Epiphanies of Rebirth

Chapter 65


Lin Jingzhe actually pondered what medicine was going to be sold in Shi Nanxing's laborious gourd. This person and Qi Kai seem to be in the same group. They are close to you and me. Qi Kai can even safely hand over some management rights of Zhenxiong Real Estate to him, but until now, he still seems to be completely unaware of Lin Jingzhe. relationship with Xiao Chi.

Qi Kai didn't seem to say this. This was not normal, but Lin Jingzhe couldn't figure out what the problem was. After being smashed by Qi Kai, he was always ready to be exposed to the sun with Xiao Chi. This kind of preparation was made when he officially met Xiao Chi's family. More fearless after that. They have rarely even deliberately concealed their intimacy in front of others, but only maintain a proper distance in official business from the perspective of different business managers. But even with this level of performance, the group of people headed by Shi Nanxing and Dai Gaofeng still seem to be firm in their original understanding.

Lin Jingzhe was very helpless at first, and he explained it a few times, but it was obvious that those who listened took it as a cover-up, and were not willing to believe it. Therefore, he gradually felt that it was boring, and he simply went his own way and made associations with others, but now from Shi Nanxing's behavior, it seems that a proper misunderstanding is not a bad thing.

The truth will come out one day, whether he or Shi Nanxing.

Mao Dongqing, who was allowed to rest on vacation because he worked too hard, was not able to stay at home for a few days, and his right hand was not even swollen after hanging up the glucose, when he received a bad news that hit him hard.

When Lin Jingzhe rushed to the hospital to see him, he had just woken up. It's quite dangerous to say, if Deng Mai hadn't gone to his house to find him with the project of the complex building, Mao Dongqing would have probably fainted and stayed at home for the whole vacation without being discovered.

Almost all the members of the project team arrived and sat by the hospital bed to comfort Mao Dongqing, but when Lin Jingzhe arrived, his face was still pale and blue.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry." Mao Dongqing let out a long sigh when he saw Lin Jingzhe's figure, "I made you happy, it was my mistake in work."

"What nonsense." Lin Jingzhe put the nutritional supplements on the bedside table. He didn't blame him, he just patted him on the shoulder calmly, "Have a good rest, don't think too much about it."

Mao Dongqing was grateful to him for not blaming him, but his heart was still filled with lingering guilt—because he was too sure of the "TOBR" project to enter the complex, the real estate has already begun to warm up for the upcoming cooperation boom. Get up. Lin Jingzhe approved him to set up a new working group, transfer and recruit more than ten employees, and the legal affairs worked overtime for several days to study the contract details. Each item is extremely troublesome and requires a lot of human and material resources to prepare. But when everything was in full swing, the "TOBR" brand suddenly contacted him, and the cooperation plan that had been negotiated was cancelled.

You must know that the "TOBR" team had already visited the complex building the day before, and even set the time for the signing team to depart from the head office.

This was undoubtedly a very heavy blow. Her body was not very healthy, and Mao Dongqing, whose energy was already overwhelmed by the long-term overwork, couldn't bear it at that time and fainted.

This was probably the biggest downfall he had ever fallen since he started in the real estate industry, and it completely wiped out his original murderous spirit.

After all, they were teammates who had been fighting side by side for a long time. Lin Jingzhe looked very uncomfortable. He never meant to blame the other party. The most disqualified person in this accident was obviously the brand "TOBR". It is true that everything is possible before the official signing in the mall, and even many cooperations may not go smoothly after the signing. However, as "TOBR" hangs around for a few months, after arriving in Yan City, he showed a strong intention to cooperate, and even started to prepare for the work after the cooperation between the two parties before signing the contract, but at the last moment Those who change their minds are still disgusting.

But work is inherently helpless, Mao Dongqing was played around, but he still had to swallow the resentment in his stomach: "Mr. Lin, I don't know what went wrong in the middle, when the afternoon eases a little, I will be discharged to visit them. the person in charge.”

He was so sick and pitiful, I am afraid that only Zhou Papi could bear to let him go out, Lin Jingzhe immediately refused: "No, you stay and rest well, I will take Deng Mai to solve the matter on the 'TOBR' side. "

He also told the members of his team: "You stay in the hospital and hold him well."

Afraid that he would think too much, he patted his quilt to comfort him before leaving: "Be prepared these days. If you can keep your body healthy, I will reward you with 3% of the equity."

