Epiphanies of Rebirth

Chapter 27


Tian Dahua felt that his whole body was flying, he never expected Lin Jingzhe to really come.

The frequency of his heart, which had been pounding ever since he received the call, rose to its peak at this moment. He shook Lin Jingzhe's hand a few times. He was so excited that he couldn't say anything. : "Don't talk, don't talk, the airport is full of people, not a place to talk. Mr. Lin just got off the plane, it's really hard, hurry up, I have already prepared the hotel, go back to the hotel to rest first."

He was really grand, and he found another luxury version of the car connected to the machine. In the early 1990s, there were not many domestic car brands to choose from, and this one he got can be listed at the top of the pyramid.

Tian Dahua personally helped Lin Jingzhe to close the car door and put away his suitcase. The friends who accompanied him couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hold him: "Old Tian, you are not mistaken, we waited at the airport for more than two years. When I was young, what big man should I be waiting for, that's all? What does this kid have to do with you? Is it okay to…”

"Shut up!" Tian Dahua stopped him, "Are you an idiot, don't say what you shouldn't say, what a child, you don't have any eyesight..."

Walking into the top-level suite of the Garden Hotel arranged by Tian Dahua himself, Lin Jingzhe paced to the window, overlooking the garden from behind the half-opened glass.

This is a newly opened hotel a few months ago, and it is also famous in later generations. Lin Jingzhe probably felt Tian Dahua's sincerity from the treatment he had received along the way. on the palm of the hand.

Tian Dahua smiled and watched him drink tea: "Mr. Lin has been away for nearly two months, and he finally came back to apply for the market. I must do my best to be a landlord. I have already arranged the Cantonese restaurant in the hotel downstairs. , and the most famous nightclub in our city... "

"Mr. Tian." Lin Jingzhe said with a smile, "I have to worry about you, you must have a meal, but the nightclub is fine. I still have some things to do in Yan City. I'll do it next time."

"Hey!" Where does Tian Dahua dare to object? Promise immediately. Seeing Lin Jingzhe looking out the window for a while and then holding a teacup, the old god was pacing to the sofa area.

"Oh!" Lin Jingzhe seemed to have just remembered, but he still sat down on the sofa and replied casually, "Well, don't worry, I'm not here anymore?"

Tian Dahua sat down opposite him, not daring to urge him, only to feel a fire burning under his butt, like a needle stick, making him restless. Every time he faced Lin Jingzhe, he always had the illusion of facing a deep pool of water, or an abyss, even if he was older, but looking down from a high place, that kind of bottomless feeling. The fear was even more terrifying.

Seeing him like this, Lin Jingzhe sighed and leaned on the back of the sofa: "Mr. Tian, you've already left, this kind of mentality is not acceptable."

Tian Dahua wiped the sweat from his forehead, realizing that he was still being seen, and he was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Lin should be considerate, after all, you can see that the stock market is going to be in the market today, and the market is booming. Ah! If I enter the market one second later, I will make money one second later than others."

After he finished speaking, he saw that Lin Jingzhe didn't say anything, but just sat across from him and stared at him deeply. After a long while, he sighed and shook his head slightly.

Lin Jingzhe didn't embarrass Tian Dahua, he just sat for a while and went with him to the securities company. On the way, Tian Dahua was completely serious and did everything by himself. After getting out of the car, he scanned both sides with particular vigilance to make sure that there was no suspicious person. Then he cautiously said to Lin Jingzhe who was sitting in the car: "Mr. Lin, it's very safe outside. , come down."

Lin Jingzhe currently holds 170,000 shares of Times Technology, which is considered a big player. The current share price of Times Technology is more than 21 yuan, so the market value of the stocks in his hands has soared to more than 350 yuan.

The result of the final negotiation made Tian Dahua overjoyed, and Lin Jingzhe was willing to give up 50,000 shares to him.

