Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 96: Spring Festival Gala


Since winter entered the season, the tea that Gong Xiqiao and Xi Qing usually drink has been replaced by black tea. The servants in the manor have carefully arranged everything the master needs, and always pay attention to keeping their mouths and themselves in check. s eyes.

Therefore, although there are some rumors about Gong Xiqiao and Xi Qing being a big or small affair, no definite evidence can be found whether it is a reporter or a related person, so the scandal of the ambiguous relationship between the two is in everyone's eyes, but it is It's just YY for boring people.

Two days before the Spring Festival, Gong Xiqiao went to the national TV studio every day for the rehearsal of the New Year's Eve party. Fortunately, his status was high enough that he didn't have to stay in the studio 24/7 like other people, so he could do it every night. Go home early to eat and sleep.

The winter in the imperial capital is always accompanied by rain and snow. After exercising, Gong Xiqiao and Xi Qing lay on the bed, listening to the sound of rain and snow outside the window, and said with some emotion, "It's such a good day."

Xi Qing put a kiss on his forehead: "I will accompany you home tomorrow night."

"Okay," Gong Xiqiao raised his head with a smile, and tweeted at the corner of Xi Qing's mouth, "Go to sleep, I'm going to the National Radio tomorrow morning."

"Yeah." Gently stroking Gong Xiqiao's hair, Xi Qing looked at the sleeping faces of the people beside her. Even though she had doubts in her heart, she no longer wanted to ask.

Some issues are not important, because the most important and precious are already around, others are not worth mentioning.

For the people of Huaguo, the Spring Festival is the most important festival throughout the year, because it represents the end of the old and the beginning of the new.

People come and go in the dressing room of the national station, and it is almost busy. In fact, those who can enter the dressing room already have status and status. And some group dancers or performers, many of them crowded in corridors or large conference halls, were made up by other makeup artists.

Status determines the treatment, so even if the makeup artists outside are busy doing a bunch of work, some stylists can serve the big names without a hurry, and the big names can also sit comfortably on the sofa, with a group of assistants The agent held and guarded.

Because of this, people will continue to climb up and let themselves get more.

"Qiao Shao's skin is very good, and the pores are almost invisible. This kind of skin is very suitable for mirroring." What the makeup artist did not say is that this kind of face is especially suitable for high-definition big screens.

Artists in this circle often turn day and night upside down. For the needs of the role, they often wear heavy makeup, so their skin quality is not as good as it looks on TV, which is completely normal. So when she saw Gong Xiqiao's skin so soft and smooth, she could express such emotion.

People who are in the entertainment industry, no matter how good their natural skin is, can't help all kinds of tossing, and those who can maintain such good skin after entering the circle for two years, I am afraid that they rarely work hard for filming, let alone grab a resource. Stay up late with wine.

Some people are really born with good luck, the journey is smooth, and they can win the Golden Leaf Award winner that no one else can dream of.

"Thank you for the compliment," Gong Xiqiao smiled at the mirror, "In order to eat this bowl of rice, I can only treat this face well." After that, he also mentioned some skin care products that he usually uses. Fortunately, he He didn't say that he didn't take good care of himself or that he was naturally beautiful. Everyone else in the dressing room was amused.

Only a few of Gongxiqiao's assistants scoffed at his so-called maintenance methods. Why didn't they see that Joe spent so much energy on maintaining his skin

Because the song selected by Gongxi Qiao has the characteristics of the Tianjin period, the program team specially prepared a set of purple robes and jade crowns that can only be worn by the national teachers of the Tianjin Dynasty, and also arranged the stage effects of Tianjin characteristics to strive for Can be less subject to the audience's complaints, and strive to get the effect of praise.

The so-called New Year's Eve party is a hodgepodge of literature and art, cross talk sketches, opera acrobatics, magic songs, just to be lively and happy.

Just ten minutes before the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, the program list of the party was finally released to the public. Then everyone found that in addition to some old faces of the Spring Festival Gala this year, there were many young people participating in the party. The most strange one was Gong Xiqiao. actually participated.

Many people have long heard that Gong Xiqiao may participate in the Spring Festival Gala, but there is no official confirmation, so everyone is still skeptical. Now that the program list is made public, they dare to believe it.

However, after everyone saw that Gong Xiqiao's program was a solo song, they were a little suspicious. Gong Xiqiao is an actor, can he sing well

Even Qiao fans are uneasy. They have never heard Gongxi Qiao sing. Although his male god is well-rounded in morality, intelligence and beauty, and his voice is good, it does not mean that he can sing well. And what the hell is "Jingtian Song", it doesn't look like a pop song just by looking at the name.

Let an actor sing a profound folk song, and I heard that fake singing is not allowed in the Spring Festival Gala.

The Spring Festival Gala soon started with Qiao fans both looking forward to and worried. The beginning was the familiar group dance and chorus, and then several hosts began to praise the past and look forward to the future.

Gong Xiqiao's appearance time was around 8:30. In order to maintain the state he was in when he came on stage, all his makeup was put on after the show started, and he couldn't eat anything indiscriminately. He only drank a few mouthfuls of glucose syrup.

Live broadcasts are very strict in terms of time control. The amount of time for a performance has long been budgeted for. If a show that only lasts for three minutes ends up taking four minutes, the director will definitely scold his father in a hurry.

Before it was Gong Xiqiao's turn to appear, he was already waiting in the background. By the time the hosts started to announce, he was already standing on the lift.

The national TV station has always been rich and powerful, so the live broadcast of this party has countless cameras, in order to achieve the protagonist on the 360-degree filming stage. Except for magic shows, of course.

Qiao Fan, who was sitting in front of the TV, never thought that Gong Xiqiao would appear in such an image. Anyone with a little knowledge can see that Gong Xiqiao's clothes are obviously in the style of the Tian Jin Dynasty.

The smoke effect, coupled with the brilliant ancient buildings on the big screen of the stage, and the group dances in ancient costumes on the stage, tell everyone very bluntly that Gong Xiqiao's song is definitely not a popular song, nor does it resemble a national song.

But after Gong Xiqiao opened his mouth, everyone was stunned. It turns out... Qiao Shao can sing so well

The sound was clean and ethereal, as if it had never been polluted by the red dust, calling out to the gods in the sky.

"...the harvest of the five grains is abundant and the fish is worshipped..."

"Three thanks to Anping Fule..."

The tune is a little weird, but it's very nice. Everyone is a little confused. What kind of song is this? Listening to it makes people feel calm, and there is an indescribable sense of awe and gratitude.

There is also the behavior of Qiao Shao on the stage, as if performing a certain worship ceremony.

Under the stage, Xi Qing looked at the young people on stage without blinking, as if looking at the most beautiful picture in the world.

"What a divine feeling..."

"This singer's style is very good, and he acts like the real thing..."

Listening to the discussion behind, Xi Qing showed a smile, and when Gong Xiqiao finished singing, he clapped.

There were enthusiastic applause all around him, but he couldn't hear it. He just watched the young man's back disappear under the elevator, and then got up and walked to the side.