Entertainment Industry’s Gourmet Food Service

Chapter 67


Mo Shaoqing lay down on the sofa in the living room to rest and didn't want to move, but his eyes looked around, not letting go of every small detail.

It was the first time he saw someone else's home decorated like this, it was completely in his favorite style, a combination of medieval and modern styles, as expected, it would be good if he had money, if he had money, he would also pretend like this.

When He Zixin and Ke Jinghuan were choosing a room, Mo Shaoqing took the opportunity to go to the second floor. He was really more and more curious whether this villa was a scene arranged by the program group or a privately rented villa, or just a vacation homestay

The second floor is obviously a place for the owner to live in. Walking up the stairs, there is a blue-gray three-dimensional embroidered magpie-bird background wall directly opposite, a sky-blue cabinet in front of it, and thick handmade floor stalls in the corridor Medieval oil paintings hung on the walls, and wall lamps cast a dim light.

Mo Shaoqing casually opened the door of the nearest room, but all he saw was fitness equipment...

Fitness Equipment

Mo Shaoqing was attracted, walked over and touched it, huh? It's really fitness equipment! And it's spotlessly clean

It seems that this place should be rented. How could the program team spend a lot of money to build such a gym? The fitness equipment here is all expensive!

Mo Shaoqing was about to leave the room, but was taken aback by the man leaning against the shadow of the door.

"Ah—" Mo Shaoqing almost screamed when he saw the person coming, but the man covered his mouth.

"Shh—it's me." A chiseled man in a bathrobe stood at the door against the backlight.

Mo Shaoqing blinked, making sure that he was not mistaken at all, then let go of his struggling hands, and was obediently embraced by the man in front of him into his warm arms.

However, this was the first time Mo Shaoqing saw a man in a completely casual state appearing in this completely impossible place again, and he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, "You you... why are you here?"

"Don't you miss me?" The man's disappointed voice came from above his head.

"Where is it?" Mo Shaoqing explained while looking downstairs behind him. The film crew had long gone to nowhere, and it seemed that they had made arrangements in advance.

"Well, there are others downstairs, will they come up?" Mo Shaoqing was still a little worried.

"Of course not. I have already asked the program team to arrange a room for them, and told them that this is a private villa, and they are not allowed to walk around!"

Mo Shaoqing was surprised and delighted, and didn't know what to say: "How did you come here?"

Ling Senhao raised his eyebrows: "How else can I come here? Take the ferry!"

Mo Shaoqing: "What, you know what I mean, hurry up and don't play dumb!"

Ling Senhao pretended to be sad, and sighed: "A certain heartless little thing left me and left, and even sent me half a text message, deliberately making me worry, how could I not come?"

"Oh!" Mo Shaoqing suddenly realized that he hadn't finished editing the text message that day, and unexpectedly sent it out. Thinking that the other party came over because of his work, the guilt in his heart deepened: "I'm sorry, I didn't send you that day. Texting was too hasty, blame me, I didn't notify you in advance, I—"

Ling Senhao put his fingers against Mo Shaoqing's lips, "Stop talking, are you going to keep apologizing tonight?"

"No—hee hee!"

"Don't be so playful!" Ling Senhao pinched Mo Shaoqing's face, "Tell me, do you miss me?"

Where is this new bad taste, Mo Shaoqing complained in his heart: "Come on... You're oily!"

"That's about the same!"

Mo Shaoqing rubbed his ravaged face: "I haven't asked you yet, why are you here!"

"What do you think?" Ling Senhao asked back.

"It can't be... to come to see me!" Mo Shaoqing thought in her heart, and said the same thing, the corners of her mouth raised couldn't hide the pride in her heart.

"Yes, the main purpose must be for you!" Ling Senhao pulled Mo Shaoqing into the master bedroom opposite.

Mo Shaoqing silently looked at this large suite with a combination of Chinese and Western, and guessed what Ling Senhao said just now: "Could this house be yours?"

"Hmm! I lent it to the program team, who made me a sponsor!"

Although Mo Shaoqing subconsciously believed that Mr. Ling should be very rich, but the only villa on this small island was actually his, which made Mo Shaoqing deeply and intuitively feel what it means to be rich.

But... a sponsor

Mo Shaoqing mercilessly teased: "You are actually the sponsor of this show. What are you sponsoring for? Five hundred dollars? The president of the dignified Xingyang Entertainment is actually so stingy!"

Ling Senhao suddenly felt like he was shooting himself in the foot with a stone. It was obviously the screenwriter's fault, but he actually wanted to blame it on himself. If he didn't say anything else, maybe the five hundred dollars would become a black history of his life. !

Thinking of this, Ling Senhao said with a half-smile: "Otherwise, where do you think the pearls worth more than 100,000 yuan are? Where did they come from? Didn't they come from us stingy 'sponsors'!"

Mo Shaoqing's laughing expression froze, what? pearl? mission target

Mo Shaoqing tried his best to put on a flattering expression: "Hey, you sponsored the pearl? Where is the pearl?"

Ling Senhao smirked: "Little rascal, now you know how to please me..."

