Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 17: National Taiwan Audition (corrected)


There was no plan to invite Gong Xiqiao inside the national station, but an old man who usually likes to play Weibo accidentally swiped a Weibo of the Imperial University. The content of this Weibo mentioned that Gong Xiqiao was an outstanding student of their school. The school has participated in many competitions and achieved excellent results. When the old man saw this name, he felt a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, isn't this a young artist who is often mentioned on his granddaughter's Weibo

After seeing the photos of Gong Xiqiao, the old man found that he looked a bit like his grandfather when he was young, so he moved a little. I also made a special trip to Didu University to learn about it, and then I saw Gong Xiqiao's photo and his contribution to the school posted on the exhibition board of outstanding graduates of Didu University.

In the photo, Gong Xiqiao is wearing a clean white shirt and has a refreshing hairstyle. Anyone who sees it is a handsome young man. The old man looked at it carefully for a few minutes, and after listening to Gong Xiqiao's teachers who seemed to have no money, he finally made a decision. After going back to discuss with the relevant people of the National Taiwan, the National Taiwan solemnly issued this letter to Senhe Company. Invitation card.

After Sen and the company received the invitation letter, the entire senior management was alarmed. They couldn't blame them for not being calm, but this opportunity was too rare. It is not too rare for the participating works to be screened on the National Channel, but it is a rare opportunity to participate in the works invested and filmed by the National Channel.

National TV is different from other local TVs. Local TVs can be on as long as they are popular, but national TV is different. If they think you are not good enough, no matter how popular you are, don’t even think about stepping into that door.

So this time they received this invitation, it was a pleasant surprise, even if Gong Xiqiao could not play this role in the end, at least it means that the above has a good positive impression of Gong Xiqiao, and he has a good impression of Gong Xiqiao. The future development is also more favorable.

After Chen Ke received the news, he was so happy that he didn't fall asleep all night, and drove to Gongxiqiao's house the next day.

Facts have proved that the parents of Gong Xixiong and Qiao Lanfen are equally excited. In their perception, the national TV station is the representative of the tall, if they can participate in the show, it must be a good thing.

Under the gaze of several pairs of sparkling eyes, Gong Xiqiao took the invitation letter from Chen Ke.

This invitation letter is very formal. It can be seen that the national station attaches great importance to this play. The time and place are stated in it, but there is no script hint.

Is this to test the ability of the audition artist to perform on the spot

The opportunity is rare, and the audition time is two days later. As a student of the Department of History, Gong Xiqiao has always respected Admiral Zheng Xueguo very much. Therefore, I attached great importance to this invitation, and I immediately looked for a lot of Zheng Xueguo's documents and video materials.

From the perspective of personal interests, Zheng Xueguo has more room for development and a better life when he stays abroad, but he chose another, more difficult path, and finally opened up a path full of thorns. Come out on Bright Avenue.

No one does not respect heroes, and so does he. Zheng Xueguo is a well-deserved national hero.

In order to make his temperament more like this Admiral Zheng, he also specially equipped himself with a pair of gold wire glasses without degrees, which are the glasses that Admiral Zheng often uses.

It's the first time he's taken his audition role so seriously, not because he's hungry for it, but only because of that seriousness that doesn't count as blasphemous for the hero.

In an audition room of an international TV station, there were thirteen audition examiners sitting in it. It wasn't that they deliberately made things difficult for the artist who came to audition, but Zheng Xueguo's role was too important to allow them to be sloppy.

This play was specially filmed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. There are 13 directors in the whole director group, including 3 directors and 10 assistant directors. The investment is even more generous. For this crew, money and equipment are not a problem, only the right actors are the top priority.

Many years ago, a director turned a good blockbuster into a star collection, but after the film was broadcast, not many viewers paid attention to the plot, because they all went to count the stars.

For this centennial gift, they can no longer repeat the old way, but to shoot a truly magnificent boutique.

People in Huaguo have special feelings for integers. Whenever they encounter integers, they will think that this is a good sign of success, not to mention that this is the centennial gift of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it is even more solemn.

In order to prepare for this film, the National Channel has been preparing for two or three years. After all personnel are in place, they will begin to strictly screen the roles. But now Zheng Xueguo's role has not been decided, and the expected shooting date is coming, how can they not be in a hurry.