At first glance, Mao Dongqing thought that he had made a mistake, and the employees in the whole room were shocked by the news. Jumping up: "President Lin! Stop joking! How can this be..."

Although the real estate has not yet been listed, the industry valuation has exceeded 10 million. According to the current development trend, after the completion of the comprehensive building project, this number will at least increase several times. The figure of 3% seems small, but when converted into value, it is really amazing. And shares are different from cash. The latter is just a one-time stimulus, but the former is a spring that will never dry up. As long as the company does not go bankrupt, it will bring continuous benefits to the owner. Mao Dongqing always felt that he was just an ordinary employee. He worked for Lin Jingzhe because Lin Jingzhe trusted him, appreciated him, and dared to entrust him to make important decisions. Such an unreal thing!

However, Lin Jingzhe obviously made up his mind. He ignored Mao Dongqing's panic refusal, and even looked back and threw a thunderbolt to all the employees in the ward - "After the Spring Festival next year, in addition to Director Mao's three percent stake, I will An additional 4% will be given out and distributed to everyone as a special reward in the future. Remember, the real estate does not belong to me, it is the future and industry that we all share.”

The back of Lin Jingzhe, who came to visit in a hurry and then got up and left in a hurry, made Mao Dongqing's eyes moist on the hospital bed. His blank mind could not be clear for a long time. Sun Yiqing, the female team member who had the best relationship with him, was cutting fruit for him. At the same time, he couldn't help sighing: "You should stop doing it, and finish yourself. Where can you find such a good leader as President Lin?"

3% of the equity, in all the companies of all sizes in Yan City, which boss can be so willing

Since entering the real estate industry, Mao Dongqing's ability is obvious to all. He has been promoted frequently, and it is not that he has encountered headhunters from other companies trying to poach the ground. But at this moment, he willingly put the shackles on himself.

The rest of the people in the ward also had different thoughts: envious, longing, imaginative, Lin Jingzhe's 4% stake became a carrot hanging in front of them, for this goal, everyone was excited at the moment Surging, fighting spirit.


"TOBR" has not yet opened a company in Yan City, and only has a simple office. When Lin Jingzhe brought Deng Mai to the door, he was stopped by the assistant outside the office of the person in charge.

"Mr. Lin, you can go in, but Mr. Deng needs to stay." The assistant's attitude was very high, "Mr. Grand doesn't like to receive too many guests at one time."

Lin Jingzhe looked at Deng Mai, who was helplessly taken away, and felt a little unhappy in his heart.

"It's such a pity." Hearing the news of Mao Dongqing's hospitalization, Mr. Grand, who had named Mao Dongqing to accompany him to eat, drink, play and sort out all kinds of data since he arrived in Yanshi, obviously didn't really like what he said. He was so concerned about what he said, he arrogantly told Lin Jingzhe the reason why he suddenly changed his mind, "Mr. Mao's work ability is very good, but the complex building has made too few concessions in investment cooperation, which makes me I doubt your company's sincerity."

Lin Jingzhe couldn't believe it. In order to promote the first brand that decided to enter, Mao Dongqing's team held countless meetings since the start of the work. In the end, whether it was the location of the store or the rental discount, they had already formulated a discount close to the bottom line. He couldn't imagine how insincere "TOBR" could reach this level, but Mr. Grand took out a letter of intent from the drawer and threw it in front of him.

This is a book of investment bonuses offered by other shopping malls to "TOBR".

"One-third of the outside advertising, 20% of the area along the street, free rent for ten years in a row..." My father didn't like his son so much, did he? Lin Jingzhe read a lot, and the more he read, the more ironic he felt. He couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Grand, do you think this contract is realistic? Is it possible?"

"Whether it's possible or not, it's already here." Grand snorted, with contempt for everything around him, "Mr. Lin, maybe you've been in the wrong position. As a leading foreign-funded company like 'TOBR', To be able to come to this land and work with you…”

Lin Jingzhe accumulated a little bit of anger in his arrogant voice, but the surface remained calm as usual, until suddenly, at the end of the letter of intent, he saw a familiar name—

"Four Winds Square?"

