Epiphanies of Rebirth

Chapter 87


Lin Jingzhe and Xiao Chi only entered Zhou's house at 7:30 in the evening.

Lin Jingzhe was a little embarrassed: "There is something in the company at noon..."

The sky was already dark, the half crescent moon was hanging in the air, the night wind was blowing in from the open window, and the sound of the TV program echoed in the living room of Zhou's house. Zhou Haitang smiled meanly, Gao Sheng glanced at Faxiao's high-necked T-shirt and didn't speak, Deng Mai silently got up and went to close the window.

"... stinky boy." Mother Zhou smiled helplessly, took the gift bag he brought, and pretended that she didn't know anything, "I keep the vegetables for you, stinky boy, I said that I was coming home early in the morning, so I did it on purpose. The duck I picked for you at the vegetable market has been boiled for almost ten hours now, and it is estimated that the bones are all boiled—what else did you buy! Spending money!"

She took out a velvet cloth box from the bag, and opened it, there was a string of pigeon blood red gemstone necklaces.

Lin Jingzhe knew how to deal with women more and more. Seeing that she couldn't hide her shining eyes, he took out the necklace from the box with a smile, gathered up her curly hair and asked her to hold it, then went around behind him and put it on for her.

"Like it?"

Mother Zhou glanced at the mirror in the porch, slanted him angrily, and happily touched the necklace and entered the room.

Lin Jingzhe gave Hu Yu, who had been standing in the room smiling and looked at him, a hug, and took the opportunity to put on a pair of ruby earrings for her: "Professor Hu, long time no see~"

Hu Yu was getting older, and his body was getting thinner and thinner. Lin Jingzhe hugged her at this time, and his waist was even lower than ten years ago. It's just that the years have not eroded her scholarly brows, and she lightly patted Lin Jingzhe on the back, she gently blamed: "Naughty."

After Hu Yu succeeded in the postgraduate entrance examination in 1992, he was directly recruited by the old professor who tutored him before the examination, and became the oldest disciple of the other party and the last closed disciple. She is nearly fifty years old, and she is really "old" among the competitors in that competition. I have to say that she is very lucky to have this opportunity. Normally, it would be difficult for her to find a job after graduating at that age, but fortunately, although Hu Yu is not young, she is very serious in her academic studies. During her postgraduate period, she published several highly regarded papers, so after graduation, she was directly recommended by the teacher. Stay in school to teach. She started as a lecturer, and in 2002, she was promoted to associate professor and began to participate in several research projects under her teacher's name. Later, because the project was quite fruitful, and the teaching quality and student evaluations were also outstanding, she was officially promoted to professor before retiring.

After retiring, her family suggested that she stay at home to take care of her life, but after staying at home for a few months, eating delicious food and spending leisurely time, her energy became more and more weak. After Gao Sheng finally let her go and agreed to her return to school, she immediately recovered. Zhou's mother laughed and joked that Hu Yu was born with the mission of teaching and educating people. "Professor Hu Da".

Hu Yu patted him and Xiao Chi and asked them to find something to play with, and then went into the study to revise the lesson plan with the earrings. The Zhou family has a study room for the readers. Originally, it was only for the brothers Gao Sheng and Zhou Haitang to study for exams. It was unexpected that the study room changed color after the two boys graduated, and eventually became Hu Yu's territory.

It is worth mentioning that the Gao family finally bought a house in Zhou Haitang's neighborhood a few years ago, and more coincidentally, the house was right upstairs from the Zhou family. This can be regarded as the wish of the mothers for many years. The two families opened the ceiling and lived together. They usually go upstairs and downstairs, which is no different from their own home. After Gao Sheng and Zhou Haitang moved out, the elders Not alone anymore.

Zhou's mother loved this new necklace so much that she couldn't bear to take it off after looking in the mirror. She even matched it with a new dress and went into the kitchen to cook for her stinky boy.

Lin Jingzhe leaned against the kitchen door and looked at her: "Pretty!"

