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Chapter 682: The childhood sweethearts (Part 2)


Feng Nan seemed to be a secret hidden deep in Pei Yi's heart that she was unwilling to share with anyone, but now she felt as if the secret had been made public, making her feel coveted by everyone.

Born in the Pei family, he was a favored child of heaven. No one dared to snatch things from him since he was a child. At that moment, he understood what jealousy and sadness meant.

He suddenly understood that no matter how much he liked Feng Nan, one day she might hold hands with someone else, and her life with him would still be like two parallel lines.

The young man felt heavy in his heart. On his way to find Feng Nan, the few light letters in his backpack almost bent his back.

He found Feng Nan in the library. She was sitting in a corner by the window, reading quietly. The wind blew through the ivy outside the window, making a rustling sound. The sunlight reflected by the green grass poured in. The strands of hair on her cheeks reflected her fair skin, which made his heart beat fast.

The young man, who was just beginning to fall in love, couldn't control his blushing cheeks. He held his breath, afraid of disturbing her. He stood there stupidly for a long time until she noticed his presence and called his name in surprise:

"Ayi, why are you here?"

He sat down next to her awkwardly and carefully took out the things he brought for her from his bag, including food and useful things.

He plucked up the courage to move closer to her. The girl had a curvaceous body, and her slightly undulating breasts were wrapped in her school uniform, which made his face flush.

She was reading Hou Xiling's novel. Halfway through the book, she saw an exquisite bookmark stuck inside.

As soon as he came, he took away her concentration. She closed the book, looked at his red face, and asked him worriedly, "What's wrong?"

She had not yet realized the influence she had on him, and she stretched out her green, delicate hand to touch his forehead.

It was almost June now, and the sun was scorching. She guessed that he must have been overheated after the journey.

His cheeks were burning, which made her hands look soft and cold. He reached out and pressed them, and his touch was as soft as boneless. Her eyes were open and clear, and he felt as excited as a deer in his heart.

The two grew up together as childhood sweethearts and have long been accustomed to each other. She does not reject his touch and can even accept such intimate actions calmly.

Pei Yi opened his mouth, wanting to ask her whether she knew about the love letters he had packed, but when the words came to his lips, seeing her concerned expression, he couldn't say anything.

He felt frustrated. He had never been so timid and cowardly before. He was afraid that if he asked, it would lead to unmanageable consequences.

He grabbed Feng Nan's hand like a spoiled child. She felt helpless but did not stop him.

There was a cool breeze blowing by the window. She took Pei Yi's hand and stood by the window. She was nearly five years older than him and had been much taller than him in the past few years.

In the past two years, he has entered junior high school and his height has grown rapidly. He is already a head taller than her. Although he is thin, his shoulders are broader than hers, just enough to hold her in his arms.

Feng Nan had been practicing dancing since she was young and had excellent body shape. From the angle he was standing, he could just see the lines of her neck and back, which were so perfect that they looked like they were carefully carved.

The girl's immature body was already showing some curves, and he blushed a little.

Her skin is very good, fair and delicate, her eyebrows and eyes are gentle, and her lips are slightly light in color. Her face is not covered with makeup. Her beauty is not gorgeous, but quite comfortable.

The wind blew gently, bringing with it the faint scent of her hair. Her hair was loose, most of it tucked behind her ears, with a few strands hanging on one side of her cheek. She leaned over the window and reached out to touch the plants outside.

There is ivy planted outside this library. It grows very fast. The vines have already climbed over the arched white windows and almost surround half of the library.

The two of them stood in a corner of the library, with no one coming to disturb them. He swallowed and watched her smooth hair sliding down her arms as she bent over, like fine silk. He couldn't help but secretly reach out to touch it.

"Ayi, did you see it?"

She spoke unconsciously, and Pei Yi's fingertips had just touched her hair, but when he heard her words, he withdrew his hand as if he had been electrocuted and felt guilty.

His heart was still pounding, but Feng Nan had no idea of his previous actions: "The ivy outside this library has grown to the top of my head. It's so beautiful."

She turned her head and spoke to him with a smile:

"It looks like a castle. Look," she raised her hand, the sun shining through her fingers, "Is it beautiful?"

He nodded blankly.

"I also want a castle like this, a small French-style building with white windows, with ivy all over the outside of the castle, a round table by the window, and rattan chairs." Of course, there are also her favorite tea and books. She can imagine how gentle the sunlight shining through the green leaves on her is, and she still has the romance and innocence of a girl:

"This way I feel like a princess."

