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Chapter 65: Cardamom


When Xiao Zi entered the An family, many people in the An family had already received the news and had already run away.

The once huge An Mansion is now much quieter, but this cruel and vicious woman did not run away. She just lay quietly on the beauty's chair, humming "Song of the Chaste Wife" and gently clapping her hands. The dark gold embroidered cheongsam set off her extremely white skin and long legs.

Even though Xiao Zi hated this woman to the core, he couldn't help but feel moved when he saw her. His face turned red and he lowered his head.'

The description in this paragraph uses Xiaozi's mouth and eyes to highlight Doukou's cruelty and beauty.

Jiang Se could almost imagine that the An family had fallen, An Jiuyu's power had been eliminated by Xiao Zi, Doukou had lost her backer, Xiao Zi led his men into the An Mansion, and Doukou was humming a tune while lying on the beauty's back.

'Her tone was gentle, and Xiao Zi heard that she was singing the Peking Opera "Song of the Chaste Wife". He felt a little contemptuous in his heart, and some clues showed on his face.

"You look down on me, but what do you think of your wife?" As if sensing Xiao Zi's gaze, Doukou slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were a little melancholy, sad, and a bit sarcastic.

Xiao Zi said without hesitation: "My wife is naturally different from you."

The script Jiang Se got was not complete. It only contained Doukou's scenes. Many scenes about the male and female protagonists in the early and middle stages were not released by Shangjia Company.

She continued reading and saw the following line in the script: "After hearing what Xiao Zi said, Doukou couldn't help but laugh."

"You think I don't know how to love myself and am a broken woman, but you don't know that I also came from a clean family. If my family had not been broken up and my parents were still alive, why would I have to leave my hometown to look for my fiancé?" She smiled miserably, with sorrow in her eyes, but she couldn't shed a single tear.

"I didn't want to fall into prostitution. I tried my best to fight it, but I couldn't stand the way of this world." Xiao Zi looked at her with some contempt, as if this woman of An Jiuyu was still trying to find an excuse to escape before she died.

"What nonsense!" He thought of his wife Hongdou, who was gentle and virtuous. They met, got to know each other, fell in love, and finally stayed together. She never succumbed to fate, like a cardamom, rotting in the mud.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zi's original admiration for Doukou turned into disgust.

He didn't speak.

The corners of Doukou's mouth twitched, as if she wanted to say something but stopped herself. She supported her body with her snow-white arms and slowly sat up:

"Your original name shouldn't be Xiao Zi, right?"

Her words startled Xiao Zi greatly. A look of vigilance appeared on his face, and he subconsciously took a step back:

"Who are you?"'

This scene is the climax of the whole play "Peking Events". Xiao Zi captured An Jiuyu alive, and then captured Doukou, the woman who once made him lose face. Hou Xiling's script is as restrained and introverted as his usual style.

Restraint in the early stage is for the outbreak in the later stage.

When Doukou asked about Xiaozi's background and revealed her own identity, the overall image of Doukou in the play was enriched.

She came from a scholarly family and was engaged to Xiao Zi since childhood. Xiao Zi was determined to serve his country. He left home at an early age to join the new government and work hard for the country.

When the Japanese invasion broke out, her parents refused to become traitors and died under the invaders' gunfire.

She was a weak woman who left her hometown in such a chaotic world and wanted to go to Peking to find her fiancé, but because of the evil people, she was forcibly abducted.

Under the circumstances at that time, she experienced many beatings and tortures, but she did not give in. It was not until she was raped that she finally learned how to protect herself.

An Jiuyu was an unforgivable criminal in the eyes of the world, but he was her savior who pulled her out of the mud.

She recognized Xiao Zi, but unfortunately he left home early and already had a lover, so Xiao Zi had forgotten her long ago.

What she found most ironic was that Xiao Zi's wife, who always claimed to be untainted by the mud, was once abducted into prostitution just like her.

But Xiao Zi's wife was luckier than her and was rescued by Xiao Zi early on.

But she was unlucky and ended up like this.

She tried to capture Xiao Zi several times, wanting to kill him, but she also let Xiao Zi go several times. This was because the hatred and love in her heart were entangled together, and even she couldn't explain it clearly.

When Xiao Zi defended his wife Hongdou in front of her, this woman, who was considered cruel and ruthless in Xiao Zi's eyes, pursed her lips and did not reveal the origin of Hongdou.

Hou Xiling's description of Doukou in the script is as follows:

'She thought, she had already ended up like this, why should she cause trouble for him and his wife and make others suffer? '

At this moment, the character of "Doukou" in "Beijing Events" suddenly came to life. She is vicious and cruel, but it is because she has experienced drastic changes in her life and suffered harm from others.

She came from a scholarly family and went to the Liyuan Opera House on Tianqiao Street to listen to opera on the seventh of every month because her family members died in the gunfire on March 7th.

When she changed her name to Doukou, she abandoned her previous self, which was also an escapist attitude, revealing her deep-seated fear.

She dealt with men because she was polished by life after she encountered misfortune and learned to protect herself.

She devoted herself to An Jiuyu, and even though everyone despised him, she never left him, and was willing to stay with him in the An Mansion. Even though she knew there was no way out, she was determined not to leave, because An Jiuyu had reached out and pulled her out of the quagmire when she was at her worst.

Xiao Zi called her "shameless". When she was about to be arrested, she sang "Song of the Chaste Wife". When she denounced Xiao Zi, she believed that she was not born a ghost, but that this world forced her to become a ghost.

In the end, she still didn't point out Mrs. Xiaozi's background, which was enough to show the kindness and weakness in the heart of this "cruel and ruthless" "bad woman".

The character of "Doukou" is very complicated. She keeps both love and hate in her heart and cannot tell them to outsiders.

When she saw Xiao Zi, she felt love and hate for him, with a hint of fear. She would rather he thought that he was dead, but she didn't want him to know that his fiancée was still alive and was no longer as pure as he imagined.

The cardamom described by Hou Xiling, even though her body is polluted by the world, her soul remains pure from beginning to end.

In the end, she did not tell Xiao Zi the truth, so the regret was buried with her death, and Xiao Zi did not have to worry about her and feel guilty about her for the rest of his life.

At the end of the script, 'She had expected from the beginning that An Jiuyu would not be able to escape, and she was not prepared to live alone.

The reason why she held on so hard was that she wanted to see Xiao Zi, but what should she say when she saw him? She had waited countless times to meet Xiao Zi, but every time she always felt that there was something she hadn't said, and she felt a little regretful.

But at this moment, she suddenly realized that she had nothing to say when facing Xiao Zi.'

'Xiao Zi glanced at the dead Doukou. This woman had once played with him, but now she fell on the beauty's back, without a sound. '(To be continued)