Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 82: Conspiracy (catch worms)


The scolding battle between Gong Xiqiao and lawyer Bai Fang has not stopped. The online media, print media and TV media are very concerned about this matter because of public opinion, so they are tracking reports every day.

Then everyone was surprised to find that Young Master Qiao, who is usually gentle and elegant, hurts people. He is so stylish, not only citing the classics, but also using the ancients to satirize the present. The mocking skills simply caused critical damage to the opponent. Some onlookers even said that if it wasn't for the onlookers with high IQ or high IQ to help them explain, they would not understand what Gong Xiqiao scolded at all.

What are the contents of "The Rat" and "Qiao Yan" that he used to perfection, and he turned his head and used classical Chinese to add some infamous allusions to insinuate Bai Qi and the Bai family behind him. There is not a single obvious dirty word in these words. , but it can make people vomit blood.

After seeing Gongxiqiao's eloquence, many people sighed with emotion, as expected from the history department of a famous university, see how well these allusions are used

Lawyer Bai Fang was so angry at Gong Xiqiao, and his experience in dealing with the media was not as good as Gong Xiqiao, so he soon had a problem with his words.

"It's just an actor, what can he understand? What does Lin Yu have to do with him?"

The word "player" is used very delicately. Originally, the lawyer wanted to satirize Gong Xiqiao's status and took the opportunity to imply that he was nosy. Who knows that these few words have offended several opera masters. These opera masters are famous in the field of opera, and even state leaders are very polite to them.

Strengthening that they are all strong-willed people. After getting old, they are not pushy, and they usually live a clean life.

Bai Qi's affair has caused a lot of uproar, which has caused everyone to see Bai Qi's actions not pleasing to the eyes of these rather powerful operas. Now seeing the lawyer hired by the Bai family openly swearing as "player", even if there are two of them, everyone can't sit still. Stay, stand up and criticize a few words.

"All living beings are equal, there is no distinction between noble and inferior, only high and low morality. Actors are not necessarily inferior, and nobles are not necessarily superior. If all the things under the skin are dirty, they are not as cute as animals."

Even though he did not name his name when he spoke, everyone knew that lawyer Bai Fang had also offended big figures in the opera world.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Bai family invited a number of lawyers to form a team of lawyers after asking the previous lawyer to apologize.

But nowadays the level of education and education is high, and everyone is not ignorant. In the eyes of everyone, the Bai family's various explanations are trying to make a difference. Otherwise, why should they invite a team of lawyers? It can't be for group fights, right

At this time, Lin Yu's parents also stood up, saying that even if the family went bankrupt, they would seek justice for their son. He also stated that because they were in poor health and had to take care of their son in the hospital, Gong Xiqiao would be solely responsible for Lin Yu's affairs.

Mother Lin was not in good health. When interviewed by the media, she cried and fainted several times. In less than a week, she looked a lot thinner than when she first appeared in front of the media. It was supported by a skeleton, and the clothes hung empty, looking indescribably haggard.

But her eyes were extraordinarily bright, as if there was a fire inside, and the fire would never go out unless the Bai family was burnt down.

Although Father Lin was calmer than Mother Lin, it wasn't much better. The father, who is less than sixty years old, looks like he is in his seventies. He bowed sincerely to all the media, "Thank you for your attention to this matter. It is because of your reports that more people will seek justice for my children. I don't know how to thank you, but I wish you all the best. Everyone is in good luck and everything is going well.”

Seeing such an old man bowing to them for his son, the media were also very moved. They were journalists, not emotionless machines. They, who are used to watching the show of the interviewees, will also be moved when they face the sincere gratitude and pain of the bitter master.

As long as there is affection, there is a bias. In addition, the Bai family is now unable to suppress the media, and the media have long known that the wind has changed, so the balance will soon tilt towards the Lin family and Gong Xiqiao, which has become a normal thing.

Now everyone knows that Gong Xiqiao is the spokesperson of the Lin family, so the focus of the media and the public is still on the Bai Fang lawyers and Gong Xiqiao.

"Young Master Qiao, the Bai family lawyers just issued a statement that they will sue you in court for defamation. Excuse me, will you appear in court?" Outside the gate of Senhe Entertainment, Gongxiqiao was surrounded by reporters as soon as he left the building. .

