Epiphanies of Rebirth

Chapter 1


On the day of Jingzhe in March, it always rains in Liyun City. The sound of the pattering rain mixed with the humid air unique to a small southern town wrapped around his body, a feeling that Lin Jingzhe could not forget even after he had been away from his hometown for many years.

He suffers from insomnia and has not slept well since his father died at the age of twenty-nine. Therefore, after being woken up by the sound of rain at 4:00 in the morning, he sat at the door of his house and looked at Liyun Mountain, which was covered by the misty rain and fog. In 1990, Liyun Mountain had no mineral resources buried deep in the soil, so it was majestic and majestic, which was very different from the devastated appearance in Lin Jingzhe's impression.

The front door of the house is in a mess, the white wreath with the character "Dian" was blown crookedly by the wind, the suona that was randomly placed in the corner and splashed with mud, the red firecracker skin that was soft and plump after getting wet...

He turned his head and looked at the fir coffin standing alone in the living room. The raw wood that had been brushed with cooked tung oil was bright and oily, and it was expensive. It was the favorite material of the wealthy in Liyun City.

Lying inside was his grandfather Jiang Jipin, whom Lin Jingzhe had apparently sent away in tears more than 20 years ago.

On the wall-painted calendar of galloping horses, "March 6, 1990" is printed in black and white. Lin Jingzhe was immersed in a dream-like trance, but he still knew that in four days, the old man he had missed for half his life would be buried in the cemetery in Liyun City with gongs and drums. And his tombstone, along with the more and more brilliant development of the Jiang family, will become a holy place for the Liyun Municipal Committee to worship every year during the Qingming Festival.

Lin Jingzhe only remembered that he was carrying a jug of wine in front of the outer cemetery to pour and drink it. He had just finished his studies abroad that day, and when he returned to Yan City, he took the opportunity to rush to Liyun without a break. He hadn't slept for more than 40 hours in a row, and he was extremely exhausted. He was shocked to hear that his old friend Gao Sheng was executed by shooting. Tears did not stop. After crying, he leaned on the tombstone and fell asleep.

When he woke up again, he had returned to his eighteenth birthday twenty-five years ago.

"Jing Zhe!" The regular sound of falling rain was broken by the sound of the chains rolling over. A half-old bicycle came into view and stopped in front of Lin Jingzhe. The owner of the car rested on the ground with one long leg and an umbrella in one hand, and said cheerfully: "I guess you haven't left the house yet, come up, I'll take you to school!"

Eighteen-year-old Gao Sheng is short-shaven and wears a shabby but clean large school uniform with a hand-knitted turtleneck sweater showing his head. Color suits are too plain. But this heartless smile, Lin Jingzhe had not seen for more than ten years.

He didn't make a sound for a long time, Gao Sheng saw that he was pale and in a trance, but he only thought that he was too sad because of his grandfather's death, and he didn't dare to persuade him. Ah, Ma Liu, don't be late for self-study after a while!"

Lin Jingzhe reacted for a few seconds, then stood up slowly: "Wait for me for a while."

He turned around and went back into the house, but instead of picking up the schoolbag that he had packed the night before, he walked to the coffin and leaned over to look at the thin, short, serene old man with his eyes closed.

This is Lin Jingzhe's long life, the most nostalgic, and the only family he trusted.

"Grandpa." Why didn't you let me come back a few days earlier? It would be nice to hear that majestic and loving voice again. Lin Jingzhe stretched out his hand to take care of the slightly messy hair for the old man, his eyes swept across his young and tight, slender and slender fingers, after a moment of delay, the right hand that was holding the coffin wall was finally released, swallowed and choked up, showing a tearful expression. A nostalgic smile came: "I went to school."