Zhou's mother gave him a sideways glance. She seemed to be angry, but she actually liked it quite a bit, and her hair was beautiful.

"What's so beautiful! You stinky boy, don't be ambitious with her, the boss is too old and still refuses to save his life, and he's going to the hospital every day to do that... big facelift! I don't understand that, you understand! You can talk about it well. She!" Father Zhou in the living room had accumulated a lot of grievances and complained loudly. Since her career has been successful, her wife has become more and more ambitious, and only Lin Jingzhe can control her.

But I have to say that Zhou’s mother is really persevering. After Haitang Foods became better and better, she ran various activities and meetings every day and felt that her energy was low. After her 50th birthday, she picked up fitness abruptly. . Exercise is very good for the body, and it also made her hair black, and her figure is still slender and firm to this day. But after she came into contact with so many things, she started tossing around. Today, she said that she wanted to puff her nose, but tomorrow she thought her double eyelids were not deep enough. Looking at what Dad Zhou said, did she want to do a facelift again

"You are talking nonsense!" Zhou's mother knocked on the pot angrily.

"Go, I'll support you. Auntie, I'll support you in whatever you do." As soon as Lin Jingzhe spoke, Dad Zhou in the living room raised his eyebrows and jumped up from the sofa.

Mother Zhou was stunned for a moment, then she smiled happily, raised her hand and pinched Lin Jingzhe's face, envied the child's clean, fair and delicate skin, which didn't show many wrinkles in his thirties, and said, "You are the best. ."

After the praise, it was time to give the reward. The last steam of the electric pressure cooker spewed out, and it was completely calm. Mother Zhou opened the lid, scooped up the fragrant rice inside with a rice spoon, and served two bowls for the two children.

This is not ordinary steamed rice. Potato cubes and shredded ham are the protagonists. The shredded ham is fat and thin. Pour into a rice cooker and mix with rice. Ordinary rice dressed up for a dance, surrounded by the gorgeous aroma of ham and potatoes from head to toe, finally combined into a rather extraordinary taste.

After a long and hard physical labor, Lin Jingzhe was already hungry and ate a bowl in three or two.

"I'll find you a good hospital." Lin Jingzhe wiped his mouth and suggested, "There is nothing wrong with plastic surgery, but the hospital and doctors must not be sloppy, after all, it is an operation that requires surgery, and then you have to pull a knife here, and then Cut here and here."

He stretched out his fingers and stroked Mother Zhou's forehead and behind his ears twice, speaking at a slow pace, as if he was talking about cutting pork. The cold fingers slid across the skin, and Mother Zhou's back muscles immediately tensed.

She turned off the fire, looked back and asked hesitantly, "...I want...to cut that much?"

"Yeah." Lin Jingzhe didn't seem to see her timidity, and suggested very thoughtfully, "You have to do it as soon as possible, it just happens that the weather has been good recently, or if the weather is hot, the wound will easily become inflamed. But it's troublesome."

Mother Zhou: "..."

"I remember that there is a hospital in Yan City that can perform facelift surgery. I will contact you tomorrow. If everything goes well, Auntie, you will arrange the company's affairs as soon as possible. After the surgery anesthesia wears off, the pain is so bad that you can't do anything in bed. Eat, you have to rest at home for more than a month at least…”

Seeing Lin Jingzhe talking, she took out the phone and looked like she was going to make an appointment for her surgery. Zhou's mother was so frightened that she felt bad, and hurriedly jumped up and pulled his arm to block the exit: "First, don't worry. , What's the matter recently, the new product from the food factory has just been launched, how can I have that time? Let's talk about it next time."

Lin Jingzhe wanted to say something, but Zhou's mother interrupted him directly: "Go and cook, don't make trouble for me here."

Xiao Chi glanced at Lin Jingzhe, Lin Jingzhe gave him a wicked smile, threw the tissue in his arms, turned and walked towards the living room.

