Entertainment Industry’s Gourmet Food Service

Chapter 26: Business


Mo Shaoqing simply asked him to cook a few signature dishes and tasted them. It really came from a big restaurant and tasted very good, but Mo Shaoqing was also very confident in his aunt's cooking skills. Inviting everyone to come to dinner, Mo Shaoqing asked Master Yue to write down the menu he was good at, and then asked the advertising design company to make an additional menu.

During the meal, Mo's mother saw that her son was absent-minded, and she was worried. At the same time, she felt that such a small setback could make her son grow a lot. In order to quickly recruit people, just find a few people to make up the number, then the restaurant will be ruined in the hands of these people in the future."

"I know, Mom. If I can't find any manpower for the time being, then I can only hold several jobs temporarily. I still have to choose slowly for such an important job as a waiter."

Mo's mother said again: "Shaohong, you have a lot of experience, please help your brother."

"Brother has worked very hard. Thanks to him these days, and thank you everyone for helping me. I was the one who took care of me. I thought... I really thank you all!"

Father Mo: "It's all a family, your career, shouldn't your parents help you? It's just your birthday this year—"

Mo Shaoqing smiled: "I forgot, even though I can't celebrate my birthday this year, this restaurant is already my best birthday present this year." Whatever you want to do, do your best to help him. This may be the greatest luck in his life!

The opening will be opened in a few days. Even if the sun is westward, everyone dare not relax for a moment. They are all making preparations. Mo Shaoqing found an excuse to go home. In fact, he entered the space and started cooking the sauce needed for the pasta. material.

The authentic pasta sauce usually takes four to five hours to boil. Mo Shaoqing was worried that he would be too busy after the Chinese New Year and opening, so he had to cook it in advance. The noodles and macaroni are of good quality. With the seafood and fruits produced in the space, the western food must be very authentic.

In addition, there are various cakes and desserts. If you make them every day, you may be too busy, and you have to make them in advance.

After leaving the space, Mo Shaoqing went to the slaughter market, bought a few pigs, cattle and sheep, and then transported them back to the warehouse, received them in the space, and then transported the same amount of pigs, cattle and sheep from the space, and transported them back to the slaughter market for slaughter , then processed, and finally shipped the meat back to the restaurant.

It was already evening when a series of things were finished, and the sun was gradually setting. Although the winter in the south was very cold, Mo Shaoqing was still busy sweating, but although he was very tired, there was nothing he could do. As for the time bomb, he had to go to such trouble for safety. After returning home, I simply freshened up, ate something, and put the vegetables in the space in the car and transported them to the restaurant.

Before entering the restaurant, there was a strong smell of meat, which added a lot of warmth to this winter day. Mo’s parents and workers had already left, only Mo Shaohong, Mo Di and Wang Lifang were left in the store. The three of them were busy in the kitchen making preparations. When they saw Mo Shaoqing coming, they just greeted each other and went their separate ways. Everyone went. Mo Shaoqing put the vegetables back in the storage room for later use.

Now except for the menu signboards, they are not ready yet, so we can only wait for the opening. The leaflets will arrive tomorrow. I found a few college students who handed out leaflets, and they will start tomorrow... Mo Shaoqing is behind the counter to sort things out carefully, from time to time Take a note, but don't want the business to come to your door.

"Excuse me, is this a new opening? I haven't seen it before. What are you doing?" A middle-aged woman walked in through the door. She was well-dressed, well-maintained, and elegant. Next to the middle-aged woman is a middle-aged man in a black coat, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. He also looks very elegant, and they seem to be a couple.

The first time the customer came to the door, everyone was shocked and stood there blankly. It was Mo Shaoqing who reacted first and stepped forward, and replied: "Madam, our small shop mainly deals in some home-cooked dishes and Western-style dishes. , two please."

The restaurant was fully heated. The middle-aged couple took off their jackets. Mo Shaoqing took them naturally, then hung them up, and led the two of them to the dining table. At this time, the few people around also realized that they served tea and water, and Wang Lifang went to the kitchen to show off her skills.

"I just walked to the entrance of the alley and smelled a strong fragrance. I was hungry all of a sudden, so I came in. What are you cooking?" The middle-aged woman spoke very gently.

Mo Shaoqing relaxed a lot, and said one by one: "Our small shop has not yet officially opened, and now the back kitchen is cooking big bone soup as the hot pot soup, but the menu has not yet been customized—" Mo Shaoqing is inevitably a little shy when it comes to this .

"The hot pot is also good, just to warm up, do you have any vegetables?" asked the middle-aged man opposite. Mo Shaoqing was grateful in his heart, just now he was afraid that the two guests who saw that they were either rich or expensive would leave when they heard that there was only hot pot.

But when it comes to vegetables, Mo Shaoqing has a little more confidence, because space does not distinguish between seasons, and Mo Shaoqing has grown vegetables a lot during the years in college.

