Epiphanies of Rebirth

Chapter 39


Wu Wangfei and Liang Pi came with Gao Sheng together. Young people are obviously not used to such a formal scene, but the two still tried their best to be more relaxed than they met last time. And for the sake of showing solemnity, they have specially arranged their appearance, and even put on neat suits. Although this kind of dress and young faces made them look a bit inconsistent, I have to say that Lin Jingzhe was still very satisfied with the sincerity of this young man trying his best to achieve the ultimate sincerity.

When it comes to doing business, what is needed is sincerity. Regardless of the prospects of the project, the partner must be reliable.

Lin Jingzhe clearly distinguished friendship and transaction, and also understood who the central focus of the project was. With just one look, Deng Mai keenly found a reason to take Gao Sheng out.

There were only three people left in the room who didn't speak. Lin Jingzhe slowly rinsed the glass, looking attentively, but in fact he had been watching the reactions of Wu Wangfei and Liangpi.

Both of them looked like they were only about twenty years old, maybe because they didn't exercise often, they both looked frail and handsome. Although Liang Pi was named the deputy team leader, he was clearly the one who was in the lead. Wu Wangfei had a special vigor in him, so much so that his tired brows and eyes seemed a little more energetic.

Lin Jingzhe knew in his mind that Wu Wangfei was probably more professional and might be the core of the team's program development, but today's business, he should talk to Liangpi.

Sure enough, the long, unexplained wait made the two young people with relatively little negotiating experience gradually become restless. Wu Wangfei, who couldn't hold his breath, seemed to have a nail under his butt, so he was about to write the words "Stop talking" on his face. The hand under Liangpi's table seemed to hold him down, and he held back for a while. The procedure of Jing Zhe pouring tea for them in a hurry was a failure.

"Lin..." Thinking that Lin Jingzhe was younger than he should be, Liangpi was embarrassed to call him, Lin Jingzhe smiled and said, "You can just call it Gao Sheng."

"Jing... Jing Zhe." Faced with this young man who was younger than himself but more powerful than his parents, Liang Pi actually had no confidence in his heart. He hesitated and shouted, seeing that Lin Jing Zhe really didn't show any offense. I was relieved and said my intention, "I believe Gao Sheng has already introduced our project to you, right?"

"The concept of his description is rather vague." Lin Jingzhe pushed the teacup to the other party, "You can talk more in detail. Take a sip of tea, don't be nervous and speak slowly."

In fact, he has already drawn a vague blueprint from Gao Sheng's description, but it is inevitable to give a relatively rigorous attitude when discussing cooperation. Both Liang Pi and Wu Wangfei are still students, and they are undoubtedly excellent in their same age group, but young people with unlimited prospects are inevitably stained with student spirit when they are just starting out. The two sides met through Gao Sheng again. Lin Jingzhe and Gao Sheng have a close relationship, but they don't want Wu Wangfei and the others to give birth to a "don't be too serious" because of this close relationship.

Liang Pi probably felt something was wrong. He became more and more nervous, but he was also very grateful. At least Lin Jingzhe was different from the capitalists who had an attitude of making fun of them. After knowing the basic content of the project, he still took a posture of listening intently.

The Internet market in the early 1990s was still a truly barbaric era. If I remember correctly, the concept of the Internet has not been proposed yet, and portals have not yet appeared, so there is basically no way for netizens to communicate with each other.

However, in fact, my country's electronic computer technology has been put into development since the 1950s, and the technology is not bad. The emergence of the first domestic computer was only about ten years after the birth of the world's first computer. However, this has nothing to do with personal computers. Personal computers only appeared in 1981. They came from IBM. The emergence of this computer has finally really shown the vitality of the technology industry, but after all, it is expensive. It has been around ten years. The research and development of the company did not reduce the price much. The popularity of this thing is linked to the average national income level, and the narrow customer base can be imagined.