He seemed to have heard this name before, and after recalling it for a moment, he suddenly remembered—

Isn't that the name of the new shopping mall that Shi Nanxing mentioned again a few days ago that Qiqing Real Estate has a stake in

Some vague fragments in his mind were connected together, he suddenly closed the letter of intent and stood up with a smile.

Grand was still talking rhetorically, and was so frightened by his sudden action that his voice stopped. When he recovered, he couldn't help frowning: "Mr. Lin, what do you mean?"

"It means that there is nothing to talk about." Lin Jingzhe gently threw the letter of intent back to Grand's desk, and said goodbye with a smile, "I wish you a happy cooperation with Sifeng Square, goodbye."

Grand looked as if stunned, and then immediately wanted to keep him, but Lin Jingzhe quickly pushed open the door of the office and greeted Deng Mai, who was arranged to sit outside, to leave.

Deng Mai sat outside for a long time, and the people from "TOBR" didn't even pour him a glass of water, but he didn't have time to care about his disrespect, so he asked Lin Jingzhe anxiously: "Brother Lin, how are you doing? ?"

Lin Jingzhe saw from the corner of his eyes that the group of people behind him who were so proud had already chased after him. He sneered, "It's broken."

"Then what should we do?" Deng Mai stagnates, hesitantly wants to stop, "How about I go back and try? Even if the conditions are harsher, everyone has to sit down and talk."

The elevator door opened, Lin Jingzhe grabbed him and stepped in, smiled and nodded to the female assistant who was chasing behind him on the small high heels, and then returned to a gloomy look after the elevator door slowly closed. With a face, he snorted coldly: "No need to go, it won't be long before they will come back to find us."

Grand grabbed the door of the office and stared at the back of the man who said he was leaving. After a while, he came back to his senses and hurriedly made a phone call.

Shi Nanxing was surprised: "Leave? Why did you leave?"

"How do I know!" Grand said angrily, "Didn't you say with certainty that he would back down and negotiate terms with us? It's not like what you said at all!"

"Wait, wait, wait." Shi Nanxing was also confused. The news he learned from all aspects showed that the real estate investment was imperative, otherwise he would not use this as the starting point. The mix begins with the cooperation with Centrino. Now Lin Jingzhe and Xiao Chi are just a personal conflict, and the reason is too small. He has to create some commercial discord for them in order to shake the common interests of the two companies.

Of course, the Four Winds Plaza is just a pretense. Not to mention whether Qi Qing dares to fight against Lin Jingzhe again after he suffered a loss from the last employee recruitment, even a group of fool decision-makers would not be able to formulate those investment promotion policies. Those conditions are just to make the real estate make concessions in the negotiation with TOBR.

If not, how could Lin Jingzhe be in chaos? In order to win over Xiao Chi, Shi Nanxing was ready to transfer 10% of the equity of Sifeng Plaza to Centrino Real Estate, but Lin Jingzhe suddenly did not follow the routine.

Shi Nanxing was a little anxious. He didn't have so much time to spend all the time in Yan City, fighting against Lin Jingzhe. What he wanted was a quick decision.

The relationship with the Golden Triangle has been cleared, and it took him a lot of energy. The hundreds of acres of hidden Yamada have also been negotiated with sellers. They are all ready-made businesses. After the flowering period next year, there will be income. He was gradually getting in touch, and after he had touched it almost, it was time to set off for the southwest. Before that, he had to kill Lin Jingzhe, the scumbag who ruined his shipping business in the first place.

But many things don't always go as expected. Shi Nanxing managed to appease Grande before he put down the phone, and Qi Kai ran in again yelling.

"Uncle, what kind of Shapeng finally came to Yan City from Zhongyun, but you refused to take me when you went to see him. It's too inauthentic, isn't it?"

Shi Nanxing pondered the matter of instigating Lin Jingzhe, and when he saw him, he had a headache: "I told you, he has a special status and can't see many people. Is Yanshi the same as Zhongyun? ."

"Humph." Qi Kai obviously didn't believe his words, and hummed angrily, "I think you're afraid that if I get on the line with him, I will dig your corner, right?"

Shi Nanxing said solemnly, "What nonsense are you talking about? We are in a cooperative relationship, and there is no poaching at all."

"That's right." Seeing that Qi Kai's complexion gradually softened because of these words, he followed closely and asked, "Sha Peng said that the seller of Yantutian has been found, and the source is very safe, and he will be ready to trade immediately. Where are your funds?"

