Epiphanies of Rebirth

Chapter 34


Lin Jingzhe really felt the "Golden Twenty Years" that the merchants of later generations often talked about.

The last two decades of the 20th century were two decades of rapid economic growth in this land. In order to promote commercial development, almost all policies introduced by the state were aimed at boosting GDP.

Catch this horse-powered hitchhiker, and once the formalities are handled, it will be more effective with less effort. In a few decades, Lin Jingzhe would never have imagined that he could borrow three times its market value from a bank with a location like No. 9, which is not very good, not to mention that all the companies in this land are still the beginning. For a high-risk object such as real estate, which has just been established and has not yet developed any projects, but in this era, such unreasonable things can be easily done.

The people of this year are not like the later generations. Everyone is filled with well-informed news and bold. Among the businessmen in the 1990s, even Hu Shaofeng's style was outstanding. The long-term cultural heritage makes people who grew up in this land. Generally pragmatic, the chicken soup story of American granny and Chinese granny is not well known. The difference in values has led to the fact that banks' lending tasks are often unable to be completed these days. As long as the fraudulent methods are not too blatant, normally, the loan applications of regular companies will not be rejected.

At this time, the business license that Fang Wenhao was asked to help out in advance came in handy. And because of him, Lin Jingzhe was able to get acquainted with a small local snake and a big tiger in Yan City.

Dahu's real name is Xiao Changhu, and he is inextricably related to Fang Wenhao's family, but his parents are obviously not as powerful as Fang Wenhao's parents, so he has not been able to make any big waves when he is an adult. Just in Yan City to do five "intermediary" business. This intermediary business, to say the least, is a broker. Except for pimping, the business project is similar to that of Tian Dahua.

But Dahu is more refreshing than Tian Dahua, and he is not too curious. As long as he has enough money, everything can be said. When Lin Jingzhe contacted him to help run the loan, he did not have a single question. Delivered to your door.

Seven million turned into 20 million. After two years, Lin Jingzhe quickly began to pay attention to the rest of Yan City.

At this time in his previous life, he had just arrived in Yan City, and was picked up by his father to bring home fine clothes and jade food, and he and his companions would also be picked up by car when they went out, so he had no time to pay attention to the development of the city. But even so, a wide range of impressions in the memory are still preserved, and this impression is manifested in all aspects of life, and the memory becomes clearer as time goes on.

Because the results after the changes are already familiar to the heart, the ones before the changes are not used to people.

For example, in the compound where Lin Runsheng and the others lived, after Ma Lu went out, Lin Jingzhe felt that everything was unfamiliar. He had lived here for a few years in his previous life, but what he remembered better was the red building that was built more than ten years after moving out. The super high-rise building at the street lamp, or the Yanshi New Culture Park, which is 200 meters away.

Around 1994, he hadn't made Lin Run angry to death. During the most arrogant and complacent period, he couldn't avoid living the life that most of the young masters, such as Hu Shaofeng, were living.

At that time, he drove a brand-new car on the roads of Yan City every day. At that time, the number of foreign residents in Yan City had begun to increase, and the roads were gradually blocked. Driving in the urban area was unsatisfactory, so he took his followers to find the suburbs. The road was just completed but not yet open. In his impression, the road passing by is the new urban area of Yan City, which was built at a high speed in the past few years. There are fenced and dug roads everywhere along the way, subway projects, grand theaters, municipal buildings, and later What about the new train station or something, anyway, the ground cover has been updated all the time, which caused the driveway to be bumpy and bumpy, and it was very uncomfortable to drive on it. Every time he speeded past, he would curse his mother.

Lin Jingzhe turned the steering wheel, turned right at the red light, and searched for his memory bit by bit.

Yan City has changed a lot over the years, but the main traffic lines in the city still retain the original context. This is a neat and square city, horizontal and vertical. Lin Jingzhe can touch his future generations with his eyes closed. company to work.

But at this time, the company has not yet built a branch in China, and the tallest office building in Yan City has not yet broken ground. Now it is still a small park where old men walk and chat. Starting from Yanshi University, it takes 20 minutes to drive here without traffic jams, and one traffic light ahead will be the earliest high-end shopping mall in the north of the city in the future. I always come here to buy clothes, I am very familiar with it.

Turn left, this is the theater, Lin Jingzhe often came here to listen to cross talk, but in the next few years, Duanzi got too old and slowly stopped coming.