This is a very unreliable industry in the contemporary view. This view is normal in analysis. After all, this thing in the future is really too unpredictable, and no one can guess the development of science and technology in the next few decades. It's so fast that if Lin Jingzhe hadn't experienced it himself, of course he couldn't be exempted. At this time in his last life, he didn't even know what a computer was.

Under this premise, Wu Wangfei and Liang Pi were able to realize and start programming two years in advance, and even formed a team in the school in the name of an interest group. It can be said that it is really very good.

However, Lin Jingzhe recalled his own memory, but did not find the names of these two people. In his last life, he was like all people who did not engage in this profession. He first came into contact with computers in about 1996. At that time, the Internet era had begun to officially enter the development, and the country could already connect to the international network. He was very impressed. At that time, he I didn't know anything about computers, and I was even more at a loss about how to operate it after turning it on. At that time, a relatively good friend who played games taught him how to play the most popular BBS at that time.

At that time, he was just an ordinary netizen, and he knew very little about the companies behind various software on the Internet. When he really came into contact with that level, it was more than ten years later. At that time, he had already read everything and had With his social status, he interacts with many bigwigs in the Internet-related industries a lot, and also knows a lot of internal gossip and their entrepreneurial history.

The vast majority of these people started their businesses after the millennium, and a few started early, in the mid-to-late 1990s, and only a very small number started their efforts in the late 1980s, and these visions are very long-term. And the existence that survived tenaciously in the torrent of time definitely became the most famous old man at that time.

These entrepreneurs who have gone through countless setbacks to achieve success all sigh when they talk about the past. They only say that there was a lot of pressure in all aspects in the early stage of starting a business, from society and even family. Therefore, many excellent Internet people who were like-minded at that time died prematurely. There, some were crushed by failure, but many more disappeared because they had to give up.

From Liangpi's tense but coherent narrative, Lin Jingzhe guessed that the opponent in his previous life was probably the latter.

The concept of this project in their hands is not precise. Unlike any known program in later generations, Liangpi and Wu Wangfei are studying a general concept.

But at this time, they already have a very long-term and precise vision. For example, some concepts such as "integrated website", "zero distance communication with netizens", and "face-to-face communication" that they accidentally mentioned in their words appeared many years later. Some of the biggest selling points of search engines and social software.

To be honest, Lin Jingzhe was very surprised. He thought that he was here to meet only two relatively good young people who had discovered the concept of the Internet in advance, but at this moment, he realized that his previous evaluation was too superficial.

Liang Pi carefully finished the description, and looked at Wu Wangfei, who was sitting beside him, and both saw the deep tension in the other's eyes.

Before meeting with Lin Jingzhe, they were often discussing how to deal with this conversation. Taking into account the many failures in the past, the two have learned a lot. In the introduction just now, Liangpi has been very conservative, and deliberately concealed a few ideas that capitals have heard in the past. "Unrealistic" ideas, such as The programs of the future may not only be used on PC computers, but permeate all aspects of life, even those bulky tome phones.

Such a fantasy-sounding prospect has caused them to miss investments many times, and today, they are not sure if they are going to fail again.

Liang Pi sighed. He and Wu Wangfei have worked hard for three years, and they will graduate in one year. After graduation, the pressure of work and family will follow. If he can't get the capital injection before then, he thinks he might give up. .

After all, people's life is not only about dreams, but also bears heavy responsibilities on their shoulders.

The tea room fell into a brief silence. After Lin Jingzhe listened to their words, he held his left hand solemnly and rubbed his lips with his fingers.

In Liangpi's nervous sight, he suddenly said, "How much investment do you need?"

Liang Pi was stunned for a moment before he regained his senses. Hearing this question, he couldn't help getting more nervous: "That's it, me and a group of veterans in the interest group are now in their third year. After graduation, everyone needs to work. We need at least one suitable person. The work place and fixed labor costs. In addition, there are computer purchases and so on... My preliminary estimate is that before the project is ready, it will be at least... one million."

