Entertainment’s Villainess Lost Her Memories!

Chapter 36: Chapter 36


Jiang Zheng's unexpected operation made the barrage instantly turn into a question mark.

#Ah, I'm so pissed off, Jiang Zheng, you hurt my brother Ji!

#What kind of demon is this woman going to be

#Anyone to explain? Brain is not enough.

#Your Majesty, you don't want your royal husband, and would you please give me a good cut? Why give it to the zombie king.

#The ruthless woman who throws her husband.

Ji Muye's collision caused Miss Tan Wu to stumble backwards. The guests made exaggerated exclamations very cooperatively.

Tan Wu's face sank, and she stretched out her blood-red claws to try to pinch Ji Muye, but before she touched his neck, she heard Jiang Zheng say, "Wait a minute. It's useless for you to pinch him."

Tan Wu: "?"

Director Fu forehead: Ah, come again! Chaos again!

Jiang Zheng took a step forward and said with a smile: "Your Ji Lang took Xingxincao. It's useless for you to pinch him or even eat him. He can't become your same kind."

Ji Muye raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Zheng faintly. Who he is Ji Lang can't be judged by her Jiang Zheng.

Tan Wu was stunned for a moment. In the plot setting, her nemesis was Xingxincao, zombies can wake up after eating Xingxincao, and normal people can not be infected by zombies by taking Xingxincao.

At this moment, Ji Muye suddenly turned around, and like a conjuration, there were a few green grasses in his hands, and while Tan Wu was not paying attention, he squeezed her chin and stuffed the grasses into her blood-red mouth. inside.

Tan Wu's mouth instantly burst into a strong smell of chives... During the period, it was also mixed with the sweetness of frosting sugar.

The person in charge of the props team couldn't bear to look directly. Where did he go to find what kind of refreshing grass, he could only find the closest leek and plant it in the third lady's yard according to the director's description, and then rub a layer of white frost on the stem of the leek. Sugar, as white fluff.

The original setting didn't say that the actors should eat the heart-wrenching grass, and the result...

After Ji Muye stuffed the leek-flavored refreshing grass into Tan Wu's mouth, he stretched out two fingers, "What is this?"

The guest NPCs didn't know what was going on, and looked at the people in front of them with dumbfounded expressions.

Tan Wu took two steps back, her whole face twitched, and she fell to the ground struggling... After twitching for a while, she suddenly opened her eyes and sat up.

Tan Wu seems to have had a terrifying and deep dream, in which she overlooks all living beings, controls zombies, and is omnipotent. Now that I woke up from the dream, I saw my father in a wheelchair for the first time, and looked at him like a dead tree, and my tears flowed immediately.

Seeing this, the third lady quickly gave the man in black behind the city lord a look. At this moment, a figure blocked her face.

Jiang Zheng stared at her, "Third Madam, you are married as a woman, but you don't keep the woman's way and have an affair with others. You are afraid of the eldest daughter, and you use secret and tricky doctors to confuse people's temperament and turn them into demons."

The third lady sneered, "Nonsense, I gave birth to a holy son and saved Wuyou City from danger. Without me, everyone here would have to become devils."

As soon as she finished speaking, the guests knelt down one after another and shouted that the third lady was wise.

Jiang Zheng laughed, took it out of his pocket and found the poem in the mountain temple, "As soon as the spring wind and rain meet, there are countless victories in the world. Third lady, this piece of paper appeared in the mountain temple outside the city, although the words are ugly. But it is easy to identify, and it is exactly the same as the copy of the scriptures in your room."

The guests breathed in a breath of air in unison again, and performed the appearance of the melon-eating crowd in place.

The third lady chuckled, "It's all a false accusation, it's not enough to believe."

Jiang Zheng frowned, this person is determined to admit her and Xiaoxiang on the spot to catch and rape her? This Nima is difficult to do.

The barrage opens the time of the wise man and the sand sculpture.

#You can investigate the monitoring in the mountain temple.

#Or ask the only witness in the mountain temple - Mr. Mountain God. ωωw.Bǐqυgétν.℃ǒM

#The truth is about to come out.

#DangtangCity Lord being played and applauded by a girl, this IQ is worrying.

