Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 64: consider


Lin Xiwen has been making films for several years, and although the Shangjia Company he founded has made money in recent years, it has lacked a good reputation.

Compared with directors like Gu Jiaer and Zhao Rang, he always lacked awards and market appeal, so Lin Xiwen put a lot of effort in the early stage of "Beijing Events".

Just asking Hou Xiling to come out and write the script himself, the effort and time he spent has far exceeded that of "Erlang Shen Quells the Rebellion in the Human World", not to mention the financial investment.

In this "Beijing Events", one of the conditions that Lin Xiwen had for inviting Hou Xiling was that Hou Xiling had absolute say in the film.

Assistant Li mentioned that Lin Xiwen attached great importance to this play. This was not an exaggeration. Lin Xiwen intended to use this movie, Hou Xiling's connections, and his influence in the literary circle to enter "Peking Events" into next year's Hundred Flowers Art Awards and win a big prize to enhance his influence.

Hou Xiling really likes the readers who admire him.

At present, although Lin Xiwen prefers Ye Yingfei for the role of "Doukou" in "Beijing Events", they are indeed in negotiation.

But if Jiang Se was Hou Xiling's reader, if she was interested in competing for the role of "Doukou", this alone would not give her hope.

If she could really please Hou Xiling and get his support, maybe Hou Xiling would help Lin Xiwen a little more during the movie promotion period in the future.

Thinking of this, Assistant Li first gave Jiang Se some information, but at the end he said:

"But I can't guarantee it. I can only say that I will try my best to tell Director Lin about it."

Jiang Se was very satisfied to get such a response from her, so he naturally thanked her:

"Thank you, Assistant Li."

She laughed, but felt a little confused:

"But to be honest, Miss Jiang, your temperament doesn't match the 'Doukou' in 'Beijing Events'. Why did you choose this role?"

Jiang Se's temperament is such that people who have met her will not associate her with a woman of pleasure with heavy makeup. She is more like a well-educated lady. In fact, the fairy-like Chang'e and the Seven Fairies in "Erlang Shen Quells the Rebellion in the World" are more suitable for her.

No acting skills are needed, she just shows her face and does the job effortlessly.

What's more, when Lin Xiwen called earlier, he also mentioned the issue of pay. The number is definitely enough to make a young girl excited.

But she was not tempted at all, nor attracted by the amount of lines of the two characters in "Erlang Shen Quells the Rebellion on Earth", which really surprised Assistant Li.

"To be honest, among the three characters, 'Doukou' has the least amount of exposure."

Jiang Se looked at Assistant Li and replied with a smile:

"I am very grateful to Director Lin for giving me this opportunity. Not to mention that I have great confidence in Mr. Hou's work, among the three roles, Chang'e and the Seven Fairies have been adapted for the big screen many times before. Many predecessors have interpreted these two roles in Chinese mythology in different ways. I am just a newcomer, and it is difficult for me to make breakthroughs in my performance compared to my predecessors."

What she said once again surprised Assistant Li.

Jiang Se doesn't look very old, but she is very thoughtful in what she says and does, and there is nothing wrong with her answer.

After chatting for a while, Assistant Li checked the time:

"I have a meeting at 2:50. Miss Jiang, it's really nice to chat with you today."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and said, "You can take the two movie materials back and think about them carefully for now, but I hope you don't leak them out. After all, the filming hasn't started yet."

Jiang Se naturally stood up and agreed to Assistant Li's request immediately:

"Of course, Ms. Li, please rest assured."

The two exchanged a few polite words before Assistant Li turned and left.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when Jiang Se came out of Shangjia Company holding two books of movie information.

Anyway, she had no classes today, Thursday afternoon, and her first class tomorrow morning would be late, so she just took the two folders and went back to the rental house first.

At the moment, she is really short of money. Jiang Se thought about it for two days and decided to still rent the house. However, once the rent is paid, she will not have much money left.

However, she was not planning to take on the role of "Erlang Shen Quells the Rebellion on Earth". After returning home, she flipped through the script first, then put the information about this play aside and picked up the information about "The Great Event in Peking" instead.

Previously, when she was at Shangjia Company, she only casually flipped through two pages and didn't read much.

Now that she had some time, she poured herself a cup of water, changed her clothes, climbed onto the bed, and opened the script while leaning against the window.

The character 'Doukou' is a villain in "Beijing Events".

In the script, Hou Xiling used a flashback technique for this character. When she first appeared, the scene started with a delicate woman quietly listening to opera in the Liyuan on Tianqiao Street in Peking, leaving people with a somewhat melancholy impression of her. Then when she appeared again, she was already in a place of entertainment.

The way she laughed and cursed with men in the brothels was completely different from the way she acted when she listened to opera in the Liyuan Theater on Tianqiao Street.

At the beginning of the play, 'Cardamom' leaves a complex impression.

This character has a strong personal style of Hou Xiling. She is quiet at the beginning, but when she appears later, she has become the woman of the villain warlord An Jiuyu in the play.

An Jiuyu is nearly twenty years older than her, and the two are not a good match in terms of appearance or age.

But Doukou is completely devoted to An Jiuyu. Just because the hero Xiao Zi accidentally said that she is a fallen woman, she helps An Jiuyu to oppose the hero Xiao Zi everywhere, and is ruthless and merciless.

He nearly put Xiao Zi to death several times, but he showed mercy and let Xiao Zi escape several times.

In the script, she is beautiful but vicious, and she suppresses Xiao Zi severely.

Hou Xiling wrote this section very well. His many years of accumulated writing skills made people feel as if they were watching a movie when reading the script, and he captured the bleak atmosphere of the war-torn era very well.

Although there was chaos and war outside, many people in Beijing's upper class were still obsessed with luxury and decadence, unaware that the country's destruction was about to come and they were only concerned with enjoying the pleasures of the moment.

The relationship between the male protagonist Xiao Zi and the female protagonist Hongdou, the beauty and cruelty of Doukou, and the treachery of An Jiuyu are vividly portrayed on the paper.

Jiang Se put the script aside temporarily, drank some water to moisten his throat, and then picked up the script again.

According to the script, Xiao Zi finally caught An Jiuyu and captured this national parasite. Naturally, An Jiuyu's woman Doukou could not escape either.

In the script, Hou Xiling wrote:

'Xiao Zi looked at this fickle woman with some disgust and scolded her with disdain:

"Although you were born in the dust, you shouldn't make the same mistake again and again, helping An Jiuyu to commit atrocities and bring chaos to China." (To be continued)