"Director Li, the role of Admiral Zheng is not easy to play, the appearance and temperament are not suitable, and the appearance with suitable temperament is not good at acting. The actor yesterday was barely okay, his acting skills and appearance are passable, but he lacks some of Admiral Zheng's demeanor. I'm also a few years older." After several days of casting, he couldn't find a suitable actor, Director Wang was also a little discouraged, took a sip of tea with a cup of tea in his hand, "We will start filming in half a month, this role Can't decide."

Whether it is the director or the assistant director, they are all well-rounded directors in the director circle. The more they pay attention to it, the more pressure they will have. If this film is screwed up, they will not only be shameless, but also difficult to explain to them.

Director Li is the most qualified in the director team, so the entire director team is also headed by him. Wang Dao was worried, and he couldn't relax. He sighed and said, "I heard that the artist who came today was recommended by Qian Lao?"

Qian Lao is one of the historical consultants for this film, and he is also the grandson of General Zheng, so the artist he recommended should be good.

"Yes," Director Wang flipped through the information in his hand, his expression was a little subtle, "He is a young actor who is currently popular, his name is Gong Xiqiao."

Director Li thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "That's fine, let's take a look first." Although I don't know how Qian Lao would like a young actor, since Qian Lao is willing to recommend it, it shows that this person has merit. at the place.

Soon, they met this actor named Gong Xiqiao.

The white shirt, suit pants, shoes were clean, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose gave him a bookish air. At first glance, they almost thought that the young Admiral Zheng was standing in front of them.

Director Li was stunned for a moment before he said, "Please start your performance."

"It's nice here, but it's not my home after all," the young man flipped through a curled notebook in his hand, with nostalgia and firmness in his eyes, "If I don't go back, I'll have a bad conscience in my life."

"No, you won't understand," he shook his head with a light smile and looked out of the window, "She won't be poor all the time. Thousands of years ago, she was attacked from all directions, so now she will stand up again. her spine."

"It's not just me, I won't be the only one who wants to go back to her arms," he took off his glasses, revealing his black and white eyes. There were so many things in these eyes that it almost made people feel overwhelmed by this Emotional infection, "I believe that many people are like me, even if I don't see or hear, but I can imagine."

"Why do you ask me to do this?"

The young man wiped his glasses and slowly put them on, hiding his reddish eyes.

"I just look forward to seeing him all well and the country prosperous and the people strong in my lifetime."

"No, Catherine, this is not a delusion, but the expectation of all of us in Huaguo." He looked down at the notebook in his hand, and grasped it tightly, as if grasping a dream.

After the audition was over, the whole room was silent for a moment. Director Li coughed dryly, suppressing the emotions that had filled his heart: "You acted so well, even I was infected by your character's emotions." He tilted his head to look at the others. Director, waiting for their conclusion.

Director Wang nodded silently, showing a positive attitude towards Gong Xiqiao. After watching this performance, he understood why Qian Lao recommended this young man.

Another chief director was relieved when he saw Gong Xiqiao perform. If the actors who auditioned later did not perform better, then Gong Xiqiao was sufficient for this role.

After finding a suitable role, the entire director team felt less pressure on their hearts, Director Li saw that everyone was satisfied with Gong Xiqiao's performance, so he smiled at Gong Xiqiao: "Thank you for participating in this audition, Please keep your phone on for the next few days and we'll let you know the results of your audition as soon as possible."

"Thank you to the directors, and thank you to the crew for giving me this opportunity to audition," Gong Xiqiao politely thanked him before leaving the audition room. Seeing Chen Kezheng looking at him nervously outside the door, he took off his glasses and smiled. Laughing, "Director Li asked me to wait for the notification."

Chen Ke nodded in understanding. It is really difficult to get the role of this kind of work with Gong Xiqiao's current status. Being able to audition this time can be regarded as showing Xiaoqiao's face in front of the famous directors.

After the audition was over, they didn't want to stay long, so as not to offend people, so the two walked straight to the elevator.

After the elevator door opened, Gong Xiqiao found that there were other people in the elevator. He was slightly taken aback, nodded to the two people inside, and then walked in.

Xi Qing didn't expect to meet this handsome man again. When the other party nodded at him, he dared to feel inexplicably at a loss.

The elevator stopped on the 8th floor, he reached out his hand expressionlessly and pressed the door close button: "I pressed the wrong number of floors just now."

The assistant behind him twitched in a small arc at the corner of his eye, and then moved to the next corner in a small arc.

Gong Xiqiao was somewhat impressed by this person, so after he spoke, he smiled politely again.

Then... the whole elevator fell silent.