Epiphanies of Rebirth

Chapter 75


When Xiao Chi received the call, he was holding a regular company meeting on the follow-up ownership and development of Wubao Mountain. He could see that Lin Jingzhe was interested in this land, but it was only in the hands of the managers of Zhenxiong Real Estate, the original owner. A pool of bad debts, clearly not something that a small company with a simple background like real estate can afford until the trouble is completely over. Fortunately, the commercial land can be jointly developed. With the Erzhong Road complex in front, the cooperation project of the two companies in Wubaoshan should also be established naturally.

The moment he received the call, Xiao Chi felt that the passage of time had stopped slowly, and he breathed slightly: "What car accident?"

Deng Mai on the other end of the phone's voice was sharp and anxious: "Mr. Xiao, you have to help, the accident handling calls have all come to the company, I'm on my way there now, and I can't get in touch with President Lin. There is really no way…”

He didn't hear a word after that.

Everyone in the conference room looked at the boss who was sitting in the main seat a second before, and rushed out of the conference room like a waking dream the next moment.

It took three seconds for Hu Shaofeng to react, and he got up and picked up the coat on the backrest to catch up: "Brother Xiao, your coat—"

His voice ended here, and the corridor outside the conference room was empty and no one was there.

Xiao Chi smashed the co-pilot with the phone that he put to his ear and couldn't get through several times. His hands were sweaty, and he could hardly hold the car keys. The car started twice before it finally started. Trembling, it felt like a century had passed between these two attempts.

"...Seeing that the five aggregates are empty..." He tried hard to see the road ahead, but he forgot what the next sentence of this scripture, which had been copied over a thousand times, was full of Deng Mai, who was just now, as if from the sky. sounded, and then he realized he didn't have the lights on.

There was a sudden, unexplained pain in his head, and the pain caused sweat to drip down his forehead.

"Brother Xiao!!!"

The car door lined up at the exit was suddenly pulled open, and Hu Shaofeng appeared outside, looking worriedly at the windshield wiper and Xiao Chi who turned around after a few seconds as if hearing a voice: "What happened? Son?"

Xiao Chi stared at him with concern for a while, as if a bubble filled with the world had been punctured in his mind, and the brilliant world was covered by endless haze after the shattering loud noise, he climbed out of the car soberly, Get into the back seat.

Hu Shaofeng heard his hoarse voice, "Something happened to Jingzhe."

The car drove fast on the road. Hu Shaofeng showed all his abilities as an amateur racer. In the sound of the engine screaming at the accelerating speed, Hu Shaofeng watched the reaction of Xiao Chi in the back seat of the car through the rearview mirror. After a short period of being incapacitated, the other party was sober like never before, and now he was making calls one after another with the mobile phone he just found on the co-pilot's footpad.

"...Yes, help me find all the emergency departments in the city hospital for all car accidents today."

Xiao Chi finished his instructions in a cold voice, hung up the phone, stared at the phone blankly, and dialed the number he knew by heart again after a while, but unfortunately he still couldn't get through.

Hu Shaofeng saw that the other party suddenly dropped the phone, hunched his back and buried his face in the palm of his hand, exuding a tired breath all over his body.

The black car parked on the side of the road was almost knocked into a puddle of mud, but Xiao Chi still recognized what it should have looked like when it was intact. When he got off the car, his knees were a little soft, but he seemed to push the crowd away in an instant. into the center point.

The contents of the car were knocked out, bags, clothes, and familiar interiors were spread all over the floor, and the onlookers exchanged a loud noise not long ago.

Hu Shaofeng went around and glanced at the license plate, and was speechless for a while: "Brother Xiao..."

Xiao Chi squatted down on the spot, staring at a mobile phone that was broken in half in the cordon, his trembling voice sounded before his caring words, instantly overshadowing all the noise at the scene: "Is there a cigarette? Give me a root. cigarette."


Lin Jingzhe frowned and looked at the traffic police who were blocking him.