Qi Kai was a little reluctant: "Anyway, it's more than 100 million yuan. If you only want money, even Shapeng won't let me see..."

"I just don't let you see Sha Peng now. When the two sides officially cooperate, you will meet him sooner or later!" Although Shi Nanxing didn't want him to get a piece of the pie, he really had no money and could only give in repeatedly. Seeing Qi Kai's attitude, I was somewhat uneasy. After thinking about it, I simply threatened to say: "Everyone has already negotiated the cooperation in the early stage, and it's just your funding. If the chain is lost with you, I tell you that this It's not a joke. Shapon's group of people kills people without blinking an eye."

Qi Kai pursed his mouth and was too frightened to speak, so he leaned against the door frame and sulked.

"Where's the money?" Shi Nanxing asked him.

"What about the company!" Qi Kai complained, "I was fined for the money I made in Qunnan a few years ago, but now I have a piece of land as big as Wubao Mountain, and I have no money anymore, where can I turn it around so easily? ."

Shi Nanxing asked him, "How long is the longest? At least give them a deadline."

"Let's take a few months. Look at the progress of Wubao Mountain. If Wubao Mountain goes smoothly, then I will be well-off by April next year." Qi Kai did the math, and as soon as his eyes rolled, he began to think about it again, "Uncle, our business is here. When will I be able to log in?"

No matter what Shi Nanxing thinks in his heart, after all he will need his money, his face is still pleasant: "The fields are all ready-made, and they will bloom in July next year. When I get familiar with the domestic channels, it will be almost finished. Now. The point is money! So with your 100 million capital, you must move faster."

Qi Kai was coaxed into joy, and before leaving, he did not forget to remind him, "Uncle, just focus on the task at hand, don't stare at Lin Jingzhe and them all day, it's useless."

Shi Nanxing heard that something was wrong and could not help frowning: "What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you." Qi Kai grumbled and lost his temper again, "Aiya, just listen to it anyway!"


It's no wonder that Shi Nanxing can listen to him! After a few days, he touched Centrino Real Estate. Xiao Chi talked with him for an afternoon, and promised him that the topic would be kept secret. He called Lin Jingzhe as soon as the office door was closed—

"Shi Nanxing said that he would give me 10% of the shares of Sifeng Square."

Chengbei has taken off more than a little this year. The land has already been priced out of the market, especially in the planning of the CBD business district, this piece of land is very popular, not to mention the bidding meeting, and even the sale market can’t see it. Although the location of the Four Winds Square is not as good as that of the complex building in Lin Jingzhe's hands, it is located on the street in the business district and faces the complex building. How could it be possible to stand out from the siege and get the equity of this project, only when I heard that there was Shi Nanxing's writing in it, did I solve the question.

It's also strange that Shi Nanxing dared to use the Four Winds Square as an article on Lin Jingzhe's investment promotion. With such a partner, even if Qi Qing was reluctant, would he dare to resist the other party's wishes

Taking out 14% of the equity of Wind Square is definitely a good thing that people can steal. Shi Nanxing is so powerful, but if he gets more than 20% of his hands, he will cut out nearly half of his body in one breath. , Lin Jingzhe hurriedly finalized: "Then what nonsense? Get it now!"

"I made an appointment with him, and the agreement can be signed on Wednesday." Of course, Xiao Chi couldn't miss this obvious benefit. Shi Nanxing couldn't wait to tie him to the same rope. Follow the trend, "Did he find you too?"

"I found it." Lin Jingzhe wanted to laugh when he mentioned this. He was sure that someone from TOBR would look back for him, but he never thought that Shi Nanxing would actually go into battle in person. This big brother came to the door like a gentleman, as if he had no temper. He criticized Qi Qing in front of him for the conflict of investment promotion. He just said that he didn't know Qi Qing was so hypocritical. stumble. Those who didn't know thought he felt bad for Lin Jingzhe, and even took the initiative to propose remedial measures, saying that he should also take part of the responsibility, and was willing to put pressure on Qi Qing for this matter.

As long as Lin Jingzhe can make some concessions, TOBR's first store in Yan City will still be a comprehensive building.

Lin Jingzhe thanked him again and again, but he didn't give him a clear reply for a few days. He just wanted to see what the next step would be.

