Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 4: have no choice


In the waiting room, two people were holding their tickets and waiting to get on the bus.

Jiang Se was sweating as she walked, and she fanned her face with her hands. From time to time, people looked at her with surprise in their eyes.

She frowned and turned around. Baby Lu was still scrolling through his phone looking at various celebrities.

"It is said that the investment in this "Rescue Operation" alone is 200 million." Lu Baobao wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. "It's so hot, Sese, do you want some water?"

"No money." Jiang Se shook her head. She only had twenty-four yuan on her, which she took out from the notebook under her pillow.

The round-trip fare from Shenzhuang to the city was ten yuan, and she had to use the remaining few yuan to buy a bottle of water, and then she had to walk back to the Du family.

She thought of how she used to spend money like water, and felt a little annoyed. She patted Lu Baobao's head:

"What is this "Rescue Operation" about?"

"I don't know." Lu Baobao spread his hands and blinked his eyes. "Before filming begins, these big directors are all very secretive and won't reveal anything. But if we go to the crew and mingle as extras, maybe we can find out something."

She was so hot that she ended up buying two bottles of water and handed one to Jiang Se.

When we arrived at Shenzhuang, it was already past ten o'clock and the sun was shining brightly.

Maybe it’s because today is the weekend, and many people, like Lu Baobao, should have already received the news that "The Rescue Operation" will be filmed in Shenzhuang, so there are a lot of people in Shenzhuang today.

Shenzhuang was a water and land port built along the Daxing River during the Qing Dynasty. It was bought by Shen Congzhi, a famous wealthy businessman at the time, during the Republic of China. Due to its special geographical location, it was later targeted by invaders many times.

Faced with guns and cannons, Shen Congzhi did not surrender. He was worried that after this place was occupied, the invaders would use the Daxing River to transport the guns and cannons to all parts of the country, and his compatriots would suffer. Therefore, he fought against the invaders several times and was finally killed at the water and land dock. Shenzhuang became famous because of this.

There are not only relatively well-preserved classical buildings here, but also the heroic deeds of revolutionary martyrs. Therefore, in addition to the tourists who come here to play, there are also film crews who come here from time to time to shoot scenes.

When he arrived at Shenzhuang, Jiang Se realized that he was too young and believed everything Lu Baobao said.

Even Lu Baobao knew that the crew of "Rescue Operation" was coming to Shenzhuang, so it was understandable that he couldn't hide it from others.

There are many people like Lu Baobao who are fans of celebrities. They did find out the location of the crew, but the crew was surrounded by three layers of enemies inside and outside.

From time to time, people would peek inside with their cell phones in hand. The bodyguards hired by the crew stared at the crowd vigilantly, and no matter how the boys and girls begged, they refused to let anyone in.

Jiang Se grabbed Lu Baobao, who also wanted to beg for help shamelessly, and glared at her:

"I agreed to be a supporting actor..."

The two were squeezed here and there. There were too many people. In order to avoid being squeezed away, Lu Baobao held her hand tightly: "I didn't know there were so many people..."

There are many star-chasers in Shenzhuang, but there are also many people waiting to play supporting roles.

Many people were waiting for their luck to turn around and be noticed by the director to rise to fame, so they were all circling the door of the crew, trying to squeeze in.

Lu Baobao is no longer reliable. Jiang Se sighed and asked a security guard:

"Sir, may I ask if the crew of 'Rescue Operation' is looking for extras?"

She is very beautiful, with a small face as big as a palm. Whenever she stands in the crowd, she attracts a lot of attention.

Even though the bodyguards were hired by the crew, they saw many female stars, each with delicate features. But when they saw Jiang Se, the man in security uniform still had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He must have seen a lot of people like Jiang Se who tried to enter the entertainment industry. Hearing this, he looked at Jiang Se several times in a row, and after a while he pointed in a direction:

"Turn left out of the main entrance, go straight to the right, and wait for it at the place with 'Eternal Spring Building' written on it."

Jiang Se thanked them, pulled Lu Baobao out of the crowd, and followed the path pointed out by the security guard. As expected, he saw the three big words "Changchun Building" not far ahead.

This so-called "Changchun Building" is actually just a gate archway, guarded by security guards who don't let anyone in.

There were already quite a few people squatting at the door, obviously they were all extras waiting for the crew to pick them. There were old and young, some in their fifties and sixties, and some youngest, seventeen or eighteen years old.

There were both men and women, and there were really too many people. At a rough glance, there were probably over a hundred of them. I was afraid that I had made a wasted trip today.

Jiang Se frowned. From behind the Changchun Building's doorplate, a young man in a white T-shirt was jogging towards them. When the people who were sitting in twos and threes nearby saw someone coming out of the crew, they all hurriedly got up and tried to squeeze to the door.

"Don't crowd, stand further away. We need fifty male extras, regardless of age, and twenty women."

When the young man came out, he shouted twice, asked people to stand further away, and then he stated his request.

Baby Lu dragged Jiang Se to squeeze in. She was extremely excited when she saw the chance to meet the celebrity in person. She didn't know where she got the strength from, but she pulled Jiang Se and squeezed her into the crowd.

The young man who came out of the crew was still calling out names casually: "You, you, you..."

Those who were called stood aside excitedly, while the rest were still scrambling to move forward. Lu Baobao raised his hand and shouted:

"We, we, women!"

Her voice was so loud that the young man turned around and saw Jiang Se at a glance.

"Come here."

The young man's eyes lit up. Even though Jiang Se was almost squeezed to death by Lu Baobao as she squeezed into the crowd, she was still charming. The man selected the extras and led them into the crew, looking back at Jiang Se several times from time to time.

The remaining people who were not selected squatted back down in disappointment. Everyone followed them into the crew. Lu Baobao was so excited that his voice was shaking:

"Sese, we really were chosen, we really were chosen, hahahaha."

She wanted to touch her phone again:

"I want to take a photo with Liu Ye, Lu Bingbing, Zhao Ruoyun, and Ruan Mi later, and ask for their autographs!"

Before I even entered the crew, someone came rushing over and urged:

"Men, come with me. Change into costumes over here."

There was a group of women left, and the young man who led the way pointed in a direction:

"Go in that direction. It says dressing room. There's a makeup artist inside." He pointed at Jiang Se and called:

"Well, come here."

Jiang Se paused for a moment, and the women around her looked at her as if they were used to it, with sarcasm in their eyes, and then turned and left.

Baby Lu was silly and said, "Did they call you?"

Jiang Se walked towards the man. Perhaps because Lu Baobao was still looking behind her, the man did not do anything radical. He just took out a business card from his jeans pocket:

"My name is Zhang Fan. I'm in charge of recruiting actors for the roles in the show. If you're interested in acting in a movie, give me a call." (To be continued)