Going forward, there is a very famous apartment in Yan City. There is a garden and swimming pool on the top floor of the house. about to complete. Lin Jingzhe stopped at the place that was still the wall of the small college, and looked at the simple runway in the courtyard wall for a while and remembered it for a while. Before his last life, he worked hard to make money and finally bought a house here, 28 floors, more than 200 square meters, The total price is more than 27 million, and he has backed up nearly 10 million in loans, which is almost the same as now, but people at that time have long since ignored this amount of loans.

Stopped here and mourned for a while when he was a house slave, Lin Jingzhe then drove forward. After decades, this area has matured to the point where it can no longer mature. When he went on a business trip to a major North American city, the city center he saw was nothing but in this way.

In front of him was a large field of farmland that could not be seen to the end. When he was about to reach the end of the road, Lin Jingzhe got off the station and stood on the ridge, raising his eyes to look into the distance.

Here, the future Yan City Municipal Building, when there is a project to discuss, he can't count the number of times he comes here every month.

Although everything is still desolate now, but standing here, Lin Jingzhe feels that he can clearly see a modern city sitting on top of it.

This is the only way to the suburbs in the north of the city, and his memory is still fresh. From 1994 to 1995, the newly-completed Yanjiao Road that he was about to come to was in front of him. At that time, the farmland had already disappeared, and the blocked road at the back would continue to extend forward for decades to come. There will be multiple changes until the connection is high-speed.

Lin Jingzhe has inquired about it, and at this moment, there is no news about the construction of this road in Yan City. Many real estate developers have a lot of speculation in private, but no one can be sure. After all, with the current situation in Yan City. As for the foundation of urban construction, the north of the city must be developed, but the possibility of development in the near future is much smaller than the possibility of developing the urban areas in the other three directions.

But Lin Jingzhe knew that this was inevitable. The additional road was more to drive the development of a neighboring city. Without this road, there would be no future prosperity of these cities around Yan City. For road projects completed in four or five years, construction will take at least two years, and it will take time to formulate plans and revise policies in the early stage.

Lin Jingzhe figured it out. At this rate, the news of the road construction should be released early next year at the latest.

At that time, this piece of land that no one cares about will suddenly become the "upstart" in Yan City, and its value will skyrocket. The businessmen who are still on the sidelines will also scramble for the opportunity to seize the development.

Lin Jingzhe sat cross-legged on the engine hood that still had residual heat, holding the string of Buddhist beads abandoned by the master with one hand and swiping it around, resting his cheeks with the other in a daze.

In fact, there is also a very, very small possibility, that his arrival may change the development process of the north of the city.

But so what? Maybe Lin Jingzhe didn't even bother to think deeply, and his calm mind never lacked the undercurrent of gambling. For him, life was a gamble, as it used to be, and the second life was no exception. He knows that he is not smart, but when he gets to the gambling table, he is doomed to fight against heaven and earth, and he will give up to win because he is timid and will lose



Lin Runsheng's house and Shen Juanying made a special drive to Yanshi University to pick him up for dinner every Saturday. Sometimes Lin Jingzhe would stay overnight, but usually he would say goodbye and leave after eating. The relationship with a safe distance gradually preserved.

Although Lin Runsheng is still a little lost, this relationship allows the other three people in the family to adapt well.

Shen Juanying's biological daughter, Lin Jingzhe's nominal stepsister, Shen Tiantian, is a relatively quiet girl in the circle of young people in Yan City. She is one year younger than Lin Jingzhe. The two are from the same class of Yan City University. Freshmen, but with different majors, except that sometimes Shen Juanying would ask her to bring something to Lin Jingzhe, the two usually don't meet each other often.

Gu Nian has a hard time running errands and carrying things. Lin Jingzhe usually brings her some gifts when he comes to dinner. This time, he got a skirt that Tiger brought back when he went to the SAR to buy stocks. The style and fabric are very strange, light pink fabric. There were bright pearls all over it, and Shen Tiantian obviously liked it next time. Holding the bag in both hands, she blushed a little shyly and thanked: "Thank you brother."

Lin Jingzhe looked at the pair of red ears exposed under her soft black hair when she bowed her head, and glanced at it more strangely. Meeting without greeting each other's ancestors is considered peaceful.

Seriously, he was a little bit sorry for this girl in his last life. At that time, he hated Lin Runsheng, Wu Jiwu, and even Shen Jianying's mother and daughter were affected. But Shen Juanying and Shen Tiantian really didn't owe him anything, but unfortunately he was full of resentment, bitterness and hatred at the time when he had just turned 18, and it was not until after Lin Runsheng's death that he knew his father was there. The family has always been the weakest character.

