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Chapter 7: Director Zhang


People gathered around one after another, and a young man asked Jiang Se with a grin:

"Sister, are you here to see the movie emperor, too?"

Soon several people gathered around and tried to strike up a conversation. Jiang Se was about to pull Lu Baobao up when she heard the sound of a car starting from the right. She turned her head and saw a car from the crew coming over.

The director, who had been sitting under a parasol with his legs crossed, stood up immediately and hurried to greet him.

The car door opened, and Lu Baobao, who had previously refused to get up, almost jumped up:

"Ah, this is Zhang Jingan, Zhang Jingan is here, how is it possible!"

She suppressed her excitement and whispered in Jiang Se's ear:

“I came at the right time today!”

Jiang Se was amused and confused when he saw her full of energy again:

"Is this Zhang Jing'an? The famous director you mentioned? Then who was the person sitting there earlier?"

She nodded her chin towards the parasol on her right. She had clearly heard the script supervisor call the middle-aged man "director" earlier.

"It should be the executive director."

Before Lu Baobao could say anything, someone at the side offered to help the beauty solve her puzzlement:

"Generally, there are two executive directors under the director in the crew, who are responsible for the on-site arrangements. For a big-budget film like "Rescue Operation", there are several co-directors on the set. Director Zhang doesn't usually appear here. He is responsible for the main plot of Liu Ye and others."

The young man who was speaking seized the opportunity, and after briefly explaining what he had learned, he looked at Jiang Se and smiled:

"My name is Wang Chujie, Wang for great king, Chu for Chu State, and Jie for outstanding. I have been with the crew for a while. If you have any questions, just ask me."

Someone nearby burst out laughing:

"What do you mean by being with the crew? The only difference between me and the extras is that I'm just a special extra, and my salary is 100 yuan more a day!"

When Wang Chujie heard this, he showed an angry look on his face. He turned around and glared at the man who deliberately ruined his performance in front of beautiful women: "That was also a special invitation, so what about the extras?" When he said this, he glanced at Jiang Se's face from the corner of his eye:

"Who knows, maybe someday an extra will become famous? Many celebrities in the industry today were once extras."

Jiang Se knew very well what the young man intended, she just thanked him politely. Not far away, the stage manager was already asking the person who had just exploded with blood plasma to change his costume, and the person who fell into the water to put on makeup again.

The makeup artists were already on standby in the theater, not far from where the executive director had just sat.

When Jiang Se walked in this direction, he happened to see Zhang Jingan getting out of the car surrounded by a crowd of people. What was a bit surprising was that the movie star Liu Ye, who was praised by Lu Baobao, was sitting in the car.

The appearance of this movie star immediately caused some commotion in the crew. Many people looked in his direction. Some were eager to come forward and ask for his autograph, but Liu Ye was accompanied by two bodyguards and an assistant, who politely greeted the crowd.

As soon as Zhang Jing'an arrived, the previous executive director naturally had no seat.

When Jiang Se came out after changing his costume, Zhang Jing'an was sitting in the position of executive director, staring at the camera screen with a frown on his face, looking a little ugly.

The executive director next to him seemed to be saying something to him. He looked a little nervous and kept wiping his sweat with his hands.

The actor wore sunglasses, sat on a beach chair, drank iced mineral water, and occasionally leaned over to look at the screen.

Zhang Jing'an turned his head and gave a few instructions to the executive director, who nodded. Soon the script supervisor brought out the clapperboard. Jiang Se took a look and found that it was the same clapperboard that the woman had taken out when she was reciting lines with Gao Rong.

Apparently the director was not satisfied with the woman's performance and asked for a reshoot.

Under the dressing room, the woman also saw this scene and bit her lip, looking a little nervous.

After everyone put on their makeup, Jiang Se was tied to the riverside again, and the directional blood explosion device was pinned back on her body. Everyone carefully avoided the track of the camera on the ground and took their positions.

After the director made a gesture, Gao Rong spoke his lines again.

The woman with the lines was already feeling some psychological pressure. Zhang Jing'an was sitting behind the camera, and although she didn't say anything, the camera facing her face could capture her facial expressions clearly.

Every subtle reaction of hers was noticed by this famous director.

She had failed several times before, so she inevitably felt some psychological pressure. Coupled with her nervousness, this time she was no exception and was shouted "cut" again.

The script supervisor didn't scold her again, but the look in his eyes when he looked at her was even more terrifying than if he had scolded her.

Zhang Jing'an didn't say anything, and the executive director helplessly ordered him to do it again.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the scene was already filmed at noon. Jiang Se felt that her clothes were soaked with sweat, her mouth and tongue were dry, and she felt a little uncomfortable at this time.

Baby Lu almost burst into tears on the pillar, but due to the pressure from the crew, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

After failing several times in a row, the big director did not get furious like the previous executive director, but he frowned. After a long time, he turned around and gave instructions to the executive director. While speaking, he glanced at the extras from time to time. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the big director now had the idea of changing the role.

Several female extras who were tied to the river bank and pillars had longing in their eyes.

But for some reason, the great director did not directly ask for a replacement, but decided like an executive director to shoot the scene where the villagers were killed first.

When the crew members came forward to pick up the explosive device, Jiang Se clearly felt that it was different from the previous explosive device.

But she was just an extra, and the crew had no intention of explaining for her. The stage manager called over the extras in Japanese military uniforms, and many of them immediately replaced the prop bayonets in their hands with guns.

The gunsmith went forward to check one by one and proved that these guns should be real guns.

The explosive device stuck in Jiang Se's chest this time was a rubber tube of gunpowder. After the gunsmith checked it, someone came forward to measure the distance, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

The crew came up with a script and told Jiang Se and the others to break the explosive devices on their bodies after the gunshots, causing the blood inside to spurt out.

Everyone nodded.

After everything was ready, along with the sound of the clapperboard, gunshots rang out, flames came out from the muzzles, and in the air there was a cloud of smoke. Many people were frightened by the sudden gunshots.

Jiang Se didn't care about being startled by the gunshot and detonated the explosive device on her body. With a slight sound, the gunpowder in the hose pinned on her clothes exploded, and the blood plasma inside flew out. The recoil of the explosion bounced onto her left chest. Even though the costume was very thick, it still hurt Jiang Se.

She untied the ropes that bound her hands and fell into the river with a splash.

Jiang Se had been holding his breath before falling into the water. After entering the water, he took a deep breath, kicked his legs, and floated to the surface before the rescue workers in the water arrived.

She swam towards the shore and when she reached out to grab the shore, someone on the shore came to help her. She went ashore and wiped her face. Before she could thank them, someone not far away suddenly raised a megaphone and shouted:

"Over there, come here." (To be continued)