#May the lord of the city be pretending

#There is a bug in this plot, the eldest lady has a blood hole in her chest, can she still speak

#PeopleThe director said that this plot is as private as a mountain, don't be rude.

#The core of the whole story should still be on the eldest lady.

Sure enough, just when the third lady was biting her innocence, the eldest young lady Tan Wu giggled.

Her brows were full of sarcasm, "Third Madam, at my father's birthday party that day, you sneaked away and hung out with your little lover. It turns out that this person was hooked up by you from the Temple of the Mountain."

Suddenly her face changed, and she rushed over a few steps, pointed at the man in black behind the city lord, and said, "Are you... Ji Lang?"

Jiang Zheng turned her face to look over, and just now she felt that this person was a little strange. Black veil covers his face, he dare not show his face, but he is qualified to push the city lord out. It should be the third lady.

It turned out that he was the husband of the eldest lady. Also surnamed Ji, but I don't know if it's Ji or Ji

Suddenly she laughed, "So it is."

She turned her eyes and said, "I'll make a blind guess first. One day, Miss, you accidentally bumped into the third lady having an affair with someone. You were filled with righteous indignation and quickly told your father, but he didn't believe it at all, and blamed you for talking about your elders. Madam looked benevolent and compassionate. In turn, she said that she was an elder and would not care about the younger generation. It's a pity that you only saw the back of that person, but you didn't see who it was."

Tan Wu remembered her father's blame, and the third lady, the slut's pride, trembled on her shoulders.

"Later, maybe it was the third lady who said in front of the city lord that you are getting older and it's not a common thing to keep by your side, and encouraged him to find a husband for you. Maybe you wanted to find a helper to help you expose the true face of the third lady. For what reason, Wuyou City held a grand wedding ceremony.

At the ceremony, you took a fancy to a man surnamed Ji. He is not only powerful, but also handsome. He is your favorite man. Ten miles of red makeup, you have become his bride. At night in the bridal chamber, the two of you melodiously, like a duck to water. You thought you had found a reliable person, but it turned out that he was secretly cooperating with the third lady..."

#? ? ? Not really.

#eldest miss took the Meiqiang tragedy script. So pitiful.

#What a big pot of dog blood.

# So the other four guests are purely make up? Only Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye IQ online

Tan Wu's tears fell one after another. She used to be the daughter of the noble city lord. Since the third lady came, her father has become incompetent, and it is useless to persuade her to cry. After finally finding the so-called sweetheart, he turned out to be the one who had fornicated with the third lady.

Even if he turned to ashes, she recognized him.

"That night in the bridal chamber, you told me that life has me, and the four seasons are warm. I swear to let me live in your four seasons for the rest of my life, free from the harsh cold and summer, and from the wind and rain... "

The director listened with delight to Tan Wu's love story, thinking that the barrage must have a lot of praise for his talent, who knows...

#Ning believe that the sow climbs the tree, but not the man's nonsense.

#vomit. Good earthy love story. It's embarrassing that the eldest lady can still cry and read it out.

#too scum.

#This love story doesn't make sense. The four seasons have severe cold and heat, isn't it called the four seasons? Can you resist

Director: "..."

Ji Muye, who had been silent, walked up to Jiang Zheng silently, and said weakly, "His surname is Ji, and my surname is Ji. He is her Ji Lang, and I am your Ji Lang."

Jiang Zheng: "..."

#Ahhhh so sweet.

#sweet ghost. My brother Ji is for the effect of the show.

#jimuye cares that Jiang Zheng pushed him just now.

#Wow even. A pitiful look begging for comfort.

#jiangzheng: He is my husband. Not your Jirou. Ji Muye: I am your Ji Lang, please don't push me away. Comparing the two, Ji Muye is so humble!

#jimuye, stay awake, don't go too deep into the play.

#Killing me. Ji Muye was afraid of being abandoned.

Jiang Zheng coughed twice, "It's not important. Let's continue to decrypt. The zombies outside are about to rush in."

Ji Muye: "…"

After a while, he silently stood beside Jiang Zheng and then remained motionless.

The zombie group outside was screaming, which was really scary.