Now that the securities market is booming, traders have hardly ever dealt with such a large transfer entrustment. He was surprised, but before he could read more, he was urged by the anxious Tian Dahua to go through the formalities.

In such a short time, the red line of the market is still soaring, but Tian Dahua is no longer worried about gains and losses as he did some time ago. Lin Jingzhe's 50,000 shares are like a reassurance pill, and they are deeply smashed into his chest. .

After the cruise ship had been launched for a long time, he finally managed to catch up with the trip by paddling the boat.

Looking at the bright red lines that didn't make people feel dazzling, Tian Dahua suddenly woke up after a while. He didn't dare to take his attention back to Lin Jingzhe. It eased a bit, and my mind, which had been so excited and confused these past few days, could not help but regain a little clarity.

In fact, he still had doubts in his heart.

For example, he really couldn't figure out why Lin Jingzhe wanted to transfer this soaring stock, this is a golden hen laying golden eggs every moment!

Tian Dahua has no doubts that this young man's eyesight is far better than his own. When the market opened, he was able to put chips into it so confidently while watching the whole market cautiously, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman, the other party's Every decision must have its deep meaning.

When he bought stocks, he must have been optimistic about the stock market, and now he is selling...

Could something have changed

Thinking of this, Tian Dahua immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't dare to ask, he hesitated for a long time, and finally he just cautiously attacked: "Mr. Lin, you still have 120,000 shares left, should I help you find...?"

Lin Jingzhe raised a hand and interrupted him: "No hurry, I'll keep the rest first."

As soon as he said this, Tian Dahua's crazy thoughts that had lasted for a long time just now calmed down a lot. He hurriedly nodded and smiled a little embarrassedly: "I thought Mr. Lin came to the market this time to make a special trip to sell. I have been in the market recently. This bastard has also met a few bosses, and now it's hard to find one, and they may be willing to pay more..."

Lin Jingzhe held the open magazine in one hand, tilted his head to listen to him, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Tian, worry too much. I will definitely sell these stocks in my hands, but not now."

The 50,000 shares transferred to Tian Dahua now are just for cashing out. The Shenshi Company has suppressed the other party's registered capital of 200,000, and it must be paid off within three months. This meant that Lin Jingzhe had to pay off the six-month loan from the bank before canceling the company.

Before 1993, the domestic stock market was in a stage of rapid development, and there was almost no bear market. Although the top should take action in the near future to control the special market that the market has been rising all the way but there is little trading volume, Lin Jingzhe is still optimistic about the securities market, but he has to endure the pain just to pay off the 700,000 cut love.

He smiled at Tian Dahua, whose face became a little embarrassed because his mind was broken, and raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "Mr. Tian, although we are in business, we also need to talk about friendship, don't you think? If you want to make a fortune, I will take you with me, as for others, I really can't control that much."

Tian Dahua was so embarrassed that he could barely get in through the cracks in the ground: "Mr. Lin, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that..."

Lin Jingzhe nodded with a good temper: "I understand, I understand."

After this incident, Tian Dahua didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, he felt that he behaved like a shameless villain in front of Lin Jingzhe. Therefore, when Lin Jingzhe proposed to go to the bank to repay the loan the next day, although he was very puzzled, he didn't dare to ask more, and only persuaded: "The deadline is still a few months away."

Lin Jingzhe leaned on the back seat and leaned against the car window for a nap, exuding a lazy air all over his body, and said calmly, "It's better to pay it back, I have to cancel my company first."

Tian Dahua was taken aback for a moment: "Mr. Lin, is there any problem with the company? Why did you just open for a few months...?"

Lin Jingzhe calmly said, "Oh, I miscalculated. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now I find that Shenshi is still too far away from Yanshi, and it's too inconvenient to go back and forth to work."

Tian Dahua looked back from the rearview mirror and saw Lin Jingzhe raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, his face tired.