Mo Shaoqing is pitiful, this is not at all the same as the variety show he imagined, he can't eat well or sleep well: "Tell me, I've been exhausted looking for this thing for the past two days!"

Is it rare for Mo Shaoqing to act like a baby? ? ? This person made Ling Senhao very useful, but he was still not bewitched by the beauty, and he firmly refused: "No!"

Mo Shaoqing was not angry either, he suddenly thought of another question, "Then we came to this villa, could it be your tricks?"

"Hmm," Ling Senhao didn't deny it, "otherwise, do you think it would be so easy to get the keys to the villa?"

Mo Shaoqing asked again: "But what if the person with the highest vote is not me?"

"I believe it must be you!"

"Hey hey!" Mo Shaoqing smirked, for some reason he just couldn't stop himself from smiling.

At night, the lovers embrace under the curved glass dome.

"The stars are so bright tonight!" Mo Shaoqing reached out to touch the stars, but Ling Senhao grabbed them and put them under the quilt: "Stop making trouble, go to sleep, I think you haven't had a good rest yet."

"I'm not sleepy anymore!" Mo Shaoqing also felt strange in his heart, just now he was slumped on the sofa downstairs and couldn't get up, but now he was in good spirits.

"Since you don't want to sleep, let's do something meaningful..." After finishing speaking, Ling Senhao lowered his head, found Mo Shaoqing's lips, and gently rubbed his lips, Mo Shaoqing was a little nervous , but soon began to respond to the other party with seeming nothing.

Ling Senhao was encouraged, and pushed Mo Shaoqing's lips and teeth with the tip of his tongue, intertwining with Mo Shaoqing's tongue.

Xiaobie Jiusheng is newly married, and the two of them are a little bit out of control.

"Hmm~" Mo Shaoqing groaned, "Hand...don't...you have something to do tomorrow!"

Ling Senhao took out his hands from Mo Shaoqing's nightgown, stroked the other's face, and continued to kiss him lightly before letting go. A silver thread is constantly implicated between the two.

Ling Senhao never knew his desire was so terrible before. On the one hand, Mo Shaoqing has a show tomorrow, and on the other hand, he didn't want to scare the other party, and he didn't want to be so hasty. He helped Mo Shaoqing straighten his clothes and sat up: "Sleep Come on, I'm going to take a shower and I'll be back in a while!"

Mo Shaoqing really wanted to say that it was all right, after all, he was very old at heart and knew the theoretical knowledge in that area. But he couldn't tell it to his mouth, and when he thought of recording another day's program tomorrow, he was a little frustrated. The lust had subsided just now, and he nodded depressedly.

Ling Senhao sat on the edge of the bed, saw the disappointment on his face, and said with a smile: "So can't wait?"

"When...of course not!" Mo Shaoqing blushed and turned his back to Ling Senhao. He would never communicate with a hooligan like Mr. Ling again.

Mo Shaoqing, who turned around, soon felt drowsy, and fell asleep in a daze before anyone came.

When Ling Senhao came out of the shower, Mo Shaoqing had already fallen asleep on all fours, his stomach rose and fell with his breathing, and he even snored happily.

"I'll let you go this time." Ling Senhao stepped forward, tucked the quilt up for him, carefully laid down next to Mo Shaoqing, and hugged him into his arms.

Sensing the heat, Mo Shaoqing's body immediately rushed towards him, hugged him tightly, muttered something vaguely in his mouth, then smashed his mouth again, and continued to fall into a deep sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun poured down through the glass dome. Mo Shaoqing turned over and opened his eyes in a daze. , A trace of loss could not help but emerge in my heart.

God! How can I be as sentimental as a woman? Mo Shaoqing was overwhelmed by his own imagination, and looked at the clock on the wall, the hands were already pointing to seven o'clock, what a pity, it was too late!

Immediately turn over and get out of bed, solve physical problems and wash and take a bath.

When Mo Shaoqing came to the bathroom, he found that a new set of mountaineering clothes had been placed in the opposite cloakroom, and there was a white letterhead on it.

Ansel: I asked the housekeeper to prepare your favorite breakfast for you, record the show well, and I will pick you up after the end.

Ans Aire? So this is your real name? Mo Shaoqing was thoughtful, and always felt that he had understood the other party one step further.

Although there were only a few short sentences, Mo Shaoqing felt that he was healed in an instant, and his fatigue and loss were swept away, as if he was fully charged!

Mo Shaoqing went downstairs. In the dining room, Ke Jinghuan was enjoying his breakfast with relish. Even He Zixin was tasting the meal.

After Mo Shaoqing sat down, a servant soon delivered the freshly cooked sashimi porridge.

Mo Shaoqing: "Thank you!"

Maid: "You are welcome, please use it slowly!"

Mo Shaoqing opened the lid of the cup, and a scent wafted into his nostrils. He immediately put a mouthful of hot porridge into his mouth regardless of the heat: the fish fillets were tender and smooth, the white porridge was thick, and the egg whites were warm and glutinous.

After a delicious breakfast, the trio met up with six other people on the beach.