Tan Wu rushed over crying, Ji Lang indifferently stepped aside, leaving her to pounce. Tan Wu lay on the ground and touched the city owner's father's leg again, crying and begging him to wake up, but he didn't respond, staring blankly ahead.

The third lady handed the baby to the man in black, her arms shook, and the servant zombies who had just chased Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye suddenly appeared and rushed towards the crowd.

Ji Muye immediately protected Jiang Zheng.

Tan Wu glanced at the two of them with teary eyes, "He's been kind to you. Ha."

Jiang Zheng: "... "Sister, are you sure this is the line the director arranged for you

The guests were chased by servant zombies and fled, and the scene was about to get out of control.

"I know a secret road that can pass through Wuyou City and lead directly to the mountain temple outside the city." Tan Wu said calmly: "If you can take my father and my city residents, I will tell you. ."

Jiang Zheng's psychological quality is so good that he can still laugh, "How many zombies can we kill with so many of us?"

"Besides, we still have two companions who have been captured, waiting for us to rescue."

Tan Wu: "..."

Ji Muye understood in a second, and immediately rushed down to raise the round wooden table, and pushed a zombie with its fangs and claws to the ground.

#Hahahaha my sister Zheng is mighty.

#The two of them work well together.

#Killing me. Miss misses.

#do not die? What a tiger's word.

#Hahahaha Jiang Zheng is still thinking about Xiao Cheng and Ke Cancan, but these two are singing in the dungeon...

The director zoomed in on the camera in the dungeon in real time. Xiao Cheng shook hands and made the microphone, and sang with a blushing neck and a thick neck, obviously having been shut down insane.

Ke Cancan grabbed the haystacks on the ground, one after another, only to bite them with his mouth. Apparently going crazy too.

There were only seven or eight servant zombies, and there were at least fifty or sixty guests present. The panic was because everyone was too afraid of zombies. At this moment, relying on the advantage of the number, under the brave guidance of Ji Muye, these zombies were knocked down in a short while. On the ground, hold them all down with ropes, tables, and all the tools that can subdue them.

Ji Lang held the baby and hid to the side to protect the third lady.

The third lady was so angry that she laughed, "Do you think I only have this trick?"

Jiang Zheng also laughed, "Do you think we only have this trick?"

#Wow even! Who said Jiang Zheng is just a vase

#do it! Fight!

#This kind of suspenseful horror variety show can only be played by guests who can catch the IQ Online.

Jiang Zheng gave Ji Muye a look.

Ji Muye hurried to the gate.

The third lady couldn't believe it, "Do you want to let the zombies in?"

Jiang Zheng shrugged, "Open the door and let the dog go, it's not a good idea."

She turned her head to the eldest and said, "Miss Tan, take your father and the townspeople to escape from the secret passage."

"She can't live. The grass can only let her live for half an hour." The third lady said proudly. Her ancestors were good at using magic medicine. Xingxin grass and confused heart grass are two kinds of strange grasses recorded in □□. At the risk of being expelled from her clan, she successfully cultivated these two strange herbs and used them on her enemies.

Create zombies and condone the zombies to hurt people, and then use the refreshing grass to rescue the city people, establish authority, and then become the female city lord. The plan was originally perfect, but it was destroyed by a few outsiders. Really annoying!

Tan Wu wiped her tears, "The secret passage is right below the throne of the city lord in the main hall. If you want to escape, run away."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Cheng and Ke Cancan ran out from the side hall. The two were disgraced and in good spirits.

They told the guards that if the zombies entered the mansion, no one would survive, so they might as well escape as soon as possible. The guards were so frightened that they ran away, and the two quickly ran out of it, and then saw Tan Wu, who had a blood hole in his body but could speak normally, and the zombies who were pressed under the table, chair and bench.

Really creepy.

After listening to Tan Wu's words, the guests hurried into the hall.

Jiang Zheng asked Xiao Cheng and Ke Cancan to push the city owner to flee out of the city.

Among the fleeing crowds, only Tan Wu stared at Jilang in black motionlessly. This person is his obsession, whether she is awake or a demon.

