Entertainment’s Villainess Lost Her Memories!

Chapter 5: Chapter 005


The two stood upright and swayed for a while, the swing gradually stabilized, and the staff ran over to grab the rope.

Ji Muye jumped off the pedal first, and then reached out his hand to support Jiang Zheng in a very gentlemanly manner.

Jiang Zheng, in order to avoid the high-cold character, naturally wouldn't pick him up. He jumped down from the pedals very confidently, but his legs became weak, and he fell to the ground with a squeak.

Everyone: "..."

Ji Muye moved to the side consciously, not because of his relatives, but who could stand Jiang Zheng's worship.

Han Yi, who was standing outside the venue, took a deep breath. When he was about to rush over, he saw Jiang Zheng put his hands on the ground and started doing push-ups...

Everyone: "!!!"

#Hahahahaha Zheng sister why is so witty and patient!

#famous scene.

#jiangzheng is worthy of being the big devil, wrestling can also perfectly resolve embarrassment.

#Who told her to reject Ji Muye, otherwise she wouldn't be able to fall.

How can #jiangbig devil show weakness? She didn't accept help even if she fell on her own.

Just when everyone was surprised and wanted to laugh, Ji Muye also fell down and started doing push-ups with Jiang Zheng.

Jiang Zheng looked at Ji Muye sideways with a bewildered face, but Ji Muye looked straight ahead, going up and down very seriously.

When the other guests saw this, they quickly got down and did the same thing.

In an instant, a swing competition turns into a push-up competition.

The fans at the scene applauded and cheered for Jiang Zheng.

After a few sets of push-ups, everyone stood up and applauded, and the swing was over.

#what! Ji Muye was willing to make a clearance for Jiang Zheng? Aren't they dead enemies

#This is the charm of my brother's personality, even a big devil like Jiang Zheng can forgive the past and be caring.

#Although, this time, Ji Muye's fans helped us out of the siege, and we zheng fans remembered it in our hearts.

Those black fans who stayed before the live broadcast and tried to use 360-degree three-dimensional scanning eyes to search for Jiang Zheng's black material, when Jiang Zheng fell, the screenshot was successfully ready to be sent, but found that things took a turn for the worse, and Ji Muye ended. Clearing the siege, this time the focus has changed directly from Jiang Zheng's disgrace to Jiang Zheng being rescued. This doesn't feel good at all. This famous wrestling scene that I finally won is very tasteless in my hand.

Jiang Zheng didn't know how he got up from the ground, and then he lost all directions and gave a circle before finding the right direction for the end. She's lived 18 years, oh no, 23 years, and it's never been more humiliating. It is shameful to be ashamed, but she should never be ashamed in front of Ji Muye.

Han Yi understood her mood very well, and hurriedly sent her back to the dressing room to relax.

Ji Muye returned to the rest area refreshed.

Jing Meini has always wondered if Ji Muye had something to do with Jiang Zheng, but this time, the loot was stolen, let's see what tricks he can tell.

Ji Muye spread his hands, "Someone's a little girl, she fell, what's wrong with me? I'll help someone else."

Jing Meini vomited blood, this little girl is not that little girl. The big devil Jiang is not a delicate girl who is easy to cut!

"There are still competitions," Ji Muye said to himself, "I wonder if she can still hold on?"

Jing Meini said angrily, "Don't worry. No matter how big the wind and waves are, it won't overturn Jiang Zheng."

Ji Muye touched his nose, "Did I say I'm worried about her?"

Jing Meini smiled, "Just be happy."

Ji Muye shrugged, suddenly lowered his head and frowned, "I still think I should wear that indigo blue gown."

Jing Meini rolled her eyes in her heart. The selection disorder is superimposed on the aesthetics of turtle hair. This guy has spent three hours picking the clothes he will play today. Red, yellow, blue, green, purple, tried everything. In the last five minutes, I picked this red shirt robe, and it turned out that I was about to play, and I wanted to go back.

Just when Jing Meini was about to explode, Ji Muye raised the corners of his lips and glanced at her, "Just kidding you."