Xiao Chi grabbed the tissue and looked at the back of the other party who returned triumphantly amid the cheers of the family in the living room. His eyes were as dark as an abyss.

But in the end, he just took off his coat and went into the kitchen to roll up his sleeves: "I'll help."

Mother Zhou breathed a sigh of relief. She was accustomed to Xiao Chi's help, so she handed the spatula to him and directed the fire.

After getting married, Lin Jingzhe often brought him to Zhou's house as a guest. After Xiao Chi tasted Zhou's mother's crafts for the first time, the various restaurants outside could no longer be eaten. He and Lin Jingzhe lived in the house in Dongtai Community all the year round. Because he didn't like having outsiders at home, except for the large items that would be handed over to the property for cleaning, the housework was shared by two people.

But when it comes to sharing, Lin Jingzhe is too lazy...

It's okay to ask the other party to sweep the floor and put away the clothes and scrub the Buddhist temple. Xiao Chi has been in charge of the difficult task of cooking for more than ten years.

I liked the contented and happy expression on Lin Jingzhe's face when he was eating the food cooked by Zhou's mother. After getting to know the two families a little, Xiao Chi naturally invaded the Zhou's kitchen and helped Zhou's mother. Zhou's mother is of course very welcome. She is so good at craftsmanship, but none of the children in the family are interested in the kitchen. It is easy to see a Xiao Chi who can pass on the mantle. She has absolutely no reservations in experience. And after going back and forth like this, the original awkward relationship between Xiao Chi and Zhou Gao's family has also been eased. After more than ten years, Zhou's mother looks at him again, and it is almost like another biological son.

The pork trotters were deboned and bound with fine hemp ropes, boiled and frozen into meat. The yellow croaker was washed and fried until golden brown on both sides, and the rice wine was braised. Uncle Lin Jingzhe put his feet on the coffee table as if he was: "Uncle! I want to watch the news!"

Zhou's father changed the channel for him, secretly casting a thankful look, Gao Sheng looked at Xiao Chi in the kitchen wearing an expensive shirt, and rolled his eyes while pouring juice for him: "Why does Xiao Ren like something like you? Son?"

Lin Jingzhe lazily slumped on the sofa: "Am I tired too?"

The tossing in the afternoon, especially when the bathroom was being cleaned, rubbed him for half an hour, making him sore and exhausted. If he hadn't promised to come, he probably wouldn't have left the door today.

Gao Sheng took off a straw and put it in the juice and fed it to him. Lin Jingzhe glanced at the solemn faces of the two presenters on TV when they were broadcasting the news, took a sip and complained, "It's too cold."

"Fuck you." Gao Sheng sipped the juice on the coffee table and stood up angrily.

Lin Jingzhe shook his head and squinted from bottom to top: "You say that you have such a bad temper and are unreasonable. Who can stand you in the future?"

Gao Sheng watched in disbelief as he lay in front of him and swayed his feet as if he was looking for a beating. He thought, God, this is too fucking scary. In my lifetime, Lin Jingzhe could criticize him for being dog-tempered and unreasonable. This person is not at all. Self-awareness

Lin Jingzhe then asked, "I heard Deng Mai say you broke up again?"

Gao Sheng: "..."

Gao Sheng's arrogance was immediately suppressed, he glared at Deng Mai, sat back on the sofa and said dully: "How can I have time to coax her? The company has cast a new TV series, four movies, and an extraordinary new online game to operate. I'm busy."

His Gaosheng advertising was not purely an advertising company for a long time. In 2000, he teamed up with Lin Jingzhe and Zhou Haitang. The three invested 100 million each to set up a subsidiary company, Gaosheng Film and Television, and began to officially set foot in the film and television industry. The contacts accumulated in the industry in the early advertising came in great use. After the establishment of the company, he continued to do business, and the group of people who cooperated with him the first time also got mixed up, especially the first advertisement was used by him for 2,000 yuan. Liang Fal, a young director who worked so hard to join the team, has now won the best director award at two domestic film festivals, and is preparing to make a profound film that is not purely funny to hit the world.