The relationship between Shen Juanying and Lin Runsheng is a bit harsh to say, Lin Runsheng is the one who eats soft rice, but the deep emotional foundation makes both parties in the marriage have no such cognition. Shen Juanying is a very strong woman. She is smart and capable, and she prefers to conquer rather than rely on her. The family's economy and status are completely supported by her. Compared with her, Lin Runsheng is just an ordinary university professor. The combined income of two or three thousand yuan per month seems to be quite high in this era, but it is not useful at all.

Shen Tiantian obviously knows the actual situation in the family, but she still treats Lin Runsheng, a useless stepfather, with courtesy on weekdays, which is enough to show that she is a girl with a good nature.

Lin Jingzhe was a little ashamed of his righteousness at the beginning. He looked at Shen Tiantian, who was still pinching the fabric with his fingers curiously to see the pearl, and smiled softly: "You must be beautiful wearing it."

At the dining table, Shen Tiantian was called by Shen Juanying to change into the short skirt, the tender but not vulgar pink really made her look very good, everyone got along for a while and obviously felt a lot more comfortable, the little girl wore new clothes after eating. Clothes went out to play with friends, and the rest moved to the living room. After knowing that Lin Jingzhe likes to drink tea, Shen Juanying asked someone to buy a set of very beautiful root carving tea trays and put them on the coffee table in the living room.

Lin Jingzhe soaked a pot of Dahongpao with appreciation, Lin Runsheng watched his movements with sharp eyes with relief, Shen Juanying picked up the teacup, and said casually, "Lao Lin, I got it back a few days ago. The new tea at home seems to be upstairs, you can help me get it, and let Jing Zhe take it back to drink later."

When she heard that it was brought to Lin Jingzhe, Lin Runsheng immediately got up to get it, and watched him go upstairs. Shen Juanying retracted her gaze and looked at Lin Jingzhe, who also put down the teapot and looked up at her. She smiled slightly.

There is obviously a reason to support Lin Runsheng. Shen Juanying is well-informed: "Jing Zhe, I heard that you are in contact with real estate recently?"

Lin Jingzhe knew that he would definitely not be able to hide this from her in Yan City, and nodded, "Yes, it's just a ticket."

"I'm afraid it's more than just playing tickets, right?" Shen Juanying saw that he had no intention of concealing it, and was a little relieved, but there was a little worry in his eyes, "You have already taken a piece of land next to No. 2 Middle Road in the bidding meeting some time ago, and mortgaged it. After it was dropped, before the construction started, I bought another piece of land in Shiku Lane in the north of the city that had been licensed for more than two months. Don't plan to start work?"

Lin Jingzhe nodded: "I'm not ready for the time being."

Shen Juanying sighed: "Then what are you going to do with the loan for this piece of land? Jing Zhe, if you are short of money, you can come and ask Auntie at any time. Auntie doesn't mean to offend you, but I still want to persuade you that some Mistakes, we can try not to make them."

With the loan to support the loan in this way, hundreds of millions of dollars can be rolled out in just a few hands. Even Shen Juanying dare not underestimate such a large amount. She is really worried that Lin Jingzhe will accidentally walk into something wrong. way back. When she first heard that Lin Jingzhe was going to engage in real estate, she didn't take it seriously. In recent years, there is a real estate in Yan City, and children from some backgrounds in the family also like to do it. Besides, she usually plays with Lin Jingzhe. The child with the surname Fang, she knows the fundamentals, and is indeed a reliable and stable child. If Lin Jingzhe started in real estate, he would be able to follow Fang Wenhao's vast real estate step by step, and slowly build a house with land, she must keep silent, Not a word was said.

But looking at this posture, Lin Jingzhe obviously didn't want to be satisfied with the two plots of land, it was too much. Although China now generally treats some problems in business development with tolerance, the amount involved is too huge and it is not a joke. If there is a deficit of 40 to 50 million yuan, Shen Juanying can also help to clean her buttocks. Once it reaches 100 million, Shen Juanying can only be helpless.

Don't you see the kid from the Qi family who made a lot of smuggling in Qunnan some time ago, Mr. Qi's fame, and he was ruined for the sake of that kid. The number of people involved in the case is over one billion yuan. Mr. Qi, an old man in his 70s, with gray hair, begged every family in a low voice, and he couldn't get out in the end. It's really pitiful.

