Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 46: Red carpet


As the most valuable film and television awards in China, the live broadcast of each Qianhua Award will attract the attention of many people. Television media and online media will cover the whole process. At the same time, this is also a venue where artists try their best to compete for beauty, especially in the highly competitive female artist circle. It is necessary to avoid bumping into shirts with other artists, but also to gain more exposure for themselves. To make themselves more photogenic on the red carpet, they are exhausted.

Especially some outdated female artists, sometimes for the sake of topicality, they even deliberately act and self-deprecating, and they run out of means to get the camera on them.

Entering this circle, if you want to be indifferent to fame and fortune, it is simply a dream. Female artists are trying their best to compete for beauty in dress and jewelry, but male artists are actually not too conceited.

Compared with female artists who can spend their time on dresses and handbags, male artists' dress styles are much more boring, but they can spend their time on ties, brooches, watches, shoes, and hairstyles. , No matter how the audience commented after the live broadcast, at least the camera will stay on them for a few more seconds, and there will be more people who comment.

Sometimes the saddest thing about an artist is not that there is black material exposed, but that even though you have black material, others are too lazy to report it.

Senhe has several artists who can walk on the red carpet at the Thousand Flowers Awards this time. The company headquarters also held a special internal meeting for this red carpet.

In the face of these colleagues who had entered the circle earlier than him and had to pay his brother Qiao, Gong Xiqiao did not pose, and politely returned to the other party's brother or sister. With his easy-going attitude, before the meeting officially started, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was very harmonious.

However, in the middle of the meeting, the respective managers of the two artists sneered at each other because one of them robbed the other of the resources. It's just that due to the presence of the boss, both sides were restrained and did not tear their faces.

This is the case in the circle, there is competition between different companies, and the same company is the same, whoever is popular is eligible to get the best script or variety show announcement, and the works invested within the company, the first brother and one sister are considered first. , the rest are the people below.

As the first brother and the second generation of upstarts to be held by Sen He, Gong Xiqiao has no such concerns at all, because he has the most resources. Therefore, he is the most hated type in the circle. Others may not be able to get a role even if they try their best to sell their body and soul, and he has to pick and choose from the script. He starred in a blockbuster shortly after his debut. He has money, looks, education, and status. This kind of winner in life is simply a living specimen of a lucky person.

"Xu Chao, your performance has been outstanding recently, so the company has decided to arrange a professional PR team for you." Xiang Hong is a businessman. Seeing that Xu Chao has climbed up with the help of Gong Xiqiao, he doesn't mind helping him two more times. Bundle.

"Thank you boss." Xu Chao turned his head and saw Gong Xiqiao giving him a thumbs up under the table, scratching his head and smiling.

A few artists next to him are a little unpleasant. Xu Chao also has a bad luck. He has been tepid for the past two years. How could he know that he became popular with a "Brother Uncle", and who in the whole company does not know who this character is? What Qiao Shao gave him, if Gong Xiqiao didn't recommend him, what would he be now

Senhe is considered to be a low-level company in the industry, and there are also popular artists in his hands, but they are all unstable and have no masterpieces that can be called famous. Therefore, Gong Xiqiao, who has starred in "National Industry" and is well received, and is also highly praised by the company, is the first brother in the company.

Now the first elder brother Gong Xiqiao and the first elder sister Mi Yue have a good relationship with Xu Chao, so as long as Xu Chao does not die, he is destined to develop.

It's not that other agents have not thought about letting their artists please Gong Xiqiao, but unfortunately Chen Ke's skills are too high, and he was stopped before some ways to please him were used. With Chen Ke's attitude, they didn't dare to be too explicit. How to say this is also the company's most golden agent.

"Does Xiao Qiao need anything else?" After Xiang Hong complimented Xu Chao, his tone towards Gong Xiqiao became more gentle, "I forgot to tell you a happy event, just now the company received an invitation from the National Taiwan Propaganda Department. , I hope you can shoot a public service advertisement."

Xiang Hong deliberately left the news on this occasion to let other artists understand that because Gong Xiqiao deserves to be praised by the company, all the company's top management will spend so much effort to cultivate it. If others feel uncomfortable, they will grow old. Hold on honestly.

The expressions of the artists present changed, and finally Qi Qi put on a happy expression, smiled and applauded to congratulate Gong Xiqiao.

The public service advertisement prepared by the National Taiwan Propaganda Department, this kind of opportunity has always been an opportunity only for those who have a positive image. Idol artists like them are rarely able to catch up on this line.

