Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 83: Inspired by the good friends of Huaguo


The Bai family didn't expect that it was just the artist's suicide, which would bring the matter to this point. They originally planned to release Bai Qi on bail first, but they knew that the police had sufficient evidence, and they completely refused to accept the various operations of the Bai family in private, so they imprisoned Bai Qi.

There was a lot of ups and downs outside, and the famous people of the Bai family would be chased and intercepted by reporters as soon as they went out. , the rumors that humiliated the Bai family's character became more and more intense in the Bai family.

Sometimes the collapse of a family is often because the internal roots have rotted, so as long as there is a slight push from an external force, the building will collapse. At this time, if the people of the Bai clan joined hands to deal with this matter, it would not be like this. But at such a critical juncture, there are still people who are fighting for power and profit, framing each other, and even joining forces with outsiders to harass their own family, causing chaos within the Bai family, and making other families in the imperial capital see a lot of jokes.

The elders sighed when they thought of Bai Qi. I originally thought that he was a more stable person than Bai Zhong, but who knew that he would be more ruthless than Bai Zhong when he did things. Bai Zhong is just making small noises, and Bai Qi's kind of mentality is just a little twisted.

Not to mention those people outside who thought Bai Qi was a beast, even after they found out what Bai Qi had done in private, they shuddered in their hearts. Looking at a very gentle and gentle child, why is it so terrible to do things

No matter how helpless and chaotic the Bai family is, Bai Qi's case will go to court in two days. Originally, according to the order of filing, this case should not have been sentenced so early. It is a pity that the circumstances of this case are serious and the scope of influence is particularly large. The relevant departments have to treat it as a special case, so as not to cause a greater impact.

Just the day before the trial, news came from the hospital saying that Lin Qi had recovered, but because of the severe damage to his digestive system, he was still not out of the dangerous period. Gong Xiqiao accompanied the second elder of the Lin family to the hospital, stood outside the door of the intensive care unit, hesitated for a while, and did not go in.

Many people are reluctant to meet familiar people after encountering such a thing, so Gong Xiqiao was worried that his appearance would irritate Lin Yu, so he simply did not go in.

Lin Yu opened his eyes, his eyes blurred for a long time, and then he could see that the white area in front of him was the color of the roof. He wanted to turn his head, but found that his whole body was sore, and he didn't even have the strength to turn his head.

When the carer who took care of him found him awake, he happily rang the emergency pager at the head of the bed.

When a group of doctors surrounded him for a physical examination, his messy brain began to have the ability to think independently. Is he still alive? Thinking of the powerful Bai family, he suddenly smiled bitterly, it is better to die than to live.

Listening to the low voices of the doctors talking, he opened his mouth, but was weak and unable to speak.

"Mr. Lin, you just woke up, don't be in a hurry to speak." A sweet-looking nurse moistened his lips with a cotton swab dipped in glucose water, "We have notified your relatives and friends, and they will come right away."

Relatives and friends

Lin Yu closed his eyes. Could it be that his parents have been rescued? And this seems to be an advanced intensive care unit. The company dares to withstand the pressure of the Bai family and arrange such a good ward for him, a little-known artist

Half an hour later, when he saw his parents who were much older than before, his eyes were sore and painful.

"Dad, Mom," his voice was rough and unpleasant, and after just saying these two words, his tears fell.

Gong Xiqiao glanced at the ward, closed the door for the family of three, and turned to chat with the attending doctor.

The attending doctor was specially arranged by Xi Qing and was very famous in the industry. Although he was in his 60s, he looked like a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s.

"Are you saying that even if he can get through the dangerous period, he won't be able to sing a song in the future?" Gong Xiqiao frowned, he remembered that Lin Yu's dream was to be a successful singer.

"That's not necessarily true, it's just that he took too many sleeping pills, and he woke up after being in a coma for so long. I'm worried that he will have some sequelae such as memory loss and delayed conditioning," the attending doctor told Gong Xiqiao very patiently. He explained some possible symptoms of Lin Yu, "The most important person, we are also worried about the patient's psychological problems, so the care of the family is very important."

"Thank you," Gong Xiqiao sighed, "Can his parents stay in bed with him in this situation?"

"With his parents around, his desire to survive will be stronger," the attending doctor nodded. "They can wear sterile clothes to accompany the bed, and our nurses will also help the second elder to take care of the patient. You don't have to worry about that."

"That's good," Gong Xiqiao breathed a sigh of relief, "it's too much trouble for you this time."

"The doctor's parent's heart, it should be," the attending doctor smiled and said, "You don't have to be like this, Qiao Shao." If you want him to say, Gong Xiqiao is a rare and kind person. If the Lin family does not have this noble person, I don't know that there will be now. How pitiful.

