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Chapter 93: Heart matters


If it was before, when Pei Yi asked her to have dinner, Jiang Se would not refuse, but now after her rebirth, the two of them obviously had no relationship. She tilted her head to think about it, then shook her head:


Pei Yi regretted what he had said before, but couldn't think of a way to make up for it for a while. He just looked at her pitifully, which made Jiang Se laugh:

"Why don't you just walk around and I'll go back to school by myself later."

Pei Yi did not live in the school. Her classes were scheduled for Tuesday, and she had no classes the whole day tomorrow. She planned to go back to her rental house and memorize the script for a while.

There are many people coming and going on this side of the Grand Theater after the evening, but after driving out, there is a park right below.

This kind of date-like arrangement made Pei Yi's heart beat faster. When he parked the car and came over, Jiang Se was already waiting for him at the entrance of the park with his hands in his coat pockets.

She was wearing a pink coat and had long hair that fell to her waist. She stood at the entrance of the park and looked around, forming a beautiful landscape that made people passing by turn their heads to look at her.

"Actually, I know the Hou Xiling you mentioned earlier." He walked over. The two of them looked so good together that they attracted a lot of attention. Pei Yi was annoyed and led her to a remote place with few people:

"I have a friend who likes Hou Xiling's works the most."

There was a cobblestone path under his feet, which had been worn smooth by passers-by. As he lowered his head and spoke these words, he used his toes to trace the shape of the stone, and his voice was a little low:

"In fact, I can recite several of Hou Xiling's books."

When he said this, his tone was a little soft, which made Jiang Se's heart stab slightly and he felt indescribably uncomfortable.

"Just so that she can talk to me about Hou Xiling sometimes, so that she won't be bored." He raised his head. Jiang Se didn't dare to look directly into his burning gaze. She instinctively turned her face away and looked into the distance.

"It felt like I had memorized everything the elders had told me to do, and was waiting for the random check." He asked in a low voice with some enthusiasm in his expression:

"Sese, do you understand?"

She lowered her head to hide her confusion.

If she hadn't accidentally seen his phone and heard him mumbling, she might never have thought that Pei Yi had such thoughts about her.

After all, she is five years older than Pei Yi.

But the shock she felt when she saw his cell phone was far less stimulating to her than his few light words at this moment.

She never knew that Pei Yi would do so much and would study Hou Xiling's works just because he wanted to talk to her.

How many years has Hou Xiling stopped writing? Even though Feng Nan liked his books and remembered the plots, he couldn't say he could recite them completely.

What's more, he didn't like it at all, and Jiang Se didn't know how he managed to persist.

"It's a pity," Pei Yi looked at her deeply, "I didn't talk to her about Hou Xiling at the beginning, but I told you."

"… Other people's homes had already lit up their fires. When Zhou Qingsong returned home, Qingniu was still lying on the bed…" He recited "The Autumn of the Year Before Last", one of Hou Xiling's works. Jiang Se suddenly grabbed his coat and walked forward.

"Don't go, don't go." He reached out to pull her, with a smile in his eyes: "Don't go."

Jiang Se felt confused. The more she knew, the more helpless she felt in front of Pei Yi.

All his actions in the past, which she was completely unaware of, seemed to be revealed in front of her at this moment, and it was enough to make her panic.

"I don't want to hear this, please stop talking." She asked softly, and Pei Yi nodded continuously:

"Well, I won't say anymore."

When she wanted to talk, she would talk. When she didn't want to talk, he wouldn't talk, even though at this moment he wished he could tell her everything that was on his mind.

He has been willful since he was a child and has gotten whatever he wanted, except for the thing he wanted the most, which he has not yet gotten despite trying his best.

Grandpa said that there are eight out of ten things in life that are not satisfactory. He has a unique background, a family that dotes on him and indulges him, and there are always people to clean up the mess when he gets into trouble. But in front of her, he is always afraid of saying the wrong thing to make her unhappy.

After he said that, Jiang Se felt like sighing even more.

She was a quiet person to begin with, and after this trip to the park, she became even quieter. When Pei Yi sent her back, he forced a smile on his face, which made Jiang Se feel a little bad for him.

He was still parked at the gate of the community and didn't leave until Nie Dan called. It took him a long time to answer the call.

Nie Dan asked him to go out and play, but he did not agree. On the other end of the phone, Nie Dan jumped up and down and scolded him for putting women before friendship. He hung up the phone and wondered whether he should buy a house nearby and move here.

Ever since Pei Yi said he wanted to pursue her, Jiang Se found that he appeared by her side more and more often.

It seemed that someone in the school had noticed something was wrong. Even a few girls in the dormitory were asking Jiang Se indirectly whether he was in a relationship.

The news that the beauty in the history department was taken soon spread in the forum of the first university, and many people on the Internet were heartbroken.

Compared to the anxiety of others, Jiang Se was indifferent.

Her birthday is on November 25th, which is only two days away. She has been taking time out to go to the theater to practice recently. When she came down from the rehearsal stage in the evening, she saw Chang Yuhu with her arms folded across her chest, chatting and laughing in a low voice with a middle-aged man.

When he saw Jiang Se, Chang Yuhu greeted the people next to him and walked towards her with a smile.

"You've made a lot of progress." When Jiang Se was practicing in the theater recently, Chang Yuhu came several times and praised her performance.

She did not slack off just because Chang Yuhu was not there. Instead, she practiced very diligently every time she came.

Chang Yuhu also noticed Jiang Se's progress. No one would dislike a hard-working student. Even though Chang Yuhu was only entrusted by Hou Xiling before, he now really felt some love for Jiang Se.

"Compared to your previous restraint, your performance is much more flexible now." She practiced for nearly a month, and the changes in her body were very obvious: "I heard from Lao Hou that "Beijing Grand Event" is going to start filming in January, so you don't have to come to the Grand Theater for the time being."

"Stage plays require actors to express their body language 'outwardly', so that the audience can feast their eyes and be drawn into the situational play by your body language. Movies, on the other hand, expect actors to perform 'introvertedly', so that the subtle changes in facial expressions and psychological expressions can be conveyed to the audience through the camera, and through your performance, the audience can resonate with you." Chang Yuhu smiled and glanced at Jiang Se: "It's difficult for you to grasp this degree now. Although stage plays can train you in just one month of practice, this is not a crash course. It can't make you an excellent actor all at once." (To be continued)