Shen Juanying is a small leader, if she didn't rely on her family's ability, she would not dare to compare with that old man.

It would be an exaggeration to say how deeply she has feelings for Lin Jingzhe, his stepson, but if anything happens to Lin Jingzhe, Lin Runsheng will definitely be hit hard. She knew very well how much her husband valued this child. Missing out on this child's childhood growth was almost one of the most regrettable things that dull man had ever done in his life.

After thinking about it, she felt that she should still pull a hand, but she did not intend to let Lin Runsheng know about this matter. Her professor Lin Da looked ferocious, but in fact he was a simple and timid little man. The tens of millions of economic loopholes may directly scare him into a frightened bird.

Lin Jingzhe was very useful for this concern, so even if the other party's position was different, he still refilled a cup of tea for Shen Juanying and explained patiently: "Aunt Shen, don't worry, I know what I know."

Shen Juanying was a little helpless: "Don't get me wrong, I just saw your loan application submitted below. The loan amount estimated by the bank in Shiku Lane is expected to reach about 40 million. Jingzhe, this is really not true. A small amount, in case... Honestly tell my aunt, have you made such a large sum of money, have you already made plans for where it will go?"

Her attitude was a little tough, and she implicitly expressed that she had the right to speak in Lin Jingzhe's loan application. Lin Jingzhe raised his head when he heard the words, and looked at her quietly.

The two sides did not speak for a while, the atmosphere became tense little by little, Shen Juanying's heart gradually lifted, she was more than 20 years older than Lin Jingzhe, but in this silent battle, she was not at all in position. upper hand.

Until the end, it was Lin Jingzhe who spoke first: "Aunt Shen, to be honest, there are many new banks in the surrounding area that have opened in Yan City in recent years. I'm just trying to put in a little more effort."

"But." He turned the conversation, his face relaxed in an instant, and even put on a smile, "I'm very grateful that you are willing to care about me, so I can reveal a little bit of business secrets. For the 40 million, I plan to exchange it next to each other. The 350,000-square-meter piece of land in Shiku Lane will be a full 500,000 square meters when the time comes and the current one will be opened up. This area can already be called the largest land king in Yan City so far, right? I believe Neither you nor the bank will underestimate its value."

Shen Juanying opened her mouth, she really didn't expect Lin Jingzhe's appetite to be so huge: "Your Origin Property has just been established, so you have to do such a big project..."

"Who said I would do it? Of course I won't do it. This is not my goal. It starts with the real estate not being a residential house in the future." In the sound of boiling water, Lin Jingzhe said, "Don't worry, at the end of next year at the latest. , I will repay all the loans in a fraction of a cent."

Lin Runsheng rummaged through the box to find the tea leaves, but Shen Juanying actually put the jar in the bookcase, which made him search for a long time. He grabbed the jar and hurried downstairs, and the conversation in the living room stopped immediately. Lin Runsheng looked sideways, only to see the calm smile on Lin Jingzhe's face and the movement of his wife drinking tea with her head down.

"What did you talk about with your aunt?" He walked over, got nervous when Shang Lin Jingzhe looked up, and subconsciously found a serious topic.

Shen Juanying put down the cup, with a relaxed and gentle expression on her face: "It's nothing, it's just a small matter."

Lin Jingzhe looked at her and nodded, "Yes."


Mr. Fang had different opinions on Lin Jingzhe's purchase of the land.

Fang Wenhao, who had previously sued Jing, had brought this up and down countless times, in order to make his grandfather persuade Lin Jingzhe not to be so reckless. Lin Jingzhe's decisiveness in taking the land no doubt frightened him. After so many years of establishment of Haohan Real Estate, the money owed to the bank was not enough for Lin Jingzhe once.

But Mr. Fang didn't look at the leisurely drinking tea, walking birds and looking at antiques every day, but he was too daring. After listening to his frightened complaint, he mercilessly laughed at his grandson and warned Fang Wenhao that he was not optimistic about Lin. Jing Zhe's career is not optimistic, and you must not stumble others in the name of caring and saving.

This made Fang Wenhao's idea of asking the relationship to stop Lin Jingzhe's loan to be completely dispelled.

Shen Juanying was obviously persuaded, and it was also possible that Lin Jingzhe had an accident in another bank with the idea that it would be better under his own eyes. In short, before the end of the month, Lin Jingzhe applied for a loan of 40 million yuan with the second piece of land he started. Then, he purchased the super-large area of 350,000 square meters of land next to Shiku Lane, Yanshi Zhenxiong Real Estate listed for sale.

