Entertainment’s Villainess Lost Her Memories!

Chapter 27: Chapter 027


Jiang Zheng didn't know why Ji Muye was so generous all of a sudden. Although she was quite interested in his earlobes, there was a difference between pinching secretly and pinching under the eyes of the master.

She wasn't sure whether he was joking or telling the truth.

Ji Muye frowned and urged, "If you want to pinch, just pinch, or I will regret it." Fortunately, it was dark all around, otherwise his blushing face would have been discovered by Jiang Zheng.

Seeing this, Jiang Zheng sighed, pursed his lips, and carefully stretched out his right hand...

That night. A full moon above the head sheds the bright white moonlight, the towering towers, and a row of bamboo forests rustled in the night wind.

A girl stood on tiptoe, her slender arms stretched out, and protruded toward the right side of the tall man. When she touched the man's right earlobe, the man seemed to be sensitive and swayed slightly. The girl quickly attacked, pinching it accurately. Live on his earlobe, as fast as lightning, as if afraid that he will regret it.

After pinching and twisting, the girl even closed her eyes and enjoyed the extreme softness brought by her earlobes.

Ji Muye endured the itch and looked at the guy opposite. What hobby is this? He kept guessing that model worker Jiang Zheng had other hobbies besides work, but he didn't expect her to have a soft spot for his earlobes.

His eyebrows, lips, nose and even Adam's apple were praised by fans. Ji Muye could hear the cocoon, but Jiang Zheng alone thought his earlobes... cute and invincible. As expected, he is a big brother Jiang with a slanted sword.

Jiang Zheng knew that this was probably the last time to pinch Ji Muye's earlobe, so he held it for a longer time. Anyway, the earlobe is in her hand, not afraid that he will regret it.

But she also knows that tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the future, the two will always meet. Some things can't be overdone.

So, she pinched for about three minutes, then let go.

Ji Muye looked at her helplessly, "Is it fun?"

Jiang Zheng hummed, "It's fun." If there is a bed for her to lie on now, and she can sleep while pinching, it is estimated that she will fall asleep in minutes. Very hypnotic.

After a question and answer, the two suddenly laughed at the same time.

It must be that the moonlight tonight is too good, making people a big fool. Fortunately, we are stupid together, so don't talk about anyone.


"East Girl Country" adopts a weekly broadcast mode, so the episodes are not long, only 12 episodes. Intense plot conflicts are concentrated in just 12 episodes, ensuring that each episode has highs, highs and bursts. The two episodes that aired last week were the selection of the sweetest Wang Husband and the wedding bridal chamber. However, while the audience was screaming sweetly, they also maintained a high degree of vigilance against the sadomasochistic foreshadowing of the previous episodes.

Many people have opened their minds on Douban Weibo, guessing how the remaining four episodes will go. Some people say that Her Majesty the Queen became furious when she found out that Cui Ling was a staff member of Jiedushi in Yizhou, and imprisoned him and forced him to choose. Cui Ling was devoted to Tang, and would rather die than give in. The queen finally accidentally kills him, and the whole play ends. Some people say that Cui Ling used a handsome man's trick to deceive Jin Tu from Her Majesty the Queen, handed it over to Lord Jiedu, rescued her sister and resettled her, and returned to the East Girl Country to plead guilty. In the end, whether Her Majesty will forgive or not depends on whether the screenwriter's heart is ruthless.

Someone compared the scripts written by Teacher Yu Juan in the past few decades and found that 80% of the scripts were be. The results of this study scared everyone to shiver. If you look at the selection of the husband and the wedding room in this way, it is simply too cruel.

So a group of people ran to Yu Juan's Weibo to petition and ask her to raise her hand. It's okay to be a little abused, but don't let them end in a good life. If it is be, many people threaten to send her razor blades or block her.

Teacher Yu Juan showed these messages to director Xing Weimin. Xing Weimin immediately gathered everyone together. There are four episodes left of "East Girl Country", and everyone is not allowed to reveal any news about the ending to the outside world. If anyone is found to be talking nonsense outside regardless of the discipline of the crew, no matter who it is, he will block it.