He said this number very lightly, and his eyes could be seen with anxiety. After all, one million is really a huge sum of money in contemporary times, and the Internet industry is not like a physical business. There are real mortgages such as land for the capital side to give money and to be guaranteed at the same time. There is no basis and no advantage. With only one concept, why should others pay for it? Before that, many investors may have been calm when they talked about the project. When they heard this number, they turned their faces and refused to recognize them, and some even pointed out that they were liars.

If it wasn't for the emergency treatment, Liang Pi and Wu Wangfei would not have found Lin Jingzhe's head. After all, Lin Jingzhe was so young, although he could pay for a computer without hesitation, it did not necessarily mean that he could spend one million. Liangpi's original plan was to try to get as many small sponsors as possible to collect the money.

Lin Jingzhe nodded and fell back into thinking. This year, the per capita salary is not high even in Yan City. Even for newly graduated students, even if they are in development positions, two or three hundred yuan a month is an absolute high salary. There are only a dozen or 20 people in the interest group. The expenses in this regard are almost negligible. The bulk of this investment should be spent on equipment. After all, computers are expensive, with few choices and better performance. Two or three thousand dollars.

He glanced at the time, and unknowingly, he talked about the dark. At this time, there was a knock on the door, Deng Mai appeared at the door with Gao Sheng, and asked with a smile, "How's it going?"

Lin Jingzhe stood up: "It's almost there."

When Liang Pi saw that he seemed to be about to leave, his heart suddenly hung high, and a strong sense of frustration appeared in his chest.

Probably yellow again, but he's used to it.

He sighed, picked up the small tea cup in front of him and drank it, sorted out his thoughts, and patted his friends who were also a little downhearted.

After listening to Lin Jingzhe, who had finished talking to Deng Mai, he threw away the small towel he used to wipe his hands, and said calmly, "So, I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, and I'll be back in Yan City in about two days. You go back and prepare a specific plan, at least analyze what is the first step that needs to be completed in your general concept."

Liang Pi's expression froze, he opened his mouth, and after a while, he realized what Lin Jingzhe meant. He subconsciously stood up and said in surprise, "This..."

Lin Jingzhe put on the coat that Gao Sheng handed over, and nodded while tying up the buttons, still maintaining his calm attitude, but the words that he said made Liangpi's frantic vibrations to a peak—

He said: "After the completion, you can ask Deng Mai to contact me, and everyone can choose a time to study the feasibility in depth. If it is appropriate, the two sides can cooperate as soon as possible."

After speaking, he smiled at Liangpi: "What do you think?"

"But... Yes! Of course!" Liangpi nodded suddenly, and then pulled a hand to Wu Wangfei, who was sitting in a daze by the twists and turns of the process. When Wu Wangfei was lifted by him, half of his body was crooked. He staggered and then stood up. He wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say, and his whole face was flushed red.

Lin Jingzhe knew that they needed time to digest the news, so he nodded: "Then I'll go first?"

"You...you..." Liangpi said to you several times at a loss, before regaining a little composure for a while, then walked around the table and stretched out his right hand, "Thank you for giving us this opportunity!"

Lin Jingzhe shook his hand: "I believe you will succeed."

Liang Pi almost cried, his eyes were red, and after nodding vigorously, he said with a choked voice: "Mr. Lin, please walk slowly."

He decided that he couldn't directly call Lin Jingzhe's name. His surging gratitude and respect almost drowned him. After watching Lin Jingzhe leave, he stood there, took a breath, and suddenly burst into cheers from behind. , and then a heavy weight was hung on his shoulders.

The sluggish Wu Wangfei seemed to realize what happened only now, jumped on him and screamed in disbelief: "It's done?!"

Liang Pi turned his hands around directly, and carried his good friend who had thrown himself on his back. He couldn't hold back the mad joy in his heart, and even ran in circles in the box: "It's done! It's done!"

