Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 34: Change corner


Du Honghong was very unhappy. Even though she had reviewed in advance for the junior high school exam, her results were not very ideal.

If it was in the past, it would be fine, because there was still Jiang Se to support us at home.

Jiang Se's academic performance was originally poor, and Du Changqun was very dissatisfied with his stepdaughter. He would always scold her several times during every exam.

But this time Jiang Se did well in the exam. Even though Du Changqun had clearly stated that he would not pay her tuition, her results were there. She was admitted to the best university in the imperial capital. Many residents nearby knew the news and came to inquire about her several times.

In comparison, Du Honghong performed particularly poorly, so Du Changqun ordered her to stay at home and review.

"We are all sisters, why can't we talk about it calmly?"

Zhou Hui entered the room, and Du Honghong couldn't help but mutter:

"Who is her sister? What's her last name? What's my last name?"

After hearing this, Zhou Hui glared at her daughter, then turned to look at Jiang Se:

"What's going on?"

Jiang Se drank a sip of water first, then looked up at Du Honghong and said with a smile:

"Maybe she's ugly and doesn't dare to look in the mirror, so she always envies me for being able to look in the mirror."

After she said this, Du Honghong became so angry that her face turned red.

She was still young, impatient, and with a strong sense of self-esteem, she could not stand Jiang Se saying this. When she saw Jiang Se drinking water, she shouted:

"Who envies you? You are not allowed to drink my water. This is mine!"

If it were the Jiang Se of the past, he would have put down the cup and argued with her without saying a word after being scolded by her like this.

But Jiang Se deliberately drank two more sips slowly in front of her, then washed the empty cup and put it back:

“I paid for my living expenses.”

This sentence made Du Honghong speechless. She burst into tears and turned back to her room. When Zhou Hui wanted to go forward to comfort her, she slammed the door shut.

Zhou Hui looked at her eldest daughter who acted as if nothing had happened and sighed helplessly.

In the past, she could still talk to Jiang Se, but since Jiang Se had an argument with Du You more than two months ago and was slapped by Du Changqun, she has become a completely different person.

Zhou Hui couldn't tell exactly where the changes had taken place.

I just feel that in the past, when Jiang Se turned on the lights at night and Zhou Hui went to remind her, Jiang Se would always be dissatisfied and argue with her.

But now when she reminded him again, Jiang Se no longer said anything to her and just turned off the lights.

Although I felt less worried, I seemed to be more distant from her.

She didn't listen to her much before, always dreaming about becoming a big star. Now she has her own ideas. It seems that after she found a job and saved some money, Zhou Hui can't control her anymore.

"Don't always quarrel with your sister. She is several years younger than you. If your uncle Du hears, there will be no peace in the family."

Jiang Se saw the helplessness on her face, but in his heart he was thinking about taking on more jobs and trying to earn enough money to move out of the house.

Although the crew had notified Jiang Se of the official start time during the rehearsal at the film and television base that day, just in case, the crew still called Jiang Se a day in advance to inform him to arrive before nine o'clock the next morning.

The crew chartered a plane, but time was limited. The person who notified Jiang Se was afraid that she would be late, so he reminded her several times.

When Jiang Se arrived at the shooting location, it was not yet eight o'clock, but the crew members had already arrived and the set was being set up.

Today's work not only involves shooting the scenes on the plane, but also a scene with Dai Jia.

Dai Jia also has scenes of making a phone call and boarding a plane at the airport today. The ex-girlfriend she plays applied for an overseas project in the company after having a fight with Zhou Rongchen and leaving. Before leaving, she called Zhou Rongchen, but Zhou Rongchen did not answer because he was in a meeting.

When Jiang Se arrived, several crew members greeted her. Everyone saw Gu Jiaer instructing her that day, so naturally the crew members smiled more at her.

It was still early, the makeup artists and stylists had not arrived yet, and the staff were moving the equipment.

A girl on the set was rushing to the dressing room with a bunch of things in her hands. After walking a few steps, she lost her balance and several bags in her hands fell to the ground, and the things inside scattered all over the floor.

She was a little anxious, but she carried her things into the dressing room first. When she came out, she saw Jiang Se picking up the things on the floor and putting them into the bag. The girl sighed:


"You're welcome." There were a lot of things on the ground, and Jiang Se picked one up for her. She was a little grateful:

"Today's schedule is very tight. Director Gu said that there must be no problems with today's filming. We only have half a day, and no one can afford if something goes wrong."

The cost of renting a plane is very high, and many people use interior settings and post-production technology when shooting movies.

But Gu Jiaer had high expectations for the film and was interested in competing for awards, so he rented a passenger plane at a high price.

"We arrived at five in the morning to set up the set." She turned around and glanced at the cameras and camera tracks placed on the ground. "There are so many things to do. We were so busy that we didn't even have breakfast."

Once the makeup artists and actors arrive, everything has to be in place, and people like her who work on the crew are the first to be scolded if something goes wrong.

Jiang Se helped her carry her things into the dressing room. The girl went back and forth several times and took a breath after moving all the things. When she came out and saw Jiang Se sitting under the dressing room, she came over to thank her again: "Thank you so much for what you did just now."

After she said this, she moved closer to Jiang Se:

"That day at the film and television base, Director Gu gave you some advice on acting. I saw it." She smiled, revealing two canine teeth. She was about 22 or 23 years old. "I also heard that Director Gu praised you."

She seemed to be quite lively. She said several words, not disliking Jiang Se's cold attitude, and continued:

"Director Gu is not one to praise people." After she said this, she realized that she had said several sentences but Jiang Se did not continue the topic, which made her feel a little awkward for a moment.

Jiang Se was sitting in the dressing room, her hair combed neatly and tied behind her head. Her flawless oval face, without any bangs or hair blocking it, attracted more attention than many stars' carefully groomed makeup and hairstyle.

Not only men like to look at beautiful women, but women also like them.

The girl looked at her for a few seconds and changed the subject:

"You don't seem to like talking much. I think I saw you talking to Dai Jia last time at the film and television base." She mentioned Dai Jia, and Jiang Se nodded. She crossed her legs, leaned her hips against the dressing table, and leaned her upper body to the side to get closer to Jiang Se:

“She was recast.”

After hearing this, Jiang Se raised his head.

"Change roles?"

"Yeah." The girl nodded vigorously. She was a little nervous when the crew talked about this gossip. She looked around first. There were no obstacles around the dressing room. Everyone was busy with their own things for the time being, and no one noticed the situation here:

"It is said that someone else who is more suitable for this role has joined the team." (To be continued)