On Monday morning, everyone gathered at Xianyun Ferry in Kangyanchuan, Wangcheng, to film the next episode.

The Queen and his wife have a good relationship after marriage. His Majesty laughed more, and the whole person became a lot more alive. She was no longer the lonely girl standing in the palace tower looking at the mountains and rivers from afar.

For three meals a day, Her Majesty the Queen must go to the palace of Her Royal Highness to accompany him. The mammy of the food bureau said that His Majesty will eat more and be more happy only when he sees His Royal Highness. Cen Baoqian yawned and said that His Majesty and His Highness had a lot to do every night, such as reading, drawing, and writing, and even one night His Majesty forced His Highness to paint her eyebrows with his own hands. She was watching the night outside the palace, and she was choked to death by the dog food sprinkled by His Majesty from time to time. She really missed her Alang.

On this day, Tang Qinlan remembered that Cui Ling had said that he wanted to go to Xianyundu to see the scenery, so he gathered a group of people and took his husband out of the city to play.

Despite its name, Xianyundu looks like a paradise, but it is actually quite steep. The mountains on both sides stand up, like a god throwing a giant axe. However, the scenery is always steep, and because of its ingenious craftsmanship, this is a place where people from the East Girl Country flock to enjoy the scenery.

The strange thing is that the top of this ferry is steep, and when you go down a hundred meters, the rapids become slow water. Many people take the leather rafts unique to the East Girl Country to go down the river and go to the Mount Mordo to worship. Mountains, or drift further to Yizhou City in Datang.

Speaking of cowhide rafts, Dongnvguo has high mountains and dangerous roads, and it is relatively easy to walk by water. However, bamboo rafts and wooden boats are easy to sink in the rapids. Dongnvguo people use common cows to blow out sacs with their skins, and then use tough wood as the skeleton. , you can run rampant in the weak water, unobstructed.

Her Majesty the Queen was going to sit on a cowhide raft to enjoy the view. Cen Baoqian was very nervous, and hurriedly called for the guards to prepare tools and sent five teams to protect the safety of Her Majesty and His Highness.

At Xianyun Ferry, Tang Qinlan took Cui Ling's hand and told him the name of the mountain and the shape of the cloud with great interest. Cui Ling listened attentively, the sun shone on his handsome face, and the lustrous skin made Tang Qinlan's heart tremble.

She glanced back at Cen Baoqian.

Cen Baoqian understood in her mind, and quickly made everyone turn around.

The sky and the earth are far away, the mountains are high and the water is deep, and the reeds on the floodplain are swaying in the wind. Tang Qinlan's eyes are only Cui Ling, she gently tiptoed, her fingers hooked on Cui Ling's chin, kissing and kissing.

She likes this kind of action the most, and Cui Ling blushes every time she kisses her.

Cen Baoqian was waiting left and right when she suddenly heard a huge sound of water entering behind her.

She turned around abruptly, and found that Her Majesty the Queen was already sitting on the cowhide raft with Her Royal Highness's hand.

"Your Majesty..." As soon as she called out, Tang Qinlan glared at her.

Cen Baoqian was so frightened that she immediately knelt down and did not dare to take a step forward.

Tang Qinlan turned back with satisfaction, raised his chin towards Cui Ling, and said arrogantly, "Your Highness Wang Fu, you must protect me."

Cui Ling pursed his lower lip, "The minister follows the order."

He picked up the wood pulp and poked along the water to the beach, and the cowhide raft immediately drifted down. m.xiumb.com

Cen Baoqian was so anxious that she had to let the guards protect her along the way.

The cowhide raft had eaten enough water, and it was lighter. It was bumping up and down in the water waves. Tang Qinlan was not at all frightened, but looked at Cui Ling with a smile.

At this time, looking up at the mountains on both sides of the strait, I felt even more thrilling.

Cui Ling's back was covered in sweat, and he carefully controlled the wood pulp, for fear of an accident.

The guards chased farther and farther, unable to keep up at all.

There is no one in the four fields, only the two of them are left in the world.

