Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 49: This unscientific


"I don't know what masterpiece caused such a big sensation," Bai Zhongpi looked at Xi Qing who was standing outside the crowd with a smile, "President Xi seems to be in a bad mood, is it because he is not interested in these works?"

This is also the flower country exhibition area. As one of the leading family owners of the flower country, if Xi Qing is indifferent to the things of his own country, it is not very pleasant to say it.

Xi Qing gave him a cold look, not even intending to speak.

Xue Chong next to him sneered when he heard the words: "Bai is always an elegant person, why don't you explain it to us. I just don't understand what this painting means. With Mr. Bai here, it will definitely make Mao Sue open."

Bai Zhong's cooperation with overseas companies has been very smooth recently, and has been touted several times by the media and people who are attached to the Bai family. It is inevitable that he behaves in a high-profile manner. After being ignored by Xi Qing, he was suddenly robbed by Xue Chong, and he felt a little unhappy. He tilted his head and looked in the direction of Xue Chong's station. There was a picture of a woman standing by the window, but he didn't know what dynasty it was, only that it was an ancient noble woman.

He has been studying economics all these years, and he has no time to understand art, and it is even more impossible to understand the meaning of this kind of painting, so he twitched his lips and ignored Xue Chong.

"This painting is very aura." Seeing Bai Zhong ignoring himself, Xue Chong didn't care. He was very interested in art. He turned around and looked at the painting closest to him. The more he looked, the more fascinated he became. After a long while, there was a trace of sadness in his heart, as if he was infected with the melancholy of the woman in the painting, and he didn't come back to his senses until there was a sudden and constant clicking sound around him.

Looking back, I could only see a distance of more than ten meters. It seemed that some people were surrounded by reporters, and they were densely surrounded by a large circle, and even no one could be seen.

"The painter has appeared!"

"Go and take a close-up!"

"Hurry up, or you won't be able to find a bad shooting angle."

The media who were originally surrounded by the exhibition area ran over, and in front of the blocked works, half of the people suddenly disappeared, and it seemed that it was not so crowded.

Xue Chong was a little curious, what kind of painting has attracted so much attention

After getting closer to see the painting, Xue Chong suddenly took a deep breath. This painting... is too evil!

"In my lifetime, I can finally see such a grand scene. I have no regrets in my life!" An old man in his sixtieth year next to him with red eyes, facing the reporter who was interviewing him, choked up for the interview, but apparently because he was too excited, he even Words are not clear.

Xue Chong knew this old man. He was a well-known historian in China, but how could this painting make him lose his temper

After watching it carefully, although Xue Chong was not as excited as the old man, he was still in a difficult mood. Because this painting is too vivid and too textual, it is almost as if the painter was there at the time.

So it is no wonder that it caused such a big stir. The Tianjin Dynasty a thousand years ago was the most economically and culturally developed country in the world. Not only the people of Huaguo were interested in the civilization of that time, but even many foreign historians often study the civilization of that period. history.

"Good painting," Xi Qing walked to the painting and stared at it for a moment. He had always been taciturn and couldn't help but praised, "This picture of the banquet in Tianjin Palace is very in line with the culture and atmosphere at that time."

Seeing that Xi Qing was also interested in this painting, Xue Chong suddenly became interested, and explained to him the amazing things about this painting, as well as some unofficial history in the early days of the founding of the Jin Dynasty.

"The person who paints not only has superb painting skills, but also has profound knowledge. Otherwise, he would not be able to paint such a work that shocked domestic and foreign countries." Xue Chong was very curious about the author of this painting, but unfortunately the inscription on it reads "Gong Gong" "Bridge Guest" on behalf of the name, can not find the real name.

It seems that the "Lady Dressing Girl" that is touted by many people in China is also his painting

Xi Qing didn't take it seriously, his attention was all on the empty space in this picture. With the author's rigor, it should not have been forgotten, but intentional.

He looked at the painting carefully again, and finally found a clue in the corner. Somewhere in the corner of the painting, two female officials with palace lanterns led a young man in Chinese clothes to the hall, but the man's figure was covered by the palace pillar, and only half of his figure was exposed, making it difficult to see his face.

It seems that this is the person who should be seated at the second table on the right.