He also thought about it, if Lin Jingzhe was really resident in Yan City, it would be too far away for the company to open in Shen City. Thinking about it like this, he felt a little bit of Coke in his heart again, as if he saw that the saint who never made mistakes also did stupid things.

He made a final decision: "Okay, I will definitely help you with this matter."

Lin Jingzhe hardly spent any extra money in the transfer transaction. Tian Dahua paid all the fees such as handling fees. After the transaction was successful, he had more than 1 million yuan on his account that he could use at any time, so he returned that amount. A loan of 500,000 yuan is completely out of the question.

The loan of 500,000 plus some interest and liquidated damages for early repayment, Arita Dahua helped, and the business was processed very quickly, before the bank got off work in the morning.

The two of them drove to the cancellation of the company again. This year is not like later generations. The company's registered capital can find an intermediary to open his mouth and talk nonsense. a circle.

The tax issue was handed over to Tian Dahua. After confirming that the company did not have any debt problems, it was easy to solve the problem. At this time of the entrepreneurship boom, there are many people who open companies, and many people close down. They take over similar businesses every day, and the industry and commerce are already familiar with the process.

After the funds of 200,000 were loosened, they were returned to Tian Dahua the same way, and the two sides cleared.

At this point, Lin Jingzhe has no debts. He used his 20,000 yuan to conjure up a pile of stocks worth more than 2 million in the stock market, as well as these more than 500,000 stocks that he could use at any time. Liquidity.

He was in such a mood that he couldn't tell outsiders. He left the bank and got into the car. He leaned forward, his elbows touched his knees, his palms and fingertips propped up his forehead, and he closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

"You've been running back and forth all day, are you tired?" Tian Dahua didn't know what he was thinking, and he was still embarrassed that the bank didn't reject Lin Jingzhe just now, "Mr. Said that the 10,000 yuan fee I received before should be refunded to you, why are you being polite to me!"

Lin Jingzhe didn't raise his head, he kept his original posture and chuckled lightly. He looked tired, but the voice from his palm was as calm as ever: "Brothers will settle accounts, friendship is friendship, business is business, Mr. Tian, your subordinates can There are so many people waiting to eat."

Tian Dahua couldn't help feeling a little moved by the other party's behavior. He nodded heavily, and saw Lin Jingzhe exuding a tired breath all the way back to the hotel, driving with extra care and stability.

Lin Jingzhe fell asleep after eating, and woke up the next day. Facing Tian Dahua's invitation, he only said that he had something to do in Yan City and couldn't stay any longer.

Tian Dahua didn't know his background, and was afraid of delaying his affairs. Hearing this, he hurriedly asked someone to go to the airport to book a ticket.

The car was flying all the way, Tian Dahua was overjoyed, this morning, the technology of the times skyrocketed again, and the stock price soared nearly one yuan. Lin Jingzhe only pulled him on this cruise, and he made a lot of money. .

Approaching the security checkpoint, his heart was filled with boundless excitement, and he patted Lin Jingzhe on his chest with lofty ambition: "Mr. Lin, someone in my Tian remembers your feelings, if you have anything to do in the future, just give me an order, I will go through fire and water. No resignation!"

Lin Jingzhe shook hands with him. Hearing this, he just smiled: "Take care of yourself."


On the plane, Lin Jingzhe was thinking about what he could do with more than two million dollars.

In future generations, this figure is probably equal to his salary for several years, a good car, or a set of commercial housing in second- and third-tier cities. But at the moment, in this era when the housing price in Yan City is only a thousand dollars, the purchasing power of more than 2 million is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Lin Jingzhe was very suspicious of his IQ. For him, the safest way to increase the value of the money was probably to buy a house. He would build some houses in a few first-tier cities, and wait until the house price soared in a few decades, and then he could rely on it. All these little riches are safe, and there is no need to worry about eating and drinking.

He leaned against the window and quietly looked at the clouds under his feet. After breaking through a certain threshold, above the clouds was an expanse of clear and clear real sky.