In Liyun City in 1990, the urban construction was not so scientific. After leaving the "rich area" of the Jiang family, the road surface began to become potholes. Lin Jingzhe sat in the back seat, holding an umbrella for Gao Sheng, bumping from time to time, feeling the seat of this old-fashioned bicycle that was about to be scrapped under his butt, and the chattering voice of his young old friend got into his ears: " The grades are out today, it's over, you must have failed the exam. The class teacher has been unpleasant with us recently, so I guess I have to write a review this time, and you have to plead for me in front of my mother... "

The economy has entered an era of development. Although Liyun City, located in Qunnan Province, is only a small town, a group of "people who get rich first" have emerged. On the small and spacious road, there are sometimes cars passing by, most of which are Santana with a square head and a straight face. Lin Jingzhe woke up from the unreality that seemed to be wrapped in foam after being hit by the dust and exhaust rushing from the front, and was reminded by the vivid complaints of the completely real high school boy beside him. Can not help but smile.

review? How can it be so simple.

1990 was the biggest turning point in Lin Jingzhe's life. This year, he was about to graduate from high school and ushered in a new starting point. However, after the death of his grandfather, the ensuing changes disrupted everything.

If all his memories are real experiences in his previous life, then in the first class after arriving at the school today, the head teacher Li Yurong will announce that a few students with unsatisfactory test scores in a class will be transferred to the fifth class. class news. Unfortunately, Lin Jingzhe himself, Gao Sheng, and their other friend Zhou Haitang were among them.

Gao Sheng and Zhou Haitang's grades were not good in the first place. They have always been a thorn in the eyes of the head teacher Li Yurong. Lin Jingzhe's original grades were very good, but he was recently hit by the reality of his grandfather's serious illness and passed away, so he didn't want to study. . The bad thing is that in the third year of high school, the review pressure is high and the schoolwork is tense. Although Lin Jingzhe was only absent-minded for half a month, the decline in his grades was already very obvious. From the top ten of the whole school, he directly fell out of the top thirty of the first class. The results of the college entrance examination are related to the upcoming teacher evaluation of the Liyun City Education Bureau. In the past, because Gao Sheng's mother was also a teacher in the first middle school, Li Yurong could not bear it. , Now that the interests are present, she can't bear it any longer.

The senior three classes of No. 1 Middle School range from Class 1 to Class 5, and the meaning of the arrangement is obvious. In the previous life, Lin Jingzhe received such a transfer on the eve of the college entrance examination. He only felt that he had suffered a great humiliation. The mentality that had already been overwhelmed by the death of his family finally collapsed completely, and his final college entrance examination results were a mess.

This brought a series of chain consequences, and also indirectly affected the trajectory of Lin Jingzhe's life. Because of his academic qualifications, his ability to work has been questioned, and promotions may be limited. Before he stood up, he had been in a hopeless confusion. Until the age of 30, he had a hard time thinking about his pain, and he had to go to school for further studies, and then he made waves in this hopeless quagmire. However, at that time, he had already lost too much because of his inability to do anything. too much.

His friends, Gao Sheng and Zhou Haitang, because of lack of money and the high cost of college at their own expense, simply stopped studying and joined a local gang in Liyun City. In the early days, it had been beautiful for a few years, but the small gang in Liyun City was doing a good job in the local area. When they came out of this place, they were just a little grasshopper who could be killed by a big man with one hand. So the wind suddenly tightened, the building collapsed, the boss ran away, the horse took the blame, one of them was indefinite, and the other was executed.

And myself...

Lin Jingzhe suddenly remembered his father, who was in tears before his death on the hospital bed.

"... You said yes?" Gao Sheng asked.

Lin Jingzhe didn't hear a word.

"Forget it." Gao Sheng saw that he was at a loss, but when he was still in the grief of the death of his family, he took out an iron lunch box from the hand-sewn bag on his side: "I forgot just now, you haven't eaten yet, right? Let me bring you the green onion cake my mother baked."

Gao Sheng's mother, Hu Yu, was the head teacher of Class 5. She also taught mathematics in other classes. Lin Jingzhe was famous in school for growing up with his grandfather without a father or mother. Therefore, Gao's mother, Hu Yu, took care of him very much and often dispatched him. Gao Sheng came to bring him a meal or something.

