Entertainment’s Villainess Lost Her Memories!

Chapter 70: Chapter 70


From the onset of labor pains at 7:00 a.m. to being sent to the delivery room at 10:00 a.m., Jiang Zheng was in pain for three hours. At that time, what she felt was that the pain of childbirth that she imagined during filming and the pain of childbirth during the performance were too superficial. This kind of pain is unimaginable, and once it happens to your body, you will be in so much pain that you can’t even cry, your brain will be in a state of explosion, tears will flow down involuntarily, all the pain will be concentrated in one place, densely packed and unstoppable…

As soon as the doctor saw that the situation reached the conditions for production, she was rushed to the delivery room.

Ji Muye quickly followed with a nervous look on his face.

Before, he and Jiang Zheng discussed whether it was appropriate for him to go to the delivery room to accompany the delivery. Facing the bloody scene and seeing the woman he loved in pain, Ji Muye was mentally prepared, but at the moment when the incident happened, he found that his legs were a little weak. Stressed into the delivery room, Jiang Zheng was carried onto the delivery bed, Ji Muye was spinning around like a headless fly, and he didn't know what to do to make Jiang Zheng not suffer so much.

When Jiang Zheng could barely open his eyes during the labor pain, he saw Ji Muye swaying in front of him, and immediately shouted from his teeth, "Sit down for me."

Ji Muye quickly sat down obediently and held her hand.

The doctor said calmly: "It is estimated that the second stage of labor is about half an hour. Zhengzheng, push down, yes, that's it. Mr. Ji, you can encourage me."

Ji Muye oohed twice, and quickly shouted: "Baby, baby, come on."

Jiang Zheng didn't hear it at all, all her feelings were concentrated in her lower abdomen, and it was useless for Tianwang Laozi to cheer her on.

Chen Jinjiao, Chen Meiting and Jiang Ran stood outside as anxious as ants in a hot pot. Ji Muye's parents were also standing outside, looking worried.

Chen Meiting has never given birth to a child, and all her experience depends on her imagination. When she thinks that the baby Zhengzheng is in so much pain, she bursts into tears.

Jiang Ran kept stepping on his feet to look at the delivery room. After waiting for a long time, no one came out. He turned around and asked Han Yi, "Are you sure this is the best obstetrician?"

Han Yi nodded and said yes with a sad face. Jiang Zheng gave birth to a baby, which is a major event. The obstetrician he hired is extremely experienced and has delivered many female stars. In particular, the caesarean section was sewn very well. Of course, Jiang Zheng is in good condition and can basically give birth naturally... But it has been a long time and the person has not come out.

Chen Jinjiao was probably the most calm one in the audience. After all, she had given birth to two children, so she knew that this kind of thing couldn't be rushed.

After she stood up and took two steps, she simply pulled Chen Meiting to sit down.

Jing Meini hurried over from the outside. She mainly deals with media relations. Today's journalists and media are quite powerful. They can judge the due date based on the size of Jiang Zheng's belly. In the past two days, a group of journalists who have been on the move has been guarding the office buildings and homes of both studios, and even Jiang Ran's Zhewei Group headquarters. If you see Jiang Ran rushing out in a hurry, it means that Jiang Zheng is about to give birth.

Fortunately, the production location is strictly confidential, and no reporters have been found outside. Everything is calm, and the information will be released after Jiang Zheng has given birth to a child safely.

She raised her hand and looked at her watch. Three hours had passed and Jiang Zheng had not yet given birth.

"No rush, no rush. When I gave birth to your two siblings, one took a whole day and the other half a day." Chen Jinjiao said calmly: "Zhengzheng has only been in for three hours, and it will take a while. "

"But it's fast for me to give birth to your two brothers and sisters, and Zhengzheng won't be too slow."

She began to popularize knowledge points for these few people who had no reproductive experience. Under normal circumstances, the pregnancy and birth of the daughter will be the same as that of the mother. For example, when she was pregnant with Jiang Zheng and Jiang Ran, she never vomited and walked lightly. Jiang Zheng was just like her. Therefore, she gives birth quickly, and Jiang Zheng gives birth quickly too. There will not be a terrible situation of not coming out for a long time and then being dissected.

Chen Jinjiao made such a popular science, and several other people also calmed down.

In the delivery room, Jiang Zheng's consciousness was about to disappear from the pain.