"Our store has all kinds of vegetables, and they are all fresh. The price ranges from 10 yuan to 35 yuan. The price of meat dishes is different. What do you two want to eat, big pot or small pot? For big pots, the price depends on the number of people Sure, what kind of soup base do you need?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged couple really became interested, "Let's go to the big pot, I want a big bone broth base, a medium portion of beef rolls, fungus, enoki mushrooms, small green vegetables, corn, Chinese cabbage, A medium portion of fish fillet, um—and some bean sprouts, tofu, that’s it.” The middle-aged couple discussed it, and unceremoniously ordered several vegetables in different seasons.

"Do you have frozen fat beef rolls or fresh beef here?" The middle-aged woman asked again.

"There are all~"

"It seems that your restaurant really has everything, so let's have a fat beef roll and a fresh beef tenderloin!"

None of this troubled Mo Shaoqing. Wang Lifang at the door of the kitchen couldn't help but said after hearing this, "You two have a small serving of meatballs. They're all handmade, just this afternoon."

The middle-aged woman glanced at Wang Lifang, probably thinking that she looked honest, so she nodded slightly in agreement. Wang Lifang was very happy to see her, probably because Dora got the deal and went back excitedly to prepare.

Mo Shaoqing took towels and an induction cooker from the side disinfection cabinet, Mo Shaohong took the tableware from the back kitchen and put them on, and Mo Di went into the back kitchen to help. Seeing that he had nothing to do, Mo Shaoqing had no choice but to go to the counter computer and turn on the stereo. These were European folk songs carefully selected by Mo's mother and some piano pieces. The music was slowly pouring from the ceiling. Feel the stillness of this winter day.

The side dishes came up one by one, and the soup also exuded a strong fragrance. The two big bones were boiling in the soup, and the fragrance came to the table all the way. Mo Shaoqing hid aside and observed the couple carefully. Watching the other party cook and eat, he felt relieved when he ate with relish.

After a while, the couple called Mo Shaoqing over instead, making him confused. The middle-aged woman is still eating gracefully, but the frequency of using chopsticks has been accelerating. Seeing Mo Shaoqing secretly laughing, before asking a question, the middle-aged woman asked first: "Little brother, why is the vegetable in your store not tasty?" Why is it like the dishes we usually eat? And the bone broth is also very delicious, and why is the corn so tender and juicy?" The tone was intimate.

"The bone broth in our store has been boiled for nearly four hours. The pork is home-raised pigs in the country. We eat rice bran instead of feed. The vegetables and fruits are all grown by my grandparents in the country. I usually eat them myself, so I also eat them. No pesticides were sprayed, they were all brought in today, they are fresh!” Mo Shaoqing had already thought up his excuses, answered fluently, and pushed all the reasons for the freshness of the ingredients to the old people in the country, but he did not lie, there were indeed some The dishes were brought by my aunt today.

"No wonder, I have eaten vegetables for so many years, but I have never eaten such delicious and authentic... At first I thought it was expensive, but now I feel that I have earned it."

Seeing that his wife wanted to continue talking, and felt that his foodie attributes were exposed, the middle-aged man said in a timely manner: "Ahem, the food at the little brother's house is good. You will have good food in the future. Let's pay the bill."

It was only then that Mo Shaoqing realized that the vegetables in the pot were almost eaten, and even the big bones were eaten up, so he could only settle accounts while admiring the speed in his heart.

"The total is 270 yuan!" After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man took out the magnetic card, but to Mo Shaoqing's embarrassment again, there was no POS machine in the store, but the middle-aged woman took out two red tickets and handed them to him. Mo Shaoqing, a middle-aged woman asked from the side: "When will your restaurant officially open?"

"Next Monday morning, here's your change."

"Oh, next Monday, we have to wait until the next year—" Mo Shaoqing felt a little disappointed on the middle-aged woman's face, but immediately recovered, "Then can you give me a point card, membership card or something?" ?”

"This... this..." Mo Shaoqing was at a loss for words again. After all, his restaurant is very small, and it can't be compared with a five-star hotel. .

Mo Shaohong understood in seconds, and immediately stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, lady, the store's point card is still being customized. This is my number. When you come next time, we will definitely give it to you. Put this time card Consumption is also recorded."

The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "My surname is Wen, and my husband's surname is Chen. I will definitely visit you next time." Hearing this, Mo Shaoqing hurriedly took out a paper and wrote it down, making the middle-aged woman, oh no, Ms. Wen smile even deeper. .

Seeing off the two guests, everyone was relieved, but more excited. Mo Shaoqing also realized that the small shop still lacked a lot of things, so he simply cleaned it up. After the two Mo brothers returned, they immediately went to the engraving shop to make a membership card and install a POS machine. Everyone is also preparing for the battle, waiting for the opening of the restaurant.