As the boss of a film and television company that has signed countless handsome men and women who are eager to climb up, Gao Sheng is simply a model that all men in the outside world envy. He is also the most scandalous among a group of friends. Which actress said two more words, and the next day the major media spread the news that he had sex with each other.

Even Hu Yu would sometimes advise him to take his relationship seriously. Gao Sheng was wronged, but only Lin Jingzhe, Zhou Haitang and Deng Mai knew that he was still a boy so far.

Gao Sheng has been in love many times, but he has never found anyone in the circle. Usually, it is a woman of school age from some units with business dealings, and there are others who have introduced him, but it can only last for two months at most, and it ends in tragedy.

Lin Jingzhe took action on his love life. He really had no confidence at all. Seeing his father watching TV beside him, his eyes were slanted, but Lin Jingzhe had to say something. He hurriedly softened and stood up with a juice cup: "I'll go and give it to you. go ice-"

Father Gao sighed worriedly, and said to Father Zhou, "This stinky boy, just because I was afraid that I would urge him to get married, so he couldn't learn more from Jing Zhe and Haitang? It also saves me worry."

"Don't worry, Haitang is also a failure." Dad Zhou, who was a little happy because his wife gave up the idea of plastic surgery, sighed after hearing the words, "This stinky boy, it's really hard to help his mother manage the factory. A few days ago, I mentioned something about our hotel to him, and he ran faster than a rabbit, you little bastard, he has been feeding him for so many years."

Zhou Haitang said with a bitter face: "The North American way of Haitang Pickles and the sales in Australia have only begun. How many days can I spend in China every year? It's not enough for one person to split into three petals, so how can I take care of it? What hotel? Gao Sheng is usually not in the country, why don't you ask him to take care of it?"

"Shut up!" Gao Sheng adjusted the temperature of the juice for Lin Jingzhe, and when he heard this, he rushed up and beat him, "I don't think I died fast enough!"

Zhou Haitang is busy, is it possible that he is free? The family restaurant has been upgraded from a restaurant to a hotel. In more than ten years, hundreds of restaurants have been opened across the country. Although the scale is not huge, it is also a listed company with an annual output value of billions and tens of thousands of employees. How can he be good at it? Are Gaosheng Advertising and Gaosheng Film and Television still open

The fathers never imagined that after working so hard to support their children, they would eventually be reduced to the point where they could not find anyone to inherit the family business. They are now in their 60s, and they should have been dancing square dance with a bird cage on the body of the ordinary old people in Yan City, but they couldn't relax for a moment.

The company has developed to this point, and it can no longer operate in a conservative way. If the hotel chain does not expand its scale, it will retreat if it does not advance. It took more than ten years of hard work to develop the family restaurant to this point. None of the fathers want to see the results of their hard work being abandoned. When I get older and can't walk, what should I do

Deng Mai caught the eyes of the fathers and quickly waved his hand: "Don't look at me, don't look at me, I'm also very busy, Brother Lin is too lazy to die now, and all the work he started will be left to me... That is to open the Olympic Games this year, Yan City Real Estate Management and Control I can rest. Starting next year, with three projects in Yan City, plus several real estate projects in the Special Economic Zone, who has so much energy... "

He paused, and everyone's faces turned to the same place.

Lin Jingzhe, who was drinking juice with a straw: "..."

"Cough." He put down his cup and coughed, "I'm busy too, what do you mean by being too lazy to die? Hero Electronics' work is not work? I started with investment management, Feifan was researching new programs, and Haitang North America's supermarket promotion was me. Can you help me get in touch? And Gaosheng Film and Television…”

His righteous voice became weaker and weaker in the eyes of all around. After a while, he had to retract his legs that were leisurely on the coffee table, put down the cup and reluctantly compromised: "... Next Monday, I will let the person in charge of the holding company and the you contact..."