The doctor encouraged her by the side and instructed her to use the right methods and means.

"Zhengzheng, the longer the babies stay in your belly, the greater the danger," the doctor shouted: "You are their mother, you must be strong..."

Jiang Zheng was about to lose consciousness and was immediately called back by the doctor's words.

Yeah, she now has two kids in her belly, they've been there for 40 weeks, it's her blood, it's her flesh, and it's the last step to see them, hug them...

She was three months pregnant with B overtime, and the doctor was pleasantly surprised to tell her that she was pregnant with twins. She was speechless on the spot.

You must know that there are no twins among her immediate relatives, but she is favored by God and pregnant with a pair.

This matter was kept a secret, except for the close ones, everyone only knew that she was pregnant, but did not know that she was pregnant with twins.

So the whole family guarded her carefully, for fear that she would bump into each other. It's not one baby, it's two babies.

Generally speaking, people who give birth to twins are envious of others, but the risk of having twins is much higher, and it is necessary to pay close attention to the development of the two embryos. Many twin mothers are unable to safely conceive to term, and may give birth early.

But Jiang Zheng was really favored by God. She was safe and stable until she was 40 days full-term, started on the day of her due date, and she was able to give birth naturally...

Jiang Zheng felt the most painful pain swept over, she pushed down hard, and suddenly heard a loud cry...

"Oh, the first baby came out. It's a girl." The doctor picked up the baby swiftly, "I've never seen such a beautiful baby. The skin is so white, the eyes are so big, and the calf is so strong. It looks like a hero in women's middle school."

Jiang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but he didn't dare to relax too much, there was still something in his stomach that didn't come out.

The nurse washed the baby, wrapped it in a soft blanket and handed it to Ji Muye.

Ji Muye was at a loss, looking at his daughter who was crying so loudly, and didn't know what to do.

The nurse laughed, "Come on, hug your baby girl."

Ji Muye put his hands up, as if he was holding something, and just held the little guy like this...

The nurse couldn't stand it any longer, and taught him to hold the baby's butt and head, put it in his arms, and put it against the adult's chest, so that she would feel at ease.

According to the nurse's explanation, as expected, the baby stopped crying, his eyes were slightly closed, and his little head moved restlessly.

Ji Muye's heart was about to melt, and before he could finish, the doctor shouted, "Oh, the second child is out too. It's a younger brother."

As usual, the doctor made another wild compliment, and probably said all the compliments she could think of today.

"Dragon and phoenix twins." The doctor was even more excited than Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye, "This is the first pair of twins that I have delivered in my 20 years of practice."

The nurse hurriedly carried her brother over, washed it, wrapped it in a blanket, and handed it to Ji Muye.

Ji Muye is like a fool at this moment, holding a baby in one hand, not knowing how to split his mouth properly.

He moved carefully in front of Jiang Zheng, "Wife, look. Dragon and Phoenix, older sister and younger brother."

Jiang Zheng tried his best to open his eyes, looked at the two little babies in the swaddle, and nodded weakly.

Chen Jinjiao and Chen Meiting got the letter and rushed into the delivery room, each hugged a baby and couldn't stop smiling.

Ji Muye wiped the sweat from Jiang Zheng's forehead with a towel, "Baby, it's hard work."

Jiang Zheng twitched the corner of his mouth, "Get out of the way, I want to see the baby."

Ji Muye: "..." Did he fall out of favor so quickly

The two babies were brought over, Jiang Zheng reached out and touched their little faces, "I thought they would look like little mice..."

Chen Jinjiao said unhappily: "You doubt their good looks because you doubt me. Can my Chen Jinjiao's granddaughter and grandson be ugly? What a big joke."

Jiang Zheng: "..." OK.

The doctor quickly finished the finishing work, and Jiang Zheng was pushed to the confinement ovary to rest.

The two babies took turns in the hands of the parents on both sides. Everyone exclaimed that they were beautiful, and then began to discuss who the two children looked like.

Ji Muye's parents naturally wanted to say that they looked like their own sons, but they couldn't say it directly, so they said humbly, "My elder sister looks like my father, and my younger brother looks like my mother."

What Chen Jinjiao thought was that her elder sister and younger brother looked like my son and daughter, but she also smiled humbly: "The parents are the best, the two children can only look better."