Gao Sheng escorted Lin Jingzhe downstairs and was a little worried on the way: "Jingzhe, Wu Wangfei and the others are very good, but they have found many investors for this project before, and they have never been successful."

Although he admired Wu Wangfei and Liangpi very much in the professional field, and hoped that they would be successful, but when it comes to Lin Jingzhe, Gao Sheng, a distant relative, still knows.

Lin Jingzhe nodded: "Is your position important in this programming team? What aspect are you mainly responsible for?"

Gao Sheng was a little embarrassed: "I'm only a freshman now, and I don't know much, but programming is very interesting, and I have already begun to participate in core development."


Regardless of how the triumphant Wu Wangfei and Liang Pi revel in their dream that finally revealed the light of day, Lin Jingzhe's investment is just a small splash in his current life.

Although one million is a lot, it is really nothing to him now. He said "if it is suitable" to Liangpi, which means that he will cooperate if there is no accident. This money is invested for future long-term development.

In his heart, Lin Jingzhe was actually a little inferior. In his previous life, he wasted his youth. Later, although he became angry, but because of the lack of solid foundation, his professional ability was not competitive for a long time. He really felt that he was not smart enough, especially his lack of vision, and the many regrets he left behind all confirmed his shortcomings. Therefore, he lived again. Although he had some foresight, he believed that he was still that ordinary and ordinary person.

Relying on the social development he is already familiar with, for example, which piece of land will increase in value, and that stock will soar, he may be able to gain some convenience in the early stage of his business, but after that

The competition is getting more and more fierce, and the opportunities are getting fewer and fewer. His prophet will eventually come to an end. At that time, he can't just sit back and relax, right

Investing in some companies with good prospects in advance is also an important guarantee for him. These 12 million funds are invested as pathfinders, and if they lose, they will lose money, but once they succeed, they will definitely bring him back. Tens of millions of times that amount in return.

Once this idea appeared, it started to get out of hand. Lin Jingzhe set foot on the car to Changqing Province while thinking about the memories of many well-known domestic companies in later generations.

Almost all the small and prestigious real estate companies gathered in the small real estate alliance in Yan City. This inspection activity was of a collective nature and seemed to be very solemn. Even the chairman of the Times Group, led by the alliance, Dai Gaofeng actually attended the scene in person. . The road from Yan City to Changqing Province is not easy to go, so Dai Gaofeng suggested that everyone give up their cars and travel together by bus.

Lin Jingzhe's new land king on Shiku Alley was the one that Times Group took over, and if he could throw out more than 100 million to buy a piece of land, it was enough to see how wealthy Times Group was. Everyone still has to buy his face, so this group of bosses who are united in an accident that is enough to reshuffle the Yanshi business district boarded the bus without a second thought. Lin Jingzhe is undoubtedly the youngest of the group of entrepreneurs, and his style of painting is particularly unique. Dai Gaofeng was clearly impressed by him. The best and most transparent first row of the car.

Deng Mai was very popular. After getting in the car, he was dragged by a group of bosses to the back row to chat. Lin Jingzhe politely said a few words with a few people around, and then sat quietly in his seat and looked through the documents of Changqing Province.

This is a large province close to Yan City. It had a very weak sense of existence in the early days, and the economy was very poor. It was not until the rich mineral resources were excavated that the situation gradually improved, and it gradually became a place for gathering many factories. A city where industry drives the economy.

However, before the news of the high-speed construction was completed, few real estate businessmen in Yan City cared about it. Now that the policy has changed, Changqing has become a sweet pastry that everyone wants to take a bite of. No, not to mention the fact that the alliance collectively organized the inspection activities, even the brochures that introduced the details of the city were printed, and the content on the top was very detailed.

