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Chapter 99: affection


This story refers to the Tang Dynasty where Han Hong was very friendly with the grandson of the Li family. When he was visiting the Li family, he fell in love with the beautiful girl Liu. Li Hong generously gave Liu to him as his wife and paid money to make this beautiful thing happen.

The next year, Han Hong passed the imperial examination and returned home to visit his relatives, leaving Liu in Chang'an. However, the An-Shi Rebellion broke out, and the couple were separated.

In the troubled times, Liu cut her hair and covered her face, and lived in a nunnery to preserve her innocence. But fate played a trick on her, and she still fell into the hands of a foreign general, becoming his concubine, who doted on her and gave her the exclusive room.

After Emperor Suzong of Tang recaptured Chang'an, Han Hong looked everywhere for Liu. When he found her, he wrote a poem and asked someone to deliver it to Liu.

This situation is subtly similar to Xiao Zi and Doukou in "Beijing Events". At this time, Hou Xiling used the allusion to point out the experience between Xiao Zi and Doukou, which seems particularly ingenious.

In "Great Events in Peking", facing the question from his friend at that time, Xiao Zi simply said lightly: "Zhangtai Willow, Zhangtai Willow, are you still as green as you were in the past? Even if the long branches are still hanging down as before, they should be picked by others." The sentence "picked by others" revealed Xiao Zi's mood at that time.

He used this poem to answer his friend's question. In his heart, he was afraid that 'Dou Qu'er' was still alive and as beautiful as before, but might have already fallen into the arms of someone else, and his fate had already ended.

The "Doukou" in the script was also born into a scholarly family. She was educated by her parents and had read books since childhood. When she heard Xiao Zi's words, she was naturally struck by lightning.

In a Tang Dynasty story, Han Hong did not mind that his wife had been taken away by a foreign general, and the couple were eventually reunited.

But what about Xiao Zi? Can he understand his wife's forced behavior like Han Hong

In the Tang Dynasty, in order to avoid disaster and preserve her innocence, Liu cut her hair and disfigured herself, and hid in a nunnery, but was eventually captured by a foreign general.

In this chaotic world, Doukou struggled desperately to maintain her innocence, but she was outnumbered and met with misfortune. She was rescued and protected by An Jiuyu.

Jiang Se was acting out the role of 'Doukou' with a nervous expression, as if he was waiting for Xiao Zi to pronounce a verdict and listen to his thoughts on his 'fiancée Dou Qu'er'.

This paragraph is very important. The character "Doukou" in the play hated and resented Xiao Zi because she heard Xiao Zi sigh: "Even if she is alive, she will probably be like a withered flower and a fallen willow." In the end, she was heartbroken and desperate.

This is a turning point in the play. Jiang Se pondered it several times and finally found some feeling before signaling Pei Yi who was holding the script to start reading the lines.

In this scene, she acted out inner thoughts without any lines. She could only express her inner feelings through her eyes, facial expressions and body language.

It was Pei Yi who read the long lines. She found some feeling, the tension and expectation of playing the role of "Doukou" in the play. When she was waiting for Pei Yi to read the lines, he suddenly threw the script and rushed over to hug Jiang Se:

"Shallows doesn't want you, but I do."

He was originally sitting on the coffee table opposite Jiang Se, but now he pounced over and Jiang Se was caught by him.

The emotions she had been building up for a long time were instantly dispersed by him.

"Pei Yi!" She waited for a long time, waiting for him to recite the lines that Xiao Zi was supposed to say. When he finished reciting, she should have shown a heartbroken and painful expression, but Pei Yi did not play by the rules. He threw the script and pounced on her.

She was thrown onto a corner of the sofa, and his figure covered her tightly: "It's okay if Xiao Zi doesn't want you, but I want you."

"Go away." He was supposed to finish reading the poem by Han Hong quoted by Hou Xiling and then say: "Even if I am alive, I am afraid I will be like a withered flower or a withered willow." Jiang Se pushed him twice, and he was a little unhappy:

"Sese is not a fallen woman."

"This is the line. Do you understand it?"

He half-knelt on the ground, put his hands on her waist and held her, shaking his head: "I don't understand."

Even though he knew it was fake, just as she said, it was just a line, but he didn't even want to say anything fake that would hurt her.

After saying that, he added: "Even if you were 'Doukou', I would not say that. No matter what you look like or what kind of harm you have suffered, I will definitely find you, not like Xiao Zi." His tone was firm and his eyes were serious, and it was obvious that these words were not spoken casually.

Jiang Se felt that this play could not be practiced.

Her knees were against his chest, and she could feel his pounding heartbeat. He tilted his head back with an innocent look on his face.

"If you ask me, Hou Xiling should be changed to Xiao Zi saying distressedly: 'Whether Dou Qu'er is dead or alive, I will definitely find her.' Then the ending, the movie is over."

His words made Jiang Se laugh, and he moved his calf to kick him:

"Nonsense, are you the screenwriter or is Mr. Hou the screenwriter?"

She didn't kick him hard enough, and when she kicked him on the leg, it was as if she was acting like a spoiled child.

As soon as he saw Jiang Se smile, he took advantage of the situation and raised his upper body to get closer to her: "I think I did a good job of making it up."

"Stop it." She reached out to push his face. He made it impossible for her to get into the mood. The feeling that she had worked so hard to build up was gone in an instant.

She huddled in a corner of the rattan chair and said, "Go wait for me outside and don't bother me."

Pei Yi didn't want to leave yet, but Jiang Se looked at the time and it was already late. She was still planning to go home before eleven o'clock. If she delayed any longer, she would not be able to practice anymore.

After she pushed Pei Yi to stand at the door, she picked up the script he had thrown on the ground, read this part again, found the feeling, tried it several times in a row, and when she felt it was almost right, she prepared to see her own performance.

When she stood up, she saw Pei Yi standing outside from the corner of her eye.

In order to prevent him from coming in again, she closed the door. Pei Yi supported the glass with both hands. He stood outside for as long as she had practiced.

That look was somewhat pitiful. She sighed and went to open the door. He couldn't wait to come in and swore:

"I won't make any more noise, Sese, please don't chase me away."

He said that day that he wanted to pursue her, and now it doesn't seem like he was joking with her.

One day, when she woke up, she suddenly turned into a different person. Pei Yi, whom she had always thought of as her childhood sweetheart and a younger brother in her heart, confessed his love to her and showed his determination with his actions, trying to change her perception of the relationship between the two of them. Jiang Se felt a little uneasy.

He was still rewinding the video, wanting her to watch her previous performance, but Jiang Se was no longer in the mood to watch it.

Pei Yi's presence suddenly became much stronger, making her a little overwhelmed. She lifted her hair and asked:

"What time is it?"

It was almost ten o'clock. She stood up and wanted to leave. Pei Yi was a little panicked:

"Practice for a while longer, and I promise not to harass you anymore."

She shook her head, "I have classes tomorrow..." (To be continued)