Han Yi and Jing Meini quickly came up with the prepared announcement plan and asked Ji Muye to approve it.

Ji Muye looked at it and said it would be posted later today. Han Yi and Jing Meini immediately found someone to arrange the security work outside the confinement center.

Jiang Zheng thought that giving birth was already painful, but she was still too young.

The two little guys who were waiting to be fed wanted to breastfeed, but she didn't have it for a while. This is embarrassing.

Fortunately, the Confinement Center was not surprised by this situation, and immediately sent a prolactinist to fight, applying heat and pressing...

Jiang Zheng cried out in pain, and grabbed Ji Muye's hand with a circle of blood.

Fortunately, the prolactinist's skills are very good, and the two little guys have had enough to eat as they wished, and obediently lay down in the crib to sleep.

In the evening, Ji Muye and Jiang Zheng's Weibo released good news at the same time, announcing that Jiang Zheng gave birth to a pair of twins safely.

Netizens were shocked.

#Oh my God. Jiang Zheng took the script of the heroine Tianwen, and she was too happy.

#神仙love has become a fairy marriage, it's so enviable.

#One said one, I want to see the picture of the baby right now.

#goodbye. The second generation of the most eye-catching star appeared.

#VarietyDirectorsHave you seen business opportunities? The baby variety show is arranged.

#congratulations. My sister Zheng is really powerful.

Surprise all over the network, congratulations.

The reporters were annoyed now that Jiang Zheng had given birth. They didn't even know a letter beforehand, and now they don't even know where Jiang Zheng is confinement.

If you can take ugly photos of Jiang Zheng's confinement or baby photos, the traffic will definitely explode.

However, Han Yi and Jing Meini, the two madmen in the brokerage circle, know all the routines and ideas that these reporters should have, and they are more than enough to deal with them. They did not photograph anything when Jiang Zheng returned home after confinement.

After the confinement, Jiang Zheng basically returned to the original state, thanks to the appropriate confinement meals at the confinement center and the careful care of the parents of both parties.

Ji Muye's mother is a little old, and she also knows that as a mother-in-law, what she needs to do is to understand and support. Jiang Zheng respects such an enlightened mother-in-law very much. Both of them are understanding people, so there is no contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Mainly because these two babies are so cute and lovable.

Just one month old, the two big eyes of the two little guys will chase after people, and they will laugh when they are amused, and they can also laugh out loud. ωωw.Bǐqυgétν.℃ǒM

He has a very good temper, as long as he has enough food and sleep, he will never make trouble for no reason. Anyone can hug, the whole family is rushing to hug, rushing to hurt.

Jiang Zheng was very speechless. As the mother of two babies, she sometimes couldn't grab the baby, and she was also drunk.

These two babies are lucky babies, and the whole family loves them, for fear that it would be rare to hold them in the palm of their hands.

The elder sister's real name is Ji Xirou and her nickname is Sister Orange. The younger brother's real name is Ji Boyang, and his nickname is Chuizi Ge.

Sister Chengzi is worthy of being Jiang Zheng's daughter. She has inherited her beauty completely. Since birth, Ji Muye has been in love with him, and he spends the longest time hugging Sister Orange every time he goes home.

Compared with his smart sister, Chuuzi is more naive than his smart sister. In addition to his handsome appearance, in Jiang Zheng's words, this child is always cute anytime, anywhere. Adults are often drawn to his face with blood.

Sister Chengzi is more domineering, while Brother Chuizi is more obedient. Comparing the two, although they are compatriots, they each have their own characteristics.

Most children sit and crawl seven times. They can sit upright at seven months and crawl on the ground at eight months. However, Sister Orange is quite sturdy. In six months, she can sit firmly, hold a bottle and eat a lot, and in seven months, she can crawl around the house, and accidentally get into a closet inside.

Brother Chuizi is one step slower than his elder sister in everything. When elder sister showed a little physical strength, he followed the rules of ordinary people step by step, and he could crawl after seven months and eight months.

Jiang Zheng was a little anxious and asked the doctor, "Is it because my brother has been in my stomach for too long, so I'm a little stupid."

The doctor said, "It's not that my brother is too slow, it's that my sister is too fast."

Sister Orange does have more developed motor cells than ordinary children, and can walk around the house in ten months without the support of an adult. At this time, Brother Chuizi was still trying to learn to stand firm.

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