The 10% stake in Sifeng Plaza is enough! Absolutely enough! After Lin Jingzhe recounted what Shi Nanxing had done in the past few days, he smiled and said to Xiao Chi: "Don't worry, I will definitely stabilize him before Wednesday, I will call him in a while and ask him to help me make an appointment with the person in charge of TOBR. Come out and meet. You have to cooperate a little bit, don't lose the chain, or I will kill you. "

"It's a lie again, so bad, copy the scriptures with me at night." Xiao Chi "blamed" in a tone that could not be heard at all, glanced at his watch, and immediately asked warmly, "After get off work, let's have dinner together? Are you in the company? I'll find you?"

Lin Jingzhe's voice paused slightly, then raised his head and glanced at the two people sitting across from him. Gao Sheng and Zhou Haitang cast suspicious glances.

"I'm not in the company..." After hesitating for a few seconds, Lin Jingzhe still said, "But it's alright, come here, I'm at the beef bone hot pot restaurant on Pingfeng Street downstairs from the company, with my friends."

The bottom of the pot was already up. After hanging up the phone, Gao Sheng smiled and poured the winter melon into the clear soup, and asked, "Who are you asking for? You act like a spoiled brat."

"What?" Lin Jingzhe didn't know why, and was a little nervous.

Gao Sheng smiled and looked at Zhou Haitang beside him, Zhou Haitang knew it, and immediately moved over shyly and bumped Gao Sheng with his shoulder, his voice twists and turns: "I'll kill you~~~"

Lin Jingzhe looked at it for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he immediately grabbed a bowl and smashed it at the two bastards.

Zhou Haitang laughed, Lin Jingzhe probably didn't realize that, the closer he was with people, the worse his temper became. In front of strangers, his etiquette and smile are impeccable, and he is as calm as a middle-aged man who has read a thousand sails and is extremely reliable, but when he is in front of familiar people, he immediately turns into a jerk, and has to let everyone do it. You can't follow him, or you'll be unhappy right away.

He was lazy, he didn't even want to pick up the vegetables himself, and he didn't want to wash the clothes he changed.

Gao Sheng boiled a piece of cabbage and put it into his sauce plate worryingly, very worried, which girl can stand this temper.

Thinking of the person Lin Jingzhe called just now, he felt a little disappointed. After going to college, everyone lived separately, and Lin Jingzhe finally had a new circle around him that could be as willful as he was when he faced them.

Who can make him relax like this? girlfriend

Thinking like this, he couldn't help lowering his eyes and sighing, then raised his eyes the next second and almost jumped up from his seat.

"President Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao." Gao Sheng looked at the familiar handsome face in astonishment, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Chi hung the leather jacket with the sagging elbow on the seat, and before he could answer, Lin Jingzhe patted the seat next to him: "What are you doing standing? Sit down and sit down."

He was a little nervous, but still calmly said to Gao Sheng and Zhou Haitang, who were obviously very surprised, "You all know each other, right? No need to introduce them, right?"

"Of course, hello, Mr. Xiao." Gao Sheng understood immediately, quickly expelled the unrealistic guess in his mind just now, and stood up with Zhou Haitang with a smile and shook hands with Xiao Chi. Xiao Chi also stood up respectfully: "Don't be so polite, my real name is Xiao Chi, just call me by my name."

Zhou Haitang is a little unfamiliar. Gao Sheng has been struggling in the Yanshi shopping mall for so long, but he has seen Xiao Chi a few times. The unattainable image in his memory overlapped with this suddenly much gentler figure in front of him. He didn't know why, but he was a little flattered, but he didn't dare to make a fool of himself, and he changed his mouth to be polite and respectful: "I still dare to call you Brother Xiao. "

Lin Jingzhe couldn't help sighing when he saw you coming and going. He hadn't decided whether to reveal his relationship with Xiao Chi to this wave of teens. After all, they lived in different environments since they were young, and it was difficult for Lin Jingzhe to determine whether they would have the ability to accept him and Xiao Chi. Relationship. But at that moment, he suddenly did it impulsively. He was desperate and a little aggrieved at the same time. He didn't want to hide in front of Gao Sheng and them.

Xiao Chi can recklessly introduce him to his family, can't he let him into his life circle

No one can accept it, that is, they can't beat them.

Lin Jingzhe lowered his head and didn't want to speak, Xiao Chi just sat down and the first thing was to fish a piece of beef tenderloin from the pot and put it in his bowl.