The other party replied: "Just wait until the record is finished. Some people at the scene accused you of beating the driver of the car accident. The blood on their heads has not stopped yet."

Shen Tiantian said in disbelief: "That's a murderer! He ran away without hitting him!!"

The other party said helplessly: "The other party just drove drunk and had an accident. Although he crashed the two cars, it did not cause any injury or any subjective signs of escape. The actions under this premise were purely personal venting of anger. It can be classified as intentional injury."

After a pause, facing the two people who were not very good-looking on the opposite side, the other party showed a calm smile: "Since both sides are at fault, I suggest that the big things should be reduced to the small ones. The economic losses of the two can make the accident easier. The driver will take the responsibility, as for the driver who caused the accident, we will try our best not to hold you accountable for your intentional injury, do you think this is good?"

Lin Jingzhe's eyes sharpened: "What position are you advising? I can tell you very clearly that I am sure that the other party's accident was prepared. I witnessed the whole process on the sidewalk. , that big truck repeatedly ran over my roof three times, if it wasn't for some accident I left the car early..."

Shen Tiantian had just cried, her voice was hoarse, but she also stubbornly added: "This is definitely intentional murder!"

The other party stared at them for a while, then sighed helplessly: "Don't talk nonsense, have you had an accident? No! How can you accuse someone of such a serious crime without evidence? People drink too much. Ordering wine, an accident happened accidentally and caused you to suffer a little property loss, so you have to kill others? Is it easy? Let me be fair. Even if he hits and kills you today, he will be sentenced to seven years at most if he does not escape. Now that you have nothing to do, people will spend at most two or three years in prison. Is it interesting? I advise you , it is better to ask for more compensation.”

Shen Tiantian was so angry that she fell backwards, she got up and was about to say something, but was grabbed by Lin Jingzhe.

Lin Jingzhe looked at the other party calmly: "I'm not short of money, I will definitely pursue it to the end."

The other party looked at him for a moment, then got up and left: "Whatever you want."

Shen Tiantian's lips trembled with anger, she caught a familiar figure out of the corner of her eye, and stood up with a swipe: "Where are you taking him?!"

The injured head of the driver who caused the accident had been bandaged, and he walked out with his head lowered under the escort of several police officers. Shen Tiantian broke free from Lin Jingzhe's hand and stepped forward to stop him. The two leading police officers blocked him with flickering eyes: " This case has been taken over by the city bureau, we are only responsible for sending people over, and we don’t know the specifics.”

Shen Tiantian was on the verge of going wild at any time, and everyone stood at the door. Lin Jingzhe already realized that something was wrong and didn't want to suffer the loss in front of him, so he got up and tried to persuade his sister who seemed to have lost her mind.

But just as he stood up, the next second he heard a harsh braking sound coming from outside the gate, followed by the loud shouts of many people.

Lin Jingzhe turned his head to look, before his eyes were focused, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, as if a gust of wind was blowing.

Shen Tiantian's surprised voice sounded: "Xiao—"

But before her name was fully spoken, it suddenly stopped in her mouth, and Lin Jingzhe slammed into a familiar embrace.

Shen Tiantian looked at the two people hugging over there: "...???"

Lin Jingzhe was hugged almost suffocating, Xiao Chi's terrifying gasping sound came into his ears, the other party was only wearing a thin cardigan, Lin Jingzhe raised his hand, but felt the wet sweat on his back, he was startled , hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the phone is broken, I wanted to call you, but the police station doesn't allow it..."

After a brief hug, Xiao Chi cupped his face and kissed him hurriedly.

Lin Jingzhe escaped from death, but he was still in shock, but he couldn't show it in front of his sister. At this time, when I saw a person who was trustworthy enough, I was excited and responded enthusiastically.

After a while, Xiao Chi let go of Lin Jingzhe's lips, and repeatedly stroked the cold cheek in his hand, as if he had not recovered, and muttered to himself, "Amitabha..."

Seeing his pale face, Lin Jingzhe was obviously frightened. He quickly patted his back to comfort him, and slapped his lips again, feeling as if he had tasted something special: "Why is there smoke in your mouth..."

