Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 43: Appreciate


Today's scene took a whole day to shoot. Zhao Rang was very strict and meticulous in his work, and would not tolerate any mistakes. There were countless NGs during the shooting process.

Cui Xing is fine, after all, he was able to build himself up from nothing to where he is today, and he has been popular for many years. He is touted as the number one by Century Galaxy. It goes without saying that he is a good person and dedicated to his work, which is why he still has movies to film and is loved by directors.

But Jiang Se is a newcomer, and to be honest, her work intensity is much greater than Cui Xing's.

Anyone who has learned to play the piano knows that playing the piano may seem like an elegant hobby to others, but only those who play the piano know the hard work involved.

She kept her hands raised, playing the piano over and over again for almost a whole day.

This is a huge burden on the arms and wrists, but she can endure it without saying anything, even for a whole day. It is obvious that she has great patience.

In order to speed up the progress, the person in charge of the Chinese region of the piano store had informed the crew early in the morning that the studio would only be rented to the crew for one day. Zhao Rang was also very strict with his requirements, so in order to avoid not being able to finish the filming, the group did not even have time to eat lunch at noon.

But Jiang Se did not look bitter. What Zhao Rang liked most was that he was extremely demanding and had a bad attitude at work. While everyone in the crew was a little panicked, Jiang Se was able to withstand the pressure. In fact, the stricter he was, the better she completed the tasks assigned to her.

She was not easily crushed by the pressure, but instead faced the challenges head-on. With such good looks, Zhao Rang was really optimistic about her.

"I don't have any plans for now. I plan to study first."

Jiang Se watched the screen until his own clip finished playing, and then Cui Xing's clip started playing.

She had her back to Cui Xing at the time and could not see what was happening behind Cui Xing, so she could only guess based on Zhao Rang's reaction.

Although Jiang Se had seen Cui Xing show his skills before, he was still a little surprised to see him really bring to life a young man from a poor family but with dreams.

Cui Xing seemed like a different person in the play. He seemed to have become the real Li Qingyang, who was inferior, sensitive and a little introverted.

I have longed to play the piano and become a pianist since I was a child, but I could not realize my dream because of family reasons.

Li Qingyang was a little uneasy when he entered the mall to deliver the goods, and Cui Xing performed the subtle psychological activities very well.

His eyebrows and eyelashes are full of drama, and every slight frown and pursed lip movement carries the unique flavor of Li Qingyang in the play.

"It's good to be able to calm down and learn something." Zhao Rang nodded when he heard Jiang Se's answer, then turned his head and asked, "You also saw Cui Xing's performance, what do you want to say?"

She was not timid when Zhao Rang asked her questions, but smiled and said:

"I was reminded of what Gu Jiaer said. He once said that a truly good actor serves the film, rather than letting the film add glory to him. Xingge acted very well."

Zhao Rang agreed with him: "Gu Jiaer is right, but many actors can no longer be called actors at this time. At best, they are just stars. I have been in this circle for many years and have seen a lot. The number of stars I have worked with is more than three digits. The audience is the most forgetful. The phenomenon of idol renewal in the entertainment industry is too frequent. If someone is popular this year, there will always be someone similar next year. Generation after generation, the useless old waves will always die on the beach."

He doesn't talk much normally and his accent is hard to detect.

After talking for a few more sentences, one could hear the unique accent of Cantonese mixed in with the Chinese language, which made Jiang Se want to laugh.

"But time only remembers real actors, not celebrity idols." Seeing that Jiang Se looked relaxed and not tense when facing him, he also laughed:

"Gu Jiaer is telling you this, obviously he thinks highly of you." He thought for a moment and gave some advice: "After the movie is released, don't just sign with an agency and rush to take on a bunch of roles. The Film and Television Academy has a rule that freshmen and sophomores cannot take on roles." At this point, he asked again:

"You're applying to the Film and Television Academy, right?"

After all, Jiang Se's looks are a gift from God, and she intends to develop in the entertainment industry, so it is natural that she should apply to a film and television academy.

Zhao Rang didn't even think about it in other ways. He asked this question just because he mentioned it casually. He didn't expect Jiang Se to have any other answer.

But Jiang Se heard what he said and shook his head:

"I'm applying to the No. 1 institution. As for the others, I haven't decided yet."

Her words startled Zhao Rang and he turned around.

"The first school?"

Although Zhao Rang had a different opinion of Jiang Se, he did not expect her to have such good results.

The First Academy is the highest academy in China, and those who can enter the First Academy are the top elite students.

Students who graduate from the top universities are highly regarded no matter what industry they are in.

There are countless stars of all sizes in the entertainment industry, but most of them graduated from well-known domestic film and television academies or art schools. There are also some highly educated academic masters, but they are rare.

Zhao Rang really didn't expect that the newcomer joining the crew this time would be a student from the First Academy.

If she graduates from the top institution of higher learning, it will become a golden signboard for her in the future.

"It's rare." Zhao Rang praised, and this time when he looked at Jiang Se, his eyes were a little gentler than before: "Since this is not a film and television academy, there are not so many rules for accepting roles. Leave your phone number to Xiao Qin later. I will call you if there is a suitable role in the future."

He made a phone call gesture and mentioned his assistant Xiao Qin. Regardless of whether Zhao Rang was just being polite or not, Jiang Se still appreciated the favor.

As they were talking, Cui Xing had already changed his clothes and removed his makeup and came out. His assistant followed behind him and when he saw Zhao Rang, he whispered a few words to Cui Xing.

Cui Xing walked over and glanced at Jiang Se. Zhao Rang was talking to him, so Jiang Se naturally couldn't stay any longer.

After leaving his phone number with Xiao Qin, Jiang Se was about to leave when a woman in a black business suit hesitated for a moment and reached out to stop Jiang Se.

"Ms. Jiang."

After spending a day on the set today, Jiang Se recognized that this woman should be one of the management of the piano store. She was in the store all day to check the progress of the filming to prevent the crew from damaging the pianos.

But she didn't talk much. Most of the time she spent the whole day quietly watching the crew filming with the piano store staff, and she didn't make a sound to disrupt the filming process.

Occasionally, he whispered to others and did not show any special closeness to Jiang Se, but now he reached out to stop Jiang Se. Jiang Se was a little confused:


The woman was wearing a white silk round-neck shirt. The air conditioner was on in the mall, and she was wearing a black suit jacket, which made her look very elegant. (To be continued)