It is said that since the announcement of the high-speed planning, the land price in Changqing City, the capital of Changqing Province, has skyrocketed. Although there is still a big gap between the price and the current situation in Yan City, it can't stand the basic foundation! And the scope of development is much larger than that of the relatively mature Yan City. After the official completion of the high-speed, it is bound to skyrocket. If you can seize the opportunity, it is estimated that you can also make money. to a lot.

However, Lin Jingzhe had no interest in this. His family background was thin, and Yan City couldn't even play, so how could he have the energy to keep his eyes on other provinces.

What's more, the market in Yan City is far from saturated in his opinion. If others don't know it, can he still not know it? Those viaducts in later generations are linked together, even if the outermost part is a little bit, as long as the name of the city of Yan is used, the housing price is lower than which provincial capital city

Therefore, he browsed casually, focusing mainly on the peripheral vision, observing the scene inside the car and outside the window.

When the people were almost all there, another car drove outside, and the people who got off made the inside of the bus a little quiet.

"Hey Xiao Chi is here!"

Lin Jingzhe heard someone shouting in a low voice behind him, and then everyone started talking about the person who was stepping on the spot. Some of them were more sensitive, and hurriedly pinched the cigarette in their mouths.

After Xiao Chi got out of the car, he saw cigarette butts all over the place. He frowned at first, and Dai Gaofeng patted him on the shoulder: "It's almost 20 degrees hotter today, why do you bring such thick clothes?"

The two are distant cousins. Xiao Chi called out "Uncle Dai" and sorted out the large leather jacket tucked under his elbow: "I'm afraid of the cold."

This is also a bit too scary. Dai Gaofeng glanced at the other party's seemingly healthy body without exception, wondering if he should get some supplements to replenish the child's body after a while.

As soon as Xiao Chi raised his head, his sharp eyes instantly caught Lin Jingzhe's sight from the window.

Lin Jingzhe glanced at the clothes hanging on his elbow in a speechless manner, but still nodded his head at the other side calmly.

It might be raining, but the morning glow in Yan City was extraordinarily gorgeous that morning, and a dazzling halo shrouded Lin Jingzhe's body, making Xiao Chi a little stunned.

He was absent-mindedly talking to his generation Gao Feng, his eyes staring straight at Lin Jingzhe, his hand holding the Buddha Bead was slightly forceful, and he also nodded.

Lin Jingzhe was inexplicably uncomfortable when he stared at him, Xiao Chi's eyes seemed to be burning with fire, and it seemed that he was just looking at him normally. He turned his eyes subconsciously, and felt that he was inexplicable. When he looked back again, Xiao Chi had already turned his head. It is a wonderful angle to see from above. Perhaps the relationship between the two parties has eased due to the cooperation. It is rare for Lin Jingzhe to seriously look at this person. The parking lot was large and empty, and there were only a few people standing there. The brilliant morning sun was pouring down like the lighting in a studio. When Xiao Chi bowed his head slightly, the deep and distinct curves of his profile were drawn pleasing to the eye.

What a handsome man, especially with the generation of peaks as a comparison.

But most of the middle-aged old men in the car don't focus on beauty. They are more curious about the friendship between Xiao Chi and Dai Gaofeng. Dai Gaofeng seems to be a difficult person to approach, but he is right. Both Centrino Real Estate and Xiao Chi are extraordinarily tolerant and affectionate.

All kinds of discussions were interrupted for a moment. The last car arrived, and the roaring motor resounded through the sky. This car must have entered the customs through informal channels and is probably the only one in China at the moment. With a desperate attitude, he rushed towards Xiao Chi and Dai Gaofeng who were standing there chatting.

The people in the bus suddenly screamed in fright, and then there was a harsh brake sound, and the car flicked its tail and stopped beside Xiao Chi's car at a very small distance.

The driver's door opened, Qi Kai stepped down, put his hand on the door and threw his hand down, smiling enthusiastically: "Ouch! Uncle Dai! Don't be surprised if you are late."

