Entertainment’s Villainess Lost Her Memories!

Chapter 46: Chapter 046


After finishing the filming of the second episode of "Fear City", Jiang Zheng took a two-day break and went to a shooting base somewhere in the suburbs of Beijing to shoot the September cover of the magazine "Fashion".

There are fashion magazine covers every month, but whoever has a high fashion status and a high status in the entertainment industry is eligible for the annual September cover. Top stars grab the September cover, and the next one grabs the October cover, New Year, March or anniversary cover. The weaker ones rob other months, and the worse ones can't even smell the exhaust fumes.

When Jiang Zheng walked into the studio, Jin Sui, the editor-in-chief of "Fashion", had been waiting for a long time.

According to Han Yi, at the end of last year, she set the September cover for this year's "Fashion". Other female stars have torn their faces and robbed their heads to compete for the cover of first-line fashion magazines, but Jiang Zheng doesn't need it because she is too popular.

Last year, she helped another first-tier magazine shoot the cover, and the magazine sold out in seconds that month. At the same time, many brand manufacturers heard that Jiang Zheng was going to be the cover girl, so they smashed the advertisement without saying a word. No one can live with real money. So when Jin Sui saw the Goddess of Wealth coming, he naturally laughed like Maitreya Buddha.

Before coming, Han Yi had taught Jiang Zheng a lesson about who Jin Sui was. As soon as she saw Jin Sui, she smiled and said, "Sui Sui, long time no see."

When others call her Jinsui Jinjie or the editor-in-chief, she is angry, but she is happy when she is called Suisui.

Jinsui has a plump physique and an average appearance, but her outstanding dressing and makeup techniques elevate her whole body to a very beautiful state.

She opened her arms, hugged Jiang Zheng gently, and said with a smile, "Zheng Zheng, it's hard work."

The two chatted for a while, and a tall and beautiful girl came over.

Jin Sui quickly introduced: "This is the planning director of our "Fashion" who has just been hired from New York. Bai Xuan."

Jiang Zheng looked over, this Director Bai had a gentle and pleasant appearance, especially his pair of soft eyes like water filled with moonlight, which immediately sucked people's eyes into them. As expected of the planning director of a first-line fashion magazine, this kind of appearance can also be glamorous in the entertainment industry.

She stretched out her hand, "Hello. I'm Jiang Zheng."

Bai Xuan paused, her eyes flashed with surprise, but she returned to normal immediately and said with a smile, "I have long admired Miss Jiang's name."

This cover shoot caters to the latest national trend, so the studio is full of Chinese elements.

Overwhelming red silk, gorgeous and towering palace lanterns, and waterside pavilions, lotus ponds, pavilions and pavilions with a very Jiangnan style.

Bai Xuan is very professional, and communicated with Jiang Zheng in terms of clothing selection, photography, and scene configuration first, so that they must form a tacit understanding with each other in a short period of time, so that the shooting can be carried out efficiently.

Halfway through the filming, Han Yi stood beside Jiang Zheng and was a little uneasy. This unknown Bai Xuan was chosen by Jin Sui as the fashion planning director. This is the September seal, if it messes up, no one will be able to eat it and walk away. But who is Jinsui? She has been in the fashion industry for more than 20 years. She has read countless people and is very experienced. Since she is the one she picked, it must not be a problem.

Jiang Zheng was also thinking about this Bai Xuan in his heart. She frowned and asked in a low voice, "Han Yi, did I know Director Bai before?"

Han Yi was taken aback, "I probably don't know each other." He was terrified, for fear that Jiang Zheng had leaked stuffing in public and was seen to have amnesia. So every time she came out to work, she would introduce all the people she might deal with. This Bai Xuan appeared suddenly, and it was the first time he saw her.

Jiang Zheng always felt that Bai Xuan looked at her a little differently. Perhaps it was because the woman who abandoned her brother was called Su Xuan, and her name overlapped with one word. So something is different? She shook her head, thinking that maybe she really thought too much.