After crossing this rapid shoal, you will come to an open water surface, which is gentle and leisurely, and you can float down without paddling.

Tang Qinlan took a deep breath, and suddenly smiled and said, "Cui Lang, do you know what the national treasure of my East Girl Country is?"

Cui Ling shook his head calmly, "I don't know."

A hint of sarcasm appeared on Tang Qinlan's face, "The Tang Dynasty and the Tubo people said that the national treasure of our East Girl Country is Zhen."

Comparing the queen of Dongwoguo to a beautiful and expensive object, it can be seen that those male-dominated dynasties sneered at the establishment of the country by the women of Dongwoguo. Cui Ling had heard this saying, but in his eyes, whether it was a woman or a man who established a country, a monarch who loves the people is what an orthodox country should look like.

"Cui Lang, I will tell you quietly." Tang Qinlan hooked his hands.

Cui Ling got closer.

Tang Qinlan lowered his voice, "They are all wrong. The national treasure of the East Girl Country is not me, but Jintu."

Cui Ling's eyes sank, and he lowered his eyelids silently.

Golden figure! This is the first time Tang Qinlan mentioned it in front of him.

Tang Qinlan pointed to the Taotao Weak Water, and said that the ancestors of the Eastern Girl Kingdom received the protection of the weak water in addition to the protection of the sacred water of the Mordo Mountain. Weak aquatic products Jinsha, Jinsha cleaning is gold. The technique of gold rushing and the legendary gold mine treasury that is not known in Dongnuguo is the envy of everyone, and it is the foundation of Dongnuguoguo.

"Cui Lang, do you know Jin Tu, where am I hiding?" Tang Qinlan asked unintentionally.

Cui Ling restrained his expression, "I don't need to know."

Tang Qinlan was half-smiling, reaching out and pinching Cui Ling's jaw, "You..."

Cui Ling couldn't guess what she said, so she had to stay silent.

Two cameras shuttle across the river, each facing the faces of the hero and heroine.

In order to show the grand scene of the cowhide raft on the Ruoshui River in the East Girl Country, Xing Weimin did not arrange for people to follow the shots, but used a combination of long-range and close-up shots to zoom out the camera to show the momentum of the deep canyon, and Her Majesty the Queen is so eloquent in flirting with love in perilous situations.

There are no other elements in the way, and there is no need for post-editing, and the overall effect can be displayed as it is.

After Jiang Zheng finished saying "you", he suddenly heard a rustling sound from under the cowhide raft, like... the sound of some kind of gas escaping from a small hole.

Her face changed, she subconsciously grabbed Ji Muye in front of her, and said with a trembling voice, "Is the boat leaking?"

Ji Muye lowered his head, Jiang Zheng's hand was tightly clasping his wrist, and his strength was quite strong.

Is she afraid

The water in this area is gentle and wide, and the sediment from the upstream settles here to raise the water level. The cowhide raft makes a sizzling sound because it touches the sediment in the shallow water.

They ran into each other by chance last night, the two sincerely apologized to each other, and finally ended with a magical ear pinching. He went back to the room, pondered for a night, and came to a conclusion: Jiang Zheng is essentially a cute person, or a person who is particularly obsessed with his earlobe. little cutie.

Her venomous tongue is her armor to protect herself. For so many days of filming with the crew, he never once saw Jiang Zheng's face lose his temper. On the contrary, he showed a little bit of naive look from time to time.

Ji Muye's mind changed, and he quickly pretended to observe under the raft, and then looked up and his face turned pale, "Okay, it seems to be true. This cowhide raft is too weak."

Jiang Zheng was about to cry, this is Jiang Zhongyang, not a swimming pool.

Suddenly, Ji Muye grabbed her hand and dragged her into his arms, trembling like chaff, "I'm afraid."

Jiang Zheng: "..."

Xing Weimin looked at the two people hugging each other on the monitor: What the hell

Seeing that Ji Muye was trembling more than himself, Jiang Zheng couldn't help laughing and crying. It turned out that Brother Mu was also afraid sometimes.

She stretched out her hand silently, patted him on the back, and coaxed, "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. My sister is here."

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