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Chapter 41: rule


The person on the other end of the phone heard the intermittent piano sound coming from this side, "Director Zhao, there is something like this, do you know Jianghua Group?"

Zhao Rang paused, frowned and asked:

"Jianghua Group?"

"Yes." His response made the person on the other end of the phone excited, and he immediately explained: "Jianghua Group started out as a business hotel. The person in charge has the same surname as you. The eldest son of the Zhao family is interested in investing in the entertainment media industry. He also invested 200 million yuan in "The Rescue" directed by Zhang Jing'an."

Jiang Se practiced the piano twice to familiarize himself with the previous tune, and then he felt much more comfortable when he started playing.

Zhao Rang turned his head and looked at her, trying to figure out the purpose of Ruihe Company's call.

The largest investment company of "The 99th Love Letter" is Ruihe Media. The film has been shot for most of the time and has entered the final stage of post-production. At this time, someone from Ruihe Media called and mentioned the Zhao family of Jianghua Group. The implication is intriguing.

"Jianghua Group is interested in investing in the crew?"

Zhao Rang stretched out his hand and rubbed his brow. Today, the crew was filming an important scene at Steinay Music Store. After much persuasion, it was the person in charge of Ruihe Media who stepped in to settle the matter. The music store agreed to let the crew shoot there for a day.

At this moment, the actors were already in place and Cui Xing was changing his look and putting on makeup, preparing to start filming, but the investment company called to mention these things.

He was a little impatient and said with a gloomy face:

"Let me discuss these matters with my studio first..."

Before Zhao Rang finished speaking, the person on the other end of the phone denied it one after another: "No, no, no, Director Zhao, that's not what I meant, but Jianghua Group recommended someone who said she could audition for the role of the 'mysterious goddess' in your play."

Instuffing people into a crew is an unwritten rule in the circle. Under the exchange of interests, it is common for investors to specify actors to join the crew. Zhao Rang naturally understands the rules.

But if the investor Ruihe had made such a request a few days ago when the crew was looking for actors, it would have been fine, but Jiang Se happened to be auditioned a few days ago and Zhao Rang was attracted to her at first sight.

Now that the contract has been signed and the crew has been spending a lot of time and effort preparing to start filming, Ruihe has proposed to temporarily force some people into the crew. Even if Zhao Rang has a good temper, he couldn't help but get a little angry.

"Manager Liu." He suppressed his anger, turned his head and looked at Jiang Se, controlling himself not to yell:

"I think I have already told President Yan that the crew has found an actress to play opposite Cui Xing."

The man on the other end of the phone didn't expect Zhao Rang to refuse, and he didn't take it seriously: "Director Zhao, the person you signed this time is just a newcomer. You can assign her any role in the play, and she won't dare to be dissatisfied..." He tried to persuade Zhao Rang: "The person recommended by Jianghua Group is said to be from a..."

"I don't care who she is." Zhao Rang was very dissatisfied. "When Ruihe and Taichang Entertainment talked to me, they had an agreement that except for Cui Xing and Zhu Pan, the investors would not interfere too much in other matters of the crew."

His tough attitude made the man on the other end of the phone feel a little embarrassed.

"Director Zhao, according to your audition requirements, the other party sent a video. Why don't you take a look first and change it if it's suitable?" He said this without waiting for Zhao Rang to speak, "Ruihe will naturally carry out everything about the crew according to the agreement between you and President Yan. Just take a look. This girl is from Hong Kong Zhongnan Industrial. She is a real rich girl with extraordinary temperament. Take a look."

After saying this, Zhao Rang heard a ding sound from his phone, apparently indicating that he had received an email.

Zhao Rang hung up the phone. His assistant came over and threw the phone over. Seeing his gloomy face, the assistant spoke cautiously:


Ruihe should have informed him of this early in the morning. He obviously knew what Zhao Rang had just said on the phone. "Would you like to see the video? After all, Ruihe's investment this time..."

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Rang sneered, and pressed down the cap on his head, with a bad look on his face: "Is Cui Xing ready?"

The assistant didn't dare to continue talking, and quickly said, "Change your clothes and put on makeup."

Zhao Rang waved his hand to let him go away, sat back in his previous seat, and drank several sips of water before he suppressed the anger in his heart.

Fortunately, Jiang Se performed well on the set. While Zhao Rang was making the phone call, she had already become familiar with the music with the help of the crew's music director, and she played it much better than before.

When Cui Xing came over after putting on her makeup, it was already after half past nine. Jiang Se was able to play the melody without even looking at the music score.

The crew spent a lot of money to find the famous Hong Kong musician Shi Jiadong and his team to create this music after a year. The melody is bright and gentle, matching the plot, and brings out the sweet and sour feeling of first love.

Although Cui Xing had packed up, he still had a scene to shoot from the beginning of his entry into the mall. The crew members shot this scene first, and Jiang Se stayed in the piano store to practice the piano.

By the time Cui Xing's scene was finished, Jiang Se had already memorized the entire music score.

Zhao Rang calmed himself down and signaled the crew to get ready.

Jiang Se also stood up from the piano where he was practicing and walked towards the piano where he was going to perform.

She had played for some time before, so she wasn't panicking and didn't look like a novice. When the staff at the piano store saw her sitting in front of the white piano, they didn't look as nervous as before.

After the director called for ready, the lighting technician adjusted the angle and light, and the camera was first aimed at Jiang Se.

The girl sat in front of a white piano on the steps in the middle of the piano store, with her back to the camera, and her face could not be seen.

The only things that everyone could see were her ten fingers nimbly dancing on the piano and her jade-like neck revealed after she tied up her hair.

Because their face couldn't be seen, the people behind her could only guess her appearance from her back and exposed skin.

Her fingers are slender, with oval fingertips, and there is no artificial coloring. Everything is so beautiful that it makes people feel comfortable and natural.

The photographers all thought the scene was fascinating, but Zhao Rang frowned and called for a stop:

"Something's wrong with the lighting."

He looked at Jiang Se's back and waved to start again.

The lighting engineer hurriedly adjusted the angle, and only after three or four times did Zhao Rang's frown relax.

The light from the back makes Jiang Se's overall outline more prominent, and even every strand of hair on his head is clearly displayed.

It is precisely because Jiang Se cannot show her face in this scene, but has to take on the role of the 'goddess' that 'Li Qingyang' falls in love with at first sight in the play, she has to arouse people's imagination just by her back, so Zhao Rang is very strict.

After re-adjusting it several times, it finally achieved the feeling Zhao Rang wanted. (To be continued)