Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 66: Confess


Wang Ruhong is an ordinary senior high school student, whose daily life is the two-point line between school and home. In order to be admitted to a good university, she never cares about what skirts are popular recently, and which artist is popular again. For her, it is better to do a few more workbooks for the time spent on chasing stars.

However, in order to take the exam, she will not deduct points because of current affairs and politics. Recently, she has been waiting for the 7 o'clock news broadcast on time every day.

Of course today was no exception, but it was not yet seven o'clock, so she had to watch the boring commercials on the TV in a daze until a public service announcement was broadcast.

Looking at the young man in a white shirt, walking down the long alley, helping the child take down the kite from the tree, and helping the old man carry fruit, but in the face of thanks from others, he just squinted his eyes and smiled beautifully, from beginning to end. Can't say a word.

Until an out-of-control bicycle hit him behind him, the owner and him fell to the ground, and the owner said angrily: "I called for a long time to get out of the way, are you deaf?"

The young man got up from the ground, picked up the bicycle that fell on the ground, then bent down and stretched out his hand to the scolding owner, with a smile as clean as the sun on his face.

Seeing him like this, the car owner couldn't scold the swear words in his mouth. He took the young man's hand and stood up. He noticed that the young man's ankle was bleeding, and his face became even more uncomfortable.

The young man didn't seem to notice that he was injured, and silently said "I'm sorry", and gestured with his hands.

The sun shines from behind the young man, making his smile appear cleaner and clearer.

"The silent world also has color, care and respect the deaf and dumb people, and care for everyone around you."

After the commercial was over, Wang Xiaohong was a little stunned. Thinking of the young man who was scolded for being deaf and smiling so nicely, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and it didn't ease until the news started.

In the past, public service advertisements often highlighted how pitiful the people in need were and how much they needed the mercy of others. But today's public service advertisements are different, because although he is different from ordinary people, he is still positive and optimistic. What he needs is not sympathy, but respect.

Once the public service advertisement was broadcast, Qiao Fan was naturally the most excited. You must know that this public service advertisement was broadcast ten minutes before the broadcast of the news network, which shows the attitude of the national station.

Artists who can shoot such advertisements are all positive artists. Now Gongxiqiao's public service advertisements are broadcast on more than a dozen channels of the national station, which is enough to see the national station's positioning of Gongxiqiao.

Half an hour later, the unedited version of the public service advertisement shot by Gong Xiqiao was put on the Internet by the National Channel One Network Platform. Because of the length of the commercials, the total length of the commercials broadcast on TV is only one minute and forty seconds, but the version published online is about six minutes and fifty seconds.

Wang Xiaohong, who rarely surfed the Internet, found this advertisement on the Internet. Seeing the young man helping others, being helped by others, and being despised and ridiculed by others, his eyes were red.

She has always looked down on the behavior of her classmates chasing stars. In her eyes, stars are pretending hypocrites. But when she came out of Gong Xiqiao's life thousands of degrees, she suddenly realized that this male artist who often appeared in the mouth of her tablemates and was despised by her was so powerful.

The actor of General Zheng in "National Industry", an outstanding graduate of Imperial University, a rich second-generation background, the most famous young calligrapher and painter, also represented the country in an international art exchange meeting, and even won glory for the country. The value of the works is as high as seven number.

"Gong Xiqiao..." She whispered the name, took out her mobile phone and logged into a Weibo account that she had hardly used, and followed Gong Xiqiao's account seriously.

With such a person as her idol, she feels more motivated for the future.

Gong Xiqiao didn't know about the public service advertisements he shot, and he gained a lot of fans for himself. Now he drank a lot of afternoon tea, and after running to the toilet several times, he was faced with the richness that Xi Qing specially prepared for him. For dinner, I feel that my appetite is particularly good.

After a meal, Gong Xiqiao was lazy on the sofa, looking at the gradually darkening sky outside the window, just as he was about to say something to go home, suddenly a lightning flashed outside the window, and the wind was blowing, he could even hear Howling wind.

Soon a thunderous thunder struck down, and the sound was so loud that it seemed to explode above a person's head.

"It looks like it's going to rain soon," Xi Qing sat a little closer to Gong Xiqiao, "don't go back tonight."

Gong Xiqiao looked at him and raised his eyebrows. Before he could say anything, the lights in the room flickered a few times, and then the room fell into darkness.

A warm palm grabbed his hand, and he moved his index finger slightly, but did not break free of the hand.

"It's okay, it might be a power outage," Xi Qing's voice sounded in his ear, "The villa has power generation equipment, don't worry."

"Yeah." Another flash of lightning lit up. With the light of the lightning, Gong Xiqiao found that Xi Qing's head was very close to him, and his eyes were a little dark.

