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Chapter 44: contradiction


"My last name is Guo, and this is my business card." She took a business card from her handbag and handed it to Jiang Se:

"Mr. Chapman's assistant."

Jiang Se took the business card. It had the words "Guo Qiong" written on it, and other than that there was just a cell phone number.

But Jiang Se knew the 'Chapman' she mentioned. It was the last name of the president of Piano China.

Although Feng Nan knew the name of the person in charge of the Chinese region, she had never dealt with him before. She looked at the business card and guessed Guo Qiong's intention of stopping her.

"You haven't signed a contract with an agency yet, right?"

This young woman who already holds an important position smiled and extended her hand to Jiang Se:

"I watched the play you filmed today, and I think it goes well with the piano in our house."

The meaning of her words touched Jiang Se's heart, and he shook hands with her.

"As far as I know, Steinay has not hired any celebrities or spokespeople to endorse its pianos."

Guo Qiong smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's because we have always been committed to the fact that Steinay represents music, not a specific person. Whether it is a pianist or a farmer, when they sit in front of the piano in our house, it represents that they are connected with the most perfect and elegant music in the world."

What's more, Steinay's pianos are world-famous, so there is no need for endorsements.

"But there is an old saying in China that everything is possible." Guo Qiong spread his hands and looked at Jiang Se: "You have an elegant temperament, and the picture of you playing the piano is beautiful."

Jiang Se in front of him had a special temperament. No matter before or after styling, even the most picky person could not find any flaws on her beautiful face.

You can feel this more directly when you look closely. The corners of her eyes are slightly raised, and when she looks at people intently, she looks a bit coquettish, but her temperament is cool and clean, and she can transform this coquettishness into charm very well. Even women seem to be attracted to her when they look at her.

"Would you mind leaving me a phone number?"

Guo Qiong held her handbag and asked with a smile.

Jiang Se certainly would not refuse this good opportunity that came to his doorstep. Steinay pianos never use spokespersons and have always had a special status in the piano world.

Even though Jiang Se didn't have much interest in the entertainment industry, this opportunity was different. Although Guo Qiong only proposed such a seemingly good opportunity, Jiang Se was still willing to seize it.

She exchanged phone numbers with Guo Qiong, collected Guo Qiong's business card, and then parted ways with Guo Qiong.

When Jiang Se left the mall, Cui Xing and Zhao Rang had just finished their conversation.

The crew had almost packed up their equipment and were working with the people at the music store to sort out the aftermath. Cui Xing looked around, and his assistant guessed what he was thinking:

"Brother Xing, the newcomer has left."

The newcomer to the crew is beautiful, and everyone knows that people love beauty. Cui Xing is also a man, so it is inevitable that he would be interested.

"Do you want me to leave a phone number?"

The assistant asked cautiously, Cui Xing frowned and shook his head:

"Forget it. The 99th Love Letter will enter its promotional period in a few months."

In this drama, he played the role of Li Qingyang who fell in love with the "goddess" in the play, but finally chose to be with the person who silently waited for him.

Although Jiang Se is indeed beautiful outside the play, the heroine of the crew is someone else after all.

Although Cui Xing felt it was a pity, he still took out his sunglasses and put them on:

"During the promotion period, the company might ask me to cooperate and create a scandal with Zhu Pan, but forget it, so as to avoid attracting too much media coverage, which would not be worth the loss."

It was already eight o'clock when Jiang Se came out of the mall. It was just getting dark outside, and the lights from the big shops on both sides of the street made the street colorful.

She hadn't eaten for the whole day, so she was actually very hungry, but she was just forcing herself to eat when she was in the mall.

She knew that there were several famous restaurants in this area, and the food was delicious. Unfortunately, she touched the bank card in her wallet, so she had to endure her hunger and found a dessert shop to buy two loaves of bread. She ate them in the shop before getting on the subway.

When I got home, the Du family had already finished dinner.

Du You and Du Honghong, brother and sister, were sitting in the living room watching TV. Du Changqun's mother was in poor health and went to bed early.

The sound of water coming from the bathroom, Zhou Hui was cleaning the room.

When Zhou Hui heard Jiang Se coming back, she looked up at her and greeted her:

"Sese, help me take out the trash." She collected the trash in the house, put it into a bag, and placed it on the side of the sofa.

The two siblings in front of the TV turned a deaf ear to Zhou Hui's words. They were arguing about which channel to watch.

Jiang Se picked up the garbage bag, which was a transparent vest bag given when buying vegetables at the market. In addition to a small amount of household garbage, there seemed to be something else in it, like a folded cardboard, the corners of which had torn the bag.

She weighed the bag, and after the garbage on top was shaken away, the contents underneath were revealed.

It was a courier folder for documents, which had been stained by some garbage. The recipient's information was facing up, and it clearly read Jiang Se.

Perhaps he had not fully adapted to the new life since his rebirth, so Jiang Se did not take Du Honghong's provocation or Du Changqun's cold face seriously. He always felt that these things had little to do with him and he was not angry.

But when she saw the express delivery, her brows suddenly frowned.

She suppressed her nausea and reached into the trash bag to pick up the package.

The express package had been torn open, and the words "First University" were printed on the express folder.

Without looking at what was inside, Jiang Se knew that this was the admission notice from the First Institution.

“Who took down my stuff?”

She threw the garbage bag to the ground and took out the crumpled notice from the express delivery.

Fortunately, although the notice was crumpled, it was not torn. She flattened the notice. Zhou Huizheng took the broom, frowned, and looked at Jiang Se in a somewhat helpless manner.

“Who threw my stuff?”

No one spoke in the room, so Jiang Se asked again.

Du Honghong stopped fighting with Du You for the remote control panel, looking a little guilty.

"Let's talk outside."

Zhou Hui stopped what she was doing and tried to pull her daughter over: "You know the situation at home. It's useless to accept this thing. Honghong and Youyou still have to go to school..."

"I told you I will pay for my college tuition myself."

Jiang Se folded up the smoothed notice and did not put it back into the courier folder. She suppressed her displeasure:

"You should have asked me before you opened the package. Whether or not I want to study is my own business and I should make the decision by myself." (To be continued)