The theme of September's fashion magazine is "New Country Style, New Cultural Creativity, New Trend of Thought". The first set of shooting plans selected by Bai Xuan is the very impactful China Red. Chinese red is a common theme of national style, but it still takes a certain amount of skill to capture the depth, layering and fashion sense of this color. Bai Xuan tried to make Jiang Zheng look sassy in the red silk blown by the strong wind, so she tried many times, and she was a little embarrassed.

However, Jiang Zheng maintained a calm state from beginning to end, with no impatience on his face. She often sees gossip about Jiang Zheng being critical and difficult to serve in New York, but what she sees today is a tenacious professional attitude.

Moreover, Jiang Zheng is not an empty vase beauty, she can quickly understand her shooting intentions, and cooperate as much as possible to make the most beautiful pose.

So the first half of the shooting progressed slowly but fortunately both parties were very satisfied.

The theme of the second set of shooting is the Chinese ink painting style, the ethereal hookah, the shades of color, and the classical architecture with great aesthetic sense, all in order to set off Jiang Zheng's unique face, and strive to bring out the most beautiful moments.

Filming continued until evening. Jinsui has been with him during the period, and occasionally reminds the people around him to do a good job of service. This treatment is no longer available.

Filming finally ended when the lights were on.

Jiang Zheng told everyone that it was hard work, and followed Jin Sui to her office.

The coffee table was full of food, Jiang Zheng swallowed, with the usual indifference on his face, and slowly sat down on the sofa.

Jinsui: "I know you can't eat it, so you watch me eat it for you."

Jiang Zheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this sister really regarded her as a best friend.

"Of course you can," she said calmly.

Jin Sui scolded while eating. Last year's October seal was originally finalized by Yuan Mingshu. This person has a deep background and has a good relationship with manufacturers. Although the film and television works are not particularly famous, they are more numerous. At that time, the October issue had been printed out at the end of August and was going to be a big sale in October. As a result, this person robbed the September cover of another first-line fashion magazine. He ignored the fashionable October cover and forced Jinsui to cancel the contract. .

Jinsui was half-dead from anger, but the capital behind the other party was too powerful and compensated enough liquidated damages, and there was no fault in the legal sense. However, at that time, all the big female stars had already been divided up by the covers of other magazines, and they couldn't find a suitable person to be the cover girl for a while. The next female artist, Jin Sui, doesn't like it.

She just tried to talk to Jiang Zheng a little, but Jiang Zheng agreed, and immediately took the time to cooperate with the shooting, which prevented the famous "Fashion" from opening the skylight.

As a result, the October seal of "Fashion" last year was better than the September seal that Yuan Mingshu had torn out of his bowels, and the advertisers threw their money too hard. Yuan Mingshu's fans were unhappy, and they spread rumors that Jiang Zheng stole the cover of their wall, and he was indeed the devil Jiang. There is one more crime for Jiang Zheng.

After Jinsui knew about it, he immediately wrote Yuan Mingshu on Weibo: Some people are not strong enough, and they have superior ability to instigate rumors.

Yuan Mingshu's fans wore thick filters, so how could they think there was something wrong with their goddess

Jin Sui's heart aches when she thinks about what happened last year.

Jiang Zheng can't remember what happened last year, but he heard Han Yi say it. She reassured: "I heard that Yuan Mingshu didn't get a cover this year." I don't know whether it was because the capital behind it was withdrawn or she went the Buddhist route. m.xiumb.com

Jin Sui gritted her back molars, "It really deserves it. Her September seal performance was the worst last year. Who would dare to invite her this year."

Speaking of this, she changed the subject and suddenly smiled strangely, "Zheng Zheng, sister Zheng..."

Jiang Zheng had an ominous premonition, "If you have something to say, say it directly. Don't laugh, as soon as you laugh, I will think of the mountain god in the first episode of "The City of Fear"."

Jinsui: "…"

She changed Zhang Maitreya's kind smile.

"I have a dream."

Jiang Zheng: "... what?"