When she said this, her cheeks turned slightly red.

She would never tell these words to anyone else, but in front of Pei Yi, she said them without hesitation.

It seemed as if she could share anything in the world with him, whether it was physical discomfort or a girl's worries, she could tell him.

"Ayi, will you laugh at me?"

"Of course not."

He held his breath and shook his head desperately.

In fact, he had already drawn a blueprint in his mind according to her words, with sunshine, green leaves, a castle, and her sitting by the window.

He didn't understand what this feeling was, he just wanted to help her fulfill her wish.

He brought a few letters home and carefully wrote a letter of rejection for her, stroke by stroke, for fear that his handwriting was too ugly and would be laughed at by her admirer.

If he didn't write well the first time, he would tear it up and write again. He had never been so serious before.

Pei Yi didn't understand how it felt to be unhappy that she was liked by others. He had too many things to do at that time. He had to work hard to grow up and keep up with her; he had to reject those perverts around her who coveted her and protect her better; he also wanted to buy a castle for her and let her be a princess.

He bought a manor in France, dug the soil himself and planted ivy, waiting for it to sprout and grow, watching it grow bit by bit and cover the house.

He carefully maintained his hard work and watched Feng Nan's dream house gradually take shape. Cheng Runing and others laughed at him for loving Feng Nan "deeply". Only then did he understand what that irresistible feeling was.

As he grew older, he lost the courage to say "I love you" to her loudly as he did when he was young. He cherished her too much and didn't even dare to confess his feelings for fear of scaring her and making her ignore him from then on.

In his heart, she was as pure as a goddess, who could not be desecrated. Even secretly liking her seemed like an offense to her.

The estate in France was almost ready. He raised two horses and there was a horse ranch there. In the autumn, perhaps they could go for a ride on horses. He had many fantasies, but he never thought that the Feng family was already interfering in her future.

He came to Feng's house with great enthusiasm and mustered up the courage to talk to her about inviting her to France for a visit. The second before he arrived at Feng's house, he was still thinking about how she would feel when he took her to France and saw the castle she had once dreamed of appear in front of her.

Maybe she will be excited and a little shy, and if he takes the opportunity to confess his feelings to her, he might succeed.

He was a little excited. When he arrived at Feng's house, he saw Zhao Junhan appearing at Feng's house.

Pei Yi felt full of danger at that moment, and looked at Zhao Junhan with hostility.

"who is he?"

Feng Nan's room is a place he has been in since he was a child. It is a restricted area for many people, but only he can enter freely.

He lay on the bed, hugging Feng Nan's pillow, and saw that she had changed into a dress and put on exquisite makeup in front of the mirror.

She was already a slim 24-year-old girl with outstanding temperament. In contrast, he was still studying and had his hair permed and dyed into ostentatious blonde hair, which his grandfather repeatedly scolded him for but he never changed, just to attract her attention.

He felt his own childishness and felt a little flustered, but he didn't know how to change it.

He is already familiar with secret crushes, but he is still a novice when it comes to love. He is as sharp as a hunter and can sense that Feng Nan's current situation is not favorable to him, but he doesn't know what to do.

"He is Mr. Zhao from Jianghua Group."

She put on some lipstick and pursed her lips gently. When she mentioned Zhao Junhan, her tone was calm, as if he was no different from a stranger. He felt a little relieved, but soon felt something was wrong.

"What is he doing here?"

He asked again. Feng Nan was already packing his bag and preparing to go out. It was obvious what Zhao Junhan was doing here.

She mentioned the cooperation between Zhongnan Industrial and Jianghua Group, and mentioned her parents' request. The two families had the intention to cooperate. Feng Qinlun wanted to make some achievements to show Feng Zhongliang in order to improve his reputation and status in Zhongnan Industrial, so as to take more initiative in the future competition for power in Zhongnan Industrial.

To achieve cooperation between the two families, nothing is more secure than marriage.

"Get to know him." She spoke calmly, hiding her true thoughts in her heart. Pei Yiru was hit on the head with a club, and sat up immediately, reaching out to pull her:

"Don't go."

She moved the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a smile, and comforted him: "I will be back soon."

"Don't go." He begged, "Why do you want to know him? Who is he? It's better to accompany me than to accompany him for dinner."

"I have prepared a gift for you. Never mind the cooperation. What does it have to do with you?"