Xiao Chi quickly shook his head, backed away, and looked at Lin Jingzhe carefully from the beginning, without letting go of a hair, seeing the other person stepping on the ground with bare feet, he asked, "Where are your shoes?"

Lin Jingzheguang shrank his bare toes, and then he remembered something. He suddenly regained his senses and looked out of the door.

He met countless dazed eyes.

Shen Tiantian pulled the pair of men's leather shoes the size of a boat to her, and met her brother's line of sight with a bewildered face, and tears quickly gathered in her eyes.

"Uh..." Lin Jingzhe received Xiao Chi's equally vigilant gaze, and rubbed his temples with a headache, "I can explain..."


When Shi Nanxing was on his way to the airport, he received a call, rolled his eyes and sneered unhappily: "I'm still a veteran, it's more than enough to fail!"

The Yanshi local snake who reached a cooperation with him was also puzzled: "It's really evil, we have never had an accident with this trick. The old horse wanted to do it on the road, but there is still in the car surnamed Lin today. A woman, I didn't know the details and didn't dare to get involved. Later, the woman got out of the car and hit it. But I guess that the old horse was really drunk. I thought the surnamed Lin was still in the car. Down... alas, what a pity."

Shi Nanxing scolded her mother and glanced at the watch on her wrist. Although she was extremely dissatisfied, she could only accept this reality: "It's cheaper for him."

He thought about it and was a little worried: "You are being taken away now, right? You won't bite me out?"

"You just have a hundred hearts!" The other party was very determined, "It's not the first day that Lao Ma has done this, as long as he kills himself and drinks too much, no one can do anything to him, and now no one has been killed. , he will be sentenced to two or three years at most. As long as the money is in place, he is very happy. I have already managed the relationship. After a while, the people from the city bureau will go to the detachment to pick them up, and everything will be done according to the legal process. , no one can pick the wrong place."

Shi Nanxing hung up the phone with a gloomy face, looked at the passing street trees outside the window, and said to his heart that it's really a fucking disaster.

He wanted to find Xiao Chi even more, anyway, he didn't plan to go back to China in the future, he might just go crazy before he left. But after weighing it up, he rationally dismissed the idea. After all, he didn't want to challenge or learn from the power of the couple in the Xiao family.

But the breath that had accumulated in his chest had to be vented, otherwise he would probably still be haunted even if he set foot on another country.

Lin Jingzhe is simply the most suitable candidate. He has the same deep resentment as him, but he does not have the difficult background of Xiao Chi. Although he has been a dog for the Fang family, the old man Fang has retired for many years, and he is thin and his influence is not as good as before. Well, it's not necessarily inferior to Shi Jia.

A few years ago, this little bastard disturbed the smuggling and shipping business that he had devoted himself to arranging for many years. Even if the other party was unintentional, he was still the most powerful gun in the Fang family's hands, and stabbed him firmly and ruthlessly. in the heart. Then in Yan City, he made a lot of stumbling blocks for Zhenxiong Real Estate. If it weren't for him, Qi Kai wouldn't be so poor that he couldn't afford tens of millions. What's even more irritating is that this person is still rooting in Xiao Chi's embarrassment and swindling 10% of the shares of Sifeng Square in his hands! Oh shit! Thinking that at that time, he thought he was in possession of the ticket, but he was actually being played around, and Shinan Xing couldn't sleep at night.

Killing this man would be considered to be the end of his obsession, and while venting his anger, he would be disgusting and disgusting Xiao Chi.

Xiao Chi deliberately blocked the photos he sent to Xiao's family, because he was worried that his perverted hobbies would be known by his family. Therefore, after Lin Jingzhe's accident, he only had two possibilities to deal with it. One was to retaliate wildly and try to find out the inside story. If he made a big move, if he was not careful, he would be discovered by the Xiao family, and then they would fight in their own nest. Another possibility is to be wise enough to protect himself, knocking down his teeth and swallowing blood for the sake of his image. Although this is a pity, in Shi Nanxing's view, it is enough to make the other party brood for life.