"Gong Qiao Ke..." Xi Qing muttered the name in a low voice, inexplicably thinking of Gong Xi Qiao, and couldn't help laughing a little, he could even think of that person with such a name, but he just went crazy.

At this time, on domestic Weibo, a netizen who was fortunate enough to participate in the exhibition posted a Weibo.

Jin Tianzhu: Our country is really in the limelight at this exchange meeting. The entire flower country exhibition area is crowded with visitors and media. Unfortunately, I entered the venue a little late and didn't squeeze in. I haven't had time to see what works are, but I posted The picture shows you what it means to be crowded.

This blogger posted three pictures, one of the media in a dense group, one of the audiences in the Huaguo exhibition area, and one of the works hanging in the Huaguo exhibition hall.

The netizens who saw this Weibo first envy the bloggers being able to go to such a high place, and then express their appreciation for the behavior of their artists to win glory for the country. Finally, they hope that the bloggers can work hard and take the picture that was photographed by everyone. Grabbing the works of onlookers.

Jin Tianzhu: I'm not sure if it can be photographed or not. Now the picture is surrounded by everyone and representatives of the aristocratic family, including Master Xi, who has a good relationship with Qiao Shao. It's a pity that Qiao Shao was not there, otherwise I would still be able to take pictures with idols.

The black fans suddenly jumped out: Qiao fans, don't be too big, your Qiao Shao is just a small artist who is not high-end. In this case, he can't even get in the door, so don't hype up with other people's thighs .

When Qiao fans saw these remarks, although they were angry, because the meaning of this exchange meeting was different, they didn't want to harass Gongxi Qiao, so they had to reason a few words with each other, but did not dare to quarrel.

It is also because of these behaviors that passersby have a very good sense of Qiao fans.

However, this blogger named Jin Tianzhu may have been busy watching the exhibition. After posting two Weibo posts, he disappeared.

Half an hour later, the blogger appeared again, but the Weibo he posted was incomprehensible.

Jin Tianzhu: Ahhh! ! dying! dying! I want to kneel to see the exhibition!

The five exclamation marks fully expressed the blogger's full and excited mood, leaving the onlookers confused. What happened? Could it be that Hua Guo has done something to disgrace other countries

In the exhibition hall, Gong Xiqiao agreed to the invitation to paint on the spot under the warm invitation of the organizer and the careful consideration of Hua Fang.

In fact, Chinese painting has always paid attention to a spirit and rhythm. Under the onlookers of so many people, it is very easy to affect the mood of the painter. However, the host sent a warm invitation, and Hua Fang wanted to take this opportunity to vigorously promote the culture of his country, so he had to let Gong Xiqiao, who was in the limelight this time, play under pressure.

Fortunately, Huafang has always been well-prepared in his work, so even if he painted on the spot, he used painting tools prepared in his own country. Chinese painting has extremely high requirements on tools, and even the paper can't be sloppy. The things provided by foreign countries have no specialties prepared by themselves.

On-site painting, in addition to testing the painter's painting skills and psychological quality, also pays attention to a style. You said that no matter how good you are at painting, the posture of standing there is very strange. How beautiful is the picture of the camera

You must know that the scene is already crowded with reporters from all over the world. A good image will definitely bring better results.

After laying out the scroll, Gong Xiqiao smiled at the densely packed camera, without speaking, he picked up the pen and started to draw.

Although the reporters at the scene did not understand the traditional paintings of the Flower Country, they felt that the handsome young man's paintings were very beautiful, like... like a blooming magnolia, elegant and clean, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

In less than 20 minutes, Gong Xiqiao finished writing, then raised his head and smiled at everyone, "Everyone is optimistic."

After he finished speaking, he dipped water in the fine porcelain bowl next to him with his jade-white hand, stretched out his hand and brushed it over the drawing paper, and saw the budding peach blossoms on the original drawing quickly blooming on the paper, It's like a flower that suddenly blooms on the paper, which is wonderful.

In fact, this trick was only learned from a colleague in his previous life, and it is not a very advanced skill. As long as you pay attention to the weight of the brush and ink when painting, and then match the angle of the watering and the degree of infestation of the paper, you can Can cause this "miracle".

There are many conditions for painting on the spot. If you really want to paint a painting well, you don’t know how much time it will take. It is better to use this almost lost technique, which may bring better results.