"Boss, are you and Young Master Qiao okay?" The bodyguard with a flashlight walked in, as if he didn't see the hands they held together, and said in a serious tone, "After two minutes, you can use electricity normally. "

Xi Qing glanced at the captain of the bodyguard and said nothing.

The captain of the bodyguard frowned slightly, and then added: "I remembered that there seemed to be a problem with the power supply equipment last time. I will go to check it immediately. It may delay the power generation time."

Xi Qing nodded and said, "It's hard work."

The captain of the bodyguard and several other bodyguards put down their flashlights, exited silently, and hid in the dark.

The rain fell quickly, making the outside clatter, but unfortunately, there may be something wrong with the power supply equipment. Several minutes have passed, and the lights in the house still haven't turned on.

Gong Xiqiao leaned against the sofa cushion, pulled out the hand that Xi Qing held for a few minutes, and said with a smile: "It seems that the power generation equipment in your villa should be replaced. If there is an emergency, it will be more troublesome."

Xi Qing withdrew her empty hand, and when she heard Gong Xiqiao's words, her expression did not change, but Gong Xiqiao couldn't see his face in the dark: "Well, I will have someone come to reinstall the backup electrical equipment tomorrow."

With a chuckle, Gong Xiqiao suddenly stretched out his hand and lay on Xi Qing's shoulder: "Actually, it's actually quite interesting to stay in a dark room in this thunderstorm weather."

In his last life, he relied on the help of this weather to fool the lord's opponents into suspicious of his subordinates, and finally let the lord win a battle. He also relied on this stop to become a resourceful palace minister in the history books. In fact, only he himself knew that he was not as resourceful and thoughtful as the history books recorded.

His original surname was Qian, but later the lord became emperor and gave the country the surname Gong. Most of the counselors who accompanied the lord to fight the world did not end well, but he became the prime minister. However, this has also become evidence of his strategy in the history books, which shows that things like history books are mostly unreliable.

To be able to win all of this is just because he knows how to figure out what he wants, and how to do it will make the emperor more comfortable and at ease. It's a pity that in his previous life, because he suffered too much when he was young, and in order to gain the trust of his lord, he was seriously injured, resulting in serious physical wear and tear, which made his lifespan not long enough.

He was born in poverty, spent his life earning fame and fortune, and finally died in good graces, and he was still famous in history. His previous life was considered a success.

The hands on his shoulders were warm and soft, even warm to his heart. Xi Qing's ears were slightly red, and she didn't even hear what Gong Xiqiao said, she just answered vaguely.

In the control room, the bodyguard in charge of water and electricity looked at the captain of the bodyguard with tangled eyes: "Captain, ten minutes have passed, is it appropriate not to supply power to the house?" According to the usual regulations, if there is an unexpected power failure, it must be within two minutes Provide backup power, what's going on today

"Don't worry, just wait." The captain of the bodyguard put his hands behind his back, "Just pay attention to the safety of the villa." Anyway, the monitoring equipment circuit is not the same as the residential electricity consumption.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Xi Qing's hand on his knee hesitated for a moment, then put his backhand on the back of his shoulder, "Little Qiao."

Lightning flashed, Gong Xiqiao saw the strange seriousness and seriousness on Xi Qing's face.

"if… "

The thunder sounded, deafening.

"… like you."

Suddenly, the room was full of lights, and the call came. Xi Qing looked at Gong Xiqiao with a calm expression, guessing that the other party might not have heard what she said at all, and let go of her hand, feeling both relieved and a little disappointed.

In front of his sweetheart, Mr. Xi, who made countless people jealous and envied and hated, was nothing but a hairy young man in his twenties.

"Go upstairs to take a bath first and rest early," Xi Qing stood up, "I have already had the guest room tidied up."

In fact, that's fine, at least he can find a chance to get close to him instead of being an awkward stranger.

Gong Xiqiao glanced at him with a smile, followed behind him to the guest room, and saw two sets of clothes on the bed, one set of pajamas and one set of regular clothes, he turned to Xi Qing and said, "Thank you for your special arrangement."

Xi Qing shook his head, exited the room and said, "You can rest, I won't disturb you."

"Wait a minute," Gong Xiqiao walked to the door, looked at Xi Qing and said, "What did you say downstairs just now, the thunder was too loud, I didn't hear it."

Xi Qing was stunned for a while. When he was about to speak, his cell phone suddenly rang. It was his personal cell phone. He glanced at the caller ID, answered the phone, and hung up after saying a few words.

"What happened?" Gong Xiqiao noticed that his expression was wrong, so he asked.

"Someone found that suspicious people appeared around your villa." Xi Qing frowned, "I suspect... it's a white man."

"What is he doing to trouble me?" Gong Xiqiao raised his eyebrows, somewhat baffled.

"Because..." Xi Qing looked up at him and said in a low voice, "I like you."