Damn, all the precise planning has been ruined by an unreliable driver. What's even more annoying is that Shi Nanxing has already settled the money, which is quite a small sum for him at the moment, and now he has lost it. Madam has broken down again, and she can't be more useless.

In vain, he still wanted to take the news of Lin Jingzhe's death as a gift before he parted.

This regrettable episode made him feel bad all the way. Shi Nanxing also answered a phone call halfway through. Qi Kai called. The other party asked him what he was doing now, and he replied that he was still at home in the southwest.

In fact, the magnificent buildings of Yan City International Airport have already appeared in the distance.

Three hours before boarding the plane, Shi Nanxing leisurely finished an expensive meal before going to check in. While showing his various documents, he was planning to make a call to an old friend overseas. , make an appointment for the reception party after you land.

But amid the cheerful and hearty laughter on the other end of the phone, the person at the counter suddenly stood up.

Just when Shi Nanxing didn't know the reason, he heard the other party's serious response: "I'm sorry, sir, you have been restricted from leaving the country."

"Hello? Hello?" The friend on the other end of the phone shouted for his presence in the abruptly terminated conversation.

Shi Nanxing cut off the phone abruptly, looked at the staff in the cabinet in disbelief, took back his ID and read it twice: "Did you make a mistake?"

The moment he got a positive reply, as if a thunderstorm split the sky above his head, Shi Nanxing took two steps back at a loss, and hid in a secluded place with his luggage in a panic while the other passengers in the rear team were looking at him.

"Mom!" He called home. "What's the matter? I've been restricted from leaving the country!"

The Shi family was also taken aback. They had never heard of this incident at all. After confirming that the son was not mistaken, Shi's mother replied cautiously: "Don't worry, I'll ask what's going on right now."

Restriction of leaving the country is a very serious matter, and often only relevant personnel who have been involved in very serious cases will receive this kind of treatment. Shi Nanxing is used to being lawless, where have you seen such a battle? He never dreamed that there would be a problem in this link. Immediately, all the methods of Shapon's gang were in his mind. For the first time, he was so frightened that he squatted on the ground at a loss.

After a while, his mother asked back a completely baffling answer.

"Son, what the hell are you doing?" Mother Shi's tone was full of tension when she learned the truth, "I heard that your restriction was applied for by the old man of the Shen family. How could you offend their family?"

"Shen family?" Shi Nanxing felt a sudden shock when he heard the surname, "Which Shen family?"

"Which other Shen family is there? It's the natal family of your sister Yingying! Besides her family, which other Shen family is there in Yan City?!"

Shen Juanying's family? It was indeed a powerful family, and Shi Nanxing was completely confused. He recalled all his past actions one by one, but he couldn't remember when he did something that displeased the Shen family. On the contrary, he was always polite to the elders of the Shen family. Yes, every New Year's Day, he also visits the door, rain or shine, he usually sees Shen Juanying and calls out to his sister intimately.

The confusion here was not sorted out, and the phone in his hand rang again.

Shi Nanxing fell into deep self-doubt, and it took a few seconds for him to react and answer the phone.

Not long ago, I was full of confidence and patted his chest with him to guarantee the follow-up. Are you too fucking inauthentic? Give us fake news before you do it?!"

Shi Nanxing was scolded before he recovered, and his brows immediately wrinkled: "What the hell are you crazy about?!"

"I fucking want to ask you!! The old horse can't be fished!!!"

When Shi Nanxing heard the news, his face immediately became solemn: "What's going on? Didn't you say it was already arranged? You said it clearly!"

"I can't tell you!! This account is not over, Mr. Shi, let me tell you! We will do things for you honestly, and you are playing such tricks behind your back—" The other party was already overwhelmed by the sudden change, and he didn't care about Shi Nanxing at all. In order to save face, he scolded directly, "It's still an outsider, why don't you be afraid, why didn't you tell me that what we're going to do is Secretary Shen's own son?"