"I'm not familiar!" Lin Jingzhe started subconsciously, "I just let it go!"

Xiao Chi was stunned for a moment, then took the meat back from his bowl as usual, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed a few bites, and said, "It's done."

Lin Jingzhe couldn't help saying, "No!"

Xiao Chi agreed with a good temper: "Then burn it for a while."

After finishing his work, he felt a little better, and Lin Jingzhe raised his head, facing Gao Sheng and the others with their faces full of disbelief.

Lin Jingzhe: "..."

He lowered his head and silently ate the corn that Xiao Chi then fished for him.

The reason they met this time was about the Goldman Sachs advertisement. By the way, Zhou Haitang, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, also came to the meeting. It is not only Haitang Food Factory that has benefited from the tie-up of "Legend of the Rivers and Lakes". Goldman Sachs Advertising has also become the focus of some groups because of their impressive advertisement for Haitang Douban. Nowadays, the domestic advertising industry is immature, and most of them are rigid repetitions and slogans. The creativity and shooting ability of Goldman Sachs advertisements have made many potential customer groups eager to move. The success of Haitang Douban has made long-term business people Saw the power of propaganda.

Cooperation intentions are flying towards Gaosheng like a snowflake, and several discussions have been reached in such a short period of time.

Gao Sheng was shocked by Lin Jingzhe's own achievements, and Zhou Haitang also brought news from the life circle, mainly the new apprentices his father had recently hired. After Zhou's mother became more and more busy with the operation of the food factory, she gradually lost the opportunity to come to the store frequently. The operation of the Sun Street snack shop was taken over by Zhou's father and Gao Sheng's father. , Probably caused by the rapid development of Haitang Food Factory, Zhou's father suddenly accepted a batch of apprentices, and he discussed with Gao Sheng's father all day about opening a branch.

"My dad and Uncle Gao are masculine, and they don't want to be compared by their wives." Zhou Haitang saw it clearly, but she had no idea of stopping it. Although it was tiring to open a restaurant, my father could have a career of his own and live a fulfilling life. Nothing bad either.

Lin Jingzhe thought about the same thing as him. Compared to this news, he was more concerned about another issue that Zhou Haitang had mentioned.

"Mr. Hu is a student at the Normal University? Who did the formalities for her?"

Zhou Haitang shrugged: "No one knows, Mr. Hu has been running to the normal school every day for the past few months. It is estimated that there are professors who know her. They seem to appreciate her and often give her tutoring."

I haven't been home for a while, and there will always be various unexpected changes in the family. Lin Jingzhe feels that it is miraculous and just digests it silently.

Gao Sheng has really experienced it now. It is quite different. After a meal, a difficult opponent like Xiao Chi is not in the cold. The two chatted about advertising and IT, and in the end they got a lot closer. They even opened a bottle of wine and drank a few drinks slowly.

When he went out, he smelled the smell of alcohol from Xiao Chi, and Lin Jingzhe took out the car key from his pocket: "I'll drive."

Although there is no rule that you must never drive after drinking, Xiao Chi still agrees obediently. The group watched Lin Jingzhe's back run away, and Gao Sheng had already complied.

During this meal, Xiao Chi hardly ate anything except drinking, and when he moved his chopsticks, he was serving Lin Jingzhe vegetables.

Gao Sheng also clipped Lin Jingzhe himself, and Zhou Haitang found a winter melon that Lin Jingzhe liked to eat, and put it in Lin Jingzhe's bowl.

A table of people turned around this little bastard.

He's fine himself, he's used to taking care of it, what's more strange is that Xiao Chi actually eats this way, with a cold face and no movement, but his chopsticks are accurate and fast when helping Lin Jingzhe to clip the meat.

After a meal, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Just thinking about it, it was probably cold outside, Xiao Chi shook off the clothes that fell on his arms when he entered the store just now, threw it back, and draped it over his body.

This is a leather jacket, obviously not very cold. After Xiao Chi puts it on, he also needs to put a down jacket facing up.

However, Gao Sheng recognized the style familiarly. Didn't Lin Jingzhe buy it for himself and Zhou Haitang and Deng Mai at the time of Chinese New Year last year.

After drinking together just now, Gao Sheng was no longer in awe. Thinking of what to say, he immediately joked: "Brother Xiao, do you have one of these clothes too?"