Looking at the closed door, Gong Xiqiao decided not to disturb the cleanliness of the Lin family, turned around and took the bodyguards out of the hospital, and then met the legal team that Xi Qing had arranged for Lin Yu.

After seeing the lawyer, he just got into the car when he received a call from Director Wang. It turned out that because of the great success of "The Hero of the Hero", the theater party intentionally delayed the release of the movie.

It was only then that he realized that "The Great Hero" had been released for a long time. As a starring actor and investor, he even forgot about it.

After talking with Wang Dao on the phone, Gong Xiqiao sighed, rubbed his eyes, looked up at the car window, and found that it was very close to Xi Qing's company, so he said, "Go to Xi's headquarters."

At Xi's headquarters, when Xi Qing had a video conference with a branch and was discussing a new plan with several executives, she received a text message on her mobile phone.

"Go down and think about the plan on this matter," Xi Qing closed the document, "all go back."

Several executives left according to their words, only Gou Tezhu shouted in his heart, appeared, appeared, the boss's fascinated smile.

"Gou Tesuke," Xi Qing called to Gou Tesuke, who was walking at the end, "in ten minutes, help me go downstairs to pick up someone."

Gou Tesuke stopped, turned to face Xi Qing, and said, "I don't know which guest I want to receive?"

"There are no distinguished guests, it's just that Xiao Qiao is going to come to the company," Xi Qing said softly, "He is not familiar with our company, so please bring him up."

"Okay, I'll go down immediately." Gou Tesuke realized immediately that it was Shao Qiao who wanted to come to the company. Apart from the signing of the contract, this is the first time the second boss has officially visited Xi's headquarters, so he can't neglect this nobleman.

When the front desk of the company saw the first assistant coming down in person, looking like he was about to receive VIPs, he was a little curious. Is there any big man coming? But on the reservation table, it seems that there is no big person worthy of the boss's personal reception this morning.

Although they were curious, they did not dare to ask more. When the two black Bentleys parked outside the company gate, they carefully observed.

This kind of Bentley seems to be one of the Bentleys that the boss usually likes to ride.

Well, the bodyguard who got out of the car behind seems to be in the style of the Xi's bodyguard team. Could it be an old lady from the Xi family? But since the boss took power, no old man dared to rely on the old and sell the old at the headquarters.

After waiting for the people in the car to get off, the eyes of several receptionists suddenly lit up.

Qiao Shao, Qiao Shao, it is Qiao Shao! Even if Qiao Shao wears brown sunglasses, he is still handsome and compelling! Look at that delicate chin, sexy Adam's apple, perfect lips...

Tsk tsk, I really want to jump on it.

"Young Master Qiao," Gou Te stepped forward and said respectfully, "The boss asked me to pick you up."

"It's work." Gong Xiqiao took off his sunglasses and smiled gratefully at Gou Te. When passing by the front desk, he politely nodded and smiled at several young female staff at the front desk.

Seeing this, Gou Te was walking beside him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He is indeed the person the boss likes. He is personable and friendly. From his hair to the soles of his feet, he exudes charming hormones. No wonder the faces of several receptionists So red, such a man is indeed full of charm to the opposite sex. Of course, it is also very worthy of appreciation for the same sex.

Gou Tezhu, who was straight and straight, did not know that Gong Xiqiao was called by many netizens as one of the most gay male artists on a same-sex website.

After taking Gong Xiqiao into the CEO's special elevator, Gou Tesuke directly pressed the floor of the president's office, and then introduced Gong Xiqiao several important office floors. Unfortunately, the elevator arrived before two of them were introduced.

"The boss's office is inside, and the office here is for the secretary department," Gou Tezhu introduced the layout of this floor with a smile, "I also have an office on this floor."

"It's good," Gong Xiqiao smiled at Gou Tesuke's warm introduction, but he didn't take the initiative to inquire about Xi's affairs. After his eyes swept over the potted plants in the corridor, he directly turned to Xi Qing. Go to the office.

Gou Tezhu watched his behavior secretly, and then sighed in his heart again, aside from the issue of gender, the boss was really lucky to find such a good lover.

Ability, talent, demeanor, appearance, and very measured, the whole person is perfect 360 degrees without flaws. If the boss spends his life with such a person, it may be a happy thing.

As an assistant, he has no right to express opinions or suggestions on the boss's private life, but this does not affect his appreciation for Gong Xiqiao.

"The boss is here, please come in." Gou Tesuke knocked on the door of the president's office. After a few seconds of pause, he opened the door directly, and then with a wink he stepped aside.

Seeing Gong Xiqiao, Xi Qing put down the pen in his hand, got up and said, "Come in and sit." After speaking, he glanced at Gou Tesuke.