When Feng Nan heard this, he just lowered his eyes and said to him:

"You are still young, you don't understand."

The Pei family doted on him and let him run wild. His world was bright and colorful, unlike her, who was like a bird in a cage, unable to control herself. From the moment she was born, everything in her future had been planned.

From childhood to adulthood, she had no control over what to eat, how much to eat, what subjects to study, what to do at her age, and what friends to make.

She was obviously still young and her life was just starting out, but she was like a stagnant pool of water. She could already see the end of her future just as her life had just begun.

Pei Yi is different from her, he is also a variable in Feng Nan's life. She envies him and likes his recklessness, doing things she cannot do, doing whatever he wants and living out his true self.

"Don't go. What's there to say to him? You don't even know him." Pei Yi usually argued with his father, but at this moment he couldn't even utter a coherent sentence:

"You shouldn't get married so early. Didn't you say you wanted to live in a castle? The kind with ivy all over the roof, with windows and a table for reading, where you can live like a little princess?"

He was very panicked, and the anxiety in his eyes was about to turn into tears and overflow.

Feng Nan took a handkerchief and wiped his eyes, just like she did when she coaxed him when he was a child. Listening to what he said, she couldn't help but smile. Her lips were painted with lipstick, which set off her white and neat teeth, so beautiful that it made him blush.

She herself could hardly remember what she had said when she was young. Perhaps it was just a beautiful dream she had when she was a girl. She told him casually and he remembered it.

But the older I get, the more I realize that no one will hold another person in the palm of their hand and pamper her like a princess.

She looked at Pei Yi's eyebrows and saw that he was anxious. She was used to letting him do whatever he wanted in a certain aspect. Seeing that he was sad, she guessed that he was afraid that she would ignore him after getting married in the future, so she comforted him:

"Ayi, don't worry." She said gently:

"Even if they are husband and wife, they may not be close." She has seen the scenes when her parents were getting along with each other. Most of these marriages ended with marriage, and the relationship after marriage was quite cold.

"We grew up together. In my heart, you are like my younger brother. Even if I get married, I will never ignore you."

She knew that he was possessive and would not share his favorite things with others. She said this to comfort him, but it touched Pei Yi's sore spot.

There was a five-year age difference between him and her, and this five years gap was like a huge chasm that was difficult to cross.

In her heart, she probably never even thought about the possibility that her future partner would be someone like him.

This thought was exactly what Pei Yi feared the most. He became even more panicked. He did not allow Feng Nan to meet Zhao Junhan. The two parted unhappily. He went to France alone. When he came back, she had already obeyed the Feng family's arrangement and was engaged to Zhao Junhan.

The night he learned the news, he was drunk and his heart was even deeper than Feng Nanbi's.

He couldn't let go, so naturally he had to fight.

In Feng Nan's mind, he was too young and immature. His grandfather said that there was no way he could make Feng Nan see himself as a man.

He listened to his grandfather, graduated early and entered military school. His grandfather promised him that he would keep an eye on Feng Nan for him and prevent the villain Zhao Junhan from taking advantage of the situation.

In order to make a contribution, he took the initiative to participate in the mission and investigate a case of transnational drug trafficking using children, but his identity was exposed due to the mistake of his comrade Chen.

When Pei Jinhuai arrived in London, he was speechless.

His eyes were still looking into the distance, as if waiting for a miracle to happen.

"Feng Nan is coming, your grandfather has already informed her." Pei Jinhuai was holding a mobile phone. In the video on the phone, Grandpa Pei tried to remain calm, but his voice was shaking.

He has always been in good health, but because of his grandson's accident, he almost couldn't hold on and was already using a crutch in the video.

"Grandpa's Ayi, please don't get hurt. If you get hurt, how can grandpa live?"

Pei Jinhuai's eyes were red. Everyone had already anticipated many things, and Pei Yi also felt it.

Mr. Pei was still telling him that he would notify Feng Nan, and there was a pleading look in his eyes.

He had thought about it many times and wanted Feng Nan to understand his feelings, but at this moment, even if he let her understand his feelings, how would she live the rest of her life without him by her side

He thought of the French castle, and the most regrettable thing was that she had never been there once in all these years.

There was the ivy that he had planted with his own hands, a corner of the terrace that she would surely like, a table by the window with tea sets and her favorite books, it had everything except her.

He imagined that she should be sitting in a rattan chair, with the afternoon sun shining on her through the green grass. She could spend the whole afternoon with a book and a pot of tea. He only needed her to live his whole life.