Shi Nanxing was at a loss: "What are you talking about? Which secretary Shen?"

"Shen Juanying!!!" The other party's questioning voice was hoarse, "Don't tell me you don't know her!"

Shi Nanxing was even more astonished than him: "What are you talking about? Where is Shen Juanying's son?"

"She doesn't have a son, so where did the surname Lin come from?!!" Seeing him, the other party still wanted to pretend to be stupid until now, but he gave up completely, and only uttered a cruel sentence, "Shen Juanying has already given up. I went to the city bureau in person, you can decide what to do, I think I'm unlucky for not being able to see people, but if it's all involved in this matter... President Shi, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

The other party ended the conversation on his own, leaving Shi Nanxing to digest the news blankly.

Lin... Lin Jingzhe is Shen Juanying's son

How... how is this possible


The moment Shen Juanying received her daughter's call, her hair almost exploded. She was at work, and she ran away without asking for leave. On the way, she notified her husband, who was about to go to class, and the soft Lin Runsheng turned the speed of the car for the first time. Soar a hundred yards.

Her husband's eyes were all red, but he didn't shed any tears.

Shen Jianying was on the phone with her daughter, and when she learned of the driver's abnormal behavior and the branch's abnormal handling process, she was shaking with anger, and directly called her father for help.

She has always had a strong personality. She has been married for so many years. This is the first time she has spoken to her parents' family. All her elderly parents and brothers were bombed out, and all the suspects were locked almost instantly.

At this time, all the secrecy measures that Lin Jingzhe insisted on for the sake of the harmony of the big family or to suppress gossip were all forgotten, and Shen Jianying stood in the hall of the detachment with a loud voice—

"Who dares to touch my son!"

Lin Runsheng's chilling temperament was almost condensed into a knife. He didn't even have the energy to pay attention to another person who should not be here. After confirming that his son was safe, he directly held Lin Jingzhe in his arms and refused for a long time. release.

Seriously, this is the first time the father and son have had such close contact in their two lifetimes.

Lin Jingzhe's mood was a little complicated. Lin Runsheng's body exuded the smell of detergent, which was unique, but not unpleasant, lingering in the other's stiff arms. He hesitated for a while, still feeling quite uncomfortable, but he slowly raised his hand and put his arms around the other's back.

Lin Runsheng's arms tightened, and Lin Jingzhe heard the creaking sound when he gritted his teeth.

Gently patted his father's back, Lin Jingzhe whispered to him, "Dad, I'm fine."

When the other party let go of his hand, Lin Jingzhe thought that his father must be crying, but to his surprise, there was not a single tear on the other party's face. Lin Runsheng just glanced at Xiao Chi, who was holding Lin Jingzhe when they arrived. After a while, he didn't say anything, and went out to start calling.

The Xiao family's parents, who were summoned by Xiao Chi, were speechless for a while. When they saw Shen Tiantian in the bureau, they realized some problems. Shen Tiantian kissed Lin Jingzhe one by one with such a close attitude. Familiar with Shen Juanying's family structure, they almost thought they were a pair of siblings. The unbelievable possibility had begun to form in Yu Shuyuan's mind before. The answer was completely revealed after the appearance of the Shen family. After embarrassedly greeting the old acquaintance Shen Juanying, the two mothers looked at each other in silence.

In such a strange atmosphere, the relevant personnel who got the news one by one rushed to the scene.

Concerning the juniors of the Xiao family and the Shen family, all ordinary accidents seem to have become unusual, and the heavyweight cadres who usually speak their minds at home and abroad break out into a cold sweat under the pressure. The driver who caused the accident who was almost taken out of the police station, along with the branch police officers who had been persuading Lin Jingzhe and Shen Tiantian to be private, were immediately brought under control. The family members patted their chests and assured: "The scene and the driver involved are really weird! We will definitely set up a task force to find out the truth and give you an explanation as soon as possible!"