Since the beginning of the holding process, Mao Dongqing was in charge. Deng Mai immediately gave a high five when he heard this, "Good idea!"

The juice slipped into his mouth, and Lin Jingzhe tasted the bitter taste in his mouth.

He handed the glass to Gao Sheng: "Not enough ice."

"Fuck you." Gao Sheng rolled his eyes at him.

"What are you talking about? I'm so happy. Come and eat!" The kitchen door was opened with a swipe, and she didn't know where she was happy. Mother Zhou's voice came along with the strong aroma of the food. As soon as Lin Jingzhe turned around, he saw Xiao Chi who was holding a plate, and he was full of grievances.

Xiao Chi was stunned when he saw his appearance, put down the dishes and hurried over, touched the juice glass in his hand with the back of his hand, and asked, "Would you like to add some ice?"

"Yes." Lin Jingzhe immediately became happy again, and handed him the cup, then looked back and gave Gao Sheng a roll of eyes.

Gao Sheng: "..."

He felt that his eyes were going blind.

Zhou's mother fully affirmed Xiao Chi's efforts: "Today, half of the dishes on this table are made by Xiao Xiao, depending on how well-behaved they are, their hands and feet are quick and diligent, you few know how to eat, but you don't know how to learn. !"

The four useless sons in the living room have been scolded for more than ten years, and they are quite painless. Lin Jingzhe not only does not feel ashamed, but also with Yourong Yan, took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the dishes on the table, and posted it on the Immortal Blog , with a heart, and two kissing emojis.

Immediately refresh countless replies below—

-Mr. Lin Fanmei Support Team: "Happy, I don't know who saved the whole universe in my last life and can cook for the male god~~~"

- All the handsome ones are husbands: "It must be a beautiful family QAQ"

- Lick a cat: "This is the life of a 'real' tall, handsome and rich, taking both career and life into consideration. The fans next door think that being five centimeters tall is amazing, so I'm just walking on a horse."

- All the handsome ones are husbands: "Forgive me for being stupid, who is next door?"

- Playing a cat: "Which is next door? Forbes is the world's tallest, the richest man in the business world is next door~"

-Mr. Xiao's No. 1 Diamond Wang Laowu: "It's said that Lin Fansuan finally saw it today, so focus on yourself and don't spread out, okay? You can gnash your teeth and hurt me, President Xiao, even if you send a post from your own house, that is, 192 Forbes is one year higher than you. If you don't agree, how to drop it a little bit a little bit"

Lin Jingzhe: "..."

Why are you pinching again

The fans of the two groups used to only occasionally pinch, not hurting their muscles or bones. I don't know why everyone's anger has been so great recently, and they will tear up if they disagree.

Xiao Chi took a salt and pepper sheep scorpion from the plate and gave it to him, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

The sheep scorpion is deliciously burnt, the shredded meat is delicious, and even the bone marrow is full of onions, pepper and salt. Lin Jingzhe took a bite, and his mouth was filled with the fragrant gravy under the crispy shell of the mutton. He immediately put down the phone and focused on dinner: "It's nothing."

But obviously, the contradiction will not be reduced because of his neglect.

After coming out of Gao's house, Lin Jingzhe received a call from the company's publicity department: "Mr. Lin, the extraordinary official communication room we started from has been exploded! Haha!"

The communication room is a product derived from Feifei Network. It is like a miniature forum. It is for major enterprises, celebrities, or people with common interests to gather and communicate. Lin Jingzhe and Yu Yu Group have an account on the top. , Usually tepid, usually fans send his nympho stickers, or company employees communicate with each other on the top.

Exploded? Lin Jingzhe was stunned when he heard the words: "What do you mean?"

"It's just a version! Suddenly, there are many, many non-stop wasteful posts on the homepage, pushing all our normal topics to the back." The person in charge of the propaganda department thought it was very interesting, but he was not in a hurry. "We have contacted now. Guo Feifei also urgently called people back to work overtime and deleted it. It doesn't have a big impact. I just want to tell you that tomorrow's news will mention this. If you can, you'd better talk to Mr. Xiao of Centrino. , so as not to cause misunderstandings.”