Thinking of the good people and deeds Gong Xiqiao did before, most of the people here are a little uncomfortable. Some people are really destined to become winners in life. The pie is like waiting for him to appear and then drop it at a fixed point. They can't even be jealous.

After thanking all the artists who congratulated him, Gong Xiqiao saw that the artists present were looking at him more carefully, and nodded with satisfaction in his heart. Absolute strength is the perfect weapon against jealousy.

The capital in June is not cool even at night. Gong Xiqiao was nominated for two works. According to the role, he should have walked the red carpet with the artists from the cast of "My Uncle", but due to his wonderful performance in the cast of "Guoye", he finally arranged to be with Dai Ni. Walk the red carpet.

Dai Ni is one of the most popular actresses in China. He can walk the carpet with Dai Ni, which is purely due to the "National Industry" crew and Dai Ni's admiration for him.

"National Industry" will praise him. Of course, there are factors that make his role outstanding, but this alone is not enough for the crew to work hard for him. No matter where he is, strength and affection are inseparable. With his personal friendship with Director Wang, who is also one of the main directors of "National Industry", he knows that there must be Director Wang's help in this.

However, Dai Ni was willing to condescend to go with him, which surprised Gong Xiqiao. His current coffee position, on occasions like the Thousand Flowers Awards, has not yet had the strength to walk the red carpet alone with his partner. More likely, he will go up with the main creator of the crew, Hula La. This situation is definitely not eye-catching by walking the carpet alone.

In the lengthened luxury car, Dai Ni, who was wearing a gorgeous evening dress, elegantly trimmed the broken hair on the side of her temples: "I heard that Director Wang's drama is finished, don't forget to give me a few when the premiere is over. Zhang friendship ticket."

"Sister Dai can come, not to mention a few tickets, a dozen tickets will do," Gong Xiqiao looked at the brightly lit entrance and said with a smile, "Thank you, Sister Dai, this time."

Dai Ni smiled and accepted this thank you. With her status as an actress in the circle, even on the occasion of the Qianhua Award, she was walking the carpet alone. This time, her intention to support Gong Xiqiao was considered her initiative. goodwill from the other party.

She took out the makeup mirror and looked at her face. After confirming that her makeup was flawless, Dani closed the mirror and said with a small smile, "Since you called me sister, you don't need to thank me in the future, wait for you to become popular in the future. World, I'm still waiting to hug your thigh."

"If I can really become popular all over the world in the future, I will tell people every day that the beautiful and elegant actress in the circle is my sister." Gong Xiqiao said with a smile, "Let those people be jealous of me."

"What's so jealous about?"

"I'm jealous that I have such a beautiful sister," Gong Xiqiao was serious at first, but then a little discouraged, "but the one who is most envied is definitely Brother Yi, it's not my turn, who told him to have such a good girlfriend as you Woolen cloth."

There is no woman who doesn't like other people's praise for her beauty and affirmation of her relationship. Dai Ni covered the corner of her mouth and said, "Ouch, the mouth is so sweet, when I marry Ayi, I will definitely give you an extra packet of wedding candy."

Does this sound like a wedding date

The smile on Gong Xiqiao's face was even more obvious: "One more pack of wedding candy is not enough, why do you need ten packs."

Chen Ke, who was sitting in the back, heard Gong Xiqiao coaxing Dai Ni into a happy mood, and turned to look at Dai Ni's manager. Seeing that the other party seemed to be happy, he touched his chin and pondered.

Dai Ni's kindness is very obvious, but as Dai Ni's coffee position in the circle, why should she give Gong Xiqiao face like this? Is it because of the friendship in the "National Industry" crew? Saying it, he doesn't even believe it himself.

When Gong Xiqiao got out of the car, he showed a proper smile in the pile of long guns and short cannons, and the slightly raised corners of his eyes made the female audience in front of the TV ticklish.

He turned back to open the door, put one hand behind his back, helped Dani out with the other hand, then bent his arm and appeared in front of everyone holding hands with Dani.

Dani is a famous red carpet queen. The place where she appears is the place where the camera pays attention. Many male artists walk by her side, and they will be set off by her aura, so they have no sense of existence.

But in recent years, she has rarely walked the red carpet with others, so when Gong Xiqiao appeared arm in arm with her, the media was stunned for a while.