Both sides are very happy, Lin Jingzhe's goal of 500,000 has been achieved, and he has obtained all the positions he can eat on the north side of the city. If it is less, he will be unwilling. If it is more, the capital chain that is too complicated will not be able to support it with his current ability.

At Zhenxiong Real Estate, they happily held a celebration party because of the sale of this land. Their company heard rumors that Chengbei was going to develop this land two years ago, and they bought it under false pretense and waited for a whole year. But the rumored promise has not been fulfilled. The country has expressly stipulated how long it takes to start construction after the land is in hand. Zhenxiong Real Estate has dragged it on to the present because of its relationship, but it has been listed until now, because the block is too large, and it has not been able to sell. If it cannot be sold, I am afraid that it will eventually Bloodless.

Xiao Chi stepped out of the door of the private room, and heard a somewhat impressive greeting from the front: "Yo, this is not President Xiao."

He raised his head and saw it as expected. Hu Shaofeng, who was following behind him, saw his reaction. Knowing that he was annoying this person, he took the lead and stretched out his hand: "Brother Qi, why is it you!"

Qi Kai shook hands with him. He didn't seem to notice Xiao Chi's indifference at all. He laughed loudly: "Yeah, I was shocked when I saw you guys. I'm having a celebration here with people from my company!"

Xiao Chi changed his hands and squeezed the beads, and shook hands with him gently: "What a coincidence."

"Are you still chanting the scriptures?" Qi Kai was even more rambunctious than Hu Shaofeng, but what was even worse was that he was still arrogant and arrogant.

Xiao Chi waved his left hand slightly without a trace, avoiding his gesture of reaching out to touch his beads. Seeing that Qi Kai froze for a while, he was as steady as Mount Tai: "Reading to play."

"Really, it's still the same, I don't let anyone touch my own things." Qi Kai narrowed his eyes and retracted his hand, still smiling, but his smile was much shallower, "I knew that Mr. Xiao was here, too. I invited you to come and have a drink early, the land we took from the north of the city two years ago can be considered to be sold out, which is really a happy event."

After a pause, he suddenly remembered it again, and lowered his voice and leaned closer: "I heard that Centrino swallowed three pieces of the north of the city in one go at the tender meeting some time ago? Oh, then your appetite is really not small, it was like this at the beginning, if not Back then, the land in Dongtai Community didn’t rob you. How could I go to the south to develop? But it’s not that I’m bad at speaking. But it’s different, don’t be like me, you won’t get any benefit after grinding for a long time, right?”

This man's words were sour and thorny, and he hadn't improved for many years. After hearing this dangerous remark, Xiao Chi just looked at him calmly and smiled slightly: "You are right."

Qi Kai hit the cotton like a punch, and clenched his teeth, so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He still forced a smile and nodded: "That's good, then let's see you later?"

"See you later." Xiao Chi knew that the other party must be half-dead with anger. After saying goodbye, he just stayed where he was until Qi Kai took a step back and made way out of the main road.

He nodded, and left with Hu Shaofeng and other Centrino executives confidently.

After turning two corners and waiting for the elevator, Hu Shaofeng glanced back and stepped forward with a gossip: "Brother Xiao, why did he come out and jump again? Didn't he say that Mr. Qi made him grounded?"

As old man Qi doted on, it's a strange thing to be able to stand it. Xiao Chi stepped into the elevator: "How do I know."

"The land in the north of the city... It's the one on Shiku Alley. Lying Cao, this land was actually transferred out? No wonder Qi Kai is so embarrassed. This land is more than 300,000 square meters, and they have it in their hands. It's been two years, who is so stupid, and he still bought it." Hu Shaofeng expressed his emotions, and inevitably recalled the past, "Do you think this is a fool, he robbed us of the land two years ago It's like a cockfight. He doesn't dare to mess with us. He goes to get Fang Wenhao every day. In the end, we quit and he grabbed a piece of chicken ribs. Community, that piece of land has not been robbed of you, it is estimated that it will become a heart disease in his life."

"That's right." Hu Shaofeng suddenly remembered something, "Brother Xiao, what kind of conflict did you have with him? I've always been curious but didn't dare to ask, after all, you never said you wanted to do real estate before, so you could grab the Dongtai community. Did it start after that?"