"I want you and Ji Muye to be on the cover of the 20th anniversary issue of "Fashion"..."

Next year will be the 20th anniversary of the release of "Fashion". As the founder of the publication, Jin Sui has lost his hair for the cover at this super important key node. The planning department thought about several candidates and she was not satisfied. Until one day she saw the promotional poster of "East Girl Country", and her heartbeat suddenly became violent. The two people's sense of CP in the same frame can reach people's hearts and capture people's souls.

Intuition tells her that if these two bigwigs can be invited at the same time, the cover of the 20th anniversary will definitely become the most classic classic of "Fashion".


The elevator door opens.

Bai Xuan raised her head and saw Jiang Zheng standing alone at the door.

Her facial features are five-pointed like someone at first glance, but they have their own characteristics when you look at them carefully. Jiang Zheng's eyes are beautiful almond eyes, very malleable. With the change in the way of raising eyebrows, they can be salty or sweet, but that person's eyes are quite long and narrow, and the light in his pupils always carries a tinge of light. Examining means.

Jiang Zheng saw Bai Xuan staring at her in a daze, and the strange feeling that she had pressed down rose again.

Bai Xuan pursed her lower lip, raised her feet and walked in quickly, smiling, "Why don't you see Mr. Han?"

Jiang Zheng explained that Han Yi had something to do temporarily, and someone would come to pick her up.

Bai Xuan hummed. Then the two fell silent.

The "Fashion" shooting base is eight stories high, but the underground parking lot has only one floor.

The elevator reached the negative floor, and the two of them walked out one after the other humbly.

The moment he walked out, Bai Xuan stomped at his feet, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Jiang Zheng was also startled.

Facing the elevator entrance, two figures came out of the car at the same time.

Jiang Zheng blinked, what's going on? I knew that my brother came to pick her up, why did Ji Muye appear here

According to the itinerary issued by the studio, he should fly abroad to participate in an important exhibition today.

She turned around and wanted to say goodbye to Bai Xuan, but she saw that her eyes were red, her lips were trembling, and her face was not very good.

Before opening her mouth to say a word, Bai Xuan lowered her head and staggered to the side. She immediately opened the door of the car and got in.

Jiang Zheng hadn't reacted yet, but saw that his brother Jiang Ran was crazy, strode over, pulled the co-pilot of Bai Xuan's car, and got in.

The next second, Bai Xuan's car galloped away, and Jiang Ran left behind her dear sister and ran after them.

Jiang Zheng: "..."

Ji Muye: "..."

Hearing the hurried sound of the wheels rubbing on the ground, Jiang Zheng was stunned, and his mouth was slightly open, not knowing what was going on.

Ji Muye looked up, is she jealous

My heart ached for a while. Rao told him rationally that he was not qualified to be jealous, but this feeling of discomfort just lingered.

Slowly, he raised his foot and walked over. Although he tried desperately to suppress it, he still asked in a slightly humble tone: "Do you want me to take you to chase them?"

Jiang Zheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "No. He's such a big man, nothing will happen to him!" It was the first time that he saw his brother so rude.

She turned her head and asked with concern, "Mr. Ji, why are you here?"

Ji Muye snorted and said that he had a friend here, and the two of them had an appointment to meet, but he suddenly released his pigeons because of something.

Jiang Zheng didn't want to ask who his friend was. He smiled and said, "That's fine. I'll wait for Han Yi to pick me up. Teacher Ji, you'll be busy first."

Ji Muye looked around, "People come and go here, I'll take you back."

After speaking, he added, "Anyway, it has been delivered twice, and this time is not bad."

Jiang Zheng: "..." She has been standing here for ten minutes, and she has never seen a single person except Ji Muye. Where do people come and go

Ji Muye didn't wait for her to answer, and walked over to open the door.

The two just drove out not too far, and Jiang Ran finally remembered that he had a younger sister.

As soon as the call was connected, Jiang Ran yelled at the other end of the phone, "Zhengzheng, don't let the surnamed Ji take advantage of the fire, do you hear me?"