No wonder Gong Xiqiao appeared in such an advanced order, and it turned out that Dani's thigh was there.

Originally, they thought that Gong Xiqiao was just trying to get on with Dai Ni's favor, and took the opportunity to raise his status, but seeing the harmonious aura of the two and their handsome looks, the reporters at the scene came back to it. It turned out that the two Good personal relationships.

Although Gong Xiqiao was young, when he walked in front of Dai Ni, he was not robbed of the slightest limelight by Dai Ni. If the aura value of the two of them is five, but after walking together, it becomes the critical hit value of fifteen.

The audience in front of the TV watched the handsome Gong Xiqiao and the glamorous Dai Yinghou walking together, inexplicably thinking of the queen and the prince.

But isn't the queen matched with the emperor, why are these two different in popularity, but they are so conspicuous when they walk together

Since the two appeared, the screams at the scene have not stopped. Dani elegantly waved to the media and fans at the scene. Gong Xiqiao was responsible for acting as a good male companion. With his elegant demeanor, he also fascinated many girls. Movie fans.

After cooperating with the media to take photos, Gong Xiqiao and Dai Ni walked to the signature board together, took the signature pen from the emcee, he opened the cover very naturally, then turned the tip of the pen towards his palm, and handed it to Dai Ni. .

Dani took it with a smile and signed her name.

Gong Xiqiao delayed her by more than ten seconds to sign her name, and was then stopped by the host for an interview.

The audience in front of the TV watched the actions of the two of them, and somehow felt that the two had a sense of being a sister and a younger brother.

On the Cape Forum, there was a live post about the Thousand Flowers Award, and one of the owners said with a haha: "Queen Dai is really aura, but Prince Qiao is not inferior. Instead, the sisters and brothers are full of aura."

"You're right upstairs. I also think that the aura of the two of them is very harmonious, but there is no ambiguity between men and women. Is it because Her Lady Queen and Chen Yi are together, I'm preconceived."

"A few people upstairs don't know that Queen Dai and Shao Qiao have a good relationship with the crew of "Guoye", and have you read the exclusive interview about Shao Qiao in "He Rui" magazine, he publicly supported Queen Dai and Shao Qiao Chen Yi's love affair."

"Yes, I remembered. At that time, the male god was still very bold and said that since there is no such thing as brother-sister love, there should be no such title as sister-in-law love. After thinking about it, I think that the male god must be a very good person. A good man who respects women."

The artists at the scene did not know about the debate on the Internet. The host of the Thousand Flowers Awards was interviewing Dani with a smile on her face.

"Nini is really radiant today. When you and Xiao Qiao appeared, I had to worry about whether the roof would be overturned by the screams of the enthusiastic audience," the host asked, "Today you won the best actress and Two nominations for Best Supporting Actress, are you confident that you can win the award?"

"The other actors are all very powerful actors. I'm fortunate enough to be nominated with them. It doesn't matter whether I can win an award or not," Dai Ni replied in a dignified manner, "especially when playing her own role. , I've tried my best and that's enough."

Dai Ni's answer was very beautiful. She not only praised others, but also didn't slaughter herself. She really deserved to be the first sister in the circle. Gong Xiqiao praised her in her heart.

"Okay, I wish you good luck tonight." After the host interviewed, they let the two in. As for Gong Xiqiao, he acts as a perfect male companion background, and it is not worth the delay for the host to specially interview.

After entering, Dani smiled at Gong Xiqiao, reached out and patted his arm.

In the face of Dani's silent comfort, Gong Xiqiao smiled back. He knew very well his status and what kind of people were treated. This was actually fair.

"Boss!" Assistant Gou knocked on the door of the hotel where Xi Qing lived with the document, and waited for more than half a minute before Xi Qing opened the door for him.

Hearing some harsh screams coming from the TV, Gou Tezhu squinted to look at the TV, is this the live broadcast of the Qianhua Awards

How could the boss actually watch such a noisy show? !

The scene of seeing Gong Xiqiao has passed, and Xi Qing is no longer interested in who appears on TV. After taking over the folder that Gou Te has helped to read, he signs his name.

Gou Te helped to take the signed documents, and he was a little murmured in his heart. Just now, the boss was in a hurry to rush back to the hotel from the branch office, and even pushed the dinner specially arranged for him. Wouldn't it be just to watch the live broadcast of the Thousand Flowers Awards

At this moment, he felt as if he heard the sound of something collapsing, maybe... his worldview