Hearing a burst of exclamation at the scene, he knew that this method was used correctly, and showed an extremely pure smile towards the camera, and then the shutter sounded constantly on the scene, if he hadn't been used to the spotlight, here In this state, you will definitely be blinded by the flash.

"This is..." Xia Lao and several other Huaguo painters looked at this scene in amazement, and Xia Lao was shocked for a long time, "Is this a beautiful hand made flower that has been lost for a long time?"

It is recorded in ancient books that Lu Heng, a famous politician, painter and thinker in the early days of the Tianjin Dynasty, had a thaumaturgy, which was to make flowers bloom on paper, which was called by later generations as "smart hands produce flowers". It's just that this painting technique has almost been lost, and now it is suddenly used by a young man in his twenties, who are no less surprised than those foreigners.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" An old painter lamented bitterly, how could such a genius be stained with fame and fortune, and he has to become an actor

Hua Fang's officials were overjoyed at this time, looking at Gong Xiqiao's eyes, almost the same as "national treasure", this time it is really a country with a long face, a big long face.

In this year's list of the top ten young people who moved Huaguo, he must be there!

Foreigners have long been stunned by Gong Xiqiao's hand. They have not yet understood how the flower bones on the drawing paper can still bloom. This is too unscientific.

Oh, the mysterious Huaguo people, the magical Huaguo people, the culture of Huaguo is really interesting.

Xue Chong, who was huddled in the crowd to watch the excitement, was completely stunned. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and after a long time he turned to look at Xi Qing next to him, and stammered: "I, I didn't watch it. wrong?"

Can someone tell me why the painter who made foreigners drop their jaws is Gong Xiqiao? !

No, isn't Gong Xiqiao a second-generation upstart actor? Why does he appear here so cool? It must be that he got off the plane in the wrong position today, otherwise how could such a fantastic thing happen

Xi Qing stared blankly at the young man surrounded by domestic and foreign, watching him cope with the media interviews with ease, and looking at the painting on the table that surprised everyone, his heart was numb and sour, and the five flavors were mixed, said Can't help feeling.

On the other side of the crowd, Gong Xixiong and Qiao Lanfen looked proudly at Gong Xiqiao, who was surrounded by all the stars. ! ! The seeds of their Gongxi family and Qiao family!

At 19:00 in the capital of Huaguo, the "News Network" with the highest ratings in Huaguo was broadcast on time. Many people were doing other things while turning on the TV.

At 19:20, the female anchor reported the news of the International Art Exchange with a beautiful and standard voice.

"Gong Xiqiao, a young Chinese painter, painted on the spot, and his brilliant hand became a flower, which shocked the audience and was well received by foreign artists and media..."

What? Young painter Gong Xiqiao

Some young people looked at the TV suspiciously, just in time to see the picture of flower bones blooming on the drawing paper.

The audience in front of the TV was a little dumbfounded. This is a news broadcast, not a fantasy drama or a magic scene, right

When the camera moved up and aimed at the face of the painter, many young people's minds suddenly went blank.

I'm shy, who was in the camera just now? ! Is there something wrong with their eyes

On the Internet, a Qiao fan weakly posted a Weibo.

Slippery Sky: What, have you watched tonight's news broadcast? I think there is something wrong with the posture of turning on the TV today.

Panda: Me too...

Green House Ten Birds: Me too...

It's not that they are timid, it's just that the news tonight is so amazing that they, as fans of Qiao, can't believe it.

After 19:30, the Weibo homepage fell into a magical and eerie atmosphere, and many people posted something like "Have you watched the news broadcast?"

At 20:05 in the evening, the National Art Association officially posted a Weibo.

National Art Association V: Today, Chinese artist representatives participated in the international art exchange meeting and achieved great success. The three works of the young painter Gong Xiqiao were well received, among which "Palace Banquet" was even more amazing. In addition, he painted on the spot with the long-lost technique of "Flowering by Hands", which shocked the four and made a great contribution to the promotion of traditional Chinese painting culture.

Soon after this Weibo was posted, some netizens responded below.

Netizen A: After a thousand degrees of "excellent hands make flowers", you will definitely come back and read this Weibo on your knees.

Netizen B: I have already knelt down.

Netizen C: I have kneeled together.

After a series of replies, a netizen finally asked a question that everyone cares about.

