Entertainment Industry’s Gourmet Food Service

Chapter 60


Ling Senhao was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep, lying on the bed looking at the glass ceiling, watching the sky full of stars pass the time, his mood gradually calmed down...

He rarely has this kind of time. When he is busy at work, he always forces himself to sleep on time, but today he really didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He ate, confessed, and kissed. Unfortunately, there is no follow-up!

When I got it, I made people run away, and I stayed alone in the vacant room, but my friend planned to ask the bottom line to find out what happened!

It's really shameful... But where does the deep satisfaction in my heart come from? That's right, anyway, it's not a bad day...

Have a good night's sleep!

The next day, Mo Shaoqing woke up early in the morning, still not knowing where he was. He shook his hangover head, as if he was not so dizzy. After reacting for a while, he remembered that he didn't go home yesterday, and I stayed at the hotel last time.

Not only that, he seemed to agree to Mr. Ling's courtship "in a daze", and the two of them seemed to be still... Mo Shaoqing raised his hand and touched his lower lip, as if he still retained the heat from last night.

God, what to do? It turned out that he took the initiative to kiss Mr. Ling. Although it turned into a kiss in the end, what should we say when we meet today

To stay calm, or to pretend nothing happened? No, no, if you pretend it didn't happen, then Mr. Ling will probably... forgive Mo Shaoqing's boyish heart who has never been in love. At this moment, he is really entangled, but why the corners of his mouth can't help but rise.

Mo Shaoqing tossed and turned on the bed for a long time, but finally couldn't bear the urge to urinate and got out of bed. After a brief wash, she put on an apron and prepared to make breakfast.

Now that it has become a fact, today is the first day that the two of them officially get together... I am already Mr. Ling's boyfriend, breakfast must not be as simple and perfunctory as before, it must be formal, that's right!

Mo Shaoqing opened the pot and was about to drain the oil, but he didn't know what to do.

What kind of breakfast do you make for your lover on the second day together? ? ? Wait online, hurry up! ! !

After a period of observation, Mo Shaoqing found that Mr. Ling was obviously a carnivore, and basically every meal should not be less than two meat dishes. He guessed right, in a sense, Mr. Ling really prefers meat to vegetarians!

There happened to be fresh chicken breast and pork in the refrigerator, and Mo Shaoqing was going to make a healthy and low-fat breakfast.

Mo Shaoqing marinated the pork liver and lean meat with corn oil, light soy sauce, salt, raw ingredients, and chicken essence.

Then put rice in the pressure cooker and start cooking porridge.

On the other side, quickly chop the chicken breast into a puree, add cooking wine, oil consumption, light soy sauce, black pepper, salt, starch, and stir clockwise.

Add mushrooms, carrots, and cabbage to the mixture and stir.

Preheat the electric baking pan, add a small amount of oil, carefully fry the meatloaf, take it out of the pan and put it on a plate, a simple chicken breast pancake with mixed vegetables is ready.

Stir-fry the marinated pork liver and lean meat, put it into the porridge, simmer for eight minutes on low heat, and it's done.

Simply stir-fry a vegetable and put it on the plate.

It should be enough, Mo Shaoqing thought about it for a while, and thought of Mr. Ling's appetite every time, so he decided to make another drink.

He put iced banana slices in the blender, added milk, and made a banana smoothie.

Finally, they are served on the table one by one.

Ling Senhao tossed and turned until the early hours of the morning before falling asleep, and woke up a little later today. After washing up, he smelled the scent coming from the kitchen, and he was hungry all of a sudden. Only then did he remember that last night he was only watching Mo Shaoqing eat, and he didn't eat anything!

He watched Mo Shaoqing skillfully handle the ingredients and then cook, and felt that there was nothing more tender than this in the world.

"You're up, come and eat!" Mo Shaoqing set up the table and chopsticks, and called the other party to eat.

"Okay." Ling Senhao responded softly, came to the table and sat down, "There are so many delicious foods! Thank you for your hard work!"

Mo Shaoqing said embarrassingly: "I don't even know your preferences, just do whatever you want..."

"It's okay, you still have a long time to understand." Ling Senhao looked at him and said meaningfully.

Responding to the other party's teasing, Mo Shaoqing was only a little blushing, and quickly sat down.

"This is pork liver and lean meat porridge, and this is pancakes with mixed vegetables and chicken breast. Try it." Mo Shaoqing has always been very proud of his craftsmanship, but this time he also started to feel a little worried, until the other party settled a pancake, and his heart ached. Just put it down.

Mo Shaoqing: "You..."

Ling Senhao: "You..."

The two spoke at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled.

Mo Shaoqing: "Speak first!"

Ling Senhao replied: "No, you should talk first!"

Mo Shaoqing hesitated for a moment, but still asked the question that he had been struggling with all morning, otherwise he would have been too uncomfortable: "I want to ask you, how many times have you had before..."

Ling Senhao didn't respond immediately: "How many?"

