jiang Se. "Not bad. Sometimes, in addition to subtle changes in expression, the ability to deliver lines is also very important in acting."

After he said this, everyone rehearsed again, and it was already late.

The scene on the plane was scheduled for three days later. It was nearly ten o'clock when Jiang Se took off her makeup, changed her clothes, walked out of the film and television base and got on the subway.

There were not many people on the subway. Jiang Se found a seat in a corner and sat down, leaning back and squinting his eyes to rest.

She had been standing all day today and was really tired. This job was not as easy as she had imagined. She opened her eyes and looked at the time on the subway. It would probably be past eleven o'clock when she got back. The people in the Du family might have gone to bed long ago and might not open the door for her.

There was still about a month left before school started, and she was thinking about whether she should find a few more extras, earn some money, rent a house temporarily, and move out of the Du family.

What Gu Jiaer said today touched Jiang Se a little. This line of work was not as easy and simple as she had imagined at first, and acting was not just about pretending to be a character in a play.

It would be fine if she didn't enter this line of work, but since she was doing this job temporarily, she naturally didn't want to be looked down upon.

In a sense, she treated the Miss Zhang she was going to play as herself, just like Feng Nan was going to play out Jiang Se's life. She adjusted her mindset, put aside the influence of her grandfather Feng Zhongliang, and no longer discriminated against acting as before.

She practiced in front of the mirror for two days at home. She could clearly see her own eyes in the mirror and adjust her shortcomings to make her expression match her somewhat cheerful tone.

The room was very hot and stuffy. In July, the Du family could not even turn on the fan during the day, let alone install air conditioning. Jiang Se was so thirsty from reading the lines that he got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. However, Du Honghong's door was suddenly opened by her and she screamed:

"Are you done yet?"

Zhou Hui was outside talking to her neighbor about her son who was about to enter the first grade of junior high school when she heard Du Honghong shouting in the house.

She hurried into the house and saw Du Honghong, who looked gloomy, saying to the kitchen:

"You're posing in front of the mirror all day long, mumbling to yourself, are you sick?"

Jiang Se stood in the kitchen, holding a glass of water, and the expression on his face could not be seen clearly.

"What's going on?"

Zhou Hui asked anxiously, "It was fine before."

The two sisters have never been very close and sometimes they have a few quarrels, but Jiang Se has been much more well-behaved recently. When Du Honghong sometimes makes trouble, she pretends not to see it, and the family has become much more peaceful.

Zhou Hui had just been out for a short while, why were they arguing again

"How do I know what's wrong with her? I don't know what I'm thinking every day. I just look at myself in the mirror and know that you are beautiful. Is that enough?" (To be continued)