Netizen N: Is this Gong Xiqiao, the Gong Xiqiao we know

The National Art Association replied to netizen N: Gong Xiqiao is a very talented calligrapher and painter, and his film and television works are also amazing.

After seeing this reply, the netizens immediately fell into a dream-like state.

Talented artists come to join the showbiz? Why is this style so peculiar

Not only ordinary netizens are stunned, but Qiao fans are not much better. They have long known that male gods are perfect, but suddenly they learned that the original male gods can be even more male gods, and they can't turn around for a while.

People say that artists like to develop across borders, but is the crossover of male gods a little bigger

When the people in the country reacted, the people and the media went crazy, it's good to win glory for the country! The foreigner dropped his chin in shock! Such great deeds must be praised and reported.

What, the young people who paint can still act

Ouch, what a capable young man, he not only draws well, looks good, but also has good acting skills. He acted in those plays, and everyone came to see him.

What, this kid is a top student at Imperial College, who has won a number of grand prix championships

That's great, if your children can like this kind of idol, they don't have to worry about their learning crooked!

Netizens were also mad with joy. Some even edited the video of Gong Xiqiao making flowers bloom on paper and uploaded it to the Internet. In just a few hours, it reached more than 100,000 retweets.

"If it wasn't for the content broadcast by the National Channel News, I would have thought it was a post-production video."

"Don't be so ignorant upstairs. Wonderful hands and flowers have existed since ancient times. I heard that it was one of Lu Heng's special skills in the Tianjin Dynasty. This is all traditional Chinese culture, not a later period."

"I'm so worried that after a few days, the stick country jumped out and said that this painting technique is their traditional culture."

"They have the guts to say that they have the ability to let people paint a picture in public. Ah, my male god is so handsome when he brushes his hand off the drawing paper, male god, I want to give birth to a monkey for you."

"I used to read novels, and the protagonists were often winners in life, sons of heaven, and they scoffed at these plots. After seeing Young Master Qiao, I realized that I had wronged those authors."

And under Jin Tianzhu's Weibo, the person who used Xi Qing to ridicule Gong Xiqiao, his face has been swollen by netizens, and he didn't even dare to say a word. It's not that their eloquence is bad, it's that Gong Xiqiao is too good.

No matter how big the brain hole is, it is impossible to think that Gong Xiqiao will appear at the exchange conference in that way, and also win glory for the country? The most bloody TV series, you dare not act like this, okay? !

Just when the country was busy, Jin Tianzhu posted on Weibo again.

Jin Tianzhu: Friends who like to collect paintings, do you still remember the "Lady's Dressing Picture" that was praised by many people? ! what! ! Qiao Shao, my marriage!

Netizens who don't understand the collection industry also know what's going on after other people's popular science.

"Lady's Dressing Picture" is worth seven figures and is respected by many collectors

Although many people don't understand art, they understand money. A painting can be worth such a high price, it is definitely not an ordinary work!

After everyone was blinded by Gong Xiqiao's height, a Qiao fan sighed: I don't know why, as a fan of the male god, I feel that I have grown taller.

Not only this Qiao fan, but many Qiao fans feel honored. After all, such an excellent person on the fan also proves that they have a good vision.

The country is lively, and the exchanges that have not ended are equally lively. It's just that Gong Xiqiao, who has been concerned by many media, has no time to watch other works of art, because he has been dealing with media interviews from beginning to end. When the museum was closed, if it wasn't for the strong security of Boots, he might not even be able to squeeze in a car.

After returning to the hotel and being interviewed by National Television, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After making a phone call with his parents to make sure they had returned to the hotel to rest, Gong Xiqiao hung up the phone, and then saw an additional text message on the phone.

Opening it, he smiled silently.

Daxi: The painting is very beautiful, but there are too many people around you, so I can't squeeze in to say congratulations to you, I'm a little sorry.

"Ding Dong"

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Xi Qing turned on her phone and looked at the reply on her phone. Her restless heart gradually calmed down.

Joe: Do you like it? Send you a few for free. If you want to congratulate me, please invite me to dinner after returning to China. Xi Qing's palm is a little hot as he holds the phone. He is so good that one can't take his eyes off him.

But there are some thoughts, if you don't work hard, you can only become regrets. He didn't ask for much love in his life, only this one, and he was reluctant to let it go with the flow.