Dai Gaofeng's face turned pale from the fright of the sports car that was galloping towards him just now. When he regained his senses, he concealed the displeasure on his face: "Who am I talking about, it turns out to be you stinky brat."

"Hahaha!" Qi Kai didn't seem to feel Dai Gaofeng's anger at all, so he quickly stepped forward and gave him a hug, and then set his eyes on Xiao Chi: "Mr. Xiao is there too?"

Xiao Chi didn't change his face, his heart didn't beat, he just nodded calmly: "Mr. Qi."

"I'm sorry, the car drove a little faster just now, didn't I scare you?" Qi Kai approached apologetically, staring into his eyes.

Xiao Chi smiled and looked at him: "What are you afraid of, do you dare to kill me?"

Qi Kai's mouth twitched, his brief sense of victory dissipated, he forced a few laughs and turned his head: "Hahahaha."

The car was silent for a few seconds because of this dark tide, and then another round of discussions broke out. From the whispers behind, Lin Jingzhe really heard a lot of grievances between Zhenxiong Real Estate and Centrino Real Estate.

Lin Jingzhe really knew Qi Kai. He had met several times in his previous life. He was deeply impressed by this guy. In his memory, he was a particularly arrogant and domineering leader. He heard that he had a big business outside and was very rich. He is one of the idols most admired by Lin Jingzhe's friends.

But this person is probably of a very high level. Anyway, there is no intersection with Lin Jingzhe's circle. Lin Jingzhe doesn't know much about him, but in the 1990s, I heard that he had a big somersault outside and was forced by his family. He tried his best to be sent abroad, and then the person who protected him also had some changes himself. This incident shocked the group of young people who were with Lin Jingzhe very much.

But now the news is obviously wrong. Isn't Qi Kai supposed to make a lot of money in other provinces? Why did those company bosses say that he had an accident in Qunnan and returned to Yan City in despair

However, in this life, he and this person had an intersection ahead of time, and two-thirds of the land in the king's land that started from the real estate was obtained from Zhenxiong. It's just that on the day of the signing, Qi Kai's attitude was very high, and he obviously didn't look down on the little-known company that started in real estate. He only showed up at the end of the whole process, and other people came forward to talk to Lin Jingzhe.

Lin Jingzhe always listened to his arrogance, and only at this time did he truly intuitively understand what kind of arrogance this person had become. He shook his head in his heart. With such a personality, it is no wonder that he fell so miserably in his previous life.

But at the moment, the other party is obviously still there. When Qi Kai walked around to the car door, the boiling discussion in the car was extinguished. He boarded the car and stood at the front of the car. He glanced around the car with his hands in his pockets and narrowed his eyes. His eyes fell on Lin Jingzhe, who was sitting in the first row, and his expression changed.

"Yo, President Lin!"

Lin Jingzhe was helpless and had no choice but to say hello to him: "Mr. Qi, long time no see."

"I think so, who made you so busy, you have been busy all the time." Qi Kai laughed yin and yang, "You have made me suffer with the land in Shiku Lane, and we will cooperate with the land on Erzhong Road. It's time to talk..."

He stepped forward and made a gesture to sit down in the vacant seat beside Lin Jingzhe, but before his butt was touching the seat, he was pushed on his back, causing him to stagger and almost fall on the aisle.

Qi Kai's eyes widened, thinking that he never thought that someone would dare to treat him like this. After standing up straight with the shoulders of the person next to him, his expression changed and he was about to scold him, but he saw an unexpected face.

He opened his mouth, feeling extremely unhappy in his heart, but unable to attack directly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Xiao, are you...?"

Xiao Chi shook out the leather jacket and put it on his knees, and then untied the Buddha beads on his wrists, as if he had just seen him, and looked a little surprised: "Mr. Qi, what's wrong with you?"