"I believe that my legal team will handle such trivial matters well," Gong Xiqiao said with a sullen face, "I thought that compared with these, the Bai family would be more worried about the court summons they received, because I believe that the criminal evidence, It will surprise everyone."

The media was in an uproar, what does Gong Xiqiao mean? Could it be that the police have obtained the exact evidence of the crime of the Bai family, and are planning to open the trial

Now that things are so big, and the plot is still very bad, a private trial can't stop the world's long-awaited public. But the object of the trial is the head of the second largest family in Huaguo. Thinking about it, I feel that this is too mystical. Gong Xiqiao really has the ability to force the Bai family to this step

"Young Master Qiao, will Bai Qi's case be tried publicly?" the reporters asked excitedly, "Have the police obtained definite evidence?"

"How the case is going, I can only say that I believe in the police's ability to do things. As for whether there will be a public trial," Gongxi Qiao said righteously, "Everyone should believe in the fairness and justice of the law."

The reporters heard the words in their hearts, it seems like they didn't say it, but they still can't refute it, can they express doubts

"Excuse me..." A female reporter was about to continue her question when a man suddenly burst out behind her and almost knocked her over. Fortunately, the cameraman next to her pulled her, otherwise she would definitely fall to the ground.

As soon as she stood up straight, she saw the man rushing towards Gong Xiqiao, and he also took out a fruit knife with a cold light from his jacket.

"Ah!" she screamed in horror, "Watch out!"

At this moment, the man in the jacket raised the fruit knife and walked towards Gongxi Qiaoza with a ferocious expression, obviously wanting Gongxi Qiao's life.

We all know that Gong Xiqiao rarely shows up in public, especially after confronting the Bai family this time, he will be picked up by a special car when he goes out. I heard that the head of the Xi family deliberately let Gong Xiqiao live in his own house because he was worried about the retaliation of the Bai family. manor.

But even so, Gong Xiqiao has had two or three "car accidents" in a row in recent days. Fortunately, the quality of Xi's special car is excellent, and large and trucks cannot enter the Second Ring Road. These car accidents have not caused tragedy, otherwise Gongxi How can Joe still be standing here

Without Gong Xiqiao, the Lin family would lose their support, and this matter would be over sooner or later.

What's more coincidental is that the owner of the car accident has no doubts on the surface, and the conclusion is just an ordinary traffic accident. This made everyone very angry, and they had a new understanding of the lawlessness of the Bai family. Fortunately, this time it was Shao Qiao, who had a background. If it was an ordinary person who came out to speak, would he have already died

No wonder Lin Yu's parents were so well protected by Qiao Shao that even the media could not find where they lived. And Lin Yu was also transferred to the hospital under the name of the Xi family. These are all measures taken by Qiao Shao to protect the Lin family.

Now the reporters are stunned when they see the murder in public. At this moment, the male assistant who had been protecting Gong Xiqiao stretched out his hand to block the perpetrator, and then a beautiful over-shoulder fell, slammed the man to the ground, and cut his hands backwards.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the security guards of Senhe Entertainment also rushed out of the office building and surrounded everyone at the scene.

The reporters, who were frightened by this situation for a while, took a few seconds to react, and took out their mobile phones to call the police.

In the bright world, in broad daylight, the Bai family even hired murderers to kill. Is there any reason for heaven, is there a law of kings, and does it take people seriously

The more courageous reporter, even in anger, secretly stepped forward and kicked his black feet twice, completely forgetting that there was a camera behind him.

Probably the first reporter took the lead, so several reporters and cameramen were attracted to start beating people. A few minutes later, when the police arrived, except for one face of the perpetrator who was still intact, the areas covered by the clothes were all blue and purple.

The reporters said that they are people with integrity, and they never beat people in the face.

The police handcuffed the suspect, took evidence at the scene, and then took notes for the parties at the scene.

There were many media people at the scene, and everyone saw the suspect stabbing Gong Xiqiao with a knife. If it wasn't for his assistant's good skills, Gong Xiqiao might have died on the spot.

The police who took Gong Xiqiao's notes were worried that he would be frightened, and they made a special trip to invite him to the police car to calm down before starting to question him.

When asked who he had a grudge against recently, Gong Xiqiao's expression was a little complicated.