"This bitch turned my mother into a zombie and put it in an iron cage for others to watch. I secretly hid my mother in Ping'an Square, but she informed me. My mother was burned to ashes, and I didn't even let me erect a tombstone. She planned to usurp the throne from the time she married my father, step by step, cruel and vicious."

Tan Wu clutched the blood hole in her chest and cried.

"Ji Lang. It's so hard to deceive me when you are on the scene."

"You said you wanted my heart, and I'll give it to you. Who knows that you really took my heart away."

Ji Lang in black held the child silently, motionless.

Jiang Zheng frowned and couldn't bear to listen.

Suddenly, Tan Wu picked up a sword from the ground and rushed towards it, stabbing into Ji Lang's chest in a flash of lightning.

#I go. It's too realistic.

#This has to drink 100 million tons of Mengpo soup to forget it.

#The person who plays the eldest lady is very good at acting.

Ji Lang suffered the sword and did not hide at all.

The third lady's face turned pale, and she yelled, "You are actually attracted to this bitch."

Ji Lang vomited blood, and his legs suddenly knelt on the ground, grinning miserably: "I pay you back my heart. I don't owe you anymore. Don't hate me!"

Tan Wu giggled, her eyes filled with endless sadness...

At this moment, the mountain wind was blowing and roaring, Ji Muye opened the door and quickly rushed towards the throne of the hall in the opposite direction.

Jiang Zheng was waiting for him at the entrance of the cave, waving at him anxiously, "Hurry up brother."

Without the control of the zombie king, the zombies subconsciously felt that there was fresh food in the door, but the refreshing grass made them dare not approach. However, there were too many zombies, one layer after another, and a mountain of zombies was stacked up. The latecomers climbed directly over, and the forerunners had already rushed through the shackles of the gates and walls.

In the back is a desperate zombie, in front is Jiang Zheng's anxious face and the little hand waving desperately.

Ji Muye's heart was so soft, he ran over a few steps, held her hand tightly, rushed into the secret passage together, and closed the cave door.

director:? ? Is this the end? Several wonderful endings I imagined were actually destroyed by the simple and crude method of closing the door and releasing the zombies?


Outside the mountain temple. The red prayer ribbon still swayed in the wind.

Suddenly a head popped out from under the base of the statue, and a person crawled out, then several, dozens…

In order to steal and love, the third lady dug a tunnel out. What a werewolf.

#Congratulations on the success of going out of town.

#This show still needs to be improved. From nine in the morning to four in the afternoon, the guests did not eat.

#How do you know you haven't eaten? As soon as the camera stops, they can be fed.

#By the way, where are Liang Xiaoduan and He Xiao

Just when the other four guests were about to rest, Liang Xiaoduan and He Xiaocai walked over from the city gate out of breath.

The zombies rushed into the city lord's mansion, and the two of them immediately turned around and rushed out of the city when they saw that the situation was not good. Who knows that the other four came out earlier than the two of them.

Hearing that there is a secret passage in the ground, I was immediately stunned.

They had known that they should have entered the third lady's room from the mountain temple.

Too bad there is no regret medicine.

The director came out, bowed to everyone, and thanked netizens for their strong support.

He announced that Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye both won the title of the best wise man in this issue.

#Awards are awarded wrongly. Probably the best couple.

#Liang Xiao Duan: I can cry for an entire episode.

#HEXiao: I was hugged by a crying bag for an entire episode.

#xiaocheng: I lay down for a whole episode.

#kecancan: I'm here to cheat the appearance fee.

#Mingren don't speak secretly, I'm here to eat candy.

At the end of the live broadcast, everyone bowed to the staff.

Liang Xiaoduan held back for a whole day, and finally waited for the opportunity to ask for a beautiful book from the agent.

She first asked Jiang Zheng to write her an autograph, then she happily drew a red heart beside her name, and asked Ji Muye to sign.

Ji Muye looked at the heart, hesitated, pointed at the heart and asked, "Who painted it?"

Liang Xiaoduan was taken aback, "Mr. Ji, is there any difference?"

Ji Muye calmly signed his name next to the little red heart, picked up the book, turned around and left.

Liang Xiaoduo's hand, "...Mr. Ji, my book."

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