Lin Jingzhe thanked him, and when he chewed this long-lost taste, he almost burst into tears.

After Gao Sheng's accident, Hu Yu grew old overnight, and he let go not long after the verdict was passed. Before his death, he was still thinking about Lin Jingzhe's insomnia and insomnia. She was almost half of Lin Jingzhe's mother. On the day she sent her away, Lin Jingzhe was drained of all his strength, but when he was visiting Gao Sheng, he had to pretend to conceal the truth easily.

this life... this life...

He swallowed the fragrant scallion cake in his mouth heavily, lowered his head and let his long bangs cover the tears in his eyes, and before turning the corner, he heard a sneer from the direction of a group: "Lin Jingzhe? You are taking the test this time. How dare you come to class after this?"

Lin Jingzhe's heart moved, he raised his head, and he saw his cousin Jiang Run, an old acquaintance.

Jiang Run is the only child of Lin Jingzhe's aunt, and he and Lin Jingzhe have never dealt with each other, but they both live in a small place like Liyun City.

The children's conflict is nothing more than that little thing. Jiang Run doesn't look down on Lin Jingzhe, who has no father or mother, but he is always stabilized in terms of grades. After growing up, the reasons for the quarrel became more complicated. Lin Jingzhe's grandfather, surnamed Jiang, had a small property in Liyun City. It was assigned to Lin Jingzhe together.

The old man has a plan, and also knows that his children are not generous, Lin Jingzhe is only about eighteen, and a group of wolves and tigers are waiting, how can he defend his property? It's better to keep hard currency to protect life. What's more, the bronzes he collects, although extremely rare, are not popular in Liyun City nowadays, and not many people should know the value.

However, this decision was like a thunderbolt, frying the Jiang family.

Even the old man never thought that when he was only seriously ill, the children in the family had already thought about the destination of their precious treasures. No one cares about bronze wares in Liyun City, but out of this small world, there are people who know goods outside. In Qunnan Province, where Liyun City belongs, there is a small provincial leader who likes to collect these things. Lin Jingzhe's aunt got to know each other through someone, and she boasted about Haikou early. Now that she is dealing with this leader, her business is quite convenient, just waiting. As soon as the old man went, he fulfilled his promise.

Who would have thought that the old man actually made a will and left these things to Lin Jingzhe! A foreigner! Also walked a fair and clear path. Simple things have become complicated now. Aunt Jiang is so angry that she is scolding her mother every day at home these days. Jiang Run listened a lot, and knew that Lin Jingzhe had ruined his own good things. He hated and panicked early in the morning. This time, the same results came out. When he learned that Lin Jingzhe failed the exam, he was more than 100 points lower than himself. He didn't know it. How cool. Therefore, I waited at the door of the class early, just waiting for Lin Jingzhe to come and mock this sentence in person.

Lin Jingzhe didn't respond, but Gao Sheng was immediately angry and stepped forward and said loudly, "What did you say?! Say it again!"

"It's none of your business? Oh I forgot, aren't you the tail of the crane in our class, Lin Jingzhe's follower? What's the matter, do you want to hit someone?" Jiang Run stared at Lin Jingzhe's thin arm provocatively. Gathered a few friends, as long as Lin Jingzhe made a move, they would come up to help, and he had to express his anger well. At that time, when the school investigates, he is not the first to do it.

Lin Jingzhe could see through this childish prudence at a glance. He stopped Gao Sheng, whose face was flushed with anger, and slowly ate the cake in his hand. Although he was not angry at this provocation, his heart was not without waves.

Because Jiang Run, or the entire Jiang family behind Jiang Run except for his grandfather, was too rich in his life.

It was only after a long time that Lin Jingzhe knew what the antiques left by his grandfather meant to the Jiang family, but at this moment in his previous life, he was just an ignorant young man who had never seen the world. Grandpa's bronze wares were just a kind of emotional sustenance for him. He didn't want to let go, but the Jiang family was bound to get them.