Is that really the case? There was a deep sense of unwillingness in his heart. The past and present experiences were intertwined and flashed through his mind. Lin Jingzhe let out a long sigh. He found that he still had unrealistic expectations for the future.

Still that idiot.

It was a sweltering summer, and the summer in Yan City was very grueling. When Lin Jingzhe returned to the dormitory, he found that Deng Mai was visiting.

He has nothing to do for the time being, and lives close to Yanshi University and Wutong University, so he follows his heart and travels through the two universities like a butterfly, making some friends.

He has his own way of dealing with people. He is eloquent and not eloquent, and rarely makes people feel bad about him. The boys in 305 have a good relationship with him. When Lin Jingzhe entered the door, the chat was lively.

Seeing Lin Jingzhe coming back, everyone's eyes lit up, and Deng Mai jumped up and rushed forward to pick up the luggage: "Brother Lin, you're back! After so many days of walking, I'm really worried to death."

The last time everyone went to Shenshi together left an indelible impression on him, and Lin Jingzhe's daring actions were an eye-opener. He remembered that Lin Jingzhe still owed 700,000 yuan there. This time the other party went to the meeting alone and refused to take him with him. Since the day Lin Jingzhe left, Deng Mai had been thinking about it all the time.

What did Lin Jingzhe do? He borrowed so much money, shouldn't he go to hell with people

Lu Xiaojiang is a native of Shenshi, and he is a little sensitive to his hometown. He is also very curious about his good-looking but very mysterious roommate. His benevolent, fat face showed a puzzled expression: "School is about to start, why are you going to Shenshi?"

"There's something to do." Lin Jingzhe asked lightly, avoiding the important point, "Is the date for the military training set?"

This is the most worrying thing for everyone. The thought of standing in a military position under the scorching sun for a while, everyone's faces changed, and Wang Jun even sighed and fell on the bed: "It's fixed, say yes. Clothes will be distributed in a few days, and starting next weekend, our school has not enough space, we have to go to the base, lie on the grass, more than ten days!"

Lin Jingzhe calculated the time, and now there are only six days left until next weekend.

He hasn't suffered anything, so he doesn't feel the mood of these children as if they are facing the end of the world. Instead, he is looking forward to it. He has been busy with things in his life since he woke up, and he can't care about it. Exercise, this time starting from military training, just picked up fitness.

It's just that the closed activities for more than ten consecutive days will indeed delay a lot of things. Lin Jingzhe thought that he had to explain some things that should be explained before the military training.

He didn't know anyone in Yan City either. Although he knew a group of friends in his previous life, and he knew how to deal with them, these people were of no use in the real business. After thinking about it, Lin Jingzhe thought of a person.

Fang Wenhao, Mr. Fang and his grandson.

He still trusts Mr. Fang's family, and although Fang Wenhao is a bit of a coward, he is not naive in his behavior. He should already have a bit of his own career in hand. Lin Jingzhe remembered that the day he brought himself to the school to report, the bp machine on his waist basically never stopped.

It is quite difficult to find such a person who has a small foundation in Yan City and is somewhat reliable, and can develop and develop cooperative business.

The office of the Publicity Department of the Student Union of Yanshi University is located on this campus. Fang Wenhao and he are from the same department. After inquiring about the direction, Lin Jingzhe walked there while thinking deeply. The radio on the campus was playing a famous contemporary pop song. Song, from a Hong Kong Island actress.

This is an era that is changing with each passing day. For people living in the present, who would have thought that this very popular singer would be so angry that he could not even sell concert tickets in the future

But Lin Jingzhe not only knew these, but also knew many secrets buried in time.

Counting down the next few decades, most of the people in the country have access to the most obvious industries that are developing rapidly - the Internet, real estate, currency, securities and futures, energy and some manufacturing industries.