Jiang Zheng was so frightened that she quickly covered her phone.

Ji Muye looked straight ahead without squinting.

Jiang Zheng turned his face away and asked in a low voice, "Do you know Miss Bai?"

Jiang Ran sneered, "I know her. She owes me a huge debt."

Jiang Zheng: "...don't be impulsive. Say it well if you have something to say."

Jiang Ran glanced at the person beside him and said slowly, "I'm not very impulsive anymore."

Putting away the phone, Jiang Zheng smiled apologetically towards Ji Muye.

Ji Muye tapped the steering wheel lightly with his fingers. Before, he suspected that Jiang Ran was not Jiang Zheng's gold owner. Now, listening to the tone and manner of her and Jiang Ran's conversation, as well as the reaction to Jiang Ran drilling other women's cars, he seemed to More sure.

If it wasn't that kind of relationship, what would it be

He sighed and said casually: "Suddenly I want to eat Japanese sushi. I know a sushi restaurant that is very authentic..."

Jiang Zheng was stunned, not knowing how to answer.

Ji Muye continued: "Zhengzheng, it's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, why don't you help me taste it?"

Jiang Zheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "So the friend you just mentioned is probably not made up."

Ji Muye pursed his lips, "...Sometimes people can't be too smart."

Jiang Zheng: "..."


Jiang Zheng, a high-end sushi restaurant, has not eaten much. But the one that Ji Muye brought her was actually in the home of a famous Japanese sushi master. When the master opens it all depends on his mood, and of course he follows the appointment mode.

Jiang Zheng didn't continue to point it out, and followed Ji Muye into this sushi restaurant that didn't have to worry about being photographed secretly.

When the master saw the two and came in, he immediately greeted them and guided them step by step in a traditional way to appreciate and taste the sushi art.

Jiang Zheng gradually relaxed, and his whole body exuded a dazzling light.

Ji Muye lowered his eyes and said, "Zhengzheng, I have a problem."

Jiang Zheng held his chin, "Huh?"

"When I entered the industry for the first year, a fan sent me a private message and asked me if I had a fan group? I said, I'm a newcomer and I don't have anything. If you want, you can set up one yourself."

Jiang Zheng blinked and sat upright in an instant.

"Did you know? That person really set up a fan group for me, and he quickly gathered about fifty people. You must know that I was just a follower at the time, and I only had one or two lines occasionally. These fifty people have exceeded 50 people. my imagination."

Jiang Zheng pursed his lips and clenched his fingers involuntarily. Ji Muye is not the kind of actor who can quickly become popular in the sky, but a person who doesn't rely on strength alone, that's why she likes him for so long.

"I remember each of these fifty people's screen names clearly. They are the driving force for me to move forward. Whenever I can't stand it, I read their encouraging messages... I feel warm in my heart, and then the second Keep going to the set."

"In the second year of my career, I participated in a movie, Male No. 5, with about seven or eight scenes and a dozen lines. I have a fan named Brother Mu's Little Fudge."

Jiang Zheng: "!!!!!!" Huh! This Nima is a Hongmen banquet.

Ji Muye smiled a little embarrassedly, "She was very generous and reserved a room for me to celebrate. In the end, it was not full. This person is very interesting. The matter of paying money is always on the front line, but he never participates in offline activities. I know the life, study and work of the other 49 fans, but I don't know anything about her."

"For the premiere of "Wangshan", I gave these 50 old fans tickets and plane tickets. I brought them with my family, and I also gave family tickets and plane tickets. After all, a total of 60 tickets were sent out. .In addition to those given to industry insiders and media reporters, there are a total of 523 tickets."

Jiang Zheng said in a trembling voice, "Mr. Ji has a good memory."

Ji Muye: "She did get tickets for Brother Mu's little gummy. According to the memories of other fans, she also came to the scene."

He suddenly looked faintly: "Zhengzheng, why do you think she was wearing exactly the same clothes as when I caught you?"

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