But Xiao Chi has basically figured out this matter. After avoiding other eyes and ears, he directly pointed at the center: "It should be Shi Nanxing or Qi Kai."

Lin Runsheng refused to look at him the whole time, only silently pulled Lin Jingzhe to sit on the far side, or Shen Juanying explained: "Tiantian told me on the phone just now, Shi Nanxing, Qi Kai, and others. I have sent people to pay attention to all the people I know who have grievances with Jing Zhe."

Xiao Shenxing answered the phone, hung up, shook his head and sighed: "It should be Shi Nanxing. He tried to appear on the scene half an hour ago, but was intercepted and returned."

Xiao Chi's face was expressionless, but the tight jaw line became clearer, and he only whispered: "It's my problem, I didn't prepare in advance."

Lin Jingzhe was afraid of his anger, so he hurried away from his rarely clingy father, sat beside him, and gently comforted him with his fisted hand.

Xiao Chi let go of his palm and clasped his fingers together. If Gu Nian were surrounded by elders, he would not have been able to hold Lin Jingzhe in his arms all the time.

The Xiao family's parents were a little embarrassed. No one expected that the parents of the two sides would meet on such an occasion. Since just now, the two sides have been deliberately ignoring the problem of the two children. The Xiao Shenxing and his wife are okay to say, Lin Runsheng sees it. It seems to be unacceptable.

Shen Juanying should have been stunned, but Lin Jingzhe's accidental mate choice seems to be less important than the terrifying incident that happened before. She has no position to oppose or support, so thinking about Lin Runsheng's feelings, she wants to change the subject. Let everyone's attention refocus on Lin Jingzhe's experience—

"If Shi Nanxing really did it, things would be troublesome. The Shi family's gang is expected to be messing around, in case the old man of the Qi family gets involved again..."

She analyzed it softly for a long time, then her husband who was sitting beside him stood up and walked out with a sullen face.

Shen Juanying was stunned for a moment, and immediately chased after her.

Xiao Shenxing and his wife looked at each other and were a little worried. Lin Runsheng is famous for his fierce temper in the compound, so don't cause any more conflicts because of Lin Jingzhe and Xiao Chi.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, the two of them followed suit.

The Shen family and his wife were not in the yard. Xiao Shenxing and Yu Shuyuan searched around and couldn't find it. Their hearts were heavy. They were afraid that something might go wrong. When they came back, they passed the corridor and heard some strange noises.

The two looked at each other, and subconsciously walked in the direction of the sound, getting closer to the source of the sound, only to realize that it was coming from behind the door of the emergency staircase.

Shen Juanying's familiar voice came into his ears, and there was a whimpering cry. Xiao Shenxing and his wife sighed, thinking that they were still arguing. As Xiao Chi's family, they had to persuade them. If you don't use Lin Runsheng's temper, what if you do it

Xiao Shenxing, who was quite responsible, immediately pushed open the door, and Yu Shuyuan also hurriedly tried to persuade him to fight.

The next moment, the couple were stunned.

Lin Runsheng was taken aback the moment he opened the door, but he was so sad. After seeing who was coming, he gave up the pretense he wanted to maintain, and then burst into tears. I cried until my nose was red, my face was full of tears, and my body was twitching.

Shen Juanying said in her heart how to hide here and still be found, she showed an apologetic smile to the old friend at the door, and softly persuaded her husband: "Don't be sad, Jing Zhe likes it, isn't it? You see he met this time. There is nothing wrong with such a big trouble, what are you not satisfied with?"

"Wow—" Lin Runsheng cried so hard that he was incoherent, and said while burping, "I just—feel—sad—sad—"

Shen Juanying immediately hugged her husband who had been hiccupping in her arms with a look of pity, coaxing and deceiving.

"..." Xiao Shenxing gently closed the door again after a while, and looked at his wife blankly.

Yu Shuyuan: "..."

In the quiet corridor, Xiao Shenxing said sternly, "I may be a little tired."

It is estimated that this pair of in-laws is more difficult to deal with than expected, Yu Shu replied after a while: "I am also a little bit."