What? Xiao Chi cast a suspicious look for unknown reasons. At first, he thought the other party was talking about his down jacket, but then he realized that he was referring to his leather jacket.

There was a little sweetness in his heart: "Send from Jing Zhe."

"I see." Gao Sheng and Zhou Haitang looked at each other and smiled.

Can this be seen? Do you see me and Jing Zhe's natural pairing? Xiao Chi was pleased by this clumsy compliment, and a rather obvious smile appeared on his face.

Seeing him happy, Gao Sheng also found it interesting. It happened that everyone slowly walked to the side of the car. Gao Sheng opened the door, fished out the back of the seat, and fished out a dark brown object.

"Oh, I forgot to take it back after taking it out for so long." He threw his coat into the car, put on the leather coat, and laughed lightly, "Brother Xiao, you really look much better than me."

The shallow smile on Xiao Chi's face gradually solidified. He stared at the dress, but he didn't regain his senses for a while.

But Gao Sheng was unable to keenly capture the change in his mood, Zhou Haitang immediately turned over in the car, and also took out his own piece and put it on him.

Exactly the same texture, the same color, it seems that even the size is the same, but it is not as docile as Xiao Chi.

With the vibration of the car's motor behind him, Lin Jingzhe drove the car to the side of the crowd, opened the door, and before he got off the ground, he met Xiao Chi's calm gaze looking back at him.

He sensed a strong danger from his sharp gaze. He didn't know why, then his eyes fell on Gao Sheng and Zhou Haitang, who were still joking, and turned into petrified a little.

Zhou Haitang laughed loudly: "Sure enough, Mr. Xiao's figure is much better than ours!"

good mom.

Bad thing.

These two words flashed through Lin Jingzhe's mind quickly, Xiao Chi moved slightly, and he chased after him subconsciously—


Xiao Chi didn't wait for him, and walked in the other direction with a sullen face.

Lin Jingzhe chased after him with a headache, grabbed his arm to make him stop: "Wait a minute, listen to my explanation..."

Xiao Chi looked at him blankly, grievances appeared from almost every pore on his body under the calm appearance, drowning Lin Jingzhe into a cold sweat.

"That dress... I... "

He didn't even know how to explain it. The clothes were stolen by Xiao Chi inexplicably at the beginning, and it wasn't his fault! But this is absolutely impossible to say, Xiao Chi might cry on the road.

Therefore, Lin Jingzhe squatted down, which was rare, and persuaded him to get in the car and go home.

The two were pulling and pulling, and Xiao Chi became increasingly unhappy. It was his own car, but he refused to sit in it.

Lin Jingzhe looked helpless, so he had to come back and drive after him. Gao Sheng, who was half sober, was very confused: "What's wrong? Why did President Xiao suddenly get angry?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lin Jingzhe ignored him. After getting in the car, he suddenly remembered something. He got down and quickly took off the two leather jackets from Zhou Haitang and Gao Sheng, then threw them in the car and drove away.

Gao Sheng and Zhou Haitang, who had their coats removed and their sweaters on outside the car, were battered by the wind: "..."

Shi Nanxing, who happened to see a familiar figure not far away, stopped and watched, and suddenly patted his thigh in excitement.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the two people who had apparently separated from each other in the distance, Qi Kai was puzzled, "Why did they make such a fuss in such a large audience?"

It must be because the real estate struggled for TOBR conditions. Shi Nanxing knew it well, but he didn't want to talk to him so much, so he pretended not to know: "Who knows, it might be some old grudge."

Qi Kai curled his lips, farting, he still had a feud, and he was caught kissing by himself a few days ago.

Lin Jingzhe drove the car away under Shi Nanxing's gloating eyes, caught up with Xiao Chi who was walking silently on the sidewalk towards his home, and dragged him into the car without a doubt.

Xiao Chi sat in the passenger seat and pulled his face at him for the first time: "What are you doing?"

Lin Jingzhe's head was big, and his forehead was sweating. He took out the wallet and card holder from his coat pocket and stuffed them into Xiao Chi's arms: "I'll take you to buy clothes, ah! I'll buy enough for your whole life."

Xiao Chi: Hmph.

He stuffed Lin Jingzhe's thick purse into his pocket, and with a displeased expression, he tossed the two leather jackets under his hips away.