Xiao Chi answered very naturally: "There is no contradiction, it's just business talk."

"That's right." Hu Shaofeng had never believed in him, and he nodded after thinking about it, "With your character, it's impossible to avenge your personal revenge if you are in conflict."

The spirit suddenly came again: "I have to check, who is so stupid who dares to pick up their land next to Shiku Lane, quack!"

Xiao Chi sat in the back seat with his hand on his forehead lightly. He moved his rosary, and when he heard the unpleasant laughter, he couldn't help but raise his eyes and glance at the rearview mirror.

He once again thought about the question that always bothered him but never heard from others: Is Hu Shaofeng a fool? literal meaning.

On the top floor of the hotel, Qi Kai, who watched Xiao Chi leave, gritted his teeth and looked back with a fierce look in his eyes. A few buddies around him hadn't reacted yet, and were still discussing softly there—

"Xiao Chi really looks more and more difficult to mess with..."

"Have you seen it after the completion of Dongtai Community? It's so fucking beautiful. My parents are jealous of high-end garden villas. If it wasn't for the influence, they would definitely have to make a set."

"Where is it? It's already sold out. Centrino made a fortune on this project, right?"

"The design team of their company seems to be invited by him from abroad? It's really good-looking, I think we can learn from it."

"Why didn't we think of it? Hey! They were established later than us, but Xiao Chi is really good. What do you do? I heard that he also launched the stock market in Shanghai and the Special Economic Zone, and he made a lot of money. !"

"If it hadn't been dragged by the land in the north of the city, we would definitely be different now. Alas - we should have thought of when they suddenly quit the competition in the middle of the way..."

Qi Kai glanced at the person who was speaking, and walked silently.

The iron porcelain buddy who established the company with him leaned into his ear and was a little dissatisfied with his attitude towards Xiao Chi when he was holding a gun and carrying a stick, and softly persuaded him: "You can take it easy, the old man's anger hasn't subsided yet. , why can't you get along with Xiao Chi at this time? Xiao Chi didn't provoke you."

Qi Kai said angrily: "What are you talking about? If it weren't for him, the land in Dongtai Community would have been my mother-in-law. If it wasn't for him, how would I fight Fang Wenhao's grandson for the land in the north of the city? If it weren't for Shiku The land in the lane can’t be built, how the hell am I going to go to Qunnan to sell antiques?”

If he hadn't gone to Qunnan to do smuggling, would he have fallen so badly? But he didn't say it out loud.

His buddies were stunned: "How can you settle accounts like this? People robbing Dongtai Community is just a normal business activity, and they don't mean to make trouble with you. You are so unreasonable, right?"

"He is!" Qi Kai said categorically, "He is just trying to get along with me!"

The buddy said helplessly: "I haven't heard that he has any personal grudges with you, let's not make a big deal out of it?"

Qi Kai was so angry that he vomited blood. His tricks were easy to use for everyone, but when he encountered Xiao Chi, he repeatedly fell back. No one believed that Xiao Chi was avenging his personal revenge by grabbing the land with him. Even the old man who had always loved him said that he thought too much about his small belly. Every time Qi Kai was judged like this, it was like internal wounds were accumulated in his arms, and a mouthful of old blood could not be spit out. Can't swallow again.

Who can he tell? What can he say? Everyone believed that Xiao Chi had just set up Xunchi Real Estate to bid for Dongtai Community and it was just a coincidence that he collided.

Everyone also believed that Xiao Chi was in full swing with them for the land in the north of the city, but he suddenly quit in the middle to avoid his edge.

But only Qi Kai knew that it was the other party's revenge for the indecent assault of his sister Xiao Miao.

Isn't that just fucking forcing a kiss on the mouth? Xiao Miao also made a big fuss and went abroad for this matter.

For this reason, Xiao Chi robbed him of his land, but he even found someone to beat him up in the dark, making him bloody and bedridden. He tricked him into buying that piece of garbage that couldn't be built for more than two years.

Qi Kai didn't have the face to speak out, he could only knock down his teeth and swallow blood. The key is that no one will believe what he said! After all, Xiao Chi's inherent image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

On the surface, Xiao Chi seems to have no desires, but he is actually broken! But the leper is broken!

Fortunately, there was one more thing that calmed his mood today.

Qi Kai took a deep breath and changed the subject: "Forget it! Let's not mention him, I'm happy today, the land in Shiku Lane was finally bought by an idiot, let's have a drink!"