Jing Meini was so angry that her molars hurt, "I thank you!"


"Star Games" has set twelve competition events and three performance events this time. After the swing competition, the crossbow shooting, spinning top and other competitions were held at the same time, and the live broadcast was divided into several shots to ensure that everyone could see their idols.

At the same time, preparations are being made for the next performance, Duzhu Drift, in the swimming pool next door.

Fans cheered from the front of the corridor, Jiang Zheng hugged the pillar and his legs trembled, "Han Yi, I should be able to swim."

Han Yi: "You exercise three times a week by swimming."

Jiang Zheng wanted to cry again when she thought that she would step on a bamboo that was eight meters long and less than twenty centimeters wide to perform difficult movements.

"There was no Duzhu Drift performance item in this Games. It was one of your Miao fans who @you on Weibo, please convince the director to add this performance. This is a stunt of the Miao people in northern Guizhou that is about to be lost. She thought Let more people pay attention to it and spread it."

Having said this, Han Yi sighed, "You are the most favorite fan. Immediately ask the director to add this performance. It's just that this activity is very difficult, and only a few of the guests have gymnastics foundation. You call them one by one and ask them Let’s perform together. You also specially invited a teacher from Qianbei to teach everyone.”

Regardless of amnesia or not, Jiang Zheng's deep sense of dedication and responsibility makes it impossible for Jiang Zheng to say no.

"Okay. If I fall off the bamboo pole, at least I won't cry and cry for help." Just make sure to swim to the shore beautifully.

Han Yi: "..."

He coughed twice, "Anyway, Ji Muye will also participate in this performance later. If you want to fall into the swimming pool in front of her, please do so."

Jiang Zheng has already accepted the fact that she has lost her memory for five years, and she has also accepted the appearance of a dog chewing mud in front of Ji Muye today, but if she falls again in front of him, today's day will be recorded in Jiang Zheng's annals of history .

"Look at your expression, between me and him..." Jiang Zheng asked tentatively, "Maybe there is something bad?"

Han Yi smiled, "You once satirized his bullshit acting skills."

Jiang Zheng's jaw dropped, how could it be possible? At the age of 12, Ji Muye starred in the juvenile version of the male protagonist in the movie "Qing Li", and has been acting for 16 years so far. His acting skills are great, but he lacks a bit of luck. He always misses the title of Best Actor. However, as a career fan of Ji Muye, she believes that he will win the highest award sooner or later.

This must be a misunderstanding!

"It's all written by the media. That's not what you said." Han Yi explained.

Jiang Zheng blinked, "What did I say!"

"You said that his eyesight is not good." Han Yi spread his hands.

Jiang Zheng: "..." This is probably a misunderstanding.

"Anyway, Ji Muye's fans think you said this." Han Yi said, "Ji Muye just won the Best Actor at the Linghua Film Festival ten days ago, so..."

Jiang Zheng: "!!!!!!"

"Now our two fans have a lot of secret friction. You are the queen who has not seen the king, and the queen has not seen the king." Han Yi shook his head and sighed, suddenly realizing that he had said something wrong, and pretended to fight, "The king and the queen are a couple. , you two can't be together. I'm talking nonsense."

Jiang Zheng shook his head helplessly, "Then why did he agree to participate in the show with me?"

Han Yi said: "The program team invited Ji Muye first. The director was very kind. He asked him: If I invited Jiang Zheng to participate, would you refuse? In the end, Ji Muye said it didn't matter." Know how to use two people to create topics.

Jiang Zheng mourned for a while, then suddenly laughed, "So I'm going to meet Brother Mu again soon?"

Han Yi: "..." It's really good, the scars are forgotten!


At this time, the music sounded, and the host announced the admission of the performers.