"I usually seldom participate in entertainment programs other than filming, so I don't have much contact with the artists in the circle, and I don't have any major interests and grievances, and the media have a good relationship with me. Even if there may be conflicts, there will be no trouble. At this point," Gongxi Qiao paused, "Recently, because of the company's artist affairs, my family and friends were worried that I would have an accident, so they specially arranged someone by my side."

"What do you mean, you suspect that this matter may have been arranged by the Bai family?" The policeman who asked the question also knew it. Although he was not a fan of Qiao, he liked Gong Xiqiao's movies very much, so he naturally knew that Bai's recent works The tit-for-tat matter between the family and Gong Xiqiao, although there is no evidence on the surface, it should be inseparable from the Bai family.

But as a policeman, he cannot express his opinion at will without evidence, so he can only take notes seriously.

"No, until there is no evidence, I don't want to suspect anyone, and I don't want to give you bad guidance for your work." Gong Xiqiao's face was pale, and there was obvious tiredness on his face, "It's just that this time I have to Trouble for you."

Several police officers in the car saw that Gong Xiqiao didn't make a fuss, but understood and supported the police's work very well, and couldn't help but feel a little good about him.

With such a tired expression, it seemed that he was worried about Lin Yu's affairs.

For the sake of justice, people who dare to fight against powerful opponents are already worthy of admiration.

After making the transcript, for the safety of Gong Xiqiao, they used a police car to clear the way and personally escorted Gong Xiqiao back to Xiqing's villa.

After Gong Xiqiao walked into the gate of Xi's manor, an experienced old police officer said, "No wonder the head of Xi will let Gong Xiqiao live here. The security here is indeed very tight."

"Where is it strict?" The young policeman put his head out of the car window and glanced at it, and felt that there was nothing special about this manor except that it was big and beautiful.

"You'll know when you hang around for a few more years," the old policeman lit a cigarette and took a sip. "These big families have private bodyguards, and there are a whole set of security equipment around their residences. Now that technology is advanced, the security system is even tighter. Don't look at the trees and beautiful scenery here, if you don't get the owner's consent, if you jump into the fence and walk less than five steps away, you will be pressed down."

The young policeman took a deep breath: "Rich people really cherish their lives."

"The more prominent the position, the more people will stare at it, and it will not work if you don't pay attention. Some people are in high positions, but they are upright and responsible. For example, this Patriarch Xi," the old policeman stuck his cigarette out of the car window , flicked the cigarette ash, and signaled the police in the driver's seat to drive, "There is a grapevine that the Bai family maliciously cooperated with foreign forces to disrupt the domestic market. If the Xi family hadn't been balancing the market behind the scenes, I don't know how many people would want to. unemployment."

"This Bai family is really shameless, and they don't even care about their own country for their own interests." The young policeman scolded in a low voice, even if it is natural for businessmen to make profits, they shouldn't unite with outsiders and cheat people in their own country.

"I heard that this overseas company first looked for the Xi family, but the young owner rejected him, and said on the spot that he would not cooperate with this company in the future." The old policeman extinguished the cigarette and sighed, " This is the character that a noble family should have, and someone like the Bai family is the degeneration of the noble family."

The young policeman saw that his face was not very good-looking, and although he was curious about the aristocratic family, he didn't ask much, so he could only say: "It would be good to have a few more aristocratic family leaders like Xi's family. These families are really nothing."

The old policeman smiled: "No matter what circle of people there are good and bad people, it has nothing to do with status."

Hearing that Gong Xiqiao was attacked, Xi Qing rushed home after only half of the meeting. When he entered the door, he saw Gong Xiqiao half-lying on the sofa watching TV with a bag of snacks in his hand, and his worries were finally relieved.

"Why are you back?" Seeing him, Gong Xiqiao put the snacks in his hand on the table, sat up straight and said, "Didn't you say on the phone that I'm fine?"

"I can't be relieved until I see you," Xi Qing handed the blazer to the maid, walked over to Gong Xiqiao and sat down, "What the hell is going on?"

"There are a lot of people around Bai Qi, and there are always a few who are loyal to him but have no brains." Gong Xiqiao picked up the teacup and drank, eating too many snacks and making him thirsty, "Recently, the Bai family has been losing frequently, which is not good for Bai Qi. There are more and more evidences of strangeness. Some people have heard a few guesses from others and feel that as long as I get rid of the troubled artist like me, no one will dare to care about it. "

In fact, things can be sensational in the whole country. In addition to his stirring up the flames behind his back, several aristocratic families in the imperial capital are also behind the scenes. These people simply wish that the Bai family would never recover after this incident and never regain its former glory.