Among them, the most profitable Internet, unfortunately, Lin Jingzhe did not have this technology. At best, he only knows some small shortcuts with little technical content, such as registering domain names to make money, as for programming skills, it is too difficult for him, he can't even play the king of pesticides.

He has speculated a little in currency and securities futures in his last life, but it takes time, and it is not always possible to make money when you enter the water.

Energy... This industry gathers bigwigs, at least with his current strength, he is still unable to reach it.

The rest can only be real estate and manufacturing, and these two industries, without exception, require a large amount of investment in the early stage.

He walked around the gentle slope. The scenery outside the shabby and magically dilapidated dormitory building of Yanshi University was still very beautiful. Seeing that the end point was just ahead, Lin Jingzhe suddenly felt a burning gaze behind him.

After so many years of intrigue with people, he was very sensitive to this, and immediately turned to look.

The person who was watching him from behind hurriedly turned his eyes away, changed his face as if nothing had happened, and walked in another direction.

This serious-looking middle-aged man is very neatly dressed, with deep "Chuan" lines on his brows, sharp eyes, and looks like a very serious and difficult professor in the department, his expression is flawless. , As if passing by this place unintentionally, and I don't know Lin Jingzhe Su.

But the moment Lin Jingzhe saw him, his heart shook violently.

The other party walked further and further away, and his back gradually disappeared into a small fruit forest not far away.

Lin Jingzhe stopped on the spot and watched him leave, the tips of his fingers dangling beside him trembled slightly, he turned his head blankly, and continued to walk.

He didn't know whether the other party would peep at him under the cover of the dense forest after entering the woods, but this middle-aged man who was so serious that he seemed unapproachable was something he could never forget in his previous life—


Lin Jingzhe recalled that he remembered that his father Lin Runsheng was not a professor at Yanshi University. In this era, he should be working as a professor in the Department of Information and Communication Engineering at a key university next door that is famous for science and technology. The two schools are not far apart, but under normal circumstances, teachers and staff should not make mistakes, right

Did the other party come to see you

Thinking of this, his throat choked for a moment, and he couldn't help recalling. Has the other party ever paid attention to him secretly like this in his previous life

When did he know that he was admitted to Yanshi University? Where did you find out which department you were admitted to? Since when has he quietly followed behind? How long did you wait outside the dormitory to meet this side

Lin Jingzhe couldn't figure it out, since his last life, he couldn't figure it out, why some people could be so restrained, hiding their painstaking efforts under the surface of indifference, and it was impossible to see through.

He stepped upstairs, carrying heavy fatigue, found the office of the Propaganda Department, and knocked on the door.

Fang Wenhao was talking to a few people inside, and he was a little surprised when he looked up to see him: "Lin Jingzhe? Why are you here?"

A full-armed smile climbed onto his face almost instantly. Lin Jingzhe leaned against the door, nodded and said hello to several cadres in the department who also saw it, and said lazily to Fang Wenhao, "Brother Fang, do you have time? Let's have a meal together?"

Of course Fang Wenhao had time, not to mention that the old man in the family urged him to take good care of Lin Jingzhe in school. It happened to be lunch time, he explained his work, packed his things, and came out. After a few words with Lin Jingzhe, he walked downstairs with a smile.

As he walked, he introduced Lin Jingzhe: "If you want to join the student union, you can almost make preparations. It just so happens that there are still a few vacancies in our propaganda department. During school, there is nothing to do anyway, you can be a little more active, the student union also has special It will be good for you after graduation.”

Lin Jingzhe smiled absently and refused: "Forget it, I'm not very good at organizing events."

Fang Wenhao certainly didn't believe this kind of pretext, but he also saw that Lin Jingzhe had no intention of doing this. Everyone had their own aspirations, so he didn't give much advice.