Jiang Zheng is wearing a silver embroidered stand-up collar gown and a silver plain skirt. The cloud shoulders embroidered with blooming white plums show the arc of her shoulders in the most beautiful posture. The skirt swaying with her movement is graceful and beautiful. It is not just walking from Yaochi. The little fairy who came down

The other guests were dressed in traditional Miao costumes, with exquisite silver ornaments from head to toe, gorgeous knee-length pleated skirts, and the right hem tops with the unique cross-stitched shawls of the Miao ethnic group, which complemented Jiang Zheng's white plum cloud shoulders.

#Ahh my zhengzheng is so fairy!

#The program group is too good. I also want to wear a white dress, hold a bamboo, and cross the river.

#Introduction, this is my wife.

#The program group is really awesome, the camera shot directly on my goddess face. However, we are not afraid!

The live broadcast camera swept over Ji Muye at this time, the Hanfu with wide sleeves and cross-collar top and bottom, dark red top with black moiré embroidered and long black skirt, handsome and elegant, elegant and dazzling. He really deserves to be the gentleman like Yuji.

The barrage screamed.

#Ah my mommy brother is so good looking.

#Mom asked me why I was kneeling, I said I was proposing to my husband. M.bΙQμGètν.còM

#OKDirector I forgive you for making my brother look so beautiful.

#The program team is too squeamish, it is too unrealistic to do this in the swimming pool. I should find a big river with dense bamboo forests on both sides. My brother kicked a bamboo pole and played the flute, floating down the river. The handsome man in the red shirt, crossing the river with a reed, that scene is so beautiful.

#Who said my zhengzheng is ugly? Come out to be beaten.

#sisters, the situation is not right. Why does the program team insist that my family Zhengzheng and Ji Muye wear a white skirt and a red shirt? ? ? What do you want to do! Come out and die!

#Sister above you calm down. Since ancient times, red and white have loved to tear, and since ancient times, red and blue are one family. The program group is right.

#puff! The director is too tm fine, engaging in metaphors?

Jiang Zheng crossed the sparkling water and looked up to see the red shirt on the opposite side.

Ji Muye's brows and eyes remained the same, and his demeanor was introverted. Perhaps because of the red shirt, his whole body was soft and warm, handsome and bright, so people couldn't look away.

Jiang Zheng remembered Han Yi's exhortation not to stare at Ji Muye, so he quickly coughed twice, turned his face away, and walked to the pool with a smile on his face.

#Depend on, did you see it? Jiang Zheng looked at my brother as if he was going to eat him.

#Under so many scenes, she dares to openly despise my husband with her eyes! unacceptable!

#Thanks for her brother helping her out just now, she doesn't appreciate it at all.

#good gas good gas. She greeted everyone with a smile, but she turned a blind eye when she saw my family, Mu Ye. Why

#That's enough. Ji family fans love brain supplements. My sister Zheng glanced at Ji Muye, you think it's too little, and you look at him more and say you ate him. So hard to serve.

#Is there something wrong with the director? I have to divide my brother Mu and the woman Jiang Zheng into one performance project.

#Dare to say that my brother Mu has poor acting skills, and the Linghua Film Emperor trophy will hit your small chest.

#Oh crooked, I'm really sorry, my sister Zheng was 22 years old when she got the title of actress. Does your brother have the embarrassment to call him at the age of 28

#Hehehe. Ji Muye's fans deceive themselves every day to fake high, tide is really funny.

#jiangzheng's title of actress is no match for my husband. Who does not know that the Linghua Award has the highest gold content.

Ji Muye naturally caught Jiang Zheng's figure at first sight. She has always been the center of attention in the crowd, no doubt about that. Some people are born to be big stars, and their frowns, smiles, anger, and anger are all embedded in people's hearts.

Looking at her expression, she was still indifferent, and it seemed that her mood had been adjusted.

The corner of Ji Muye's lips tickled, not knowing why he was in a really good mood today. Harmful!


In the past, the bamboos on both sides of the Chishui River in northern Guizhou were lush, and the mountains were high and there was no road. The Miao people living here cut down the bamboos and went down the river. Using the floating ability of the bamboos, they stepped on them and held poles in both hands to pass through the river without hindrance. , free flight.