Gou Te helped him understand in seconds, and closed the door for the two of them with interest, then turned around and walked towards the secretary's room.

Tang Lin saw him come in empty-handed, and asked with some doubts, "What's the matter?"

"The boss has a distinguished guest there," Gou Te helped, "you make two cups of tea, remember to make green tea." Since he guessed that the boss likes Gong Xiqiao, he specially checked Gong Xiqiao's life and hobbies on the Internet, knowing that This person likes to drink green tea in summer and autumn, and black tea in spring and winter.

When Tang Lin saw that he had specially warned him, she had a bottom line in her heart. It seemed that she was really a distinguished guest.

After brewing tea in the tea room, she took the tea to the president's office, and finally understood why Assistant Gou's attitude was so solemn.

"Young Master Qiao, please have some tea." Tang Lin put two cups of tea in front of the two of them and left the president's office. Although as a single Wang, she was hurt like a crit when she saw the two smiling at each other, but the consequences of disturbing the boss's love must be very serious, she still has to be smarter.

"Your assistant and secretary are very good," Gong Xiqiao saw that they were both very smart and winking people, no wonder Xi Qing would reuse it, and took a sip of tea, "The tea is also well brewed."

"She is my chief secretary. Usually, when guests arrive, she will make the tea herself." Xi Qing frowned and took a sip. In fact, it was just like that.

"Your Excellency," smiled, put down the teacup, and said, "Lin Yu has already woken up. I will be attending on behalf of the Lin family tomorrow. I may have to deal with a lot of reporters. Remember to arrange more bodyguards for me."

"As the owner of the manor, you have the right to arrange everyone in the bodyguard team," Xi Qing said, "I'm worried that there will be chaos tomorrow, you must be careful."

Gong Xiqiao nodded, and suddenly remembered that a staff member of Xi's posted a post on the Internet, describing how the staff's meal at Xi's headquarters was full of color, flavor, and taste. is free.

Many other company employees are envious and hated. Unfortunately, Xi's requirements for employees are too high. Most people can't get in if they want.

"I heard that your staff meal tastes good, I want to try it." Gong Xiqiao said with a smile, "Would you like to accompany me?"

Xi Qing, who had never eaten staff meals, was stunned for a while, but he nodded reflexively to Gong Xiqiao's request, "Okay."

Gong Xiqiao smiled contentedly.

Even if he can't make his relationship public, he has to let everyone know that he is the most important person around Xi Qing.

Xi Qing was also very happy. She took her lover to a collective staff meal, so that everyone in the company could know that he was close to Xiao Qiao, which was simply too good.

So two big men with the ambition of "showing affection" appeared side by side in the lobby of the Xi's staff restaurant, stunned all the staff.

What is the big boss going to do? Bring good friends to inspect the restaurant environment

"Young Master Qiao is very curious about our staff restaurant, so the boss accompanies him to try it out," Gou Tezhu quickly solved everyone's doubts.

So everyone suddenly realized that this was the case. No wonder the BOSS, who had never appeared in the staff restaurant, appeared miraculously today.

However, these two are really close and good friends. They even eat staff meals so cute. From the look of the boss, it is obvious that they don't know how to cook and cook. There is also Qiao Shao smiling behind the boss, which looks so seductive.

The way the two of them stand together is so eye-catching and a perfect match, they must be secretly photographed.

Hey, the two men are standing together, why did they think of the word "matching"

No matter, the big boss and big stars appear, let's take pictures first.

So one day, one of Xi's employees tweeted: "Big BOSS has never had a staff meal, but today I accompany a good friend to try something new. The good friend is really invincible."

Some netizens complained that the boss was so special that he had never even entered the staff restaurant. What a good leader.

The employee calmly threw a candid photo on the netizen's face.

So after this netizen was greatly frightened, this Weibo was forwarded by many people, so after today, Gong Xiqiao and Xi Qing were rated by netizens as "Moving Huaguo Good Friendship Group."

Straight netizens are still moved by the friendship between the two, and those with a clear mind have secretly hid in the corner and started to write fanfiction.

The two parties involved did not know about the liveliness on the Internet. Gong Xiqiao looked at the two meat and one vegetarian dish on the plate and tasted a few chopsticks. He had to feel his conscience and said that Xi's food was indeed a hundred worlds away from the university cafeteria. the distance.

Xi's meals > crew lunch > school canteen meals.

"Although it's not as good as the cook at home, it's pretty good." Gong Xiqiao finished the meal and put the empty plate in the recycling area with Gong Xiqing, "Next time we have a chance, we'll try again. "

"Okay." Xi Qing answered with a smile while holding the phone.

The taste of the food is not important, what is important is that everyone thinks that the picture of him and Xiao Qiao together is a good match.