In the 1990s, in a small city like Liyun City, the law was useless. The Jiang family was so bold that they could not ask for it, so they blatantly transferred the antiques from the old house. Lin Jingzhe was angry, but he wanted to investigate, but the mother who was far away in the provincial capital, who had never been in the future since she was a child, made a caring call at this time.

Lin Jingzhe was at the most vulnerable time. He had no source of income, and he had to deal with countless wind and frost swords every day. The gentle image of his mother drowned him almost instantly. Under the persuasion of the kind voice of the Virgin, he chose to tolerate his "family", and under the persuasion of his mother, he gave up the ordinary university in Yan City, and filled in his mother's desire for a self-funded college in the provincial capital city.

After a long, long time, when he finally realized that it was all just a hoax.

The Jiang family had already secured their position as the richest man in Liyun City by virtue of this gift.

Out of the corner of the window saw two figures hurriedly approaching, Lin Jingzhe smiled slightly, let go of Gao Sheng, stepped forward, approached Jiang Run, and chuckled softly: "How about my grades, don't worry about me, you are not as good as me. Be more concerned about your mother. She's dying of rage these days, right? Be careful she's mad... quack—"

Jiang Run was stabbed in the sore spot, and jumped high immediately, grabbed Lin Jingzhe's collar, raised his fist with one hand, his eyes were cracked, and screamed: "You fucking seek death—"


He was about to start, but suddenly there was a strong scolding sound behind him, which scared him so much that he almost urinated. Looking back, Jiang Run's legs softened. The director of the Political and Educational Office was standing not far away with his head teacher, his face was very ugly.

Jiang Run was slightly fat, tall and tall, and the thin and fair Lin Jingzhe was standing next to him, the contrast was extremely tragic.

The director immediately cursed: "What are you doing! Are you beating up your classmates openly? Do you still look like a student!"

The head teacher, Li Yurong, looked at the situation and hesitated a little. After all, Jiang Run's exam results were very good this time, so she was biased.

She tried to save Jiang Run: "Lin Jingzhe, you are too! All day long, a slap doesn't make a sound, and I don't know how to improve my grades. The trouble is getting worse and worse!"

Lin Jingzhe didn't say anything, just lowered his eyes and looked resigned.

"Okay!!" The director of politics and education was originally very dissatisfied with Li Yurong's unethical act of finding a relationship with the principal and transferring students to the class. He followed it and announced that he was very angry. Hearing this kind of bias, he immediately became angry and directly raised the bar. Said: "beating this, what's your name!"

A classmate who was not used to Jiang Run immediately reminded him: "Teacher, his name is Jiang Run!"

"Jiang Run, right?" The director couldn't get used to Li Yurong, but pity Jiang Run became a victim, "The college entrance examination is about to take place, and I still have the heart to bully my classmates! It must be punished by demerit! Before Monday, you should write a review, and open it to the public when raising the national flag. This classmate apologizes!"

"Director—" Li Yurong was surprised. The review is fine, but it only hurts self-esteem. Remembering this is a big thing. It must be kept in the file. Joining the party and even graduating will be affected. Jiang Run's mother The last time I came here to go through a relationship, I was going to let the school run a quota for Jiang Run to be recommended to Qunnan University.

This requires students to be excellent in both character and study, and have no bad records. As a result, the plan to be recommended is 100% hopeless.

The director ignored her and went straight into the classroom.

Li Yurong was dismissed for face, and she was not happy. She thought that Jiang Run's mother promised her that the benefit of 50,000 yuan for a guaranteed place had gone to waste. Immediately, she got angry and glared at Jiang Run angrily, and followed in. classroom.

Outside, Jiang Run was completely stunned. He stared at the backs of the two teachers in a daze, and suddenly thought of the walk-off plan that his mother had said, and immediately realized something, his face turned pale.

Lin Jingzhe pulled the collar out of the opponent's already weak hands, smoothed it out, and patted the opponent's shoulder. This little force almost knocked Jiang Run down to the ground.

He looked at the death of the other party, and smiled dullly: "Be strong, cousin."

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