Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 66: Turnaround


The sun was setting in the west, and the afterglow of the sunset fell on the window. The water in the cup had been added twice, but Jiang Se was still leaning against the window and didn't want to move.

The complexity of this role is not comparable to the three dramas she had filmed before. In fact, for her who has no acting experience, it is not an easy thing to do.

However, the character of Doukou was written with great depth by Hou Xiling. For an actor, it is a big challenge to bring her to life and perform the role of Doukou as written by Hou Xiling.

At this point, she was even more attracted to the role of "Doukou".

It’s a pity that Lin Xiwen already has a suitable candidate in mind, but he doesn’t know how the contact is going.

When she talked with Assistant Li today, although she had tried to get the role, Assistant Li was only hesitant at the time and was willing to express his opinion of liking Hou Xiling's work to Lin Xiwen. It is still unknown who will play the role in the end.

At this time, her weakness was revealed.

Although Gu Jiaer and Lin Xiwen have a certain friendship, Gu Jiaer may not be willing to call Lin Xiwen again and again for a newcomer like her. At this time, all she can do is wait for news.

Jiang Se had not had a deep understanding of the acting industry before her rebirth, but what Gu Jiaer, Zhao Rang and she had said before had a profound impact on her.

To play different characters, you have to put yourself into the role.

In the movie, she is no longer Jiang Se, but a character in the movie, whose mood fluctuates with the plot.

Many newcomers may not understand this sentence, but Jiang Se does.

This feeling is very similar to her current situation, as if she was reborn and lived a different life with a new identity.

She couldn't help but take out the script and read it again. This time, she had more thoughts about "Beijing Events".

After waiting for a week without receiving a call from Shangjia Company, Jiang Se was already wondering whether the role of "Doukou" had been decided. But on Friday, when she was attending a tea culture club activity, her cell phone finally rang.

When the three words "Ms. Li" appeared on the phone, Jiang Se quickly answered the call.

She had been waiting for this call for several days, and she was feeling a little excited. As soon as she heard the call, she felt happy:

"Hello, Ms. Li."

"Ms. Jiang, do you remember that the last time we met, you talked about your interest in the role of 'Doukou' in 'Beijing Events'?"

Assistant Li really brought good news. Her question indicated that Lin Xiwen was not having success in contacting Ye Yingfei, and that what she had mentioned before about Hou Xiling's work really worked.

Jiang Se quickly spoke:

"Of course I remember. I remember you mentioned at the time, Ms. Li, that Director Lin was interested in contacting Senior Ye."

Assistant Li laughed when he heard this:

"That was originally the case, but unfortunately, Ye Yingfei's company rejected the role."

She sighed. Perhaps because she had a very good impression of Jiang Se during the interview at Shangjia Company that day, she made an exception and said a few more words:

"Ye Yingfei has always been a sexy actress. She has played prostitutes several times in her acting career. Huaxing Company thought she needed a breakthrough instead of taking the same role every time, so they rejected "Beijing Events"."

At this point, she couldn't help but say:

"After all, not every star knows as much about Teacher Hou as Miss Jiang does."

When Jiang Se heard that Ye Yingfei had rejected "Beijing Events", he knew that he had a better chance. Now that director Lin Xiwen had lost Ye Yingfei, as long as he worked hard, he would have a great chance of taking on the role of 'Doukou' in "Beijing Events".

"Teacher Hou's work is great. I've read the script several times in the past few days." When she spoke, several students in the Tea Culture Club looked up at her. Jiang Se stood up, found an empty corner, and said with a smile:

"It's such a pity that Senior Ye didn't take on this role."

Assistant Li exchanged a few pleasantries with her, then asked:

"Then Miss Jiang, are you interested in the role of 'Doukou'?" She paused for a moment, "I mentioned to Director Lin a few days ago that you have read Teacher Hou's works and may have a different understanding of the characters in his works. Director Lin agreed to meet you, and Teacher Hou is also here. Are you free?"

When Assistant Li called, Jiang Se had already vaguely guessed that he should have a chance to audition for this role. When he heard what Assistant Li said, he naturally agreed without hesitation:

"Of course I am free. After reading Teacher Hou's works in recent days, I really like the role of 'Doukou' and I really hope to have the opportunity to audition for this role. Fortunately, Sister Li spoke for me and gave me the opportunity to meet Teacher Hou. When the time comes, please make time for me to treat you to a meal as a token of your gratitude."

When Jiang Se mentioned Assistant Li, she directly and intimately called her "Sister Li" and said that she would treat her to a meal to thank her for the opportunity she gave her, instead of asking Assistant Li for help in getting the role.

She grasped the right measure and made Assistant Li on the other end of the phone laugh:

"Okay, if you pass the audition and sign the contract with the crew, we will have many opportunities to meet and have dinner together." After that, she reminded Jiang Se:

"It's about 3:30 pm on Saturday. You have to pay attention. Mr. Hou likes readers who admire him very much. In this play, Director Lin respects Mr. Hou's opinions very much."

Jiang Se agreed, thanked Assistant Li for the reminder, said a few words, and then hung up the phone.

When coming out of the club, Jiang Se's steps were a little brisk.

During this period of time, she has read Hou Xiling's script several times and has her own understanding of the role of "Doukou". Therefore, although Jiang Se attaches great importance to tomorrow's audition, she is not very nervous.

In order to be in good condition for the audition the next day, she did not return to the school dormitory after leaving the club, but went directly back to the rental house, went to bed early, and went directly to the Xihuan District of Beijing the next day.

When she arrived at Shangjia Company, it was not Assistant Li who greeted her this time, but another young girl. As arranged by Assistant Li, she had been waiting at the company gate at around three o'clock. When she saw Jiang Se coming out of the elevator, she came up to him and asked:

"Are you Miss Jiang?" After getting a nod from Jiang Se, she smiled and said:

"Sister Li told me a long time ago that you usually come earlier for appointments, and sure enough you came at three o'clock." She looked up and sized up Jiang Se. "Sister Li is with Director Lin right now. For today's audition, in order to enhance the feeling of the character in the play, Director Lin wants to do some styling first to see how you feel overall." (To be continued)