This is obviously deliberately trying to get along with me! Qi Kai stared at Xiao Chi's expression, took a deep breath, but didn't want to leave just like that, barely kept his composure and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you want to move back? There are still a lot of vacancies here, Mr. Lin and I. Some business to discuss…”

After the plan of the new business district in the north of the city was announced, he lost Shiku Alley, and his vitality was severely damaged, but he couldn't help but take heart, so he set his sights on the location of the business district and its good triangle. It's just that Lin Jingzhe is a young man, but his skills are high and slippery like a fish. He managed to seize this opportunity, even if he used all means to coerce and lure him, he still had to take down the good land that was destined to have great prospects.

After all, although he is unlucky now, the old man's face is still there. When he moved out of the old man, he didn't believe that Lin Jingzhe dared to tear his face directly.

He had already spoken very politely, but Xiao Chi didn't give any face at all. After listening to his request, he was still sitting in trouble and his buttocks did not move: "Mr. Qi, did you remember it wrong? Make an appointment with me."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Lin Jingzhe, Lin Jingzhe quickly cooperated and made an intimate appearance, approached Xiao Chi and said to Qi Kai: "Yes, Mr. Qi, what you want to talk about, let's talk about it in Changqing."

Qi Kai was unwilling, but for the sake of it, he really couldn't tear his face in front of everyone's eyes. Therefore, he had to hold on to his aura, nodded threateningly, and sat behind.

Lin Jingzhe breathed a sigh of relief, let go of the arm on Xiao Chi's shoulder, and said softly, "Thanks."

If there was no relief from Xiao Chi, today's difficult situation would not be easy. Qi Kai could hide but couldn't directly offend him. If he blamed him, even if Deng Mai was already sitting here, he would have to be driven away.

Xiao Chi smelled a familiar smell when he waved his arm, he forced the slender arm to leave, resisted the movement of holding the opponent's hand, and replied in a deep voice, "It should be."

This is fellow trench warfare!

Lin Jingzhe saw that Xiao Chi was finally pleasing to the eye, no matter what unhappiness had been in the past, the friendship was really made!

So he got rid of the original concept in his mind. In fact, Xiao Chi is a good person to be honest. Although he has a quirky temperament, he is very reliable in business. The other party is willing to directly confront Qi Kai in order to help himself out of the siege, which proves that he must also regard himself as a friend. .

Let him go with the wind!

The receptionist of the inspection group in the car began to distribute the hotel room keys of everyone after arriving in Changqing City. The environment in Changqing is relatively difficult. There are no luxury hotels, only the Municipal Party Committee Guest House, one for each person. In order to distinguish the keys, they are all hung on the top. circles of different colors.

Lin Jingzhe was thinking about forgetting his old grievances, and then he shoved it into his pocket and discussed the planning and development of the triangular land with Xiao Chi.

Although Xiao Chi spoke less, his eyes were definitely fixed on Lin Jingzhe when he spoke, and his eyes were still very serious. After jumping out of the inherent prejudice, Lin Jingzhe felt that this person was quite polite, at least his attitude was very solemn. Moreover, the thinking is clear, and occasionally a few words can be focused on the key points. He is a very good and insightful opponent in the business field.

Because of this, he thought open-mindedly, wasn't it just two big men who kissed! The young boys have more fun than this, and the chubby Lu Xiaojiang in the dormitory will be rubbed on his chest! What is he and Xiao Chi kissing! It's been so long, and I've been thinking about how small the stomach is, Xiao Chi must have forgotten!

The car drove all the way to the national highway, and Lin Jingzhe liked to doze off when he got in the car. He was so tired that he didn't know when he fell asleep.

Xiao Chi, who was sitting beside him, was stiff and didn't dare to move, for fear that the head gently resting on his shoulder would slip off.

He stared at Lin Jingzhe's slightly open mouth due to muscle relaxation when he fell asleep, two neat white teeth and a pink tongue looming in it.

How to do! I want to touch! Will you wake him up

and also! That leather jacket on my knees is really hot! !