Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 62: Tangled


Hou Xiling is an old-school traditional writer who is already old. Because he also graduated from the top university, he was invited back to his alma mater to give a speech as an honorary alumnus, which left a deep impression on Jiang Se.

He is a rigorous and serious person. The several works he published are very profound and can dig deep into human nature.

The characters created by Hou Xiling, even if they are insignificant supporting roles, have different souls.

After listening to Hou Xiling's speech, Jiang Se remembered that he later bought several of his books to read. His books have his own personal style, but most people may not be able to calm down and appreciate the stories in his works.

Perhaps for this reason, Hou Xiling produced fewer works in his later years. Unexpectedly, he has already entered the entertainment industry and worked as a film screenwriter.

When Jiang Se saw that the screenwriter was Hou Xiling, she took on the show out of trust in this senior who came from a top university.

In fact, in this drama, the only choice Lin Xiwen gave was to play a socialite who dealt with men. If it were the Feng Nan of the past, he probably would never have thought that he would one day consider entering the entertainment industry, let alone playing such a role.

When Assistant Li saw Jiang Se's actions, his brows slightly frowned.

She has a cool temperament and elegant and natural manners. She comes from a good family and is well-educated. This can be seen from her conversation. She is not very suitable for the role of "Doukou" in "Beijing Events".

Jiang Se looks like a lady from a noble family. No one would associate her with a woman who entertains guests and deals with men. She doesn't have that kind of vulgarity, and she doesn't have any depravity or dark side.

When this role was first arranged for her, it was purely because Gu Jiaer emphasized the special beauty of this newcomer when he called.

In "Beijing Events", the character "Doukou" happens to be an extremely beautiful woman, so when Assistant Li was instructing the people in the company, he also included this role in the script and gave it to Jiang Se to choose.

"Miss Jiang, I personally think that with your temperament and beauty, you will have no problem playing the roles of Chang'e and the Seven Fairies." She took another look at "Peking Events" and said hesitantly:

"After meeting, I think you are more suitable for the role in "Erlang Shen Quells the Chaos on Earth"."

Before Jiang Se could say anything after she finished speaking, Assistant Li's cell phone suddenly rang.

Assistant Li showed an apologetic smile on his face, made a pause gesture, then stood up and answered the phone.

"Mr. Lin."

She walked out of the living room and called out the three words "Mr. Lin". Jiang Se wondered if it was Lin Xiwen who called.

Assistant Li was standing in the outer room. The reception room was separated by transparent glass. Jiang Se could see the scene outside. She noticed that Assistant Li, who was on the phone, frowned and looked a little embarrassed.

She seemed to speak in a low voice, with a somewhat conflicted expression.

Jiang Se guessed that if the call was from Lin Xiwen, then Assistant Li's expression at this moment might be related to him.

Her eyes fell on the script in her hand again. Assistant Li could probably see that she was more interested in "The Great Event in Peking" than "Erlang Shen Quells the Rebellion on Earth".

If Lin Xiwen said something that made Assistant Li feel a little embarrassed, it should be related to the character of "Doukou" in "Beijing Events".

While picking up the script, she was thinking about how to convince Shangjia Company if she wanted to take on the role.

For Jiang Se, playing the role of a "socialite" is not only a challenge to her acting skills, but also a challenge to her previous views and ideas. She needs to overcome a lot.

'Doukou' appears relatively early in "Beijing Events". She first appears in the most famous and largest opera house on Tianqiao Street, watching the performances of famous actors on the stage.

The script describes her at that time as having a charming look in her beauty, without any seductive air, and with a hint of melancholy between her eyebrows.

When she appeared for the second time, she was already dealing with men, welcoming and seeing them off in order to survive in that war-torn era.

When she flirted with men, she did so with purpose and desire, but she liked to go to the Liyuan on Tianqiao Street on the seventh of every month and listen to opera quietly for a whole day.

In Peking, she is a notorious woman, but she also has a complex side.

Jiang Se had just turned a few pages of the script, but already some clues about Doukou's life were revealed.

This is exactly Hou Xiling's writing style, starting with subtle characters and writing different stories for each person.

So far, although Jiang Se has certain prejudices about the setting of "Doukou", generally speaking, the script written by Hou Xiling is indeed extraordinary. She has developed some interest in the role of "Doukou" in "Beijing Events".

Assistant Li outside finished his call and came in with a hesitant expression. He thought for a moment and sat down, looking at Jiang Se with some apology:

"I'm sorry Miss Jiang. Because of my mistake, Director Lin said that there is already a suitable candidate for the role of 'Doukou' in 'Beijing Events'."

If Assistant Li had previously looked at Jiang Se with some scrutiny and as a close employee of Lin Xiwen, spoke politely with a bit of alienation, now because of the unexpected incident involving her character, her attitude softened a lot.

Especially when Jiang Se was obviously more interested in "Beijing Events" than "Erlang Shen Quelling the Chaos in the World", and the negligence was on the part of Shangjia Company, she touched her ear uncomfortably:

"If you choose 'Erlang Shen: Calming Down the Chaos on Earth', we can discuss the pay in more detail. After all, the blunder in this matter was caused by my mistake."

There were two meanings in her words. One was that if Jiang Se was willing to act in "Erlang Shen Quells the Rebellion in the World" this time, then the remuneration should be higher than when he was filming "The Ninety-Nineth Love Letter" in Zhao Rang's crew. She meant to use the remuneration to calm the situation.

The second is that Gu Jiaer's phone call is indeed very important. I'm afraid that the two directors, Lin Xiwen and Gu Jiaer, have a private agreement to discuss.

It is very likely that because Jiang Se is obedient and sensible, Gu Jiaer paid some price or made some promise when he was trying to get her a role in Lin Xiwen's movie, which led to Lin Xiwen's Shangjia Entertainment offering three roles for Jiang Se to choose from.

After telling Jiang Se that Lin Xiwen already had a favorite candidate in "Beijing Events", he was willing to pay certain conditions to let Jiang Se play such a role. (To be continued)