"After a while, I will introduce a few seniors and sisters from the same department to you. The school is also a small river and lake. If you don't join the student union, you have to prepare more ways." Fang Wenhao rambled, "Yanshi University and other schools are not very good. Same, it's quite complicated inside, you'll know it if you stay here for a while. So don't make a fuss in the school, don't make trouble, especially in the student union, there are people who help me and don't deal with me, just the president Hu Shaofeng, especially Arrogant, when we meet this kind of person, let's hide away."

Lin Jingzhe felt that the name sounded a bit familiar, and after thinking about it, he remembered that he had heard about it in his previous life when he was having fun with those fox friends. A few levels, it seems that the business is still doing quite a lot, but I have only heard of its name, and I have never seen anyone.

He was full of his father Lin Runsheng at the moment. He didn't have time to think about this, so he nodded casually, indicating that he remembered it.

In the cafeteria on the campus, Fang Wenhao was surprised with his chopsticks: "You want to find a refresher class for your buddy? Didn't he say he doesn't want to go to school?"

"Just find a short-term one, like twenty days a month, and focus on giving him some business foundation." Lin Jingzhe said, "I'm mainly in Yan City, and I have nowhere to go, so I have to ask Brother Fang to help me ask. ask."

Fang Wenhao snorted: "In the past few years, many workers have gone to sea to do business. I really know a few good cram schools, just tuition fees..."

Lin Jingzhe said: "The tuition fee is not a problem, it's enough to be reliable."

Fang Wenhao listened to his tone that did not seem to be fake at all, looked at his expression for a while, and shook his head inexplicably: "I don't understand a little, just a buddy, how do you arrange it so comprehensively? You rent a house and arrange it again. People in cram schools don’t let people go to work, and the wages of workers in Yan City are not low at the moment.”

Lin Jingzhe said, "Working is not the way out. This is my buddy. If I can pull it, I have to pull it."

Fang Wenhao is really convinced. He asks himself that he is a very loyal person, and his style is very well received in the circle of friends, but if he is in a different place with Lin Jingzhe, the most he can do to show his loyalty is to introduce a good salary to his buddies. It is absolutely impossible to do the same job as Lin Jingzhe, and even the future development of the other party is also considered.

Young boys always admire and yearn for this kind of friendship. Fang Wenhao raised his glass solemnly: "Success, I will take your heart. This matter is handed over to my brother, and my brother will handle it for you."

Lin Jingzhe laughed when he heard the words, and touched the glass with him. Fang Wenhao's eyes were dazzled by the harmless appearance of a little white rabbit, and he said, "Thank you, brother."

Once this matter is settled, Lin Jingzhe will feel at ease before the military training, and all activities can be scheduled after Deng Mai graduated from the short-term economic cram school. Deng Mai has an active mind and a smart person. It must not be difficult to understand those basic things. Investment in cram schools is also necessary. The most precious resource these days is talent. Know how many business owners will be scrambling for it.

Seriously, he was actually taking advantage of it.

After the meal, Fang Wenhao said goodbye in a hurry, Lin Jingzhe walked all the way in thought, kicking a small stone that was unlucky enough to meet him.

He has become accustomed to this way of thinking all the time. After too many things come to the door at the same time, he cannot allow him to relax at all.

Turning a corner, he climbed the gentle slope against the scorching sun and warm wind, and walked slowly towards the dormitory building.

The stone kicked a little harder, and Gululu rolled away without a shadow. He woke up and looked up, trying to find it.

But at this moment, he heard a voice that he didn't expect and buried deep in his memory—

"Lin Jingzhe?"

His heart jumped, his footsteps paused, and he looked back.

The middle-aged man behind him frowned at him, his eyes were sharp, his expression was cold, and he looked impatient and unapproachable.

He stared fiercely at Lin Jingzhe's blushing face from the sun, but Lin Jingzhe could see the hesitation beneath his serious appearance.

The two sides seemed to be at a stalemate for a while, seeing each other's footsteps move back, as if they were trying to hold back their courage and leave.

"Let's have a cup of tea together." Lin Jingzhe had no choice but to sigh and said, "Dad."