After he left, Feng Nan went to Pei's house to see him off for the last time. In the photo, he looked vigorous, with thin cheeks. He had grown into a determined young man with a calm expression, which was completely different from the young man he remembered back then.

Mrs. Pei and the old lady were both in poor health. They stayed in his room and refused to come out, holding his things and calling his name.

When Feng Nan went to persuade him, she saw the cabinets of books in his room, and she was familiar with every one of them.

She was extremely shocked. The drawer of his cabinet was filled with love letters. All of them were addressed to "Feng Nan" and the handwriting was different. Each one was a love letter written to her. Pei Yi opened and read them all.

She seemed to have accidentally stumbled into the depths of a young boy's inner world. From his childhood liking, to his teenage infatuation, to his youthful passion, the intense emotions almost overwhelmed her.

In Pei Yi's room, she saw a blueprint of a castle. She came to France with a feeling that she herself did not understand.

She stood in front of the castle covered with ivy, feeling a little confused and at a loss.

She liked everything here. The boy must have been looking forward to her coming here, but unfortunately she didn't come when he was here, and he was gone when she came.

She stayed here temporarily, cleaning the house and taking care of the flowers and plants herself. She heard from the servants here that in the past, Pei Yi used to do some of the work herself.

Mrs. Pei was in better spirits and had some of Pei Yi's things delivered to her. She found a large box of letters in Pei Yi's handwriting, which she recognized at a glance.

He didn't send those letters.

She made a pot of tea, sat on the rattan chair by the window, and opened a letter. The handwriting was Pei Yi's, and Feng Nan recognized it at a glance.

The lingering aroma of tea rose with the hot steam. This letter was written to every rival who loved Feng Nan. At the end of each letter, he wrote seriously: I'm sorry, classmate, Feng Nan has no way to respond to your love, she is my princess.

She rarely loses control. Mrs. Feng taught her that no matter what happens, a lady should not lose her composure and cry. She should be able to control her emotions and remain calm even when faced with a catastrophe. She should not show her emotions on her face, as being too emotional would make people laugh at her.

She has always done a good job and has been praised by her elders for her tact and discretion.

But now she burst into tears.

There once was a young man who was as bright as the morning sun. He held her in his heart, loved her to the core, kept in mind every word she said, and was willing to go to great lengths to fulfill her dream of her girlhood.

She used to think that she was just a bird in a cage, with no control over her love, hate, joy or anger. But only now did she realize that in the eyes of her parents, she might just be a puppet, insignificant. But in Pei Yi's heart, he always held her in his arms and wanted to spoil her like a princess.

She burst into tears, just like when she first met Pei Yi as a child.

After her grandfather passed away, she settled in France. Her heart seemed to be imprisoned, but she felt at peace and at ease, which was much better than her previous anxiety.

This kind of peace comes from knowing that someone loves her so much. Even though he is no longer here, the love he once brought her will remain in her heart for a long time.

Mrs. Pei once came to visit her, but she was hesitant to talk, fearing that her life would be delayed like this.

The marriage between the Feng family and the Zhao family has been delayed. Her parents are very dissatisfied with her willfulness, but they dare not do anything to her because of the Pei family.

She vaguely heard from Mrs. Pei that Zhao Junhan had a chaotic private life, with many lovers, jealous of each other, and even caused a death, but these had nothing to do with her anymore.

For the first time, she discovered that being willful was not as difficult as she had imagined. She only regretted that she was willful too late.

If time could go back, she would never let it go to waste.

She would choose to live the life she wanted, not being troubled by the Feng family, and not being bound by identity and status.

If there is still a destiny between her and Pei Yi, perhaps she will hold on to it tightly.






Feng Nan was almost twenty-five years old when her mother called her and hinted that she was getting old and should make more friends.

Recently, Zhongnan Industry and Jianghua Group have a project to cooperate on. Feng Qinlun attaches great importance to this cooperation project. Knowing that the heir of the Zhao family is only a few years older than her, she intends to let her have more contact with Zhao Junhan.

But her parents didn't dare to tell Feng Zhongliang about this, so they had to start with her and called her frequently.

The first time she met Zhao Junhan, she was caught by Pei Yi. He left in anger, and before she had the chance to comfort him, she woke up and found herself as Jiang Se, another poor girl in the imperial capital.

The girl who wanted to enter the entertainment industry and stand out with her beauty sighed. In order to make a living, she went to auditions and joined the crew with her classmates.

