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Chapter 45: Rent a house


Perhaps it had been a long time since she saw her daughter talking back to her like this. Zhou Hui bit her upper lip, somewhat confused as to why her daughter was so angry.

Du Honghong in the room turned her head to look outside from time to time, with a guilty look on her face.

Jiang Se remembered that the last time her head teacher confirmed her application with her, she clearly asked for the notification letter to be left at school. How come she was at the Du family now

"Why is this in the house?"

Zhou Hui sighed: "The school called your uncle Du before and told you to go to the school to pick it up. A classmate from your class went back to school this afternoon and picked it up."

In fact, the call had already happened for several days, but Du Changqun ignored it. As a result, someone from Jiang Se's class brought it back to her today.

Jiang Se then remembered that the phone number left by her school teacher had always been the Du family's. After she bought a mobile phone, she forgot to leave her mobile phone number at school.

I've been busy with filming recently, so I put this matter aside.

Zhou Hui looked at her daughter's face and advised:

"Your Uncle Du never went to college, but isn't he living well now, with a family and a career?" She didn't mention who threw away the admission letter: "What's more, you can't even support yourself, and now you still live in Du's house, how do you pay for tuition?"

Jiang Se was silent for a while and made up his mind:

"I'm going to go out and look for a house tomorrow and move out temporarily." School will start in about a month, and she has 15,000 yuan in her bank account. The crew still has more than 30,000 yuan in unpaid pay. According to the contract signed with the crew, the pay will be settled after the film is completed.

The crew of "Fake It, Fake It" has just started filming, but Zhao Rang's film is nearing completion and he will be able to get paid by the end of August at the latest.

It is actually not convenient to live in Du's house. If Jiang Se has to audition again in August, he will have to leave early and come back late, so it is better to rent a house.

Zhou Hui was startled. Seeing that she didn't look like she was joking, she wanted to persuade her, but finally remembered Du Changqun's recent cold face and didn't say anything to keep her.

After she made up her mind, she didn't hesitate and got up early the next day.

Because of the notice incident yesterday, Zhou Hui looked a little embarrassed when she looked at her and did not greet her.

Since he decided to rent a house, Jiang Se naturally would not consider the houses around the Du family.

There are a lot of flyers posted around here, but most of the houses are decades old and not very convenient to get in and out of.

What's more, there is no property management in this residential area, and it is not safe to go home too late at night. Anyway, she has to spend money, so she simply found an agency. She estimated that she would leave about 7,000 to 8,000 yuan for tuition, and planned to set the initial budget for renting a house at around 7,000 yuan.

She didn't ask for much. It was impossible to restore Feng Nan's quality of life to what it was before under the current circumstances, but she required a safe community environment and responsible property management.

As for the location, Jiang Se didn't have much money, so he naturally didn't think about the city center.

The agent found a residential community based on her requirements.

It was invested and built by Yunfeng Enterprise, a well-known domestic real estate company. This community basically consists of small apartments, most of which were bought by others for investment and rented out after simple decoration.

The agent took Jiang Se to see the house. The house was located on the eleventh floor and was not very large, only about twenty square meters. However, although it was small, it had everything it needed.

There is a toilet and a kitchen inside, and the landlord also bought furniture to fit in.

The bed is next to the bay window. There is a rack above the bay window for drying clothes, and a small sofa is placed next to the bed.

Although there was no TV in the house, the landlord moved an old computer in.

"The landlord is in a hurry to rent out the house. Although the room is small, the community is not far from the subway station. Because the community is newly built, the occupancy rate is not high, and the property management is also very responsible, which meets your requirement of quietness. In addition, the house has been renovated, so you can move in with your luggage." The agent is a young man with a crew cut. He was a little shy when talking to Jiang Se, and turned his head from time to time to look at her face:

"You have also seen the community environment. I have just contacted the landlord. As long as you are willing to sign the contract, the landlord agrees that you can temporarily pay only one month's rent, and the deposit can also be paid later." He pointed to the computer in the house: "The house is connected to the Internet cable. If you want to use it, just call and activate it."

After introducing the situation, the agent finally couldn't help it:

"Excuse me, are you a celebrity?"

Jiang Se smiled and did not answer him.

This house is indeed much better than the room she lives in at the Du family.

Although the monthly rent is two thousand five hundred, the house looks very clean and comfortable, probably because it has not been rented out yet after being renovated.

As soon as the window was opened, the wind blew in. Although the distance between the buildings was not far, Jiang Se thought about it and decided to sign the contract.

The landlord required a lease of at least six months. With the help of the agent, she could pay one month's rent first and then pay the remaining rent and deposit after August.

But even so, the agency fees and rent still took up one-third of Jiang Se's current savings.

After swiping the card, there was only 10,000 yuan left in the bank card.

Although it cost money, at least I feel much more comfortable after moving out of the Du family. Even if I find a new film contract in the future and have to go out early and come back late, I won't be unable to go home.

Jiang Se comforted himself that "The 99th Love Letter" should be finished soon and he should get paid soon. Thinking of this, Jiang Se felt much better when he looked at the balance of text messages on his phone.

When everything was done, it was already past three in the afternoon, so she planned to go back to Du's house to pack up her things and move in.

She didn't have much stuff. Apart from a few sets of clothes, she had some posters and some head ornaments and beads bought by little girls.

These things were originally bought by Jiang Se. She didn't have much pocket money, and the things she bought were not very good. She put them in a box and placed it next to the bed.

After Jiang Se was reborn, he had never touched these things. When moving, he hesitated for a moment, but packed up all the things.

When she picked up her things and left, Zhou Hui was talking to a neighbor outside. When the neighbor saw Jiang Se coming out, he smiled and greeted her:

"Sese is going out?"

Jiang Se nodded, Zhou Hui looked at the bag in her hand and finally lowered her head.

The rent money had been spent. Jiang Se glanced at the computer in the room, hesitated for a moment, and still made a phone call to activate the Internet cable.

Since her rebirth, she seems to have been isolated from the world. She uses the oldest model of mobile phone, has not been online for a long time, and only occasionally hears about some news from others.

She also wanted to search online to see if there were any new developments in the Feng family of Zhongnan Industry. (To be continued)