Entertainment Headlines

Chapter 72: Done


But in this industry, money is easy to make, but status, fame and fortune are hard to come by.

After winning an award, one will desire to reach a higher level. People are like this, always striving to be the best.

Going further up, there are old seniors like Chang Yuhu who have been recognized by the country and their status has transcended this circle.

Lin Xiwen was a little surprised. He clenched his fist and slapped it hard on the palm of his other hand:

"If Teacher Chang is willing to help, then there really won't be any problem."

Hou Xiling nodded:

"I have known her for decades, and she will still sell me this little bit of face."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Jiang Se:

"Xiao Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Se certainly would not miss such a good opportunity. He stood up and saluted Hou Xiling, "Thank you, Teacher Hou."

He nodded. Assistant Li looked at the time and whispered a few words in Lin Xiwen's ear. Lin Xiwen said:

"In that case, Assistant Li, take Jiang Se to change clothes first. I have something to discuss with Mr. Hou."

Assistant Li agreed, and when he and Jiang Se came out of the audition room, he congratulated Jiang Se: "You performed very well today."

Her attitude is different from before. Now it is very likely that Jiang Se will play the role of "Douku". Once it is confirmed, when Jiang Se joins the crew in the future and the movie is broadcast, she will have a firm foothold in the entertainment industry and her status will be incomparable to what it is now.

"I also followed Mr. Lin and watched him interact with Teacher Hou a few times. This is the first time I saw Teacher Hou like a junior so much."

Jiang Se smiled and said:

"Teacher Hou has an easy-going personality. I would also like to thank Sister Li for her advice that day."

The two chatted all the way back to the dressing room. After Jiang Se removed her makeup and had her hair done, Assistant Li received a call. Jiang Se changed her clothes and came out of the dressing room. Assistant Li came up to her, holding the phone and smiling:

"Congratulations, Mr. Lin said that you are very suitable for the role of 'Doukou' in 'Beijing Events'. If there are no other questions, we will sign the contract today."

Although Jiang Se is still a supporting role in this movie, his role is much heavier than in the previous films he participated in, and the contract is also different.

Every clause was carefully listed on the contract. When the contract was delivered, Jiang Se picked up the contract and read it item by item.

Jiang Se noticed that this time the contract clearly stated that the role she was to play was the "Doukou" in "Beijing Events" to avoid any problems later on.

Assistant Li did not interrupt her. After two cups of tea, Jiang Se confirmed that everything was correct and then released the contract explanation:

"I haven't signed with an agency yet, so I need to read the terms and conditions carefully to avoid violating the rules in the future."

Assistant Li agreed with her point of view: "You are right. It is best to discuss it in the early stage and follow the rules and regulations later."

The issue of pay was discussed again. In this play, Doukou is a supporting role with a relatively heavy part, but Assistant Li looked a little serious:

"As for the pay, I think you should be mentally prepared, Miss Jiang."

She spread out the contract and looked at Jiang Se:

"I'll be frank with you. This is how the company works. Every different movie has an investment amount."

She took a blank piece of paper and spread it on the coffee table in front of her. She took a pen and wrote two Arabic numbers for "ten thousand":

"Take the films that the company is currently preparing to shoot, "Beijing Grand Event" and "Erlang Shen: Quelling the Rebellion on Earth", for example. If the investment in both films is the same amount, then the same expenses will also be different."

Assistant Li paused for a moment when he said this:

"In "Beijing Great Event", the money spent on clothes, scenes, jewelry, etc., can be considered as about 60% of the 10,000 yuan share. Apart from these, it is the actors' pay."

Actors are also divided into big and small. The male and female protagonists have more roles than the supporting roles. In addition, because of their different fame and status, the male and female protagonists naturally get paid more than the supporting roles.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Assistant Li asked.

In fact, when she started talking, Jiang Se roughly understood what she meant. When she asked, he nodded slightly:

"I understand. Director Lin is a good director who works hard on making movies."

To put it bluntly, what Assistant Li said was that although "Beijing Great Event" had a large investment, Lin Xiwen spent most of the money on the movie, so naturally the actors' pay was relatively low.

The film "Erlang Shen Quells the Rebellion on Earth" was originally a small investment, so Lin Xiwen naturally could not make it very detailed. The most he could do was to use this film to make some money in the market, thus reducing the cost of the film. Relatively speaking, the actors' pay was higher.

She really understood what Assistant Li meant, and Assistant Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief:

"I'm glad you understand. So Director Lin's idea for the film's salary is 160,000. What do you think?"

This amount is already much better than Jiang Se had originally imagined. Once she gets the 160,000, it will greatly alleviate her current financial difficulties.

What's more, for Jiang Se, although money is important, he does not regard money as omnipotent like others.

After all, she was born in the Feng family and had never had to worry about food and clothing since childhood, so she didn't have a strong desire for money.

The most important reason for choosing to star in "Beijing Events" was, as she herself said, because of the good script.

In addition, the salary offered by Lin Xiwen is almost the same as the salary of second- and third-tier stars in the circle today. Even if she tries her best to get it, since Assistant Li has already explained the reasons, there is not much room for salary increase. It is easy to make people dislike her for that little bit of money.

Therefore, as soon as Assistant Li reported the number, she naturally had no other opinions.

Assistant Li originally wanted to explain the reason for this pay and persuade her to accept it.

Before she even had to ask, Jiang Se readily agreed, and then smiled and gave her an approving look:

"Ms. Jiang is really straightforward, but don't worry about the price. The pay set by Mr. Lin is definitely not bad."

The two quickly hit it off on the issue of film pay, and the method of paying the film pay was still in accordance with industry norms, 30% first and 70% later.

Jiang Se was still young. When Assistant Li had her ID taken for copying, it turned out that she was still about a month away from turning eighteen.

Because of the pay, Assistant Li had a better impression of her at this time. After thinking for a while, he said:

"In order to avoid trouble, after we sign the contract, we can postpone the date by one month." Anyway, the film will not start shooting until January, and there are still more than two months away, so pushing the contract date back a month will not have much impact.

This is to avoid trouble in the future. Jiang Se is not old enough, but he came to Shangjia Company alone twice without his parents. He must have his own ideas in mind. (To be continued)