What does it have to do with Xiao Chi? After Lin Jingzhe hung up the phone, he met Xiao Chi's equally puzzled eyes. The two parked the car on the side of the road and opened the communication room.

It turned out to be a mess, I just clicked on a trash post, and it turned out to be a photo of Lin Jingzhe and Xiao Chi attending the same event a few years ago.

Two people in the crowd stood side by side in the middle of the group photo, facing the camera, their expressions and clothes were normal, Lin Jingzhe looked at it for a long time and couldn't see anything wrong.

Pulling down, he finally understood—

-XXX: 192192192192 is 192 is mad at you hee hee hee hee

Lin Jingzhe: "..."

In that photo, Xiao Chi is indeed a little taller than him.

Xiao Chi: "..."

What kind of neuropathy is this

Looking at Shanglin Jingzhe's meaningful gaze under the light, he was like a big head and two big ones. He said in his heart that if people live for a long time, they can meet all kinds of strange things, so he quickly excused himself: "I really don't know anything!"

"I didn't say you knew." Lin Jingzhe leaned lazily on the passenger seat, folded his arms and smiled.

"..." Xiao Chi didn't even drive the car, and immediately took out his mobile phone and called the company, asking the company to urgently dispatch public relations, contact Feifei Network, and delete these messy things.

But it is strange that such a quick action did not make the scolding subside, and the outbreak seemed to be just the beginning, ten minutes later, the person in charge of Immortal Technology called him: "Mr. Xiao, our portal has been attacked by hackers. "

Xiao Chi's mind was filled with Lin Jingzhe's smiling face, but he was sweating profusely. He asked absently, "Have you found out the source?"

After hearing the answer, he was instantly silent.

Lin Jingzhe was also very surprised when he heard that Immortal was attacked by hackers. He couldn't care about the pretence for a while, and hurriedly asked: "What's going on? Is the problem of Immortality serious? Who did it? Did you find out the IP?"

"I found it." Xiao Chi looked at him for a while, and after a while he spat out the name of the studio.

When Lin Jingzhe heard it, he felt that something was wrong. It was a studio that had long-term cooperation with Feifan. Some small projects that were usually not very important were usually outsourced to Feihan.

This is very abnormal, why does the other party attack Immortal for no reason? Especially when Immortal and Extraordinary have also collaborated.

The immortal blog sent endless reminders, Lin Jingzhe clicked it and saw that it was all comments from fans fighting with others. Seeing that he was upset, he turned off the bell.

The two were silent for a long time in the night, and another call came in hastily.

It is the bark.

Across the ocean, Liangpi's serious voice came out through the powerful processor of the hero phone: "Mr. Lin, I want to report something to you, an event we decided at a meeting to promote smartphone communication software not long ago, this afternoon. Immortal’s upgraded system is used in advance, and we can only urgently stop the modification activities in the background. I reasonably suspect that Immortal has placed commercial spies in Extraordinary.”

Smartphones have swept the world a few years ago. All network companies are trying to move their business scope from PC to mobile. The biggest piece of cake is the communication business on mobile. After the communication equipment, I thought of this coincidentally, so I developed this software a few years ago, and launched it to the market almost at the same time. After more than a year, they have accumulated their own customer base, and at this time they are in a state of horizontal competition.

The news of Liangpi surprised Lin Jingzhe. Although he and Xiao Chi invested in two Internet companies, neither of them would take the initiative to ask about the private decision of the other company unless it was necessary. He was 200% sure that he never disclosed the new activity that Liangpi mentioned to Xiao Chi, but it seemed that such a dense collision could not be explained by pure coincidence.

