Entertainment Industry’s Gourmet Food Service

Chapter 30: convenient


It may be due to the gradual rise of fame recently. The business in the store has been very good these days, and the attendance rate is very high, especially on the terrace. The wisterias that come out of the space have a longer flowering period and are as bright as clouds, which is rare in this cold southern winter. See you.

In the winter afternoon, bathing in the sun, drinking afternoon tea and eating snacks, it is very pleasant to think about it.

A few days ago, Mo Shaoqing bought a small shelf and put some strawberries on it, and the sales were very good. Basically, the guests who came to eat would take a few catties away.

After changing the desolation of the first day, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, especially Wang Lifang and Yue Ling. They are the two main chefs. If the business in the store is not good, they are the most responsible. Seeing that the business is improving, Although they are busy and tired, they are more looking forward to the future.

Eleven o'clock in the morning is the peak time of the restaurant, maybe because of the environment, in this higher-end private restaurant, everyone can't help but whisper when they talk, listening to the soft music flowing slowly in the store, savoring the rare delicious.

This is the effect Mo Shaoqing wanted. Although it is very lively, he doesn't want his restaurant to be particularly noisy. He hopes that everyone can sit down and enjoy the food quietly and have a leisurely rest time. Not to mention that this will attract more white-collar workers who come to eat.

This is what Monica saw when she came in. Originally, she heard from her colleagues that there was a quiet, authentic and delicious restaurant here, but she didn’t believe it. Growing up abroad, she always felt that Huaxia restaurant was where everyone sat around, eating and drinking in a lively manner, while While eating and talking, she loves Chinese culture, but she still doesn't like to go to Chinese restaurants. She reluctantly tried it, but because she heard that the pasta here is very authentic.

The most important thing is that my picky big boss loves to eat Chinese food, and I have tried all the nearby restaurants, but I don't like it!

Every time I saw that the boss only took a few bites, his face would turn dark, and the people below were also frightened. Could it be that boss, you can't order from a five-star hotel

Oh, she forgot, several three-star and four-star hotels in Y city were bought by the boss before and planned to build five-star hotels. So boss, why did you come to the mortal world to suffer? You should go back to the head office in City B, or open the company to City S!

Of course, as an excellent assistant, she can only keep all these complaints in her heart. For the happiness and future of the entire office, of course she must act immediately.

Monica found a seat at random, because the distance between each table was relatively large, so she just sat down, and the waiter spotted her walking over at a glance. The waiter who approached had exquisite and handsome features. He wore a simple white shirt with a dark green bow tie and black trousers. Although it was simple, it was enough to catch the eye.

This was Monica's first impression of Mo Shaoqing, but she thought in her heart that even the guy who ordered food is so good-looking now, and he looks young, so the development potential should be good, just as the company intends to expand into the entertainment industry, The appearance of this person in front of him is excellent in the current entertainment industry, if he can really sign—

Mo Shaoqing went forward with the menu, and he noticed the lady in front of him as soon as he entered the door. Although there are many white-collar workers here, Mo Shaoqing can still tell the difference in her at a glance, but the way she looks at herself is a bit irritating. I have a bad feeling!

Mo Shaoqing, who had worked part-time as a waiter for a few days, adjusted his expression with ease, and asked with a smile: "Madam, what would you like to eat? Here is the menu."

It looks even better when you smile, there is an inexplicable affinity, and the whole personality is the same, Monica thought to herself, and took the menu without changing her face. After carefully reading the menu, she is more interested in Chinese food, but she I don’t know much about Chinese food: “It’s just me, I want to order a pasta, and I want to try Chinese food, but it should be lighter. Do you have any good recommendations?”

"Well - if you're alone, spaghetti bolognese is the best seller, you can try our winter specials, casserole with cured meat, especially sausage claypot, is very popular. Corn with pine nuts , Sansi silver fish soup is also our local specialty, what do you think?"

Because I don't know the taste of the lady in front of me, I recommend the more popular dishes and local soups, which are lighter than claypot rice.

"Okay, that's all."

Recently, everyone ordered a lot of simple dishes. On the surface, they were handed over to Mo Shaoqing, but in fact, Mo Shaoqing took things out of the space by taking things from the storage room. Everyone was busy cooking and no one paid attention.

Claypot rice is made with several small casserole pots, so the serving speed is still very fast. After finishing the list, Mo Shaoqing went back to the counter and calculated today's profit.

"Excuse me, is it really not allowed to order takeaway? My colleague needs to order food." Mo Shaoqing looked up at the lady who ordered food just now.

"I'm sorry, our small shop is in trial operation, and we don't have enough manpower, so we don't have takeaways for the time being." Mo Shaoqing explained.

"That's it, then can I order some dishes for me to take away?" Monica was a little disappointed. If they can't take out, what will the boss do for lunch in the future? That's right, she has made up her mind to order food from this restaurant in the future.

Mo Shaoqing said: "Yes, what do you need?"

Uh, well, Monica really doesn't know what the boss's preferences are, and he doesn't seem to be picky about eating, so thinking about it, the boss is actually not difficult to deal with! But why does the food I buy every time not match my appetite.

"It's still your signature dish here, two meat, two vegetables and one soup will do."

"Okay, wait a moment." After finishing speaking, Mo Shaoqing took a few plastic boxes from the cabinet, because everyone's leftovers are packed in this way, and the cost of plastic boxes is relatively low, so Mo Shaoqing didn't do what he wants.

"This is not good, how can I use this kind of box?" Monica stopped, how can this kind of plastic box be placed on the boss's table, it looks like cheap fast food, the boss will never taste it, let alone like it up.

"This—" Mo Shaoqing also hesitated. Compared with foam boxes, plastic boxes are undoubtedly more expensive, but some people are still dissatisfied.

"Don't you have better packing boxes here?" Monica was deeply surprised, after all, the decoration of this store is quite good.

"I'm sorry, we really don't have any here." This is really the most difficult thing in the world, you don't care what the customer wants.

Hey, Mo Shaoqing sighed inwardly, thinking that he was going to lose this opportunity, and suddenly remembered that he had brought an insulated bucket and a lunch box a few days ago, and only used it once. After asking tentatively, Monica said that it was not satisfactory, and she could use it.

After getting the news, Mo Shaoqing went back to the kitchen happily, and Monica praised him, saying that such a handsome young man must be kept.

Mo Shaoqing took the menu, looked it up briefly, and listed the menu: chicken stewed shredded fish soup, pineapple sweet and sour meat, shrimp and broccoli, tomato scrambled eggs, garlic fried purple amaranth, the staple food was just rice, but in order to save To keep customers and develop customers, Mo Shaoqing had a whim and made the rice into cute rice balls.

The innocent Mo Shaoqing didn't expect that the bento was made for a certain boss, not the colleague that Monica said.