Although her life was poor, it was much more stable than before. She was no longer a bird in a cage. Having made a break with Feng Nan's previous life, she actually felt a vague sense of relief.

During the school's military training, she saw Pei Jinyang pulling Pei Yi to the training ground, and she thought that there might no longer be any connection between her and Pei Yi.

It was a bit of a pity. She had watched him grow up, from a child to a teenager. That kind of emotion was not easy to let go, but when they met again, he could no longer recognize her.

He just felt that the girl standing under the tree twisting the lid looked familiar. For some reason, after taking one look at her, he could never forget her.

After the wrap party of "Fake It Comes True", she used Pei Yi's personality to get out of the situation in the elevator. Seeing that he didn't even look at her and was cold and indifferent, she felt a little depressed.

She was used to his wholehearted attention whenever he saw her, so she found it difficult to adapt to his cold attitude. She couldn't explain why she felt lost, but she had always been introverted, so she suppressed it.

Until the night of his sister's birthday in the college dormitory, he got drunk, took the wrong road, and hugged her.

He 'found' her!

He had never dared to express his feelings because of the age difference, but now he had no scruples anymore.

After she was reborn, she was two years younger than him. When the distance was no longer a chasm, when she was used to letting him have whatever he wanted, when he found that she actually had no resistance to him, when the childhood sweethearts grew up and the innocent feelings between them were not without twists and turns in her heart, he naturally became her boyfriend.

Pei Yi began to feel stupid. He had been used to being willful towards her since they were young, and she had always been tolerant and gentle to him. In the past, he always felt that his willfulness towards her was too childish, and he tried his best to suppress this side of himself. He couldn't wait to grow up and let her see a different side of himself.

Later, he realized why he wanted to change. She had seen his most childish side, but she always indulged him. He loved too much, was too worried about gains and losses, hesitated and dared not move, which made things worse.

Now he forcefully tried to hold her hand, so wasn't she held by him

If you want to take her to France, tell her openly.

Love can be maintained in another way, by silently accompanying her growth, unlike the Feng family who treats her like a magpie and locks her in a cage, watching her do the career she wants and shine in her own field.

He wanted to propose to her, make her his legal wife, hold her in his arms confidently on the wedding night, help her overcome the fear of being kidnapped in her childhood, watch her walk out of the shadows, learn to forgive Jiang Zhiyuan, and then give again.

She is pregnant!

The fruit of their love was growing in her body. When Pei Yi saw the tiny embryo in the B-ultrasound, even though he was now an unusually calm person and his childishness had turned into maturity and stability, his eyes were still warm when he saw that photo.

Xia Chaoqun arranged a year of free time for her, and Feng Zhongliang was extremely happy. He had been infected with influenza in early spring and had been coughing for several days. He was also a little depressed. When he heard the good news, most of his illness was gone, and he recovered in less than half a month.

At the Pei family, Grandpa Pei often looked through the dictionary, thinking of names for the new generation of children in the Pei family. It was undoubtedly a very exciting thing for Grandpa Pei that he was alive to see the birth of his eldest grandson's first child. Grandma Pei and her daughter-in-law were also busy preparing items for the baby's birth.

When the little princess of the Pei family was born, she was the center of attention. Old Master Pei had experienced a lot in his life. He had fought in wars, ridden a horse, held a gun, and held a pen. But when he took the child brought by the nurse, he was so excited that he almost couldn't hold her.

As the father of the little princess, Pei Yi did not see his daughter at first. His attention was all on Jiang Se.

Jiang Zhiyuan was worried about his daughter and wanted to come and see her. He gently opened the door of the room. Jiang Se was lying on the big bed. The curtains in the room were drawn. It was very quiet. Pei Yi, who everyone had been looking for, was half lying beside her, holding Jiang Se's hand:

"Everyone in the hospital said that the little princess of the Pei family was born, but in my heart, you are my only princess from beginning to end."

When she was a girl, she told him that she wanted a castle with white windows and a roof covered with ivy, and that she wanted to be a little princess. He remembered all of this clearly and could never forget it.











Postscript: Jiang Zhiyuan's mood was very complicated. His daughter had found a good home, and he should be happy, but for some unknown reason he disliked Pei Yi.

He couldn't even explain his indescribable feelings until he saw the little princess of the Pei family and thought that many years later, Pei Yi might feel the same way as he did at that moment. Only then did he finally feel much better.

God spares no one! Hehe...

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