Someone goes down, someone goes up, who doesn't want to go further? In addition, the Xi family made their stand. Those noble families who were usually suppressed by the Bai family would use their own connections to bring down the Bai family, even if it was just to vent their anger.

The result of this incident is no longer a matter of Bai Qi alone, but involves the entire Bai family.

Gong Xiqiao really enjoyed the feeling of beating people with a stick, especially since he provoked this bullshit.

"A few guesses from others?" Xi Qing looked at Gong Xiqiao thoughtfully, "What other people?"

"Since it's just other people, it doesn't matter," Gong Xiqiao smiled, "Anyway, these people are not good things, and they deserve to be arrested."

These thugs under Bai Qi usually do a lot of shameful things. If it wasn't for the protection of the Bai family, these people would have been in prison long ago, so he did not hesitate to count these people.

Except for the first car accident, which was deliberately done by the Bai family, he knew about the other "accidents" in advance, so he happened to be uninjured, and there were so many media on-the-spot filming and reporting.

Some things can only be believable if they are seen with their own eyes.

Don't some people think that Bai Qi is good-looking and rich, and it is impossible to force unpopular artists into submission

Then he made these people believe that Bai Qi was such a bold beast.

Didn't some people think that Lin Yu was not really a good thing, and that the reason why things got like this was because he couldn't fall in love with Bai Qi, so he deliberately wiped out Bai Qi

Then he made people believe how good Lin Yu was, how helpless and desperate his parents were, and even let people know that the Bai family paid the media and the navy to cleanse themselves.

He wants to let the Bai family understand a truth, don't stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand. I haven't been caught in the past because others didn't dare to catch me.

Guessing that Gong Xiqiao's handwriting might be behind these incidents, Xi Qing sighed: "You... pay attention to safety. When you go out in the future, bring two more bodyguards, and remember to wear bulletproof vests and bulletproof pants."

Gong Xiqiao reached out and pinched his ears, looked into his eyes and said, "Don't worry, I won't joke about my safety. Because there are many important people in my life, I can't bear it."

Compared to his previous life, his current methods are much gentler. In his previous life, he could even count himself, let alone others.

"Once today's incident is over, I don't have to worry about it anymore," Gong Xiqiao smiled and tweeted on Xi Qing's cheek, "The illegal evidence of the Bai family and the criminal evidence of Bai Qi have been submitted. Just wait for the court to start."

"Then you can't take it lightly. You must bring bodyguards when you go out in the future," Xi Qing sighed and said helplessly, "I have already arranged all the lawyers, so don't worry about this."

"Well," Gong Xiqiao didn't thank Xi Qing, and stretched out his hand to wrap his neck around him, "Don't worry, if I go out in the future, even if I go into the toilet, the bodyguard will follow me. Who made me the man of Master Xi? If someone is jealous of me, what should I do with a sack?"

"They don't dare." Xi Qing pressed his forehead against his, "I really don't know how you came up with so many ways to calculate the Bai family in just a few days."

And those words that are hurtful but not dirty. He felt a headache for lawyer Bai Fang when he saw them. It was almost like scolding people for death. He couldn't help laughing a little when he thought that some netizens ridiculed his scolding skills compared to Gong Xiqiao, which was the difference between a tenth-level trumpet and a full-level account.

"Since you asked, then I can only tell you this shocking secret."

"What secret?" Xi Qing asked pretending to be curious.

"That is..." Gong Xiqiao's face was serious, "I was tested by an expert when I was a child, and my IQ was as high as 230."

"Why can't you add 20 to make 250? It's such a pity." Xi Qing whispered, "And your skin, maybe 20 centimeters thick."

Gong Xiqiao said with a smile, "Oh, it seems that I can only tell the truth. The reason why I am so powerful is because I was a great figure in the annals of history in my previous life."

Xi Qing: …

Should he pretend to believe it

The author has something to say: Xi Qing: How can my man be so thick-skinned

Gong Xiqiao: In this world, the most difficult thing to believe is the absurd truth. (The 230 is a joke by Xiao Qiao. If he really has an IQ of 230, what kind of drama is he playing, and he will directly develop technology)