Liangpi was obviously very angry. After the company became bigger, the circle of core employees expanded, and it was inevitable that commercial espionage would appear. It's just that the relationship between Feifei Network and Immortal Technology has been maintained well because of the initial computer-side communication software cooperation. Later, although there was a competitive relationship in the mobile-side business, the two sides never took excessive measures in terms of means. It was emotionally difficult for him to accept that the person who stabbed him in the back turned out to be a former like-minded comrade-in-arms, so when he talked about immortal technology, his tone became gloomy, as if he had made up his mind to be with the other side in business.

"Don't worry." This series of things happened too coincidentally. From hackers to commercial espionage, it was a trend of running away from each other. Coupled with the conflict between fans on both sides today, what happened to Lin Jingzhe? Thinking what was wrong, he simply informed the other party that the Immortal Technology Portal was hacked.

Liangpi's anger was aroused by this news, and immediately extinguished a lot: "Xiao Bei's studio? How is it possible? They have no business dealings with Immortal, so why go to black them...?"

When he said this, his voice stopped instantly.

Lin Jingzhe didn't speak. After a long silence, they realized something was wrong: "There is a problem."

"Our business was occupied by Immortal, and Immortal's website was hacked at the back." Liangpi sorted out the timeline, "It looks like it was our deliberate revenge for being planted with commercial spies?"

"My chat room was also exploded." Lin Jingzhe accompanied him to sort out, "Xiao Chi Holding Immortal and my investment in Feifan are not a secret outside."

Liangpi took a deep breath and finally calmed down: "I understand, I'll call the immortal President Wang again."

Liangpi contacted Immortal as soon as he learned that the creative theme was stolen by the other party, but they were all people in the business world. It seems that I understand, at that time I was so angry with Liangpi that I thought the other party was pretending to be stupid.

But now it seems that there is also the possibility of being really stupid.

A very suspicious candidate appeared in Lin Jingzhe's head: "This contradiction is too mysterious. If it's not good, we and Immortal will end in a complete fight. Please remind Wu Wangfei and let him pay attention to Wenchong Technology."

"Wenchong Technology?!" Liangpi suddenly came to his senses, "Yes, I heard that they are also launching mobile communication software, and they also need to invest in promoting software—"

"Invest 200 million US dollars." Lin Jingzhe added.

This is a huge sum of money, even in the online industry where money is flowing like water. Almost all of Wenchong Technology's funds were financed. This money is estimated to have emptied Chen Wenchong's pocket. The other party made it clear that he wanted to use the money to create a dominant market.

Liang Pi figured it out, and hurriedly hung up the phone to contact Immortal Technology to clear up the misunderstanding. Lin Jingzhe frowned and looked at the app icon of his Vivien mobile communication on his phone, pondered a bunch of things, raised his head, and saw Xiao Chi was holding Holding the phone, his fingers moved quickly.

Fortunately, given his relationship with Xiao Chi, this little conflict is nothing. Lin Jingzhe relaxed a little and asked, "What are you doing?"

-Mr. Xiao's No. 1 Diamond Wang Laowu: "Real love? Fight for true love! Go to the chat room! Uninstall the extraordinary communication, and show Lin Fan a little more!"

- Volume Bao: "SB roll!"

-What happened to the first tall handsome rich: "192192192, let's focus on brushing 192, and let the dwarf fans have a good heart!"

- Kuibao: "187 is short of your mother, 187 is enough to kick you to the sky, SB get out!"

Lin Jingzhe: "..."

Xiao Chi, who used his remaining rationality to land on the trumpet and finished fighting the fans, was very happy and started the car humming a song.

"..." Lin Jingzhe took out his phone, clicked on the Immortal Blog, and opened the messy messages on Xiao Chi's homepage—

-Mr. Xiao's No. 1 Diamond Wang Laowu: "To actually curse BS, Lin Fan's quality is really poor!"

- What happened to the number one Gao Shuaifu: "That ID is called 'Cuan Bao', you are the SB, right? It's still called to the sky, I think you should be in the sky, and I don't look at the rubbish name that you have given. , even scolding SB without nutrition, Lin Fan really has no quality at all!"