"It's that... lover, how many have you had..." After Mo Shaoqing stammered and asked, he felt embarrassed at first, and could only scold himself for being worthless in his heart.

Ling Senhao saw that his face was about to be buried in the bowl. On the one hand, he was a little surprised, but on the other hand he was very happy. What does this mean? The other party is willing to understand him. After the automatic interpretation, Ling Senhao joked: "Oh~ I understand the boyfriend's daily cross-examination!"

"What... what!" Mo Shaoqing's thoughts were directly asked, and he immediately exploded, "If you don't want to say it, let it go!"

Ling Senhao confessed straightforwardly: "How many times have you had..."

Although he knew this would be the result, Mo Shaoqing was still a little disappointed when he really heard the answer. Even if he told himself that these things were in the past tense, he still couldn't hide the sourness from the bottom of his heart.

Ling Senhao saw that Mo Shaoqing's face changed, and his face was full of grievances, and he immediately felt distressed: "I had a few appointments, but they were very short-lived, and we broke up soon..."

Mo Shaoqing: "Why, why?"

Ling Senhao smiled: "My friends were all introduced by my family, I don't like it! Although I tried to accept it, I found that it was really difficult for me to accept those who approached with various purposes. My person, especially as a fiancée or fiancé. My parents have a very good relationship, so I have a higher pursuit of the quality of love. In the mall, I can play with you, but there is only one thing, my relationship, my marriage , I just want to make my own decisions."

Mo Shaoqing did not expect that Mr. Ling would explain it to him in such a serious manner, and was very touched. Suddenly, I felt a little narrow-minded, and unconsciously expressed my thoughts: "Do you think I'm a little hypocritical, and I don't know why I care so much about this issue. Not completely insensible…”

Ling Senhao raised his eyebrows, it seems that he guessed right.

"But I think how an excellent person like you would fall in love with an ordinary student like me... So I... I think your former lover must be excellent..."

Ling Senhao said: "Strictly speaking, these partners are not my lovers. Doesn't Huaxia have a saying: love doesn't know where it starts, and it goes deep. I think that's how I feel about you."

Of course Ling Senhao knew that Mo Shaoqing's relationship experience was a blank slate, and he might not be used to it for a while, so he comforted him: "Okay, eat quickly, it's going to be cold."

Compared with the relatively silent breakfast last time, this time the two of them broke through the gap, and their affection was stronger. Even the unintentional staring at each other was full of warmth.

This time, Ling Senhao sent Mo Shaoqing home directly.

Mo Shaoqing still didn't want people to bump into him in his heart, so when he was about to reach the gate of the community, he said, "Just stop here, I'll just walk over by myself."

Ling Senhao silently refused, and continued to drive in, and Mo Shaoqing could only show him the way.

After arriving at the place, Mo Shaoqing got out of the car quickly and said to Ling Senhao, "Be careful on the road~"

Ling Senhao watched the other party get out of the car and close the door in one go, raised his eyebrows: "Is this the end?"

Mo Shaoqing: "Why not?"

"What? Why don't you invite me in for a glass of water?"

"This..." Mo Shaoqing was a little hesitant. Although he knew that the eldest brother should not be at home at this point, would it be too fast to ask someone to come to the door now... He hasn't figured out how to be honest with his family about this.

Ling Senhao couldn't bear Mo Shaoqing's embarrassment, anyway, this time he had already touched the door, so he was afraid that he would not have the chance to come! In case Shaoqing's parents are there, it's not good to be empty-handed! "come here-"

Mo Shaoqing walked forward according to his words, Ling Senhao approached him, kissed his cheek unexpectedly. "That's about the same."

Mo Shaoqing was taken aback, and quickly looked around. Fortunately, everyone was at work at this point, and there were basically no people in the community.

"What are you doing!" Mo Shaoqing felt concerned.

Ling Senhao thought to himself, it's too late to refuse at this time. Duplicity, but I just love him like this, and said with a smile: "I know...be careful next time."

"Then I'm leaving, see you at the company!"

At this time, Mo Shaoqing didn't know that the program was recorded yesterday, and his unintentional excuse caused another storm on the Internet. To be precise, it was because of the movie "Autumn Youth".

According to the fans at the recording site of the major leagues on the weekend - my male god actually acted in the famous work of director Yazawa! ! !

Unlike the previous dispute between Mo Shaoqing and Xu Che about the supporting actor in "The Legend of Lingdi", this matter only caused a lot of trouble in the fan circle, and the fermentation time was too short, so it came to an end soon.

"Autumn Youth" has a lot of backgrounds. It is the famous work of Yazawa Hayao, the famous director of country R. Since then, he has made many niche films, but none of them are well known. After "Autumn Youth" became a hit, his other films have also risen. I was named one of the "Most Talented Directors of This Century" by R country film.

And the popularity of this movie is only in the past few years. So the repercussions caused are also huge, and the reactions from all walks of life are different, but they all express the same meaning——

Amazing my brother, you actually played K!