Today at the "Star Games", stars from all walks of life will present this stunt to everyone.

#Artists who can participate in Duzhu Drift are all warriors and fierce girls. This thing doesn't have any real skills, how dare you show it off.

#Yes. Duzhu drifting has high requirements on performers, balance and coordination ability, strength and endurance skills are indispensable.

#Ah so excited. I am a Miao ethnicity. Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival in our Miao Village, we will hold a Duzhu Drift performance on the river in front of the village. I heard that Jiang Zheng asked the director to join the show. After becoming a fan, I announced that I have a wife.

Jiang Zheng stepped into the water with bare feet and stepped on the steps, and in front a tender green bamboo that was eight meters long and 20 centimeters wide floated in front of him. She tightly held the three-meter-long bamboo pole in her hand, stepped on it with the help of the staff... and stabilized.

Mamma Mia! really! Muscle-related memory is all there. If she can stand firmly on the bamboo pole, she can perform turns, splits, bends, and even the golden rooster independent... Steady!

With the bamboo pole in his hand as a paddle, he slides left and right alternately, and Jiang Zheng came to the middle of the water. The others also went down the river, standing side by side with her. At the same time, Ji Muye also entered the water.

The crowd floated on the water as if they were walking on the ground. The audience burst into applause.

As a result, just after the applause fell, a female artist slipped under her feet and fell into the water with a snap. She was probably a little nervous in the face of the live broadcast, and if she accidentally shifted her focus, she could easily lose control. In an instant, everyone became nervous, and it was really embarrassing to fall into the water in the public eye.

Before taking the stage, Han Yi showed Jiang Zheng the video of the previous rehearsal. She took a deep breath, stood firm on her right foot, raised her left foot slightly, raised it again, raised her white dress in a beautiful arc, lowered her head slightly to look at the water, and had a slender and elegant neck. From a distance, it is as beautiful as a white crane drinking water.

#Very beautiful!

#This action is difficult to do beautifully on land, and it is twice as difficult on water.

#Goddess is a goddess, such a difficult action can be done.

On the other side, Ji Muye also paddled and swam to the middle of the water, the water was like jade, and Binbin was as red as fire. I saw him swing the golf club with a smile, and easily cast a white crane and bright wings on the bamboo. The center of gravity was firmly sunk to the heels, steady and steady, without shaking, and instantly won the applause of the whole house.

#Oh, oh, it's working!

#Both of them look good and both want to love, what should I do

#One move for the white crane to light the water, one move for the flamingo to brighten its wings, no way, I actually wanted to lock the two of them.

#Lock lock lock ass. My brother has a bright future and is not linked to the big devil.

#Bah ah ah! Who wants to lock up with the crazy master of fans. My sister doesn't make an appointment.

Jiang Zheng stood on the bamboo, a little dazed. At the beginning, in order to follow in Ji Muye's footsteps, she did not hesitate to resist her brother and step into the entertainment industry, just wanting to stand closer to Ji Muye one day.

Although she has lost her memories of the past five years, she still loves Ji Muye since she was 16 years old. When she sees him, she still blushes and her heart beats nervously and shakes her legs... Of course, now is not the time to shake her legs.

It's just, how could she say that Ji Muye is blind

misunderstanding! Ugh! It must be a misunderstanding!

Since there is a misunderstanding, let's start by giving people a laugh. After all, if you don't reach out and hit the smiling face, there are all kinds of misunderstandings. Besides, he just helped himself out of the siege.

So call, in front of everyone's eyes, Jiang Zheng raised the corners of his lips, raised his eyebrows, showing his sincere eight teeth, and cast a "friendly" smile at Ji Muye, who had just finished his wings.

Ji Muye blinked. For five years, they were both insiders and had many opportunities to meet each other, but her eyes always passed in front of him and never landed on him. She was still wrestling in front of her just now, how could she smile so brightly at herself now

It's not quite right, but bang bang bang bang... Why is my heart beating so fast, fast... I can't control it.

When the mind thinks so, the body is also honest.

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